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JUBA – South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit issued a series of presidential decrees on Friday night, resulting in the dismissal of the Executive Director in the Office of the President and his private secretary. In his first decree, broadcasted on the state-owned South Sudan Broadcasting ...


Dear Jekeye community,

I sincerely apologize for my previous writings on the Atet incident involving Sultan Malak Along's arrest. My intentions were not influenced by my Apaak Mapuor heritage but by a desire for humanity and good governance. I have deep roots in Rokec and would never intend to cause harm or division based on clanism. My advocacy is driven by a genuine desire for progress and unity. I hope this clarifies my intentions and commitment to fostering understanding and cooperation within our community.

Sincerely, Emmanuel Malual

Parliament summons 3 ministers over oil pollutionSouth Sudan's parliament has resolved to summon the Petroleum minister,...

Parliament summons 3 ministers over oil pollution

South Sudan's parliament has resolved to summon the Petroleum minister, Puot Kang, Environment minister, Josephine Napwon and Health minister Yolanda Awel Deng over the continued pollution in the oil-producing states.

The summon came after Riek Manyiel Ayuel, a Member of Parliament representing Ruweng Administrative Area, tabled an urgent motion on children born with deformities in Parieng Hospital as a result of chemicals used in the oilfields.

Ayuel told the August House that children are sometimes born at Parieng Hospital with defects in brains or intestines outside.

"Honorable Speaker, honourable members, I want to clarify this point. I am not a scientist, and these issues are of concern. We have also had such cases in Bentiu and have done the research. But because of insecurity and displacement, this scientific research was not completed,” he said.

The lawmaker further said the ministries concerned should be summoned to explain to the lawmakers how the chemicals used in the oilfields are disposed of.

"So I am calling on these ministers of Petroleum, Environment, and Health to come and clarify again. And we will support them because we know where our report stopped," he said.

Martin Mabilbong, an SPLM-IO member from Rubkona County, said the issue of children born with deformities appears to be in all the oil-producing states, including Unity State.

"Those concerns have been there, and they are still there today. And when we raise issues of concern, or when the communities of those areas raise issues of concern to the oil producing companies, in those conversations, they say that we do not have scientific proof," he said.

However, Mary Yonah, an MP representing Ayod County of Jonglei State, said this is not the first time this same matter has been raised in parliament, urging the assembly to trace earlier recommendations and ensure their implementation.

"My point of information regarding this matter is that this is not the first time such an issue has been raised in this house. It has been raised several times, and several recommendations have been passed to the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Petroleum," she said.

“Let’s trace all these documents to address this issue. It's not an issue that we summon, summon, and don't implement the recommendations already passed in this house."

For her part, Speaker Jemma Nunu Kumba clarified that demands for summoning the concerned ministers were based on the need to determine their actions over the matter.

"The issue is very clear. There are environmental issues in the oil fields. The chemicals are not being disposed of properly. It is affecting people and animals, and this needs to be addressed. So the recommendation here is to call the relevant institutions to come and explain to us what actions they are taking."

Last year, Radio Tamazuj reported that oil pollution badly affected citizens living near oil wells in the Ruweng area.

According to the Petroleum Act of 2012, oil production activities should be done in a way that ensures a high level of health and safety.


The Threat of Today and the Promise of Tomorrow

By Deng Mayik Atem Publisher of Ramciel Magazine

I was there, at The Battle of the Gilo River. I was there when the man in charge of everything told us to find a way out and got into his boat with his bodyguards and left us stranded on the bank of the raging river. I was there as people, terrified people, ordinary people, plunged into the water and drowned. I was there in July 1991, when Jenifiel. a.k.a 1st Lt. Rin Tueny Mabor took the situation in hand. We followed him up the river. We followed him as he figured out how to get us across. We followed him, and he saved us and, by saving us, helped the struggle for our national freedom to continue.

What a horrible time that was. What a wonderful moment it was as well! Today, South Sudan is perched on the bank of another cataclysm, a disaster. It is not one thing but a combination of many issues. For one, corruption has stolen much of our national treasure wasting so much of the oil wealth that could have been used to move South Sudan forward. Then there is the endless internecine warfare: tribe against tribe, region against region, even neighbor against neighbor. With that endless warfare comes guns.

