Rumia Error v1.00r Gameplay Walkthrough (High-School Indie Game Project)
Rumia Error is the sequel of Kemika Miku Error, After the few days since it beginning of Anime Error Game Series topics, Based from the original game works Record Guy 626's Barney Error, The basic gameplay features an interacting dialogues and alternative choices segments in the Rumia Error game.
Back then, I was short trip at Chiang Mai City, Phucome Hotel with Children Disabilities Camping during this day, I met with the younger brothers shown regarding were sketches art designer and whore on concept art, Playful with the regularity as a usuals younger brothers stayed in the meeting room, I've been seen looking for the Stand-Up Comedy with Children Disabilities Camp viewers, After they released from the hotel, I've been continued and starting High-School indie game projects takes a short term years period with adulthood worker, Pursuing making of indie games and animation videos this year, Before i went onto the production design fully stabled right track onto the RayForce Unofficial Indie Animation Film Projects right next into the upcoming project Platypus: Colonel Alliance and Who Framed Miku Gacha Life Series.
It took me about the few hours and minutes been completed with Third School/Educational High-School Adulthood indie game projects, Since i have been attended school about every single Tuesday been worked up with the career for gaming industry and film-maker year decades.
Using the Custom Game Maker Engine made the Anime Error Game Engine from graphical basic coding languages Game Maker 8.0 Pro.
MacAttack v1.00d Demo Classic Macintosh Mobile Emulator - Gameplay
Played by James Emirzian Waldementer (General James)
You control a little green horseshoe shaped polygon at one end of the screen, and Blast away at an onslaught of viruses that spill in from the other. The game is simple to pick up and super responsive with it's mouse control.
Alongside the mouse movement, you have three buttons, one to shoot, one for your shield and one for a cluster bomb.
Developer: New Reality Entertainment
Publisher: GameTek
Powered Game Engine: MacAttack Engine
Author: Roger Kemper, Dan Korobkin, Renee Frisbie
Game Links:
Subscribe to developer Scott Host for more live-streaming making of Raptor Remixed
Be sure look for the details and information recent update of Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed will be coming about announcements.
Play the DemonStar Original Missions for Steam from Mountain King Studios
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About Us
"Games that blasted in your head!"
Greetings everyone gamers! This is James here speaking and how it going? We are here with the Gaming Channels is known for bring you childhood gaming wayback decades goes to memories generation and afterward through with introduces Modern-Age gaming with Modern-Computer games titles kick-starting on many genre and platforms, These includes only played on Classic DOS and Windows 95 Games, ROBLOX, Flash Games and some others, With James Software Co. produced on gameplay
MacAttack v1.00d Demo Classic Macintosh Mobile Emulator - Title Screen, High Score, Demo and Info
Played by James Emirzian Waldementer (General James)
You control a little green horseshoe shaped polygon at one end of the screen, and Blast away at an onslaught of viruses that spill in from the other. The game is simple to pick up and super responsive with it's mouse control.
Alongside the mouse movement, you have three buttons, one to shoot, one for your shield and one for a cluster bomb.
Developer: New Reality Entertainment
Publisher: GameTek
Powered Game Engine: MacAttack Engine
Author: Roger Kemper, Dan Korobkin, Renee Frisbie
Game Links:
Subscribe to developer Scott Host for more live-streaming making of Raptor Remixed
Be sure look for the details and information recent update of Raptor: Call of the Shadows Remixed will be coming about announcements.
Play the DemonStar Original Missions for Steam from Mountain King Studios
Mountain King Studios Discord Server
James's Media MKS Universe Discord Server
About Us
"Games that blasted in your head!"
Greetings everyone gamers! This is James here speaking and how it going? We are here with the Gaming Channels is known for bring you childhood gaming wayback decades goes to memories generation and afterward through with introduces Modern-Age gaming with Modern-Computer games titles kick-starting on many genre and platforms, These includes only played on Classic DOS and Windows 95 Games, ROBLOX, Flash Games and some others, With James So