Inside Junub Sudan

Inside Junub Sudan Welcome to inside Junub Sudan page, where you will get all information in South Sudan.


شكرًا لك يا أمي الحبيبة على أنك صديقتي المقربة. أشكرك على دعمك الدائم وحبك العميق. أنا ممتنة لكل لحظة تقضيها معي، فأنت تفهمينني بشكل لا يوصف وتقفين بجانبي في كل تحدي. لا يمكنني أن أعبر عن مدى امتناني لك وللرحمة والحنان الذي تمنحينه لي. أحبك يا أمي وأنا ممتنة لك بلا حدود.أمي الغالية، لا يكفي أبدًا أن أشكرك على كونك صديقتي المقربة. أنت الشخص الذي أستطيع الاعتماد عليه في أي وقت وفي أي مكان. لا تعرفين كم أقدر تواجدك الدائم ودعمك اللا محدود. إنك تسمعينني دون أن تحكمي، وتقدمين لي النصح الصادق والمؤنس. أعرف أنني أستطيع أن أتحدث معك عن أي شيء بصدق وبدون خوف من الحكم. أنت لست فقط أمي، بل أنت أعز صديقة لي. أشعر بالراحة والأمان عندما أكون بجانبك، وأنا ممتنة لكل الذكريات الجميلة التي قمنا ببنائها سويًا. أحبك يا أمي، وأشكرك من أعماق قلبي لكونك أفضل صديقة لي في هذه الحياة.


The lovers of books, your own brother, so and friend cooked the hit of THE GIRL CHILDi bet it beat The rests of novals y...

The lovers of books,

your own brother, so and friend cooked the hit of THE GIRL CHILD
i bet it beat The rests of novals you have ever read!
I ANDREW just amaze to inform you that;

The girl child, with her boundless potential and innate resilience, is a radiant beacon of hope and inspiration. In her eyes, we see the promise of a brighter future, where dreams know no boundaries and opportunities are limitless. She is a symbol of strength, grace, and determination, embodying the power to transform the world.

With each step she takes, the girl child defies societal norms and challenges the status quo. Her spirit radiates with unwavering courage as she embraces knowledge and education, recognizing that they are the keys that unlock the doors of possibility. Through education, she blossoms into a confident, empowered individual, equipped with the tools to shape her destiny and uplift her community.

Her dreams soar like a flock of birds taking flight, as she envisions a world where gender equality is not just an ideal, but a lived reality. With the power of her voice, she advocates for her rights and those of her fellow sisters, breaking the shackles of discrimination and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.

In her embrace, compassion and empathy intertwine, nurturing a sense of interconnectedness and a deep understanding of the trials and tribulations faced by others. The girl child grows into a woman who champions justice, fairness, and the pursuit of a better world for all. Her kindness is like a gentle breeze, soothing wounds and igniting the flame of hope in hearts that have known despair.

She dances to the rhythm of her own heartbeat, celebrating her uniqueness and embracing her individuality. Society may try to confine her within narrow boundaries, but she dares to transcend limitations, proving that her dreams are not bound by the chains of societal expectations. With resilience as her ally, she emerges as a force to be reckoned with, shattering glass ceilings and redefining the boundaries of what is possible.

The girl child is a source of inspiration for generations to come. Her presence illuminates the path towards a more egalitarian world, where every girl is given the opportunity to thrive, to grow, and to contribute her brilliance to the tapestry of humanity. Let us cherish, protect, and nurture the girl child, for she holds the key to a future where the full potential of humanity can be realized.

In her existence, we find hope, strength, and a reminder of the profound beauty that resides within each and every one of us. The girl child is a living testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity, and with her, the future shines with infinite possibilities.
stop watching that movie, playing that game and listening to that song pause time to go through , believe me no one will advice you to request for the second edtion ....The author has done what most are still doing....
get yourself copy and define Girl child ...........Somewhere , somehow , such talent need support ....
The author can be reached via Draxler Dok account .........
please Hot in Juba. Liberty Media Eye Radio motivate the young writers ..