We, a people in need of food, shelter, clothing, medical care, education and so much more, are awash in weapons. Added to those human based problems are the perils of nature; in recent years that has included pandemic and, even worse, floods. Many of our brothers and sisters have fled their homes.

Some, the luckiest, are living in diaspora. Others are crowding the slums of Juba where many are reduced to begging or crime. Then there are the thousands on thousands who are clinging to life in refugee camps and in the few places were displaced persons have been able to find refuge within our borders. Let us not forget the others, those of our lineages driven from their homes elsewhere, especially in Sudan, who would happily come to country to rejoin us were we able to give them shelter.

What are we to do? Do those of us who have a boat use it to save ourselves? To those who have nothing plunge themselves into the raging flood and hope for a swift death? Or, do we find a new leadership capable of showing us a way forward? I say that we must and that we will take our homeland forward. To do that, we do not need coups, political movements, the purchase of more weapons, or the reckless selling off of what resources we have left. What we do need is an economic program that will take our country to a new level, a program that will help the people of South Sudan have a solid footing in the world around us.

What we do need is to figure out how to bring foreign investment and expertise to South Sudan and in the process teach our people the skills that will give them a decent, comfortable, and hopefully democratic way of life. The key to such an economic program is actually found in our country’s name. We are the true Sudan. Our neighbor to the north might properly claim the name of Kush, but we are the Sud, the great swamp or marsh. It is the water that collects in our country that provides over a third of the Nile’s flow.

That water, if properly harnessed, could be used with the wonderful soil that has accumulated beneath it to produce an agricultural and aquacultural powerhouse. In the process, the left-over water could continue to flow down the Nile—with even improved quality—to help the people of Kush and Egypt. To make this all happen we need a willingness among those South Sudanese who have skills and some wealth to help create a bank to do business with the rest of the world and a development of a leadership community willing to take the effort to reach out to not only other governments but to private enterprises in other countries and develop the businesses that could prosper in South Sudan. Climate change is happening.

In many ways that change is a threat to all people. In many nations it is increasingly difficult to produce sufficient food. In some countries, the problem is exacerbated by the growing expectations of the people. The future South Sudan calls for rain. Let us turn that rain from threat to promise and possibility. So, I call on my fellow South Sudanese leaders in the diaspora to come together and create a new economic plan for our homeland.

I ask that we create an overseas bank officed in one of the developed nations and use that bank to start reaching out to the rest of the world. Let us work toward the day when our home will be able to feed not only our people but millions elsewhere and when our people will be able to enjoy prosperity.

Breaking News: Corruption Scandal Rocks Ministry  of  finance, Defense and Veterans Affairs Ministries In a shocking tur...

Breaking News: Corruption Scandal Rocks Ministry of finance, Defense and Veterans Affairs Ministries

In a shocking turn of events, a corruption scandal has been uncovered within the ministries of Defense and Veterans Affairs, shaking the very foundations of trust in the government. The scandal came to light after the disappearance of funds earmarked for the care of wounded heroes, sparking outrage and calls for accountability.

The key figures at the center of this scandal are Finance Minister Bak Barnaba Chol, his first Undersecretary Malual Tap Diu, and the Central Bank Governor, Dr. James Alic Garang. These high-ranking officials, entrusted with managing the country's finances and ensuring the welfare of its courageous veterans, have allegedly been involved in the misappropriation of funds meant for the medical treatment of wounded heroes.

As investigations unfold, evidence points to a complex web of corruption and deceit, implicating the very individuals responsible for safeguarding the interests of the nation's defenders. The missing funds have left many wounded heroes without the essential medical care they deserve, raising questions about the integrity and ethics of those in positions of power.

Calls for accountability have been growing louder, with demands for thorough investigations and swift justice for those found guilty of betraying the trust of the people and neglecting the needs of the country's heroes. The citizens are looking towards the authorities to take decisive action and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The nation stands at a crossroads, grappling with the harsh reality of corruption within its own government institutions. The spotlight is now on Finance Minister Bak Barnaba Chol, Undersecretary Malual Tap Diu, and Central Bank Governor Dr. James Alic Garang as they face mounting pressure to answer for their alleged involvement in this egregious betrayal of public trust.
As the story continues to unfold, the people await justice and hope for a future where transparency and integrity prevail over corruption and greed. Stay tuned for more updates as this scandal sends shockwaves through the corridors of power.


