Smile Junub

Smile Junub Media company for Branding, Graphics, advertising & Marketing, promotions & Entertainment

CALLS FOR SPONSORSHIP, CEO CONFERENCE (Read Sponsorship Package) Register here:▪︎Brief Introd...

CALLS FOR SPONSORSHIP, CEO CONFERENCE (Read Sponsorship Package) Register here:

▪︎Brief Introduction
CEO conference is an event that brings together the young entrepreneurs in the country together for knowledge and experiences sharing in the areas of business, leadership, and modern entrepreneurship. This second edition conference aims on providing an opportunity and a platform for the interaction of young different founders, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors and respective entrepreneurs who have actually started running their organizations/businesses and also aspirants who have ideas, projects and passions to set up initiatives. It will therefore allow easy networking and marketing their services, products and development ideas which would open ways to have better sales and partnership among themselves.

The CEO conference is initiated by Smile Junub under the Department of Entrepreneurship training with the aim of making youth exchange business skills and ideas and inspire themselves to work for prosperity.
This Sponsorship package is a document that gives details and descriptions of the type of CEO CONFERENCE’s sponsorship, sponsors’ interest, terms and conditions of the partnership. The interested sponsors approached by the organizers willing to pledge to support the event are therefore expected to read and understand the contents of this document and shall then make right choices of sponsoring as per MoU.

▪︎Sponsorship is needed for the following categories:
1. Transport. (For example, having a passenger bus to carry delegates to the venue.
2. Drinks. (Such as soda and clean drinking water)
3. Decoration. (Decoration of the venue hall)
4. Promotion. (Such as announcement the event on Radio and TV, or newspaper)
5. Advertisement. (Such as Billboard and Truck Roadshow)
6. Brandings. (Such as T-shirts, Signages, caps and banners)
7. Dinner: (corporate dinner for entrepreneurs and VIPs)

▪︎The types of sponsors are:
1. Bronz Sponsor
2. Gold Sponsor
3. Diamond Sponsor
4. Platinum sponsor

▪︎Bronze Sponsor (Provides 500+ USD)
1. Prominent logo placement on all conference materials and website.
2. Recognition in all press releases and media coverage.
3. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
4. Complimentary exhibit booth at the conference.
5. Prominent signage placement throughout the conference venue.
6. VIP seating at all conference sessions and events.
7. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing
8. Invitation to 1-VIP sponsors-only networking event.
9. One CEO-Conference’s T-shirt for the sponsor
10. Sponsor’s brand products and services promotion on Social Media platforms
11. One week free online advertisement

▪︎Gold sponsor (Provides 1000+ USD)
1. Logo placement on conference materials and website, and billboard
2 VIP tickets for two representatives
2. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
3. Recognition on conference signage and in the program’s book.
5. Reserved seating at all conference sessions and events.
6. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
7. Free 2 weeks advertisement
9. Recognition in select press releases and media coverage.
10. Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion during the conference.
11. Promotion of sponsor’s products and services through comedy
12. Roadshow and DJ Mention of the brand
13. Official photo shoot of the representatives at the event
14. On-stage MC mentioning of sponsor’s products and services
15. Two CEO Conference t-shirts for sponsoring brand’s staff

▪︎Diamond Sponsor (1500+ USD)
1. Prominent logo placement on conference materials, social media and website.
2. Exclusive sponsorship of a keynote speaker or session.
3. Recognition in all press releases and media coverage.
4. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
5. Prominent signage placement throughout the conference venue.
6. Complimentary exhibit of Brandings
7. VIP seating at all conference sessions and events.
8. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
9. Invitation to VIP sponsors-only networking talkshow
11. Radio DJ & MC mentioning of the sponsor’s name, services and products
12. A VIP Table for 3 people/representatives
13. Road-show-truck promotion of the sponsor
14. Logo branded in billboards and banners
15. TV and Radio brand adverts and sponsors talk show
16. Speaking Slog for the short speech by a representative at the event
17. CEO Conference t-shirts (3) given to the representatives
18. Free 3 weeks advertisement of the sponsor’s services and products on website/FB page