Morning 🙌

Morning 🙌

Dear enemy I hope this note finds you well, or at least not too full from all the battles we've been having. I must admi...

Dear enemy

I hope this note finds you well, or at least not too full from all the battles we've been having. I must admit, our skirmishes have left me quite famished, and I couldn't help but think about the prospect of a friendly ceasefire feast.

You see, it seems we've been fighting so much that we've forgotten to appreciate the finer things in life, like a good meal. So, how about we put down our weapons for a moment and indulge in a hilarious hunger truce? We'll gather our troops, set up a buffet line, and declare a ceasefire of epic proportions. No swords, no guns, just good food and laughter.

I've even come up with a menu that will satisfy even the fiercest warrior's appetite. We'll have "Peaceful Pizzas" topped with extra olive branches, "Alliance Tacos" filled with unity and guacamole, and "Diplomatic Dumplings" stuffed with understanding and a secret ingredient of friendship. And for dessert, we'll serve "Treaty Truffles" that will make you surrender to their deliciousness.

Now, I know this may sound absurd, but imagine the headlines: "Longtime Rivals Unite Over Uncontrollable Cravings!" It would be a moment of camaraderie and comic relief amidst the chaos of war.

So, let's take a break from the battle there and here , now and then, why always DUK cries and share sad moments . After all, a well-fed soldier is a happy soldier, and maybe, just maybe, we'll find a way to resolve our differences without further conflict. if u ask me whether am annoyed i will merely tell u no , am just hurts that u killed those who deep rooted our culture , those whom we beleived we had reason to live for , those whom we promise to come back home and share alot with them ...why have u done that , what was less if u just asked rather than killing ....beacuse of u ..i become lost in emotions , no hope for returning home village , meeting elders , eating culturally and visit neighbors happily ..u destroyed all this ...
sometimes i blames the youths , sometimes i blames the nature and most of the time i blames myself of not playing my part as child at home...hurting to lost u ...may all souls lost in DUK rest in peace..we know God didn't took u , humans sent u ....

Wishing you a full belly .. dear humans of wrong doers

Happy birthday to the most incredible girl I know! Today, I celebrate not only the day you were born but also the day yo...

Happy birthday to the most incredible girl I know! Today, I celebrate not only the day you were born but also the day you stole my gift ....that immense joy🍷🎂
Aquinta Akueleng Atem

Brother 🤝🍷🎂

Brother 🤝🍷🎂

Thanks! Dukinfield Life 🤝it's plessure to get the organisation logo

Thanks! Dukinfield Life 🤝
it's plessure to get the organisation logo

So beautiful ❤️ nature

So beautiful ❤️ nature

South Sudan 🫣🇸🇸

South Sudan 🫣🇸🇸


Deng flying up in the sky 🇸🇸
like juba airline 🛫

The land of great abundance is making history. Kudos to bright stars 🏀 🇸🇸

The land of great abundance is making history. Kudos to bright stars 🏀 🇸🇸

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Amir Dafaladit, Enzo Mamado, Cholsynergy Tk, James Garang ...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Amir Dafaladit, Enzo Mamado, Cholsynergy Tk, James Garang Akol, Aficionado Mapuor Marial, Mogga Edward, Olipio Bai, Denis Marsuky, Garang Agoordit


President Ibrahim Traore returns from Russia celebrated by his Burkina Faso people.

Burkina Faso’s🇧🇫 President Ibrahim Traore: “A slave that does not rebel does not deserve pity. The African Union (AU) mu...

