CALLS FOR SPONSORSHIP, CEO CONFERENCE (Read Sponsorship Package) Register here: https://gforms.app/VEutEAt
▪︎Brief Introduction
CEO conference is an event that brings together the young entrepreneurs in the country together for knowledge and experiences sharing in the areas of business, leadership, and modern entrepreneurship. This second edition conference aims on providing an opportunity and a platform for the interaction of young different founders, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors and respective entrepreneurs who have actually started running their organizations/businesses and also aspirants who have ideas, projects and passions to set up initiatives. It will therefore allow easy networking and marketing their services, products and development ideas which would open ways to have better sales and partnership among themselves.
The CEO conference is initiated by Smile Junub under the Department of Entrepreneurship training with the aim of making youth exchange business skills and ideas and inspire themselves to work for prosperity.
This Sponsorship package is a document that gives details and descriptions of the type of CEO CONFERENCE’s sponsorship, sponsors’ interest, terms and conditions of the partnership. The interested sponsors approached by the organizers willing to pledge to support the event are therefore expected to read and understand the contents of this document and shall then make right choices of sponsoring as per MoU.
▪︎Sponsorship is needed for the following categories:
1. Transport. (For example, having a passenger bus to carry delegates to the venue.
2. Drinks. (Such as soda and clean drinking water)
3. Decoration. (Decoration of the venue hall)
4. Promotion. (Such as announcement the event on Radio and TV, or newspaper)
5. Advertisement. (Such as Billboard and Truck Roadshow)
6. Brandings. (Such as T-shirts, Signages, caps and banners)
7. Dinner: (corporate dinner for entrepreneurs and VIPs)
▪︎The types of sponsors are:
1. Bronz Sponsor
2. Gold Sponsor
3. Diamond Sponsor
4. Platinum sponsor
▪︎Bronze Sponsor (Provides 500+ USD)
1. Prominent logo placement on all conference materials and website.
2. Recognition in all press releases and media coverage.
3. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
4. Complimentary exhibit booth at the conference.
5. Prominent signage placement throughout the conference venue.
6. VIP seating at all conference sessions and events.
7. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing
8. Invitation to 1-VIP sponsors-only networking event.
9. One CEO-Conference’s T-shirt for the sponsor
10. Sponsor’s brand products and services promotion on Social Media platforms
11. One week free online advertisement
▪︎Gold sponsor (Provides 1000+ USD)
1. Logo placement on conference materials and website, and billboard
2 VIP tickets for two representatives
2. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
3. Recognition on conference signage and in the program’s book.
5. Reserved seating at all conference sessions and events.
6. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
7. Free 2 weeks advertisement
9. Recognition in select press releases and media coverage.
10. Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion during the conference.
11. Promotion of sponsor’s products and services through comedy
12. Roadshow and DJ Mention of the brand
13. Official photo shoot of the representatives at the event
14. On-stage MC mentioning of sponsor’s products and services
15. Two CEO Conference t-shirts for sponsoring brand’s staff
▪︎Diamond Sponsor (1500+ USD)
1. Prominent logo placement on conference materials, social media and website.
2. Exclusive sponsorship of a keynote speaker or session.
3. Recognition in all press releases and media coverage.
4. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
5. Prominent signage placement throughout the conference venue.
6. Complimentary exhibit of Brandings
7. VIP seating at all conference sessions and events.
8. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
9. Invitation to VIP sponsors-only networking talkshow
11. Radio DJ & MC mentioning of the sponsor’s name, services and products
12. A VIP Table for 3 people/representatives
13. Road-show-truck promotion of the sponsor
14. Logo branded in billboards and banners
15. TV and Radio brand adverts and sponsors talk show
16. Speaking Slog for the short speech by a representative at the event
17. CEO Conference t-shirts (3) given to the representatives
18. Free 3 weeks advertisement of the sponsor’s services and products on website/FB page
▪︎Platinum (2000+ USD)
1. Logo placement on conference materials, social media and website.
2. Recognition on conference signage and in program book.
3. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
4. Complimentary exhibit of graphics
5. Reserved seats at all conference sessions and events.
6. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
7. Invitation to VIP sponsors-only talkshow
8. Complimentary exhibition at the conference
9. Recognition in selected press releases and media coverage.
10. Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion during the conference.
11. Brand’s logo on T-shirts, Signages, and banners
12. Logo also branded on billboard and flyers
13. Conference branded t-shirts, cups and caps will be given to representatives
14. Radio DJ and MC Mention of the brand’s name, services and products
15. Promotions of the sponsor’s products and services through comedy and online
16. VIP table of 5 people (representatives) with Drinks
17. Commercial Photoshoot of the event and brand’s products
18. Speaking slog for representative’s speech at the event
19. Table provided for displaying sponsors' services/productions at the venue gate
20. Online page, TikTok and YouTube promotions
21. CEO Conference’s t-shirts (4 pieces) for the representing staff
22. Inclusive interviews published on newspapers
23. One month of free advertisement on Smile Junub’s pages and websites
In order to have the best promotion and brand awareness on TV, Radio, Newspaper, on social media, Billboard, Truck Road show and branding of logo on t-shirts, caps, caps and Signages; the sponsors have to meet the following criteria:
Should at least donate one billboard as a sponsorship
Should at least pay an amount of 500+ USD to be considered as a sponsor
Should at least brand 100 T-shirts of the CEO Conference
Should at least donate any valuable equipment or material for the conference
Should at least sponsor the road truck show for 2 days for promotion
Should at least run a half-page advert on newspaper for 2 weeks
Should at least choose to do coverage of videos, photos or live streaming of the event
Should at least offer 30-50 crates of soda or 50 crates of water for attendees
For registration and more inquiries call: 0922418814/0927007979
Or email us on: [email protected]