▪︎Platinum (2000+ USD)
1. Logo placement on conference materials, social media and website.
2. Recognition on conference signage and in program book.
3. Opportunity to provide branded giveaway items to all conference attendees.
4. Complimentary exhibit of graphics
5. Reserved seats at all conference sessions and events.
6. Access to the attendee list for post-conference marketing.
7. Invitation to VIP sponsors-only talkshow
8. Complimentary exhibition at the conference
9. Recognition in selected press releases and media coverage.
10. Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion during the conference.
11. Brand’s logo on T-shirts, Signages, and banners
12. Logo also branded on billboard and flyers
13. Conference branded t-shirts, cups and caps will be given to representatives
14. Radio DJ and MC Mention of the brand’s name, services and products
15. Promotions of the sponsor’s products and services through comedy and online
16. VIP table of 5 people (representatives) with Drinks
17. Commercial Photoshoot of the event and brand’s products
18. Speaking slog for representative’s speech at the event
19. Table provided for displaying sponsors' services/productions at the venue gate
20. Online page, TikTok and YouTube promotions
21. CEO Conference’s t-shirts (4 pieces) for the representing staff
22. Inclusive interviews published on newspapers
23. One month of free advertisement on Smile Junub’s pages and websites

In order to have the best promotion and brand awareness on TV, Radio, Newspaper, on social media, Billboard, Truck Road show and branding of logo on t-shirts, caps, caps and Signages; the sponsors have to meet the following criteria:

 Should at least donate one billboard as a sponsorship
 Should at least pay an amount of 500+ USD to be considered as a sponsor
 Should at least brand 100 T-shirts of the CEO Conference
 Should at least donate any valuable equipment or material for the conference
 Should at least sponsor the road truck show for 2 days for promotion
 Should at least run a half-page advert on newspaper for 2 weeks
 Should at least choose to do coverage of videos, photos or live streaming of the event
 Should at least offer 30-50 crates of soda or 50 crates of water for attendees

For registration and more inquiries call: 0922418814/0927007979
Or email us on: [email protected]

From Canva to Guitar: Morgan's Adventures as a Singing PainterBy Boka Jr.In South Sudan, there are so many raw talents t...

From Canva to Guitar: Morgan's Adventures as a Singing Painter
By Boka Jr.
In South Sudan, there are so many raw talents that are hidden deep in the grassroots, but instead of being discovered and promoted, people especially promoters are busy promoting the wrong talents. A South Sudanese Vocalist and Fine Arts Painter has expressed his disappointment on the issues affecting the Music industry. Mr. Morgan who was born during the Wars between SPLA and Sudan Army had a dream of becoming someone influential someday in life, and eventually, he discovered and promoted his talents of singing and painting. In this interview, he recalled his childhood suffering and childhood experiences as a Painter and Singer.

Boka Jr: Please can you introduce yourself for people outside there to know you?
Morgan: I name is Suleiman Ahmed Abdallah Morgan known by stage name Morgan. I grew up in Nyameni for 6 years and later traveled to Sudan in 2000 where I lived for some years, which is from 2000 to 2011 which is about 11 years. My childhood was just like any other South Sudanese child, it is all about being born in suffer and, raised in wars and now still living in it.

Boka Jr: What is your childhood experience or memory that you can forget?
Morgan: Well, on 7th July, there was a big fight between the SPLA and Sudan’s forces, which erupted in Juba. The surprising thing is that my mom gave birth to me and shortly after an hour, the house where she stayed in got bombarded by soldiers. I and my mom could have lost our lives if it wasn’t because of God’s Grace. Every day was about running from danger and seeking a peaceful environment. That is all about my childhood but am happy now because am searching for a place with peace through arts and music.

Boka Jr: Where did you grow up and start your primary, secondary, and tertiary education?
Morgan: I grew up in Nyamni and went to Khartoum where I began my primary level at Abu Baker el sedigh Primary School in 2001 and completed primary seven there. Later I came to Juba in 2008 and joined Buluk Model Primary School where I sat for Primary Leaving Examinations in 2009. I then went back to Khartoum and joined Sheik Lotfe Secondary School where most South Sudanese especially the current leaders finished. I came to Juba in 2011 for the independence celebration and I joined Supiri Secondary, Rokon Section Administration and I did my S.3 Sudan Certificate.
I was admitted to the University of Juba in the School of Management and Public Administration from 2015 to 2019, but I later paused and joined the School of Arts, Music and Drama; Department of Fine Arts in 20220 and I am finishing in 2024.

Boka Jr: What has been your dream career since you were a child? Did it come true now?
Morgan: My dream career was to become a businessman and make a lot of money, have beautiful houses, and help others who are in need. I also wanted to reduce the number of homeless children on the streets. I wanted to become popular or well-known, and this dream is coming true. Since I was young, all my daily sources of motivation were singing, writing songs, drawing, and many others related to arts. I think I was the luckiest kid when I was young because I got much support from my lovely aunt and her husband Pal Kuol Deng. It is now a dream come true as I am studying Arts music and drama which are related to the career I dreamed of.

