Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia To Leave an Anatolia to Future Generations

ANATOLIAN ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE, which has been publishing bimonthly in Turkey with the name “Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi” since 2007, aims: firstly, to inform the general public about archaeological investigations, cultural treasures and the heritage of Anatolia; secondly, to share this heritage, which we accept as being of global value, with the whole world. To understand the world’s history, firstl

y we should explore the entire history of Anatolian civilizations. Beside scientific researches in an interdisciplinary setting, recent archaeological excavations and the surveys conducted in Anatolia have been further extending the understanding of the archaeology and the cultural heritage of Anatolia. We have had just one desire since we published the first issue: to prepare an English version of the issue, and share our work with people who are enthusiastic about world history and introduce the cultural heritage of Anatolia to people all over the world. Publishing trimonthly, Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia as Turkey’s archaeology magazine which is published with the support of Rezan Has Museum, distributed to Europe, USA and Japan and shares Anatolian Archaeology with the rest of the world.

Osman Hamdi sadrazam oğluydu ve Sultan Abdülhamit'in atamasını doğrudan yaptığı bir kişiydi. Eski eserler konusunda tek ...

Osman Hamdi sadrazam oğluydu ve Sultan Abdülhamit'in atamasını doğrudan yaptığı bir kişiydi. Eski eserler konusunda tek yetkiliydi. Humann onunla ilişkisini hep sıcak tuttu. Yapısına sık sık ziyarette bulunuyordu. O kadar dostlardı ki Humann Hamdi bey'in isteği üzerine atölyesinde günlerce poz vermişti.

Mösyö Humann
Human'ın Bergama Raporları ve Osman Hamdi bey
Yaşar Yılmaz

Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi
Sayı 47
Batı'nın Arkeoloji Yağması

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
ıssue 17
Beginning of Ottoman Archaeology/ The Plunder of the West

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Luwian had by the Iron Age become the Language of power, the hieroglyphic script its most spectacular monumental express...

Luwian had by the Iron Age become the Language of power, the hieroglyphic script its most spectacular monumental expression. Thus, by the 9th century BC, even clearly non-Hittite kingdoms in more obviously Aramaic-speaking areas, such as Hama on the Orontes river, were using the hieroglyphic script and the Luwian Language to display prestige and articulate power.

Hieroglyphic Luwian
Mark Weeden

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Issue 09
Lost Languages of Anatolia

Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi
Sayı 36
Anadolu'nun Kayıp Dilleri

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Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi - Actual Archaeology Magazine
Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia

The Latmos region is the region where paintings on rocks are most common. Geological erosion, which is seen on the rocks...

The Latmos region is the region where paintings on rocks are most common. Geological erosion, which is seen on the rocks of the highlands of Latmos, formed hollow spaces on the inner parts of the rocks

These rocks, which form hidden sherters gör prehistoric paintings, aldı host Byzantine period paintings that were done in the same tradition.

Hidden colors of coastal Caria
Byzantine Wall Paintings
Hatice Özyurt Özcan

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Issue 13

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Arkeoloji Dükkanı
Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi - Actual Archaeology Magazine

Turkey's archaeological and cultural sites will both enrich the historical knowledge of the World, and advance its repre...

Turkey's archaeological and cultural sites will both enrich the historical knowledge of the World, and advance its representation on an international stage such as Unesco. Therefore, in light of their importance, the ability to project and maintain these areas will continue to be maintained according to international standards.

Letter from the Editör

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Issue 3
Cultural Heritage of Turkey

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Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi - Actual Archaeology Magazine
Arkeoloji Dükkanı

The scene on the Mosaic depicts the story of Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War, hiding in Lycomedes' palace on the Isla...

The scene on the Mosaic depicts the story of Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War, hiding in Lycomedes' palace on the Island of Skyros, in Order to avoid joining the War. This story was narrated in the epic poem "Achilleïs" bu the Latin author Publius Statius. According to the story, Thetis, finding out that the commanders Who would join the Trojan War would take Achilles with them, and knowing the Oracle about her son dying in the Trojan War, sought a way to prevent her son from going to the War.
She decided to bide him in Lycomedes' Palace, on the the Island of Skyros, disguised as a woman.

Zeugma Mosaics Convivium
Tragedy And Pantomime
Kutalmış GÖRKAY

Actual Archaeology Anatolia
Creation of Manking Mosaic
Issue 14

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Actual Archaeology Magazine/City And Archaeology↘️An Earthly Paradise, Antalya↘️The City Of All Ages, Gaziantep↘️ A UNES...

Actual Archaeology Magazine/

City And Archaeology

↘️An Earthly Paradise, Antalya

↘️The City Of All Ages, Gaziantep

↘️ A UNESCO World Heritage Site From PRUSA to BURSA

↘️ Understanding, Göbekli Tepe

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Bizi biz yapan en büyük değerdir Cumhuriyet, Bayramımız kutlu olsun Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve tüm silah arkadaşların...

Bizi biz yapan en büyük değerdir Cumhuriyet, Bayramımız kutlu olsun

Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve tüm silah arkadaşlarını rahmetle ve minnetle anıyoruz.

📍Understanding Göbekli Tepe📍Traces of Neolithic Feasys📍The Origin of Civilization📍Who Built Göbekli Tepe 12.000 years ag...

