Miss Teens South Sudan

Miss Teens South Sudan Miss Teens South Sudan is a modelling agency in South Sudan that organises beauty competition every


Miss Teens South Sudan, Second Edition Poster is coming out soon

Miss Teen Africa  Live ChatOn Thursday 3 August 2023 our beloved Nation South Sudan will Take on Namibia tonight 8PM So ...

Miss Teen Africa Live Chat
On Thursday 3 August 2023 our beloved Nation South Sudan will Take on Namibia tonight 8PM
So we're requesting you to follow and encourage our representative Nyawal Wal Bang
For the best
Don't forget the Grand Finale will be on 31st August
In Douala, Cameroon

The Land of Brave and Melanin

Turn on the news and one of the day’s stories is likely to involve deadly conflict somewhere in the world. While few peo...

Turn on the news and one of the day’s stories is likely to involve deadly conflict somewhere in the world. While few people desire war, preventing it is hardly easy. In all of human history, no one has come up with a perfect solution. But there are plenty of theories as to how we can best maintain peace.
Miss Teen Africa goes down next month and don't forget to support our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang. We're bringing this title home. Next on the live chat we're facing Namibia

Happy Birthday to Legendary Hard working CEO Mr. Ceasar MalouThe founder of Mr and Miss Yirol is one of the kind who sta...

Happy Birthday to Legendary Hard working CEO Mr. Ceasar Malou
The founder of Mr and Miss Yirol is one of the kind who stand tall in Miss Teens South Sudan first edition in 2021
We appreciate you for the hard work
Enjoy your day

Today we introduce to you all Elizabeth Nyan-Nhial Mathok aka Eliza Beth The most decorated South Sudanese pageant Queen...

Today we introduce to you all Elizabeth Nyan-Nhial Mathok aka Eliza Beth
The most decorated South Sudanese pageant Queen ever
Elizabeth emerged at least a top 3 title since her first contest in 2018 in Kampala, Uganda.
Elizabeth happen also to be trainer and MC in big occasions e.g Miss Naath South Sudan in Kampala and trained Mr&Miss Bentiu
Nyan-Nhial is a Runway model as well as commercial
Today we celebrate her
Keep going Elizabeth
Don't in the next 3 hours our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang will go live chat taking on Miss Teen South Africa



Miss Teen Africa is a platform that promotes the beauty & capabilities of young African women

Miss Teen Africa Live ChatOn Thursday 13, July 2023 our beloved Nation South Sudan will Take on Rainbow NationSo we're r...

Miss Teen Africa Live Chat
On Thursday 13, July 2023 our beloved Nation South Sudan will Take on Rainbow Nation
So we're requesting you to follow and encourage our representative Nyawal Wal Bang
For the best

The Land of Brave and Melanin

The beauty of the natureThis year we are compaigning for Our Green Heritage.Yirol County is the place to be call home fo...

The beauty of the nature
This year we are compaigning for Our Green Heritage.
Yirol County is the place to be call home for the love of our First Queen Miss Monica Yar Maluac aka Princess Donni

📷 Mr and Miss Yirol


Creativity wear
Miss Borchar South Sudan 2nd Edition
One girl can change the world

Meet the one and only Queen Junub Akuol NataliaThe confidence and determination take the lead.

Meet the one and only Queen Junub Akuol Natalia
The confidence and determination take the lead.

You never talk of bravery In South Sudan without mentioning Lou Nuer BorcharThis coming Saturday 24th June 2023 Miss Bor...

You never talk of bravery In South Sudan without mentioning Lou Nuer Borchar
This coming Saturday 24th June 2023 Miss Borchar Beaty Pageant SSD will crown their second Queen be there or be no there
Miss Teen South Sudan. Queen will be in the hall
Contact CEO Bayoy to get your tickets

Miss Teen Africa Event schedule to happen on 25th June-1st July is postponedTo all South Sudanese let continue with the ...