Boka Jr: Kindly, may you talk about how and when you started your music career?
Morgan: My music career started when I was a kid, I wrote songs and sang with other artists to learn from them, like Arabic and Egyptian songs, I also learned in school when we used to be given the chance to perform different talents during parades. Furthermore, I am inspired by situations I lived in and by Artists like Tamir hussni, R-Kelly, and people like Legendary Emmanuel Kembe.

Boka Jr: What was your first song call?
Morgan: My first song was called (together) i recorded along side with my group we named Sunrise for Music and drama Group which was focused on calling on people for peace and unity among themselves.
My first solo song was “Ana Hibu Inta” in Arabic which means “I love you.” I composed it in 2015 but I was not satisfied with it and didn’t release it either. People knew me for performing in live bands. After that, I sang the song ‘Put a Smile upon My Face’ in 2015 and it was being played mostly on Eye Radio, I didn’t have the capacity in terms of money and transport means to move around Juba to distribute the songs.

Boka Jr: What inspired you to do music and arts, how do you feel practicing your talent in daily life?

Morgan: In Arts, the Late Denis Alfayo who was the Head of the Department for Fine Arts at the University inspired me but before him, I got inspiration from daily life that is characterized by struggling and suffering, stress, and all sorts of pain, so when I put those wandering thoughts and feelings on canvas through painting or I compose a song, I feel like I have communicated with someone and I get relieved from pain and bad worries.

Being a vocal artist is naturally given and also through a lot of practice, I learned how to organize my voice. Through practice especially with Urupap Musical Group which teaches people vocals, I learned from Artists like Maydin, a South Sudanese Afro and RnB Artist.

Boka Jr: Do you have a country of dreams that you would like to visit?
Morgan: My countries of dreams could be many but first of all, home is sweet and it is the Best. I always dreamed of being forever in South Sudan, my country. But as life needs adventures, I wish to travel the World someday, I want to visit countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, and the Arab Emirates. Like last year, I almost reached Europe for an Arts Exhibition in Italy but ended up in Addis Ababa due to VISA complications. One day I would love to visit France.

Boka Jr: How are Arts and Music now complimenting each other, how do you manage them at ago?

Morgan: Arts and Music are like twins because when you are doing Arts/painting, you need to play background music to boost your moods and keep you motivated, and so for me, it is something normal to handle them because they are part of my life.

Boka Jr: Why do you think music and arts are important socially, educationally, and economically important for the community and country at large?

Morgan: Socially, the music changes people’s lives, for example, an artist does 90% of everything we wear or enjoy nowadays. Educationally, Arts teach people and raise issues that are not even seen within the communities. In terms of economy, Arts, and Music are just like other businesses and work such as selling food or clothes, or being in an office. However, the end interest is to generate money and make a living. In addition, I believe that Arts and Music keep stories for future generations.

Boka Jr: Do you have any project now that you are working on?
Morgan: I don’t have any charity project of my own now but I will one day. Previously, I worked with the UN on a project called ‘Stand Up for Peace’ which made us move around the States of South Sudan to preach peace through songs and arts (paintings.) I also volunteered with Ana Taban which is a youth-Arts-Campaign for peace.

Boka Jr: What are your hobbies?
Morgan: My hobbies as painting, acting in radio drama, writing lyrics, and singing, especially live band.
Boka Jr: Where do you see yourself in 5 years to come?
Morgan: In 5 years to come, I hope to have a bright future, though it is through struggle, there is no giving up. I may not be active on the streets performing on stages or anything like that but am busy building a brand that will not collapse in a short period but will live for years to inspire other generations.

Boka Jr: As an ambitious Artist who needs to influence society through music, what do you think is going well or bad in South Sudan’s Music Industry?
Morgan: I see many things not going well in the Music Industry of South Sudan. Starting with the Artists’ Union, it should not be politically affiliated to any party or individual politician, but it should be for the common benefit of the community. In the Music Industry, I saw it occupied by the wrong people who don’t know what right thing they are supposed to do. I salute some artists like Ali Joma, Single Dee, Monica Dee, Hard Life Avenues, and other legendary Artists because they know what they are doing musically.
My concern is about wrong talents occupying the industry with nonsense. Artists should have good lyrics, message, voice, and creativity to benefit the singer, fans, and the community at large.