📍Understanding Göbekli Tepe
📍Traces of Neolithic Feasys
📍The Origin of Civilization
📍Who Built Göbekli Tepe 12.000 years ago?
📍The most Mysterious Monument of Civilization
📍The Word's first Sanctuary
📍Şanlıurfa Archaeology Museum
📍Klaus Schmidt
📍Göbekli Tepe is not Lonely ...
for all themm👇

👉 Actual Archaeology Magazine
Issue 15
Göbekli Tepe

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Actual Archaeology Magazine AnatoliaIssue 16 📍The City of All Ages Gaziantep 📍A Journey through the Origins of Civilizat...

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Issue 16

📍The City of All Ages Gaziantep
📍A Journey through the Origins of Civilization
📍The Gate of Anatolia and Mezopotamia

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#16 .com

Actual Archaeology Magazine AnatoliaIssue 11~Hattian Cities~Lost Sedeinga~Omnivorous Neanderthals~Syria's Cultural Herit...

Actual Archaeology Magazine Anatolia
Issue 11

~Hattian Cities
~Lost Sedeinga
~Omnivorous Neanderthals
~Syria's Cultural Heritage Under Threat




SAGALASSOS Burdur’a bağlı Ağlasun ilçesinde yer alan Sagalassos, Anadolu’nun el değmemiş en güzel kentlerinden biri. 1750 metre yükseklikte Torosların yamacına kurulmuş. Yaklaşık 20 yıldır Belçikalı bir ekip tarafından kazılar yürütülmekte. Sadece Türkiye’nin değil dün...

C. Canan Küçükeren’in Gurbetçi Karialılar Kitabı Arkeoloji Dükkanı’nda %25 indirimle!

C. Canan Küçükeren’in Gurbetçi Karialılar Kitabı Arkeoloji Dükkanı’nda %25 indirimle!

Lydians and Sardis: The Inventors of Coinage and the Capital of Lydia

Lydians and Sardis: The Inventors of Coinage and the Capital of Lydia

The Phrygians probably came into Anatolia from southeastern Europe at some time after the collapse of the Hittite Empire...

The Phrygians probably came into Anatolia from southeastern Europe at some time after the collapse of the Hittite Empire, an event that occurred around 1200 B.C. It seems unlikely, however, that the Phrygians had any immediate connection with the fall of the Hittites. An original homeland for the Phrygians in Europe is indicated by ancient Greek writers such as Herodotos and Strabo, by linguistic evidence, and by parallels in material culture between the Phrygians and peoples of southeastern Europe.

So called “The Gypsy Girl” Mosaic of Zeugma.

So called “The Gypsy Girl” Mosaic of Zeugma.

Zeugma, literally “bridge” or “crossing” in ancient Greek, was located at the site of the major ancient overpass of the ...

Zeugma, literally “bridge” or “crossing” in ancient Greek, was located at the site of the major ancient overpass of the Euphrates, and was thus at the physical intersection between the major east-west trade route and the north south route that ran alongside the river.

Marmaray Yenikapı Excavation Area, YK 1 shipwreck and the area where it was found in situ, along with the amphorae aroun...

Marmaray Yenikapı Excavation Area, YK 1 shipwreck and the area where it was found in situ, along with the amphorae around it. (2004)

The Neolithic collective burial from the Marmaray-Yenikapı Excavation.

The Neolithic collective burial from the Marmaray-Yenikapı Excavation.

Istanbul, a capital of empires for centuries, has transformed into a mega-city over time. This mega city was faced with ...

Istanbul, a capital of empires for centuries, has transformed into a mega-city over time. This mega city was faced with a transportation problem beginning in the 19th century, which has increased continuously. The Marmaray project was developed in order to solve this problem.

Thanks to the atmosphere of long-term peace and prosperity created by the Pax Romana, known as the “Roman Peace”, Perge ...

Thanks to the atmosphere of long-term peace and prosperity created by the Pax Romana, known as the “Roman Peace”, Perge acquired many civic buildings that have been preserved for the most part until today, such as the theatre, stadium, agora, monumental fountains and baths.

The magnificent finds and architectural remains unearthed by Klaus Schmidt at Göbekli Tepe have changed all previous kno...

The magnificent finds and architectural remains unearthed by Klaus Schmidt at Göbekli Tepe have changed all previous knowledge about the Neolithic Period. With these discoveries, Göbekli Tepe became known not only by the scientific world, but also by the world’s public.


The discovery of the stele dated to the Roman Period, which demonstrates Iuppiter Dolichenus and his wife.Issue 16!http:...

The discovery of the stele dated to the Roman Period, which demonstrates Iuppiter Dolichenus and his wife.
Issue 16! #/268

In August of 1938, a landowner digging a drainage ditch in his mulberry orchard just inside the Roman wall at Seleucia P...

In August of 1938, a landowner digging a drainage ditch in his mulberry orchard just inside the Roman wall at Seleucia Pieria (Samandağ-Çevlik) uncovered a section of a mosaic floor. The large curving mosaic depicted a procession of variety of exotic animals, including elephants, zebras, giraffes, and flamingos, in a landscape of exotic plants.
Issue 17! #/271




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