Burkina Faso’s🇧🇫 President Ibrahim Traore: “A slave that does not rebel does not deserve pity. The African Union (AU) must stop condemning Africans who decide to fight against their own puppet regimes of the West…Victory to our peoples! Homeland or death”

The young Burkinabe leader finishes his speech at the Russia-Africa Summit with Fidel Castro’s signature quote. Notably he includes a red beret and part of his military uniform, drawing comparisons to the late Thomas Sankara. Is Traore’s agenda to finish what Sankara started...

Welcome to south Sudan😊😊❤️

Welcome to south Sudan😊😊❤️

Dinka Bor, Lirpiou Shrines.

Dinka Bor, Lirpiou Shrines.


An elderly Man cried as he remembers Dr John Garang De Mabior and his vision for south Sudanese.

Food for Thought

Food for Thought


If Africa were an extended family, it could be described as follows:

The Chaotic Relatives: Uganda🇺🇬, Congo🇨🇩, and South Sudan🇸🇸, are always wrapped up in some sort of drama. They never fail to be the topic of family gossip. On top of the chaos, Uganda is also a known drunkard.

The Pompous Relatives: Kenya🇰🇪 believes they know it all, they bully the rest of the family members, and will shout until you declare them the winners of any argument. They are also drunkards like Uganda.

The Peaceful Relatives: Tanzania🇹🇿, Zambia🇿🇲, Malawi🇲🇼, Botswana🇧🇼, Gambia🇬🇲, Eswatini🇸🇿, Sierra Leone🇸🇱, and Namibia🇳🇦 are soft-spoken and laid back. They are generally sweet to other family members.

The Disciplined Relatives: Rwanda🇷🇼. They are strict and follow rules to the dot. They will not allow any family member to do otherwise in their presence or disrespect them.

The Loud Relatives: Ghana🇬🇭 and Nigeria🇳🇬. They go all out on whatever it is they set out to do, good or bad. They were born loud and proud. You will know every little milestone and achievement in their lives whether you have ears or not. They adore each other but act otherwise in public.

The Rich Relatives: South Africa🇿🇦. They live in a mansion and never miss an opportunity to flaunt their wealth. Their kids are gifted dancers and singers. Sometimes, other relatives send their children to work for them.

The Distant Relatives: Madagascar🇲🇬, Seychelles🇸🇨, Mauritius🇲🇺, Mauritania🇲🇷, Comoros🇰🇲, Cape Verde🇨🇻, Sao Tome and Principe🇸🇹. They live outside the family compound and never attend family events or respond to WhatsApp messages in the family group.

The Private Relatives: Chad🇹🇩, Djibouti🇩🇯, Niger🇳🇪, Mali🇲🇱, Benin🇧🇯, Guinea-Bissau🇬🇼, Equatorial Guinea🇬🇶, Guinea🇬🇳, Liberia🇱🇷, and Lesotho🇱🇸. They keep their affairs private. They live by one rule: date in private, propose in private, marry in private, and divorce in private. All their power moves are made in silence. They hardly feature in any family gossip.

The Two-Faced Relatives: Egypt🇪🇬, Morocco🇲🇦, Algeria🇩🇿, Tunisia🇹🇳, Libya🇱🇾, Sudan🇸🇩, Ethiopia🇪🇹, Eritrea🇪🇷, and Somalia🇸🇴. They don't want to be associated with the family. They attend family meetings and events, but they also willingly denounce family ties at any given opportunity.

The Abroad Relatives: Senegal🇸🇳, Burkina Faso🇧🇫, Mozambique🇲🇿, Angola🇦🇴, Cameroon🇨🇲, Togo🇹🇬, Gabon🇬🇦, Central African Republic🇨🇬, and Ivory Coast🇨🇮. They speak with an accent and prefer to deal with each other since other family members can't relate to their abroad lifestyle.

The Inferior Relatives: Zimbabwe🇿🇼. They attack each other at or off family gatherings. They are the only relatives that have so many sub-gatherings to denounce and pull each other down. They brag about a rich educated background but their actions amongst themselves say otherwise. They would be well off but they hate each other and they unite on childish things like throwing shade on car pages or asking others not to follow the other. Other relatives always laugh at them behind closed doors.