Boka Jr: What is your message or advice for your fellow Artists or South Sudanese at large?
Morgan: To my fellow Artists, I know the situation in our country is not easy, it is making youth hunting for jobs or trying to achieve their dreams so disparate. Imagine, you wake up and find yourself in problems and then run to the studio to release your stress, anger, and abuse people; that is not called talent. You need to know the reason you are singing and for whom you are sending the messages. You need to learn first, go for a short course to teach you the structure of writing lyrics as well as vocals training.
South Sudanese Music or Artists, should be advocating for peace and unity of all South Sudanese. Music doesn’t differentiate people like white, brown, rich or poor, anyone can listen to songs depending on the beats, message, and voice of the Artist.

Stop raising the wrong talents and build the right ones. Raw talents are hidden, for example, when I went to Aweil and Rumbek on a Musical tour, I got amazing youth with real talents hidden and no one is talking about them because the industry is occupied by noisemakers and forced talent artists who always sing immoral songs to negatively destroy the community. Please if there are promoters outside there, let them go to the grassroots to discover and promote the fresh relents of young people.
Look at Nigerians, they are making a lot of money through the Arts. The Arts have the power to make a positive impact on the economy and unity of people. Thanks.

Copyright ○BOKA JR.


CEO conference event is where CEOs, entrepreneurs and young business people meet to interact, share ideas and experiences. It is also an opportunity for networking and marketing of business services and product.

Register here:

Reach us on: +211922418814 or 0927007979

Media company for Branding, Graphics, advertising & Marketing, promotions & Entertainment

CEO CONFERENCE coming on 24/02/2024 Register here: you a CEO, Entrepreneur or a businesspe...

CEO CONFERENCE coming on 24/02/2024 Register here:
Are you a CEO, Entrepreneur or a businessperson? Here is an opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded people. CEO second edition aims on bringing the entrepreneurs for marketing and Networking among themselves. Register before dateline 10/02/2024.

Reach us on: +211922418814 or 0927007979

Offical Announcement from Smile Junub Mangement, the CEO Conference second edition is coming soon. CEOs, Entrepreneurs a...

Offical Announcement from Smile Junub Mangement, the CEO Conference second edition is coming soon. CEOs, Entrepreneurs and other representatives of Companies, NGOs and small businesses are informed not to miss this knowledge and experience sharing event.

Registration link will be provided soon and shall be followed by official collection of confirmation forms.

Tell a CEO to inform fellow CEOs


Happy New Year wishes from Smile Junub

From Smile Junub, we wish you a happy Merry Christmas.

From Smile Junub, we wish you a happy Merry Christmas.

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Smile Junub is cooking something good for the Media in 2024 Feb. Be Ready

Offical Announcement !! The organizing committee for the CEO Conference is informing the general public, particularly CE...

Offical Announcement !! The organizing committee for the CEO Conference is informing the general public, particularly CEOs and Entrepreneurs that the conference is officially postponed until next year and a new day will be communicated.
The reasons for postponing the event includes low turn up for registration and target group being so busy preparing for Christmas season and others traveling outside the country.

Note: No participants has made a payment with the conference organizers, those interest collect the forms fees of charge and never returned due to their busy schedules.

Therefore Smile Junub and the organizing team update the public of this adjournment of the conference.

Meanwhile, in the process of fixing a new day, we shall be documenting the CEOs (Entrepreneurs) and companies profiles for promotional and advertising purpose.
The 2nd edition of CEO Conference will therefore take place in 2024.

For any inquiry call us on:
0922418814 or 0927007979

The best and most read Newspaper in the country has advertised the CEO Conference. You can join and register

The best and most read Newspaper in the country has advertised the CEO Conference. You can join and register


Never miss the CEO Conference where you meet other entrepreneurs for networking and marketing, 16th Dec 2023 at Hai Mauna

CEO Conference is where CEOs and Entrepreneurs meet and interact, also do networking and marketing.Register now:To speak...

CEO Conference is where CEOs and Entrepreneurs meet and interact, also do networking and marketing.
Register now:
To speak: 70 USD
Company: 50 USD
Individual Entrepreneur: 30 USD
Dateline: 11th Dec 2023

Venue: Hai Mauna Classic
Date: 16th Dec 2023

Call us: 0922418814/0927007979

Congratulations to all the graduates from University of Juba. The long academic journey has reached its destination. Tim...

