Juba Times

Juba Times The Juba Times (JT) is a South Sudanese daily news website based in Juba City, South Sudan. Follow us Today.

Juba Times covers domestic, entertainment, Comedy, Live coverage, Interviews, and international news, and publishes opinion pieces, and reviews.

They say that when Magot Khot was born, he slapped the midwife.Magot was once knocked by a Bodaboda, the motorcycle was ...

They say that when Magot Khot was born, he slapped the midwife.

Magot was once knocked by a Bodaboda, the motorcycle was badly injured.

When Magot's parents were scared, they would go sleep with him.

Once, Magot rested for two days… Today, we know them as Saturday and Sunday.

Magot cuts the nails on his right hand using his right hand.

When Magot moved out of his parents' house, his dad became the man of the house.

Once, lightning struck Magot, and the lightning died of electrocution.

They say that when Chuck Norris invented the telephone, he already had two missed calls from Magot.

When Magot Agutding looks in the mirror, he doesn’t reflect because there can only be one Magot.

If Magot comes to your house, you’re the guest.

They say Magot wears sunglasses to avoid damaging the sun.

They say Magot Khot won a competition of holding his breath underwater against a fish.

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1. John Frog Is The Number 1 Artist In The Country Currently.
2. Magot Khot Is The Strongest Wrestler In South Sudan.
3. Pesahiko Is The Best Wrestling MC/Commentator.
4. Jonglei State Is Better Than Lake State In Everything.
5. Azam Has Healed Many People Than Doctors In Junub.
6. Your Chances Of Tasting Oyol Money Are Very Low.
7. Kijana Ali Is Confused.
8. 90% Of Girls Are Bleaching.
9. Nyanciigak Studio Admin Is From Cueibet
10. Your Partner Is Cheating On You.

Researched by Jieng Council of Elders

30th October 1992 known as Juba massacre.It entails my attention to elaborate precisely about Juba massacre which occurr...

30th October 1992 known as Juba massacre.

It entails my attention to elaborate precisely about Juba massacre which occurred in 1992 during the siege conducted by SPLA/M operation jungle storms under command of C-in-C Dr. John Garang Mabior.

Iraqi forces made a coalition with SAF around Juba, aiming to dislodge SPLA/M forces around Juba , however attempts to repulse mighty forces didn’t succeed, hitherto SPLA/M divided areas of attack into many garrisons which included Airport force under command of Gen. Garang Mabil, Jebel Kujur under command of Late Gen. Bior Ajang Duot, Bridge force under command of Gen. pieng Deng Majok deputized by late capt. kuai Kuei, Giada or Rajaf garrison under command of Gen. Hoth Mai and late Gen. Koang Nyoun, henceforth C-in-C as the overall commander.

Most of South Sudanese who were in the Sudanese forces and other regular forces like police collaborated with SPLA/M forces around Juba by leaking all clandestine movements and robust plans of the nemesis and their equipments. Many of them agreed to start internal fight once SPLA/M forces commence their attacks on Juba in 1992, but due to mistrust, most of these plans didn’t succeed.

The coordinated attacks didn’t bear fruit and so many SPLA/M forces under command of Gen. Pieng Deng missed in actions at the Juba bridge.

When SPLA/M split, its forces around Juba were compelled to reserve some forces for repulsing dissidents forces and this gave upper hand to the enemy forces in Juba, thus SAF in collaboration with Iraqi forces dislodged SPLA/M forces. This resulted into calamities of OJS forces, most of them got captured and fire squaded by nemesis forces and many bodies were thrown to Juba Kujur, however since many were from Dinka with traditional marks, Jebel Kujur was named as Jebel Dinka by nemesis forces.

Subsequent SPLA/M force’s repulsion around Juba, many South Sudanese soldiers within SAF and regular forces like police and prisons became victims and around 700 South Sudanese particularly from Bari tribe were massacred . Some areas like Atlebara ( come out), Reijal-mapi ( no men) were named aftermath of Juba’s massacre.

Finally , a lot of sacrifices were made to discern independence and contemporary enfranchisement.

Remembering a Hero: CDR William Nyuon Bany. 28 years ago, on January 13th, 1996, South Sudan lost a true liberation lege...

Remembering a Hero: CDR William Nyuon Bany.

28 years ago, on January 13th, 1996, South Sudan lost a true liberation legend in a place called Gul - Ayod County, Jonglei State. CDR William Nyuon Bany, a founding member of SPLM/A in 1983, played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's destiny.

