They say that when Magot Khot was born, he slapped the midwife.
Magot was once knocked by a Bodaboda, the motorcycle was badly injured.
When Magot's parents were scared, they would go sleep with him.
Once, Magot rested for two days… Today, we know them as Saturday and Sunday.
Magot cuts the nails on his right hand using his right hand.
When Magot moved out of his parents' house, his dad became the man of the house.
Once, lightning struck Magot, and the lightning died of electrocution.
They say that when Chuck Norris invented the telephone, he already had two missed calls from Magot.
When Magot Agutding looks in the mirror, he doesn’t reflect because there can only be one Magot.
If Magot comes to your house, you’re the guest.
They say Magot wears sunglasses to avoid damaging the sun.
They say Magot Khot won a competition of holding his breath underwater against a fish.
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