COOP Urges RTGoNU to Allocate Funds for Upcoming Elections in South Sudan

In a carefully worded and strategically crafted statement obtained by ThejubaMirror News Desk, the leaders of COOP have appealed to the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) to allocate funds for the upcoming elections in South Sudan.

The statement emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the key institutions responsible for conducting a free, fair, and credible election are adequately funded.

"We, the leaders of COOP, are calling for expedited funding for the National Elections Commission, Political Parties Council, and National Constitution Review Commission," the statement reads.

"These institutions play a crucial role in executing their mandate and must be provided with the necessary resources without delay."

The leaders of COOP have also urged the peace grantors to pressure the RTGoNU to release the funds needed for these institutions. They believe that the timely allocation of funds will enable the institutions to effectively carry out their responsibilities and ensure a transparent electoral process.

However, in the event that the December 2024 election is not possible, COOP has proposed an alternative solution.

They suggest that the peace grantors facilitate an inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders in South Sudan to form a caretaker government led by technocrats.

This temporary government would include members selected from civil society, professional associations, and academia. Its primary objective would be to create a conducive environment for future elections, thus paving the way for a peaceful transition of power.

COOP remains steadfast in its commitment to a peaceful and democratic South Sudan, where power belongs to the people. The organization calls upon all parties involved to prioritize the funding of the aforementioned institutions to ensure a just and transparent election, as outlined in the Roadmap.

Furthermore, COOP reiterates its readiness for elections and firmly states that any attempt to extend the transitional period is unacceptable. Dr. G*i Chol Paul, Chairman of COOP, conveyed this message on behalf of the organization.

South Sudan :  Elections  President Kiir  will step up strategy  to hunt votes head of  2024 elections South sudan's Pre...

South Sudan : Elections President Kiir will step up strategy to hunt votes head of 2024 elections

South sudan's President kiir to makes cabinet reshuffle that will give him votes in 2024 general elections

it sounds like President Kiir is strategically reshuffling the cabinet in order to secure support and votes for the 2024 general elections.

Politics can be quite dynamic and full of maneuvering. Let's see how this strategy plays out for him.


Akuoldit with primary virginity has lost its value in juba

Pictorial: The first Naath Peace Football Tournament finals that was played on Sunday 26th, 2023 was a success after May...

Pictorial: The first Naath Peace Football Tournament finals that was played on Sunday 26th, 2023 was a success after Mayom County was crowned the winners.

The organising committee would like to give thanks and appreciation to all the dignitaries and everyone who attended the closing ceremony.

Photos by Rutaan films

High-ranking SSPDF commander killed during Leer fightingLEER – A senior commander of South Sudan People’s Defense Forces...

High-ranking SSPDF commander killed during Leer fighting

LEER – A senior commander of South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) was killed on Tuesday afternoon following a prolonged engagement with the main armed opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLA-IO) in Leer County of Unity State.

Brigadier General Nyuon Dhoal, who was spearheading an army reinforcement contingent from Mayendit and Koch counties, met stiff resistance from SPLA-IO forces at Leer Primary School in Leer town at approximately 2:00 PM, according to a high-ranking local government official.

“Gen. Nyuon was leading the reinforcement who were en route to assist the soldiers who had been engaged in a battle with SPLA-IO since morning.

They reached Leer at 1:00PM, and when they tried to advance, the forces engaged with the SPLA-IO were retreating under heavy fire,” he said.

The official speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media noted that fighting intensified at the local school leading to his killing.

“At Leer Primary School, the fighting intensified, and he was at the forefront of the battle when he was shot and killed instantly,” he said.

The official further said that the total number of government soldiers who have been killed in the fighting was seven until 4:00PM when three others succumbed to their wounds. He said that casualties are expected to increase as more information is gathered.

“The casualties were around ten, including those who succumbed to their injuries later,” he said.

In a separate statement, SPLA-IO sector two spokesman Major Kerbino Yai Pazale informed Sudans Post that one of their soldiers was killed in the initial phase of the fighting, while five others were wounded.