In the face of mutinies at various garrisons in May 1983, orchestrated by Major Kerbino Kuanyin Bol and Major William Nyuon Bany, the seeds of SPLA/M were sown. Under Dr. John Garang's leadership at Bilpam, Nyuon Bany stood as the third in command, emphasizing unity: "SPLA should fight until its goal is achieved and not fall short like Anya-Nya I and II."

Why does William Nyuon Bany deserve our respect? Share your thoughts on this legendary South Sudanese hero.

Kon-Koc (Kong-Koc) PhilosophyCultural and Historic RootsKon-Koc or Kong-Koc is an indigenous philosophy deeply seated in...

Kon-Koc (Kong-Koc) Philosophy

Cultural and Historic Roots
Kon-Koc or Kong-Koc is an indigenous philosophy deeply seated in the culture of the Nilotic people, more so in the Jieng, a community in South Sudan. The word Kon-Koc literally means "please wait" in the Jieng language. This concept has been instrumental in resolving difficult situations amicably for Centuries and has been part of the Jieng way of life.

The philosophy of Kon-Koc stresses purposeful thinking, patience, and the need to keep situations in perspective before taking action. It is a cultural value that weighs peace, understanding, and long-term coexistence above spontaneous actions.

Key principles of the Kon-Koc Philosophy:

1.Critical Thinking
Kon-Koc inspires people to make important decisions through careful analysis rather than instinctively reacting to any situation. It assists a person in considering the context, finding alternative views, and speculating on possible results as a means of establishing a clearer, more reflective choice.

2.Emotional Awareness
This approach to life relies on a person recognizing and managing their own emotions. Through the process of separating emotional reaction from rational thought, a balance can be achieved in order to respond to situations more clearly and constructively.

3.Active Listening
Kon-Koc embraces active listening in order to fully understand the thoughts and feelings of others. This fosters empathy, strengthens relationships, and ensures responses are considerate and relevant.

By taking into consideration different perspectives, one develops a deeper insight into things. That means one asks questions, gathers information, and weighs the situation at hand before responding.

5.Mindfulness and Reflection
The philosophy encourages individuals to be more conscious or mindful and take some moments in reflecting before acting on anything. These moments will save one from making quick judgments and, instead, create thoughtful and humane responses.

6. Long-term Consequences
The first principle is to consider the long-term implications of what one is doing. Kon-Koc teaches how one's reactions can impact on family and friends, social cohesion, and personal honour over the long term.

7.Gaining from Experience
Any experience is viewed as a potential teacher of valuable life lessons. Patience and retrospection permit individuals to learn from their experiences; the result is often further realization about themselves and others.

8.The Relevance of Kon-Koc Today
In a world that moves evermore with speed towards decision-making and reactive behaviors, the philosophy of Kon-Koc offers an age-old approach to conflict resolution and interpersonal relations. This soothing traditional practice, quite provocatively, continues to inspire peace and unity throughout, even from a cultural point of view, being a vital part of heritage for the Jieng people.

By: Deng Simon Mathiang

WHO CAN REMEMBER THIS OPEN AIR CHURCH? WE CAME A LONG WAY! This was my church, I was raised and came to know Jesus in th...



This was my church, I was raised and came to know Jesus in that open air church. My father Rural dean Rev John Majok Tuil taught me and many others in that church. Thank you God for revealing your truthfulness and faithfulness to me in a humbling ways.

You Are My God, My Rock, My Foundation, And My Lord. I Give You Glory. I'll Worship You And Adore You.

Pastor Samuel K Majok.

After I mistakenly spent all my salary on beer, this is what my wife prepared for me 😭😭-Mony Kongor cries

After I mistakenly spent all my salary on beer, this is what my wife prepared for me 😭😭-Mony Kongor cries

من هو شول منوت؟شول منوت، الفنان الجنوبي صاحب الصوت العذب والإحساس المرهف، وُلد في مدينة جوبا بجنوب السودان عام 1988. بزغ...

من هو شول منوت؟

شول منوت، الفنان الجنوبي صاحب الصوت العذب والإحساس المرهف، وُلد في مدينة جوبا بجنوب السودان عام 1988. بزغ نجمه عندما شارك في برنامج نجوم الغد عام 2010، حيث كان ضمن دفعة الفنانتين فهيمة عبدالله وشموس إبراهيم، وحقق المركز الثاني خلف فهيمة التي نالت المركز الأول.

تميّز شول بأدائه للأغاني الوطنية والعاطفية التي لامست قلوب الجمهور. من أبرز أغانيه: أنا سوداني للفنان حسن خليفة العطبراوي، عينيا ما تبكي لكمال ترباس، لو بهمسة لمحمد وردي، وكنت فاكر لعثمان حسين. كما أبدع في أداء أغنية تعالوا شوفوا الكنت راجيه لبلال موسى، حيث تألق بشجنه وصوته العذب الذي أبكى الجمهور.