Congratulations to all the graduates from University of Juba. The long academic journey has reached its destination. Time to strive for jobs and contribute your knowledge for building the Nation.

Photo: courtesy

Smile Junub as it is a new month, Dec would be filled with joy, peace and success as we finish the year 2023. Enjoy this...

Smile Junub as it is a new month, Dec would be filled with joy, peace and success as we finish the year 2023.

Enjoy this month by meeting and talking to people of like-minds, the Entrepreneurs. Registration is open to register as a Speaker, Compnay or individual entrepreneur:.

Don't miss this opportunity

Culture is a source of peace, National identity, pride and Patriotism. And making it more beautiful is when the daughter...

Culture is a source of peace, National identity, pride and Patriotism. And making it more beautiful is when the daughters and sons of this amazing blessed and rich country smile!

Photo: courtesy

Come and Smile with us during the CEO Conference for networking and marketing. Many CEOs, Many companies and many services will be available.

Register now as:
Business Speaker: 70 USD
Compnay: 50 USD
Individual Entrepreneur: 30 USD

There will be opportunities to interact with other CEOs and talk about your brand's products and services.
Your business cards
Your compnay profiles
Your pull banner
Will be displayed during the conference

Register now before dateline 11th Dec 2023.
+211922418814 / 0927007979

Calling for CEOs and entrepreneurs The registration for CEO Conference is in progress. This is a National corporate even...

Calling for CEOs and entrepreneurs
The registration for CEO Conference is in progress. This is a National corporate event where entrepreneurs meet, greet and talk to share experiences, knowledge and inspiration for doing entrepreneurship.

CEOs will represent their companies and organizations during the event at Hai Mauna Classic Hotel on 16th December 2023, 9 PM to 4 PM.

Kindly contact is for inquiries
+211922418814 / 0927007979


Registration for the CEO Conference is open
Register your compnay, as a Speaker or individual entrepreneur...get opportunities

CEO CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN!! Register now to join the rest of prominent and young CEOs and entrepreneurs in Sou...

Register now to join the rest of prominent and young CEOs and entrepreneurs in South Sudan for networking and marketing. Meet and greet, speak and exchange slot of ideas and experiences about business, products and services.

This conference is being organized by Smile Junub, learn more about us in the poster below. "Helping promote businesses and talents of young people " is our sole aim as a media.

Grab this opportunity to attend the CEO Conference
On 16th Dec 2023 at Hai Mauna Classic Hotel

Reach us on: +211922418814

Learn from Oprah Winfrey Story!She was born on January 29, 1954, is an American talk show host, media executive, actress...

Learn from Oprah Winfrey Story!
She was born on January 29, 1954, is an American talk show host, media executive, actress, and philanthropist. She was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, and faced a challenging upbringing, marked by poverty and abuse. Despite these circumstances, Winfrey excelled academically and began her broadcasting career while still in high school.

In 1984, she launched The Oprah Winfrey Show, a talk show that went on to become the highest-rated program of its kind in history. The show ran for 25 seasons until 2011 and garnered Winfrey international fame and immense influence. She used her platform to discuss a wide range of topics, from social issues to personal development, and conducted numerous high-profile interviews.

Throughout her career, Winfrey has received numerous awards and accolades for her contributions to the entertainment industry and her philanthropic work. She has supported various causes, including education, women's rights, and children's welfare. In addition to her work on television, Winfrey founded her own production company, Harpo Productions, and launched her own cable television network, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).

Winfrey has also ventured into acting, receiving critical acclaim for her performances in films such as "The Color Purple" and "Lee Daniels' The Butler." In recent years, she has focused on producing documentaries, including the Emmy-nominated "Belief" and the Academy Award-nominated "13th."

Considered one of the most influential women in the world, Winfrey has been named on Forbes' list of billionaires multiple times. Her impact stretches beyond the entertainment industry, as she has inspired millions through her personal story of resilience and success.

Join the upcoming 2nd 'CEO CONFERENCE'
For Networking & Marketing: 16th Dec 2023
At Hai Mauna Classic Hotel in Juba, 9AM to 4 PM
Call us +211922418814 / 0927007979

CEO CONFERENCE 16th Dec 2023!! Did you register yourself, compnay, NGO to attend?Hurryand Grab this opportunity to expos...

CEO CONFERENCE 16th Dec 2023!!

Did you register yourself, compnay, NGO to attend?
Hurryand Grab this opportunity to expose yourself and your brand.