He claimed that eight government soldiers were later discovered dead in the field.

“Today, four government attacks have been launched. These forces are under the command of General Simon Maguek G*i and are supported by SSPDF soldiers in Leer. Following the fighting, we have maintained our positions,” he said in Bentiu.

“On the SPLA-IO side, one soldier was shot and killed by the first bullet of the fighting and died immediately. Five soldiers have been wounded in total,” he said.

“On the government side, eight soldiers were found killed in the field after we defeated them, and no weapons were lost on either side,” he added.


Veteran and freedom fighter Gen Marial Chanuong known as Zulu 14 speaks


MD Bernard Amuor Makeny to be sacked before 2023 said powerful political brokers Ngong, Buom, Bol Nadia

A startling briefing was given to some national employees in JOCs and members of their groups by Eng. Ngong Akok-Makerdit, Eng. Buom Makur Thou, and NSS Officer Bol Majok, also known as Bol Nadia, the close bodyguard of VP Hussien.
They claimed to have finally won the political battle over NILEPET MD Bernard Amuor. In private conversations, the three guys revealed that MD Amuor is no longer a viable case. One of them stated December, and the other indicated he would be fired by the end of November.
"Wait for the new MD which we are bringing soon and that's the right person to work with you." one of them said excitedly

They said they have used National Security Boss Gen. Akol Koor Kuc, Presidential Adviser Tut Gatluak Manemi, Vice President of Economic Cluster Hussein Abdulbagi, the Secretary General of SPLM, Peter Lam Both, and Deputy Secretary of SPLM Dr Benjimin Bol Mel in the lobby.

The revelation that NILEPET MD Bernard Amuor Makeny may be sacked before 2023 by powerful political brokers Ngong, Buom, and Bol Nadia is a deeply concerning development that raises questions about the ethics and integrity of their actions. The fact that they celebrated their supposed success in a secretive and underhanded manner is alarming and indicates a lack of respect for due process and fair treatment of individuals in leadership positions.

The use of influential figures such as National Security Boss Gen. Akol Koor Kuc, Presidential Adviser Tut Gatluak Manemi, Vice President of Economic Cluster Hussein Abdulbagi, the Secretary General of SPLM, Peter Lam Both, and Deputy Secretary of SPLM Dr Benjimin Bol Mel in a coordinated effort against MD Amuor is deeply troubling. It suggests a misuse of power and influence to further personal agendas rather than acting in the best interests of the organization and the people it serves.

Furthermore, the use of third parties to bring these influential figures into a collaborative fight against MD Amuor suggests a lack of accountability and transparency. It raises questions about the motives behind their actions and the m**hods used to achieve their goals. It is essential to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability in all professional matters.

If the premature removal of MD Amuor takes place, it would be a disheartening reflection of the state of governance and leadership in the nation. Hardworking technocrats like Eng. Bernard Amuor should be given the necessary support and time to execute their duties for the stability and progress of the country. It is disheartening to see individuals in positions of power manoeuvring behind the scenes to achieve their agenda, especially when it involves the removal of a dedicated professional.

Rumours and secret briefings should not dictate the fate of individuals in leadership positions. The proper channels and processes must be followed to ensure fairness and justice for all. As the rumours surrounding MD Amuor continue to circulate, it is imperative to await the outcome and ensure that due process is upheld in all professional decisions. Let us hope for a resolution that upholds the principles of integrity, transparency, and fairness in the governance of our nation.


Ateny Wek Ateny Pledges 2 millions South Sudanese pounds to the Ajuong Model Girls

The vibrant city of South Sudan, an influential event called the Ajoung Role Model Girls function took place. It was a gathering where young girls from Ajuong community of Twic East

Among the esteemed guests was the charismatic and outspoken and former Press secretary Ateny Wek Ateny. Known for his fearless advocacy and passionate speeches,

Ateny took the stage to address the crowd. He emphasized the importance of unity and urged the people of Jonglei state, particularly the Dinka community, to rise above ethnic divisions and embrace harmony. His words resonated deeply with the audience, who clung onto every word he spoke.

Artfully seizing the opportunity to address political matters, Ateny passionately called upon the people of Twic East to support the ruling party, SPLM/A, in the upcoming elections. He believed that unity and solidarity would be crucial in shaping a brighter future for South Sudan.