ظهر شول في نجوم الغد قبل انفصال الجنوب، لكنه اختار البقاء في الخرطوم بعد الانفصال، ليواصل مسيرته الفنية بالرغم من الظروف الصعبة التي عاشها.

رحلة المرض

عانى شول من مرضي السل واليرقان، ما أدى إلى تدهور حالته الصحية ودخوله مستشفى أبو عنجة للأمراض الصدرية. ظل يعاني طريح الفراش لخمس سنوات، حيث رافقه شقيقه قرنق وزوجته سناء خلال هذه الفترة.

على الرغم من معاناته، لم يسلم شول من الشائعات المتكررة عن وفاته التي انتشرت على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي قبل وفاته الحقيقية. إحدى هذه الحوادث كانت عندما غادر مستشفى سنار دون علم أسرته، ما دفع شقيقه قرنق للبحث عنه حتى وجده وأبلغه بما يُقال، ليرد شول بحسرة: "لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله... أنا لسه حي، ما مُت!"

النهاية الحزينة

واجه شول ظروفًا مادية صعبة منعته من استكمال علاجه. وبرغم كل المعاناة، دخل قلوب السودانيين بعفويته ونقاء قلبه. غادر هذا العالم مبكرًا في 14 مارس 2020، تاركًا خلفه إرثًا من الحب والفن، ولحق بزميله الفنان عبدالله دينق، ليظل في ذاكرة السودانيين رمزًا للإبداع والإنسانية..

🌍 Exploring East Africa's Fascinating Tribes:🇹🇿🇺🇬🇷🇼🇧🇮🇪🇹🇸🇴🇰🇪🇩🇯🇪🇷🇸🇸Let's embark on a journey through East Africa, highligh...

🌍 Exploring East Africa's Fascinating Tribes:🇹🇿🇺🇬🇷🇼🇧🇮🇪🇹🇸🇴🇰🇪🇩🇯🇪🇷🇸🇸Let's embark on a journey through East Africa, highlighting one well-known tribe from each country.

1. Kenya 🇰🇪: Maasai Tribe - The Maasai people are renowned for their vibrant red attire, intricate beadwork, and extraordinary traditional way of life, which centers around cattle herding and a deep connection with the land and wildlife.

2. Uganda 🇺🇬: Baganda Tribe - The Baganda people make up the largest ethnic group in Uganda and are known for their rich cultural traditions, including drumming, vibrant dance forms like the "Kiganda" and their fabled Kingdom of Buganda.

3. South Sudan 🇸🇸: Dinka Tribe - The Dinka people are the largest ethnic group in South Sudan, known for their cattle-herding practices and their iconic tall and athletic physique. Their artistic traditions, including body scarification and vibrant adornments, liberation struggles are noteworthy.

4. Rwanda 🇷🇼: Tutsi Tribe - The Tutsi people have a complex and intricate history intertwined.

South Sudanese essayist Duot Achuil Ajak from St. Lawrence Academy today received an award from the President of the Rep...

South Sudanese essayist Duot Achuil Ajak from St. Lawrence Academy today received an award from the President of the Republic of Kenya, His Excellency Dr. William Ruto, during the EAC summit for emerging as the best writer from South Sudan in the essay writing competition.

Mr. Achuil received the award today during the handover ceremony of the EAC Chairmanship in the capital, Arusha, Tanzania. President Kiir's one-year tenure as Chair of the East African Community ended, and he handed over the Chairmanship to Kenyan President, William Ruto.

Father and daughter sitting for South Sudan secondary examsPiol Anyuon Piol (Mangar Anyuon) and his firstborn daughter N...

Father and daughter sitting for South Sudan secondary exams

Piol Anyuon Piol (Mangar Anyuon) and his firstborn daughter Nyibol Piol Anyuon, are among the students taking their exams today. This moment is more than just a milestone; it represents a remarkable achievement to share the exam hall while pursuing the Secondary School Certificate together.

As they sit side by side, this unique experience highlights the importance of education and family support, showcasing the dedication both have toward their academic journeys. It's a heartwarming reminder that learning and growth can transcend generations, inspiring others in their community to value education.

This event not only marks a significant personal achievement for Piol and his daughter but also serves as an inspiring story for many families in South Sudan, reinforcing the belief that education is a shared journey worth celebrating.

📸 Courtesy

Meet Awak Sabit Bior Kuier, a 23-year-old South Sudanese who plays as a Finnish professional basketball player who compe...