Miss Teen Africa Event schedule to happen on 25th June-1st July is postponed

To all South Sudanese let continue with the support we give

To the attention of our delegates, partners, stakeholders and supporters! This is to let you know the Miss Teen Africa pageant originally scheduled for this month has now been pushed back to a date in August and we regret having to inform you of this change. Despite not having an easy time making this decision, we are reassured by the fact that everything is being done to make sure it will be even better once held.

Our official press release contains more detailed information.

We're grateful for your unwavering support and can't wait to see you at the Miss Teen Africa grand finale event in August.

AkimaI beat all the odds to become the first graduate in my father’s and mother’s house 💪👩‍🎓My academic journey was the ...

I beat all the odds to become the first graduate in my father’s and mother’s house 💪👩‍🎓

My academic journey was the toughest of all. It all started way back in 2002, at Boma Primary School ( GPAA) where I learned how to write Alphabetical Letters and Numerous Numbers on the soils since there were no exercise books and chalkboards. A year later the school managed to provide for us pupil’s chalkboard and a divided A5 exercise book when we were in Primary One in the year 2004.

In January 2006, my mother decided to take my elder sister and I to Kakuma Refugee Camp for a better education system where I joined primary 3 at Wau Primary School in Zone 4. My mother went back to Narus, Eastern Equatoria State to continue her “Siko” brewing business to meet our needs in Kakuma. She left us with her relatives. 3 months later, after our first term in Wau Primary School, mum realized that we couldn’t cope with the harsh life in Kakuma thus she opted to return us back to Narus where she was based, she then saved some money during the holiday and let my sisters and I joined St. Bhakita Girls’ Primary School in Narus. We started helping mum to fetch firewoods and brew ‘Siko’ to raise our school fees and meet our needs.

St. Bhakita Girls’ Primary School built my foundation, this is were I learned how to read and write, I achieved these through the well teachings of my then P3 class teacher, Madam Serengo and continued by other well equipped teachers such as Mr. Douglas and many more. In 2008 when I was promoted to P5, mum allowed us to join boarding at the same School and I started performing better. In 2010 the syllabus were changed from Kenyan Syllabus to Sudan Syllabus at our School which made me to convince my parents to let me go to Kenya to continue with the Kenyan syllabus. I went to Nairobi in May 2010 to seek for better education but all went in vain until I returned back to Kakuma in August the same year then in September, I decided to join P7 at Fuji Refugee Camp in Phase 2, two months later my mother moved to settle in Kakuma with my siblings. I did well and I was promoted to P8.

January 2011 got me as a determined pupil ready for the Screening Mock Exams to be registered as one of the candidates that year. I did my Screening Mock Exams and passed well, the registration kicked off immediately.
On 26th of January, A DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET, an illiterate Australian ‘LOST BOY’ who was desperately looking for an underage girl to marry, mobilized a group of jobless youths to kidn@pped me on my way from school, he m0lested me so that I would be surrendered to him as a wife, lolest 😁 I tried to report them to the Kenyan policemen on the way to Lodwar but they bribed them and got away with me. The next day they took me back to Kakuma, my parents and entire family were all disappointed. My story was heard all over the Camp, The Child Protection and some UN Agencies tried their level best to come for my rescue but the then Camp Hungry Leaders blocked them away with lies that I wasn’t an underage. It took my family two weeks to treat me and my then Deputy Headteacher, Mr. Mark called my parents and I to go to his office at school and he counseled us, he told my parents how clever I was and to keep supporting me in anyway possible. When we came back home, to our surprise, we got a big group of our community men who were mobilized by the same ‘LOST BOY’ gathered waiting for my parents to convince them to marry me off to him. My parents tried their best to reject the guy but elders started cursing them, as parents they thought they best thing they could do for me was to listen to the elders’ voices. The marriage negotiation kicked off few days later no matter how I sincerely told my parents that I would rather l0se my l!fe than living in such a marriage.

I resumed my lessons with te@rs all over my face, I would just feel te@rs 😭 dropping in the middle of the lessons and my teachers and classmates would sympathize with me. I remember my desk mate, Ali Dahir writing me letters on daily basis to keep me being strong. I couldn’t imagine the fact that everyone in school knew what happened to me.