Not stopping there, Ateny also denounced the harassment faced by religious leaders in Jonglei state . With a tone of empathy and concern, he highlighted the importance of respecting freedom of speech and religious tolerance. His words struck a chord with the attendees,

In a grand gesture of support and generosity, Ateny concluded his speech by pledging a substantial donation of 2 million South Sudanese pounds to the Ajoung Role Model Girls initiative. His commitment aimed to empower these young girls and provide them with opportunities to pursue their dreams.

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging his heartfelt contribution to the cause. Ateny Wek Ateny's presence and powerful words left a lasting impact on the attendees and the wider community. The event served as a reminder of the potential for positive change and unity within South Sudan, brightening the path towards a better future. of the values they held dear.


Refutation of baseless accusations against Gen. Marial Chanuong

By Peter Kuan Mawiir

Mbarara, Uganda

On November 21st, 2023, the page Sixty 4 Tribes released an anonymous article including a series of bogus claims against Gen. Marial Chanuong. According to the story, Gen. Marial had secretly sent representatives to meet with Gen. Paul Malong and was also in cahoots with the high leadership of the SPLM-IO.
The article also stated that Gen. Marial accompanied the government delegation to Pageri in the hope of having a side meeting with President Salva Kiir for appointment purposes, that Marial had sought backing from Dr. Riek Machar and Angelina Teny for the appointment as governor of Lakes State or Director General of the Internal Security Bureau, National Security Service, and that the duo mentioned above pledged a sum of one million dollars in exchange for Gen. Marial's support in the 2024 elections. The piece continued with insults insinuating that Marial is dishonest, that he does not respect anyone who has supported him, and that he wishes to remove the president from power by any means necessary.
The article in question has no facts. On behalf of a political rival or just a hater, a hired gang has committed libel. Gen. Marial Chanuong, given his stature, expertise, and wisdom, cannot act as reflected. He is a man of high moral character with a long history of public service. He has a lengthy history with President Salva Kiir Mayardit, and they have maintained professional and personal ties to this day. It is important not to misinterpret his travels with the president. It's not the first time, and it certainly won't be the last. They've been friends since the beginning of the Freedom War. Travelling to a specific town or country has no negative connotation. Comrades can travel and participate in activities regarding the nation together.
To further emphasize their journey to Pageri, those making false claims should know that Gen. Marial Chanuong is a blood cousin of the late Chagai Matet Guem, and this should be emphasized when discussing his travels to Pageri.
In 2018, Gen. Marial Chanuong received an invitation from Deng Chagai Matet, who is President Salva Kiir's son-in-law, to participate in the commemoration of their late mother-in-law. Gen. Marial, as part of his responsibility, willingly accompanied Deng and his family this year to attend to this occasion, meant to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the deceased, serving not only as himself but also as an uncle and on behalf of his late cousin Chagai Matet. The sole intention of this journey was to partake in the family's prayer for their beloved deceased mother, with no involvement of any political agenda.
In disapproval of recent allegations, there is no veracity to the claim that Gen. Marial Chanuong was bribed with a sum of $1.5 million to facilitate the escape of Dr. Riek Machar from Juba in 2016, subsequent to the J1 conflict. Gen. Marial, officially designated by President Salva Kiir as the Tiger Division Commander and distinguished for his exceptional integrity and discipline, was entrusted with the crucial duty of overseeing the secure transfer of Dr. Riek to his residence. There is no foundation for bribery allegations, and those asserting such claims should present evidence to support their accusations. Moreover, Dr. Riek is available and can testify to that claim.
Similarly, allegations of a construction scandal resulting in a $2 million loss and the misappropriation of funds from the Tiger Division budget are baseless. Gen. Marial Chanuong, in his capacity as the Tiger Division Commander, was not implicated in any transactions of this kind. The figures mentioned in these fabrications are purely fictional, and the efforts to defame and assassinate Gen. Marial’s character are unfounded and would die naturally.
It is crucial to emphasize that President Salva Kiir is fully equipped with reliable information concerning South Sudan and is impervious to unsubstantiated falsehoods aimed at disparaging individuals.
I strongly encourage responsible journalism and demand that those responsible for these fabrications provide substantial evidence to substantiate their assertions. Gen. Marial Chanuong has demonstrated exemplary service, and it is of utmost importance to steer clear of any dissemination of inaccurate information that could potentially damage his sterling reputation.
It is also important to note that Gen. Marial Chanuong and Gen. Paul Malong are not politically affiliated; any suggestion of a political partnership is false. Typically, enraged family members or rivals who want to harm their victims politically will make such attributions. Given Gen. Marial's previous stance as commander of the Republican Guards or Tiger Division and all the efforts he made to prevent anyone from attempting a coup or so on the president, it goes without saying that Gen. Paul Malong would not seek alliance with Gen. Marial; instead, he would regard him as a foe.
Given these facts, it should be evident that the author of the aforementioned article lied, as he or she could neither state the name or characteristics of the person dispatched to Nairobi nor the content of the message that he or she was to give.
On political grounds, associating Gen. Marial Chanuong with Dr. Riek Machar Teny lacks credibility because Gen. Marial is a member of the SPLM's National Liberation Council and operates within the party's ideals. Regardless, Gen. Marial Chanuong has not met with Dr. Riek Machar Teny. However, as a good South Sudanese citizen, a top military officer, and a national figure, he cannot be prevented from communicating with all South Sudanese, young and old, leaders or not. Any attempt to misconstrue him in any dimension of his association is flawed, and those who attempt to do so should reconsider their assumptions.
Gen. Marial, like all South Sudanese, has the right to lobby for any job he desires under President Salva Kiir Mayardit's administration. This must not be a magnet for misinformation and attacks. The lies spread in his name are intended to tarnish his image, reducing his political chances. Those wagering on the fabrication and trading of lies, on the other hand, should be aware that the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayardit has the capacity to separate fake information from the real, and South Sudanese should not be humiliated by feeding them bogus news manufactured by unsatisfied individuals. Politics must transition from fabrication to truthfulness.