Author : Unknown
Taken from a Nigerian page.

What's the name of this, in your naive language?

What's the name of this, in your naive language?

Ancient Egyptians were black.

Ancient Egyptians were black.


Hello South Sudanese 🇸🇸

Wake up, Marcus Garvey Speaks"The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness...

Wake up, Marcus Garvey Speaks

"The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.
Hail! United States of Africa-free! Country of the brave black man's liberty; State of greater nationhood thou hast won. A new life for the race is just begun.
Africa has produced countless men and women in war and peace whose luster and bravery outshine other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves?
Climb ye the heights of liberty and cease not in well doing until you have planted the banner of the Red, the Black, and the Green on the hilltops of Africa." heights of liberty and cease not in well doing until you have planted the banner of the Red, the Black, and the Green on the hilltops of Africa.”
Wake up, Marcus Garvey Speaks
"The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.
Hail! United States of Africa-free! Country of the brave black man's liberty; State of greater nationhood thou hast won. A new life for the race is just begun.
Africa has produced countless men and women in war and peace whose luster and bravery outshine others. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves?
Climb ye the heights of liberty and cease not in well doing until you have planted the banner of the Red, the Black, and the Green on the hilltops of Africa." of liberty and cease not in well doing until you have planted the banner of the Red, the Black, and the Green on the hilltops of Africa.”

Rwandan President Paul Kagame was re-elected leader of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) party at the p...

Rwandan President Paul Kagame was re-elected leader of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) party at the party’s 16th congress on Sunday.
The Rwandan leader won 2,499 votes, accounting for 99.8% of the total vote, while his closest rival, Abdulkarim Harelimana, received 3 votes, or 0.2%, according to a Rwandan daily. The result delighted party supporters.


Rwandan President Paul Kagame was re-elected leader of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) party at the party’s 16th congress on Sunday.
The Rwandan leader won 2,499 votes, accounting for 99.8% of the total vote, while his closest rival, Abdulkarim Harelimana, received 3 votes, or 0.2%, according to a Rwandan daily. The result delighted party supporters.


President John Magufuli made Tanzania a Middle-Income country.

He rejected a $10 billion loan from China.

He didn't go on state trips outside of Africa.

He reduced the cabinet's size from 30 to 19

He banned Government officials from foreign trips & abolished their tax exemptions.

Magufuli accused the U.K. company Acacia Mining of illegal mining and ordered them to pay $193 billion for undervaluing Tanzania's gold exports.

Over 250 containers of theirs were seized at Dar es Salaam port.

They paid $300 million and gave Tanzania 16% ownership in 3 mines.

Magufuli introduced free education in government schools in 2016. He acquired 6 Air Tanzania planes and expanded Terminal III of Julius Nyerere International Airport.

He built Tanzania Standard Gauge Railway, Mfugale Flyover, Julius Nyerere Hydropower Station, and Ubungo Interchange.

Dr. Magufuli built Selander Bridge, Kigongo-Busisi Bridge, Huduma Bora Za afya, Vituo Bora Za Afya, expanded Port of Dar es Salaam, Dodoma Bus Terminal, an L.N.G. plant, a water project, a wind farm project, Uhuru Hospital project, a gold refinery plant, and Magufuli Bus Terminal.

Late President Dr. John Magufuli excelled in infrastructure and financial affairs. He faced numerous human rights cases of abuse and was accused of repressing the opposition. He also banned explicit images or videos online.

He was a true son of Africa.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 🇪🇹

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 🇪🇹


Four most incredible and influential leaders who contribute to liberating their countries and contribute in transforming Africa.
According to one of the Students' Pan-Africanist videos.

1. Nelson Mandela
2. Kwame NKrumah
3. Julius Nyerere
4. Dr John Garang De Mabior.





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