Summary of tonight’s presidential decrees:
1. James Wani Igga - Vice President for the Economic Cluster (SPLM)
2. Hussein Abdelbagi Akol - Vice President for the Service Cluster (SSOA)
3. Yolanda Awel Deng - Minister of Health
4. Josephine Lago - Minister of Agriculture
5. Benjamin Bol Mel - Presidential Envoy on Special Programs
6. Tut Gatluak - Presidential Envoy to the Middle East
7. Gen. Akech Tong Aleu - Director General of Internal Security Bureau (ISB), National Security Service
8. Alferd Futayo - Governor of Western Equatoria State
9. Peter Lam Buoth - Secretary General of SPLM
1. Benjamin Bol Mel - Vice President for the Economic Cluster (SPLM)
2. Josephine Lago - Vice President for the Services Cluster (SSOA)
3. Hussein Abdelbagi Akol - Minister of Agriculture and Food Security
4. James Wani Igga - Secretary General of SPLM
5. Minister of Health - No replacement announced
6. Governor of Western Equatoria State - No replacement announced
7. Charles Chiech Mayor - Acting Director General for Internal Security Bureau, National Security Service
8. Tut Kew - Appointed South Sudan ambassador to Kuwait