"يا مَن لهُ حلمٌ يعيشُ لأجلهِ
والدربُ صَعبٌ والنهايةُ تُقْلِقُ
أَوْكِل أموركَ للذي رفعَ السما
ولِمن بهِ كُلّ الرجاءِ يُعلّقُ
ودَعِ الغيوبَ لِلُطفهِ فلرُبّما
تُمسي وتُصبحُ والرّجاءُ مُحقّقُ"
“O one who has a dream to live for
The path is difficult and the end is disturbing
Entrust your affairs to the One who raised the heavens
And to whom all hope rests
And leave the unseen to His kindness, perhaps
It comes in the evening and morning and hope is fulfilled.”
محور الكون _ Axis of the universe