*Wednesday 27th November 2024 Daily Reflection and Meditation*
_By your endurance you will gain your lives._
*Good morning/afternoon/evening!*
We pray today for the grace of fortitude and fidelity, persevering till the end.
*Blessed day.*
*Starting Power and Staying Power*
_"You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish. Stand firm, and you will win life." (Luke 21:12-19)_
_*Readings: Revelation 15:1-4. Luke 21: 12-19.*_
Today Jesus speaks frankly to his disciples about the trials and persecutions they will face for following him. His words are a sobering reminder that the Christian journey is not just about starting well but about persevering to the end.
We are invited to reflect on two essential aspects of our faith: starting power and the staying power. Starting power refers to the enthusiasm and conviction to begin our journey with Christ. Staying power refers to the steadfastness to endure and remain faithful, even when faced with challenges. Remaining faithful till the end.
_Starting Power: Answering the Call_
Many of us begin our faith journey with great zeal. We feel inspired to serve, pray, and live out the Gospel. This initial enthusiasm is a gift from God—a fire ignited by the Holy Spirit. However, starting power is not enough. Like the disciples, we will face moments of trial when our faith is tested. Challenges will come: betrayal, rejection, and even persecution. These moments will cause our initial fervor to waver if we are not deeply rooted in Christ.
How then Reflection am I nurturing the fire of my initial faith? How can I deepen my relationship with God to sustain me in difficult times?
_Staying Power: Persevering Through Trials_
“Stand firm, and you will win life.” Staying power is the ability to remain faithful when the journey becomes difficult. This power is needed when prayers seem unanswered, relationships are strained, or we face rejection for living out our beliefs. Staying power is cultivated through a life of prayer, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and trust in God’s promises. It is not about avoiding trials but embracing them with courage, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.
How then do I respond when my faith is tested? Do I turn to God for strength, or do I rely on my own efforts?
_God’s Promise of Victory:_
While we may face suffering in this world, God promises eternal life to those who remain steadfast. His words, “Not a hair of your head will perish,” is an assurance of God’s ultimate care for us. Staying power is rooted in this hope, that no trial is greater than God’s love, and no loss is beyond His power to redeem.
Do I live then with the hope of God’s eternal promises? How does this hope shape my response to challenges?
*Cultivating Starting Power and Staying Power*
_Daily Renewal of Faith:_
We must regularly renew our faith through prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments. This helps us sustain our starting power and build the resilience needed for staying power.
_Embrace Challenges with Trust:_
Challenges are opportunities to grow in faith. When faced with trials, turn to God in prayer and lean on the community of believers for support.
_Keep Your Eyes on the Prize:_
“By your perseverance, you will secure your lives.” Let the hope of eternal life motivate you to stay the course, even when the road is difficult.
Starting power gets us moving, but staying power ensures we reach the finish line. Jesus calls us to both—to begin our faith journey with zeal and to persevere with courage and trust, even in the face of trials.
*Prayer:* _We pray for the grace to remain steadfast, to endure with hope, and to finish the race with the assurance that God’s promises are true. With starting power and staying power, we will not only face challenges but overcome them, securing the eternal life that Christ has won for us. Amen_
“Stand firm, and you will win life.”
*Have a blessed Wednesday*
_Rev Fr Francis Wambua, SJ_
*Jesuits in South Sudan*