At the end of 2011, I sat for my KCPE and I scored 308 marks which earned me a scholarship from Windle Trust Kenya. I was denied this opportunity and wedded off to that same guy. Windle Trust Kenya staffs would come to our house but my father wouldn’t allow me to talk to them. I remember me begging my father one day to allow me to continue with my studies and his response was“what will I gain from your studies? You’re just a mere girl that will get married and that’s all; I am busy educating my sons whom I will benefit from their education.” I got tempted to end my precious l!fe, I was so tr@umatized and depressed.

The whole of 2012 I wasn’t able to join high school which finished me more, I gave birth to my first son towards the end of the year. In January 2013, I started leaving my baby with my elder sister and a nanny, and I joined a special school in Nakuru town. I would walked to town and back home sometimes when I lacked fares, eating lunch at school was something I had to do away with due to lack of money. Whenever I failed to pay my school fees and decided to stay at home, the then Director of the school, Mr. Kabaka would give me a phone call and tell me to keep going to school until the day I would get money to clear the fees. I studied Form 1&2 the same year, the following year I studied Form 3 and at the end of 2015, I sat for my KCSE at Hope Well High School where I scored a mean grade of C+ (52 pts). After I received my High School results slip, I decided to come to Juba to look for green pastures. When I realized that I had nobody to connect here, I boarded a cargo plane full of soldiers, fi****ms and two pickup to Maban, then I proceeded to Paloch to Melut where I secured a job with one of the NGOs. When the ‘LOST BOY’ heard that I was working in Melut, he manipulated his clansmen who were living in Melut to threaten my then boss until I lost my job, when I tried to apply for jobs in other Organizations they also went there to threatened the Senior Managers.

In December 2016 I decided to register my own company and I started supplying some NGOs in Melut and Bor with Stationeries. The guy’s clansmen, through their selfish actions, pushed me to convince my father to filed the divorce and in February 2017, I successfully made it out of that miserable marriage alive, I started feeling breathe in me and I immediately started gaining weight for the very first time 🤩 I paid the guy’s dowry back from my savings. Two months later, I managed to secure a job with a national NGO still in Melut and I hired someone to run my company. Towards the end of the year, I decided to resign and moved to Juba to settle. I continued running my company and started selling some goods from Egypt.

It didn’t take me a year in Juba before I met a bunch of jealous women who hate seeing their fellow woman progressing, they approached me as friends who were in need of my help then boom distractions 😁 they tried their level best to fight me left and right but I stood firm and kept moving.
I held my head high no matter the amount of pullback they were throwing my way. Towards the end of 2018, I decided to join one of the Universities here in Juba and a good friend of mine and a brother, Ajang advised me to join Starford International University where he was studying and I honored his advice. In January 2019, I enrolled for Bachelor of Arts in International Relations & Diplomacy at Starford International University where I was conferred with a degree on 20th of May 2023.

As a breadwinner in the family, I have been chasing errands while studying so that I could help my parents educate my siblings and to give my son the best life I could afford, additionally, I was paying my tuition fees alone. Within these hectic years too, I decided to start a peaceful and humble family with my childhood friend and I got blessed with another two bouncing boys. When I just gave birth to my second son in 2021, I bought a car and I started driving it as a Cab/Uber in Nairobi, my story went viral on the media and inspired many, though some ungrateful people took it as a failure, some called me taxi/Uber driver up-to date 😁 I swear, all the things that I have survived could even k!ll the people who subjected me to them 😂

Today I am the BIGGEST inspiration to my parents and siblings and most especially my father. He is now encouraging me to enroll for Masters immediately. I have liberated my younger sisters who are now allowed to study and get married at their own timings. I did this by bringing my parents all the way from Nairobi to Juba to witness how beautiful it’s to educate a girl child.