On whether Gen. Marial wants President Salva Kiir deposed by whatever means, this is a fabrication. General Marial Chanuong is a responsible citizen. Throughout the freedom struggle, he has not engaged in any evil conduct. He is one of the brave young men of South Sudan who have given up everything, even their own lives, in order to liberate his country. He served in several roles as a commander with commitment and effort. He has often stood up to those who are plotting to dethrone the elected president. He battled vigorously to protect the constitution in support of the country, the elected government, and the President. Despite never having committed a crime, the United Nations Security Council sanctioned him because those he prevented from overthrowing the constitution made up false accusations against him.
Given that the Sixty 4 Tribes page is merely a means of disseminating news, I don't find it offensive, but I would like to suggest to its administrators that they take into account offering a more impartial viewpoint on stories that aim to credit or discredit particular people. Those who write them may be doing it just out of personal frustration or following a bribery, with no underlying truth or justification. Adopting accurate and fair reporting is a virtue that can help in the process of nation-building.

Small Arms Survey  Applaud  Governor Tueny’s for restoring peace in trouble  Lakes state Lakes state is predominantly in...

Small Arms Survey Applaud Governor Tueny’s for restoring peace in trouble Lakes state

Lakes state is predominantly inhabited by Dinka, but also includes Atuot, Belle, and Bongo communities. The state has a volatile and often violent history, and following South Sudan’s independence in 2011, armed clashes over access to grazing land, water, and other resources continued. Since 2021 and the appoint- ment of Rin Tueny as governor of Lakes state, however, armed violence has mark- edly declined, but not without controversy over his m**hods.

After inheriting a state in turmoil, Rin Tueny restored law and order, reshaping Lakes state into one of the more peace- ful states in the country (Ninrew, 2023a). A prominent South Sudanese NGO, Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, named Rin Tueny the recipient of its inaugural ‘State Gover- nor of the Year’ award in November 2022 (Sudans Post, 2022) despite extra- judicial killings and unlawful detentions being linked to the governor (UNSC, 2023, pp. 25–26).