This is an inclusive event meant for networking and marketing of CEOs, entrepreneurs and business people.

》 Benefits of attending
▪︎Come with company pull up banner
▪︎Come with company profiles
▪︎Come and exchange business cards
▪︎Meet and greet fellow entrepreneurs
▪︎Opportunity for self and business introduction
▪︎Business logo on signage/banner/poster
▪︎CEO picture featuring online
▪︎Business services advertisement online
▪︎Attending CEOs heads on newspaper
▪︎Acquiring know from panelists insights
▪︎Learning business skills from presenters
▪︎Motivation from successful CEOs
▪︎One-on-one business mentorship
▪︎A table with your name as a delegate
▪︎Official personal/business photoshoot
▪︎MC mention of your services and products
▪︎Become a member of CEOs forum
▪︎meet others for MoUs and partnerships
▪︎Come with sample of light products/services
▪︎Get CEO Conference T-shirt
▪︎CEOs pictures projected on event's screen
▪︎Official delegates tags with names/titles

》Registration fees:
▪︎To speak: 70 USD
▪︎Company: 50 USD
▪︎Individual Entrepreneur: 30 USD

Who can attend the conference
1.Founders & CEOs
2.Delegates representing companies/NGOs
▪︎Managing Directors
▪︎Human Resource Managers
▪︎Marketing officers
▪︎PR officers
▪︎Project Managers

》Why pay 50 USD?
This is a corporate event with opportunities to speak and expose your business to large audience, so the fees are for:
▪︎For compnay's Participation
▪︎Marketing & Advertisement
▪︎Brandings exhibition
▪︎CEOs/delegates publication featuring
▪︎Forms & Registration
▪︎Business speaking

▪︎Bronze: 500+ USD
▪︎Silver: 1000+ USD
▪︎Gold: 1500+ USD
▪︎Platinum: 2000+ USD

》Event Summary
▪︎Organizer: Smile Junub
▪︎Expected CEOs: 100+
▪︎Expected entrepreneurs: 500+
▪︎Venue: Hai Mauna Classic Hotel

Join the upcoming 2nd 'CEO CONFERENCE'
For Networking & Marketing: 16th Dec 2023
At Hai Mauna Classic Hotel in Juba, 9AM to 4 PM
Call us +211922418814 / 0927007979

CEO of Humanity Care South Sudanwho represented his organization last year in the first edition of the CEO conference co...

CEO of Humanity Care South Sudan
who represented his organization last year in the first edition of the CEO conference confirmed his readiness to be in the upcoming event.
His organization does:

1. Advocacy
HCSS works towards sensitizing the masses, especially women on the importance of education, fighting HIV/AIDS, and violences that are directed against a person because of their gender. Empowering less privileged youths into the society through life skills training, creating awareness on various gender issues and women’s empowerment.

2. Multi services
The organization target multi services in the community levels especially health education, Gender based violence, gender and human rights in HIV/AIDS, women and youth empowerment, conflict resolutions, human rights and zero tolerance to community vulnerability and other social services legible for the community.

He is an outstanding young leader passionate about delivering knowledge and awareness in health sector, sports and entrepreneurship.

Join the upcoming 2nd 'CEO CONFERENCE'
For Networking & Marketing: 16th Dec 2023
At Hai Mauna Classic Hotel in Juba, 9AM to 4 PM
Call us +211922418814 / 0927007979

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." says Jack Ma, a Chi...

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine." says Jack Ma, a Chinese business magnate, investor, hilanthropist, and the co-founder of Alibaba Group, a multinational technology conglomerate.

Jack Ma also has powerful quotes on business:
"A good boss is better than a good company."

"I always find people smarter than I am. Then my job is to make sure smart people can work together. Stupid people can work together easily, smart people can't."

Alibaba offers a digital marketplace where consumers and merchants can connect and buy and sell from each other. But the company has expanded its operations to include cloud computing, digital media and entertainment, and other business offerings.

is that as a businessman or woman, you need to know today could be bad for your business, like no profits or growth and tomorrow may be the worst to handle, but never give up. The size of your Compnay and money don't matter, being a good boss makes you work with your staffs as focused and hard working team. Eventually, staying resilience makes you see better results in your business.

Join the upcoming 2nd 'CEO CONFERENCE'
For Networking & Marketing: 16th Dec 2023
At HaiMauna Classic Hotel in Jub
Call us +211922418814 / 0927007979







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