To my Baba and Mama, I acknowledged your contribution and support during my academic milestones. I love you two forever ❤️❤️
To my handsome Baba, thanks for standing behind my back and supporting every decision I made in my life. I love you so very much ❤️
To my beautiful Mama, thanks for helping me to raise my sons, I couldn’t manage studying while raising them here in Juba. I love you so very much ❤️
To my beautiful sisters, thanks for helping mama and I in raising my kids, I love you all, so very much ❤️
To my handsome little brothers, thanks for your love and encouraging words, you’re young by age but very mature in wording. I love you all so very much ❤️❤️
To my beautiful grandmother, Nyandeng Dau Atem thanks for helping me raise my newborn, Yaak. I love you so very much Kokokdie ❤️
To my adorable sons, thanks for bearing with me as a partially absentee but a providing mother. I have been on and off trying to provide you with a better living standard. I love you with my whole soul ❤️❤️❤️
To my supportive husband and a loving father of my sons, thanks for being always there in my absence and presence. I will live to love you 😘
To my few friends who never left my back, thanks for your support, I wouldn’t have achieved this alone without you. I will forever carry you in the special part of my heart ❤️
To my few relatives who understood the meaning of “BLOOD IS THICKER than water” thanks for helping me achieve my academic milestone. I will always love you ❤️
To all my teachers who have been teaching me from nursery school to the University, thanks for instilling your knowledge in me. I am the person I am today because of your well teachings. I will live to adore you ❤️

To my h@ters and enem!es, your insu!ts, m0ckeries and cr!tics kept me going harder, I will live to remember you all 😁
To those who were convinced to believe all the negative words that were said about me, learn to be wise and stop judging people by the rum0rs 😁


The beauty of South Sudan Culture(Nuer in particular) Meet Miss Naath - Kenya Nyajima Pal Chang aka Pal Chang and 2nd Ru...

The beauty of South Sudan Culture(Nuer in particular) Meet Miss Naath - Kenya Nyajima Pal Chang aka Pal Chang and 2nd Runners-up Nyanchiew Biel aka King Nosha
Don't forget Miss Teen Africa voting is happening soon and Cameroon us our next destination

Happy New Month to all South Sudanese around the Global remember on 25th June-1st July am going to compete with our sist...

Happy New Month to all South Sudanese around the Global remember on 25th June-1st July am going to compete with our sister Nations of our beautiful Continent Pageant Miss Teen Africa in Douala, Cameroon
Let stand together and believe we shall come back with the Green Heritage Crown

Happy New Month June 🇸🇸❤️❤️

Former Miss Wau Farida Musa passes on after getting involved in accident in Juba.Miss Faridah Musa Hussan, a renowned gi...

Former Miss Wau Farida Musa passes on after getting involved in accident in Juba.

Miss Faridah Musa Hussan, a renowned girls' empowerment champion and former Miss Wau 2019, has been involved in an accident in Juba earlier on Saturday 20th May.

Miss Faridah Musa, a passionate advocate for empowering girls and a prominent voice for the youth in our country, has been an inspiration to many. Her dedication and commitment to uplifting young women have left an indelible mark on our society.

For four remarkable years, Miss Faridah proudly held the prestigious title of Miss Wau, symbolizing her exceptional beauty, grace, and leadership. However, her reign came to an end when the crown was passed on to the deserving Miss Bhaja Francis in early 2023.

Source: CEO Miss Wau Johnny Johnson John and Mr&Miss Yirol official page

Introducing to you our Secretary and Administrator Manager Ayel Lual aka NowellaFor all communications reach out on her ...

Introducing to you our Secretary and Administrator Manager Ayel Lual aka Nowella
For all communications reach out on her Facebook Profile or Miss Teens South Sudan official page to tell you more about information of Miss Teen Africa/South Sudan.

Our aims is to fight Gender Base Violence and explore Our Heritage beyond borders.

Miss Teen Africa online voting coming soon
📷Ayel Lual

The amount of people older than you never goes up. Meet Agum Malek the reigning Miss Yirol 2023 her smile never disappea...

The amount of people older than you never goes up. Meet Agum Malek the reigning Miss Yirol 2023 her smile never disappear. In Pageant House smiles is always one of the main reason for best candidate title contender

FIBA World Cup trophy is coming to JubaFIBA has announced that the FIBA World Cup trophy will be visiting Juba, South Su...

