ANATOLIAN ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE, which has been publishing bimonthly in Turkey with the name “Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi” since 2007, aims: firstly, to inform the general public about archaeological investigations, cultural treasures and the heritage of Anatolia; secondly, to share this heritage, which we accept as being of global value, with the whole world. To understand the world’s history, firstl
y we should explore the entire history of Anatolian civilizations. Beside scientific researches in an interdisciplinary setting, recent archaeological excavations and the surveys conducted in Anatolia have been further extending the understanding of the archaeology and the cultural heritage of Anatolia. We have had just one desire since we published the first issue: to prepare an English version of the issue, and share our work with people who are enthusiastic about world history and introduce the cultural heritage of Anatolia to people all over the world. Publishing trimonthly, Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia as Turkey’s archaeology magazine which is published with the support of Rezan Has Museum, distributed to Europe, USA and Japan and shares Anatolian Archaeology with the rest of the world.