The government’s main approach to law and order is deterring crime and violence. This approach relies on public awareness of the government’s m**hods and enough acceptance of these m**h- ods to minimize public outcry. So far, Rin Tueny has managed this balance

by using inclusive governance practices in combination with extra-legal tactics. These effectively make him and his gov- erning apparatus the main source of legal action in the state. In this Briefing Paper, this mode of governance is called ‘inclusive deterrence’. In the following, the key components of inclusive deter- rence are identified and analysed, and the replicability of this approach in other parts of South Sudan is assessed.

Since Rin Tueny Mabor became governor of Lakes state in 2021, security has significantly improved. To pacify Lakes state, Rin Tueny has employed a heavy-handed, security- first approach that puts deterrence before compliance

with human rights and other legal standards. Nonetheless, even civil society organizations laud Rin Tueny’s apparent successes. This Briefing Paper explores the components of this ‘inclusive deterrence’ approach and the blind spots it entails. It also discusses whether this approach could be institutionalized if Rin Tueny leaves office to pursue a career at the national level.

Rin Tueny has achieved remarkable success in pacifying considerable parts of Lakes state, especially the Greater Rumbek area. Public perception data shows that everyday security has improved significantly during his tenure

and made both Rin Tueny and the Sudan People’s Libera- tion Movement-in-Government (SPLM-IG) very popular in the state.

The governance system in Lakes state relies on the strong role of security services in law enforcement, the concen- tration of all state resources in the hands of the governor, and a strengthened role of paramount chiefs, who have been reinstated as a formal layer of government. Even though widespread human rights violations by government security forces have been documented, public outcry has been largely muted.

The governance of Lakes state is highly centralized and predominantly relies on the governor’s heavy-handed approach to security; however, the recurrence of cattle- related violence and increasing political tensions in parts of the state cast doubt over the mid- and long-term pros- pects of this approach. It is unlikely that this system will continue when Rin Tueny is no longer governor.

Rin Tueny’s first step as governor was to organize the ‘Lakes State Consultative Conference’ in Juba in late June 2021. This was attended by representatives from the state and national levels, commanders from the SSPDF and other security forces, traditional authorities, and community representatives. The con- ference dealt mainly with the abysmal security situation in Lakes state, with attention on the prevalence of cattle rus- tling, road ambushes, revenge killings, and the proliferation of fi****ms (Lakes State Consultative Conference, 2021).
After two days of deliberation, the conference drafted 27 ‘people-driven’ resolutions on how to end the ‘lawless conflict’ in Lakes.11 These resolutions addressed the topics of security provi- sion, political inclusion, and economic development. Once formally adopted, the resolutions were widely disseminated across the state. These resolutions became the guiding framework for Rin Tueny’s inclusive deterrence strategy: tough security measures, including increased surveillance, capital punish- ment, and security sector reform. They also included strengthening both com- munity representation and traditional authorities’ role in curbing violence and crime. The resolutions were, in turn, explicitly backed and supported by the national leadership, despite some of the resolutions clearly running afoul of human rights norms.
Rin Tueny marks his territory
Lakes state has always been a critical area for the ruling SPLM-IG. Rumbek, the state’s capital, served as the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army’s (SPLM/A) capital from 1997 until the end of the Sudanese civil war in 2005, when Juba became the capital of the South. Since independence in 2011, there have been plans to move the South Sudanese capital back to Ramciel in Lakes state, a presently uninhabited area close to Yirol. Even though these plans seem far-fetched due to the lack of funds for such an undertaking, the Ramciel plan shows the importance
of Lakes state for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement’s (SPLM) power configuration. Nevertheless, Lakes state, especially in Greater Rumbek, has remained largely insecure despite minimal armed opposition and a com- parably homogenous, largely Dinka, population. The unrest in this part of Greater Bahr el Ghazal also affects Pres- ident Salva Kiir’s home state of Warrap and has been a long-lasting problem for the SPLM.
After returning from the 28 and 32 state frameworks to 10 states in Febru- ary 2020, the Lakes state governorship was assigned to the SPLM. Makur Kulang Liei, a senior military commander from Yirol West, was appointed as the state’s first governor in 2020, under the newly formed Revitalized Transitional Govern- ment of National Unity (Radio Tamazuj, 2020). Given Makur Kulang’s good track record as a county commissioner in Yirol West (2010–14) in curbing cattle-related violence, his appointment underscored the government’s intent to control Lake.


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