FIBA World Cup trophy is coming to Juba

FIBA has announced that the FIBA World Cup trophy will be visiting Juba, South Sudan for the first time ever from May 29th - May 30th.

The general public will be allowed to view the trophy on the 30th of May after its arrival in the country.

Don't forget Miss Teen Africa is going down in June-1st July 2023 Douala Cameroon


Official Our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang is going to Cameroon in June
Don't forget to follow Miss Teen Africa page

Meet Miss Naath South Sudan 2022-2023She is the true definition of Never give Up in your dream, Nyawide Nyang Bang aka P...

Meet Miss Naath South Sudan 2022-2023
She is the true definition of Never give Up in your dream, Nyawide Nyang Bang aka Princess Rechael Contested for Miss Naath 3 times before she made in the fourth Contest in 2022.
Today we encourage all the young girls out there never to give up in your dreams

Whether you're having a rough day and need a pick me up to assure yourself that's all going to be OK or whether you're j...

Whether you're having a rough day and need a pick me up to assure yourself that's all going to be OK or whether you're just looking for a mission statement for a day. Nothing is impossible even The word itself say I'm Possible, Our very own Flora Ta Habibu made it to be the 1st Runners Up Miss Twic Mayardit 2023/24 as don't forget Miss Peace South Sudan Is this Saturday 29th April Freedom Hall is our next destination to meet our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang aka Sudo Princess and Flora Achel

Remember 25th June-1st July 2023 is the day Miss Teen Africa
Beauty in African Heritage

Thanks sister Pageant

Thanks sister Pageant

This Saturday get your dancing shoes and best outfit our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang will make the public appearance for the f...

This Saturday get your dancing shoes and best outfit our Queen Nyawal Wal Bang will make the public appearance for the first time in Freedom Hall
Don't miss out
Miss Peace South Sudan

Thanks Mother Of South Sudan

Thanks Mother Of South Sudan

Miss Teens South Sudan presents Nyawal Wal Bang a.k a Sudo princess. She has been confirmed as the next to represent South Sudan in the coming Miss Teen Africa in Cameron on the 25th June 1st July 2023.

Official!!!!!!!Meet Nyawal Wal Bang 16 years old, High School Student,  Nyawal is confirmed South Sudan Representative i...

Meet Nyawal Wal Bang 16 years old, High School Student, Nyawal is confirmed South Sudan Representative in upcoming Miss Teen Africa 8th Editions in Douala, Cameroon on 25th June-1st July 2023, We are calling on all South Sudanese to Support her through voting and Encouragement
Nyawal is intelligent and hardworking young lady that can rise our flag higher.

Miss Teens South Sudan

Breaking News Nyawal Wal Bang aka Sudo Princess is confirmed by Miss Teens South Sudan management to represent South Sud...

Breaking News
Nyawal Wal Bang aka Sudo Princess is confirmed by Miss Teens South Sudan management to represent South Sudan at Miss Teens Africa in Cameroon on 25th June-1st July 2023
Let support her official, Pictures will be out soon

Cc Eye Radio
Cc Juba Eye
Cc Juba TV
Cc Hot in Juba
Cc Miss Twic Mayardit
Cc Mr and Miss Yirol
Cc Miss Naath South Sudan Beauty Pageant
Cc Miss Achai Wiir Beauty Pageant

Miss Twic Mayardit is happening this Friday and don't forget to support our sister Pageant as we wish one of our own Flo...

Miss Twic Mayardit is happening this Friday and don't forget to support our sister Pageant as we wish one of our own Flora Achel Abouk aka Flora Ta Habibu

Good Evening our beloved followers and Supporters Miss Teens South Sudan 2nd Edition is coming this June to July while o...

Good Evening our beloved followers and Supporters Miss Teens South Sudan 2nd Edition is coming this June to July while our Representative to Teens Africa will be announce this weekend

Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Naath South Sudan presents to us again another bigger Event in Nairobi on 16th April let turn ...

Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Naath South Sudan presents to us again another bigger Event in Nairobi on 16th April let turn up and support Naath Community


Miss Teens South Sudan Registration will start probably on Tuesday 15th February 2022 and Grand Finale will kickoff in May

Safe Travels Miss East Africa South Sudan

Safe Travels Miss East Africa South Sudan

Happy Birthday to Trúth Manna Help us wishing a very happy birthday and don’t Miss Teens Second Edition is on 30th Janua...

Happy Birthday to Trúth Manna
Help us wishing a very happy birthday and don’t Miss Teens Second Edition is on 30th January 2022

Thanks to Miss Junubia for trusting the Pure hearted Miss Manager

Thanks to Miss Junubia for trusting the Pure hearted Miss Manager


Meet Mr. Truth Manna CEO Miss Naath South Sudan Beauty Pageant.


Arrivals of Josephine Kiden


Arrival of Josephine Kiden first ever Miss Deaf Africa

9/10 Let all Go to South Sudan Hotel Buluk to witness one of the high profile Beauty Pageant of 2021 Support is the only...

9/10 Let all Go to South Sudan Hotel Buluk to witness one of the high profile Beauty Pageant of 2021
Support is the only Language

"Miss Naath South Sudan", the most anticipated beauty contest of the year goes down on 29th October at Freedom Hall unde...

"Miss Naath South Sudan", the most anticipated beauty contest of the year goes down on 29th October at Freedom Hall under the theme "WE ARE ONE".
Thanks to y'all for always supporting us.
Winner walks away with a brand new car
Let's share this poster wide so it can reach everyone.
"Miss Naath South Sudan" is proudly sponsored by
* King Power Group KP
* South Sudan Development Agency(SSUDA)
* Kulang Foundation
* Country Torch Tours and Travel
* Junub Talent Awards (JTA)
* Insight Security
* South Shows, Promoters-SSP
Tickets are only
3000 SSP Early bird
5000 SSP at the gate
100$ table of 4.
For more information call on +211922703397 and 0929361754
Remember "WE ARE ONE".👆

Happy Sunday to you all Let Support our South Sudan Representative by voting for her. How to vote:1. Follow the page  on...

Happy Sunday to you all
Let Support our South Sudan Representative by voting for her.

How to vote:

1. Follow the page on Instagram.

2. Mention friends on the page under your picture.

3. Get them to Like and Comment "I Vote Miss (country name) " e.g "I Vote Miss South Africa"

Winner from this VOTING phase will be Fast Tracked to Top 15.

Tips: Engagement on you picture matters ..Have your friends and supporters tag or Mention people even after voting for you ..
Follow link


Must Read! Must Read! Must Read!

Junubin Artiste: Host a concert with 10k Entry fees only few and friends will turn up
But Junub Promoter Host a foreign Artiste with 300$ Entry fees even new borns kids will still that money and attend.
Secondly Radio Stations charge Junubin Artistes over 200$ for their songs to be play yet they play foreign Artistes songs for free throughout.
At the end they'll say we love junub but our artists are not doing well
My question is why don't you give them those money for them to record and shoot Quality Videos and see if our industry cannot go up
When a foreign Artiste is coming in Junub he received a warm welcoming reception like president am sorry to mention John Frog here I think John Frog wasn't receive by anyone he only arrived like normal Junubi. Where is the love we all been talking for.
In Junub we talented artists but due to lack of enough financial support they're still not known in East Africa
For example; L*l Simon Irene Toss, MT7 Degreez, Masri Triller the list is too long I can't mention all. Learn to support your own coz the always say charity begin at home and where is Home, once again East to West, North to South, Home is always the best.
If you take me wrong is upto you coz the road to destination don't pass through your Grandmother compound.

I challenge you all if we have love for our own Let turn on 11th September 2021 for Jieng Entertainment Awards no matter your tribe

Proudly Junubi and I'll forever be
Truth Manna The Son of South Sudan.
Cc: Truth Manna


Missteen211@gmail. Com


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