Meet Awak Sabit Bior Kuier, a 23-year-old South Sudanese who plays as a Finnish professional basketball player who competes for Reyer Venezia in the Italian Lega Basket Femminile and in the EuroLeague Women, and for the Dallas Wings of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA).

She competes internationally for the Finnish national team. Selected by the Wings with the second overall pick in the 2021 WNBA draft, she was the second Finnish player in the history of the league after Taru Tuukkanen to be drafted, and she became the first Finnish player to play in the WNBA in May 2021.

She was born in Cairo, Egypt and is of South Sudanese origin. She moved to Finland as a refugee with her family when she was two years old, first settling in the city of Kotka.

Today, her family has settled in the coastal town of Uusikaupunki and she holds dual Finnish and Egyptian citizenship.

She speaks Italian, Arabic, Finnish, and English. Kuier has four older brothers and her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses.

Breaking ; Mr World South Sudan 🇸🇸, Amac Ricky announced as the winner of the Best National Costume Award in Mr World 20...

Breaking ; Mr World South Sudan 🇸🇸, Amac Ricky announced as the winner of the Best National Costume Award in Mr World 2024 pageant by the judges.

Everywhere you go, South Sudan is winning , Congratulations.

Beautiful aerial view of Wangulei, Nyuak PayamTwic East county.Wangulei is the birth place of Dr John Garang de Mabior.P...

Beautiful aerial view of Wangulei, Nyuak Payam
Twic East county.
Wangulei is the birth place of Dr John Garang de Mabior.
Photos:11th Oct 2024

Africa's Weakest Passport1)- Somalia 🇸🇴2)- Libya 🇱🇾3)- Eritrea🇪🇷4)- South Sudan 🇸🇸5)- Nigeria 🇳🇬6)- Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and DR C...

Africa's Weakest Passport

1)- Somalia 🇸🇴

2)- Libya 🇱🇾

3)- Eritrea🇪🇷

4)- South Sudan 🇸🇸

5)- Nigeria 🇳🇬

6)- Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and DR Congo 🇨🇩

7)- Djibouti 🇩🇯

8)- Burundi🇧🇮

9)- Cameroon🇨🇲

10)- Congo 🇨🇬

Source: Henley & Partners

Never buy a second hand car!Well, once you bought a second hand car that had many previous owners who misused it, you wi...

Never buy a second hand car!

Well, once you bought a second hand car that had many previous owners who misused it, you will have to accept that you will not be the only driver who will be driving throughout its life time. Mechanics will drive it most of the time and it will spend most nights at workshops. It will also drain you financially and emotionally.

The worst thing is that, old owners may still come to borrow it anytime they may need it.
Again, at times, you will see other drivers flashing lights at you when you are with it because they recognise the car.

This is the last time I am warning you. The choice is solely yours!!! 🥱🙌

Nyandeeng Elijah Manyok Lual Anyang the 1st Miss South Sudan 2006. This is how she looks now.

Nyandeeng Elijah Manyok Lual Anyang the 1st Miss South Sudan 2006. This is how she looks now.

[ ]South Sudan National Anthem has Translated to Dinka language.Oh God!(Yin) Nhialic!We praise and glorify youwɔ piöny k...

[ ]
South Sudan National Anthem has Translated to Dinka language.

Oh God!
(Yin) Nhialic!

We praise and glorify you
wɔ piöny ku nhööm ku Yïn

For your grace on South Sudan
Në thiɛ̈i-du në South Sudan

Land of great abundance
Piny thiäŋ në kä juëc ke Jiɛɛk

Uphold us united in peace and harmony
Cɔk wɔ ye cieŋ në mätic në dɔ̈ɔ̈r ku nhiɛ̈ɛ̈r

Oh motherland!
Piny de kuarkuɔ!

We rise raising flag with the guiding star
Wɔ kääc, jɔtku ayäŋ nhial në ciɛ̈ɛ̈r ŋäär wɔɔk

And sing songs of freedom with joy
Ku ket ku diɛt ke nhomlääu në yum de piɔ̈u

For justice, liberty and prosperity
Yicɣɛɛr, wëërbei ku jɔl ya cieŋ de naŋ käŋ

Shall forevermore reign
Aa bi ya kuum athɛɛr wadɛ̈

Oh great patriots!
We rem nhiar baai!

Let us stand up in silence and respect
Jɔt ku röth nhial në lɔdïu ku riëëu

Saluting our martyrs whose blood
Mäth ku kɔc kuɔɔn cïï piny ke nyaai

Cemented our national foundation
Cïï riɛmden pinyda wɛc cökpiny ku gom

We vow to protect our nation
Wɔ kuëëŋ buku gël yen panda

Oh God, bless South Sudan!
Nhialic thieei South Sudan




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