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Poster showing the Ogaden as part of Greater Somalia.Alongside Barre, the Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC) that assum...

Poster showing the Ogaden as part of Greater Somalia.

Alongside Barre, the Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC) that assumed power after President Sharmarke's assassination was led by Lieutenant Colonel Salaad Gabeyre Kediye and Chief of Police Jama Korshel. Kediye officially held the title of "Father of the Revolution," and Barre shortly afterwards became the head of the SRC.[92] The SRC subsequently renamed the country the Somali Democratic Republic,[93][94] dissolved the parliament and the Supreme Court, and suspended the constitution.[95]

The revolutionary army established large-scale public works programs and successfully implemented an urban and rural literacy campaign, which helped dramatically increase the literacy rate. In addition to a nationalization program of industry and land, the new regime's foreign policy placed an emphasis on Somalia's traditional and religious links with the Arab world, eventually joining the Arab League (AL) in 1974.[96] That same year, Barre also served as chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU).[97]

In July 1976, Barre's SRC disbanded itself and established in its place the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRSP), a one-party government based on scientific socialism and Islamic tenets. The SRSP was an attempt to reconcile the official state ideology with the official state religion by adapting Marxist precepts to local circumstances. Emphasis was placed on the Muslim principles of social progress, equality and justice, which the government argued formed the core of scientific socialism and its own accent on self-sufficiency, public participation and popular control, as well as direct ownership of the means of production. While the SRSP encouraged private investment on a limited scale, the administration's overall direction was essentially communist.[95]

Ogaden War

In July 1977, the Ogaden War broke out after Barre's government sought to incorporate the predominantly Somali-inhabited Ogaden region of Ethiopia into a Pan-Somali Greater Somalia. In the first week of the conflict, Somali armed forces seized the southern and central parts of the Ogaden. The units in the Godey Front were led by Colonel Abdullahi Ahmed Irro.[98] For most of the war, the Somali army scored continuous victories on the Ethiopian army, following it as far as Sidamo. By September 1977, Somalia controlled 90% of the Ogaden and captured strategic cities such as Jijiga and put heavy pressure on Dire Dawa, threatening the train route from the latter city to Djibouti. After the siege of Harar, a massive unprecedented Soviet intervention consisting of 20,000 Cuban forces and several thousand Soviet experts came to the aid of Ethiopia's communist Derg regime. By 1978, the Somali troops were ultimately pushed out of the Ogaden. This shift in support by the Soviet Union motivated the Barre government to seek allies elsewhere. It eventually settled on the Soviets' Cold War arch-rival, the United States, which had been courting the Somali government for some time. All in all, Somalia's initial friendship with the Soviet Union and later partnership with the United States enabled it to build the largest army in Africa.[99]


A new constitution was promulgated in 1979 under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party politburo continued to rule.[94] In October 1980, the SRSP was disbanded, and the Supreme Revolutionary Council was re-established in its place.[95]

In May 1986, President Barre suffered serious injuries in a life-threatening automobile accident near Mogadishu, when the car that was transporting him smashed into the back of a bus during a heavy rainstorm.[100] He was treated in a hospital in Saudi Arabia for head injuries, broken ribs and shock over a period of a month.[101][102] Lieutenant General Mohamed Ali Samatar, then Vice President, subsequently served as de facto head of state for the next several months. Although Barre managed to recover enough to present himself as the sole presidential candidate for re-election over a term of seven years on 23 December 1986, his poor health and advanced age led to speculation about who would succeed him in power. Possible contenders included his son-in-law General Ahmed Suleiman Abdille, who was at the time the Minister of the Interior, in addition to Barre's Vice President Lt. Gen. Samatar.[100][101]

By that time, Barre's government had become increasingly unpopular. Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under military dictatorship. The regime was weakened further in the 1980s as the Cold War drew to a close and Somalia's strategic importance was diminished. The government became increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements, encouraged by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country, eventually leading to the Somali Civil War. Among the militia groups were the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF), United Somali Congress (USC), Somali National Movement (SNM) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), together with the non-violent political oppositions of the Somali Democratic Movement (SDM), the Somali Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the Somali Manifesto Group (SMG).


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Culumada Soomaaliyeed ee Minnesota ayaa kulan Soo dhaweyn’ Duco iyo Dardaaran la yeeshay Xamse Warfa oo Madaxweynaha Mar...

Culumada Soomaaliyeed ee Minnesota ayaa kulan Soo dhaweyn’ Duco iyo Dardaaran la yeeshay Xamse Warfa oo Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Joseph Biden u magacaabay la taliyaha Amniga Rayidka, Dimuquraadiyadda iyo xaquuqul Insaanka wasaaradda Arimaha Dibadda Maraykanka



Waa gabadh caana masheegi kartaa

Waa gabadh caana masheegi kartaa


Weligay kuma fikirin qof Soomaali ah ayaa sidan samaynaya Laakiin marka aan daawaday waan aamini la'ahay | Sir weyn ayuu watay Laakiin alle ayaa badbaadiyay |. U gudbi walaalaha kale si ay uga digtoonaadan waxan walwalka igu abuuray.


Xildhibaanada Gollaha Wakillada iyo Su’aalaha ay weydiyeen Hanti Dhawraha Guud ee JSL.

Ma sheegi kartaa sawirkan magicisa dhabtaa

Ma sheegi kartaa sawirkan magicisa dhabtaa

Ma aqoonsaty sawirkan gobolka saamaynta kuleh Magacisa commentiga inoogu reebFallow and LIKE dhe siina shere

Ma aqoonsaty sawirkan gobolka saamaynta kuleh
Magacisa commentiga inoogu reeb
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Fallow and LIKE dhe siina shere   biir

Fallow and LIKE dhe siina shere


Qofna ma liito!  Daa'uus waa shimbirka kaliya ee aan Farxadda haysan, isaga oo aad uga helay Codkiisa , ayaa dawaco waxa...

Qofna ma liito! Daa'uus waa shimbirka kaliya ee aan Farxadda haysan, isaga oo aad uga helay Codkiisa , ayaa dawaco waxay tiri: "Waa run adiga ma hees kartid, Ikn eeg sida aad u qurux badan tahay!" "Maya, Qurux kaligeed ah maxay macno leedahay?!" Daauus ayaa ku cataabay. isla shimbir kaa aad u cod macaan ayuu arkay "eeg shimbirkaas sida uu u heesayo, yaa ka cod macaan!" Dawaco ayaa la yaabtay sida uusan farxad u haysan, Quruxdiisana u inkirayo: "Wax kasta waxay leeyihiin awoodooda gaarka u ah, Tusaale Gorgorka wuxuu leeyahay 'Awood' 0o waa shimbirka ugu koonfureed, Adigana waxaa ku leedahay 'Quruxda', Shimbirkaasna wuxuu leeyahay codka macaan. "

Dulucda sheekada
Qofna maliito
Blse waxa jira qof aan aqoon halka uu ku fiican yahay

Cabdiraxmaan Cirro, musharrax xisbiga Waddani oo caawa hadlay ayaa markale ku celiyay in Somaliland madaxweynayaal badan...

Cabdiraxmaan Cirro, musharrax xisbiga Waddani oo caawa hadlay ayaa markale ku celiyay in Somaliland madaxweynayaal badan yeelan doonto haddii aan madaxweyne Biixi, doorashada madaxtooyada xilligeedii ku qaban.

“ Muusow kaftami maayo ee waddanka madaxweynayaal badan ayuu yeelan doonaa”

Ganacsatada Somaliland ayaa bilaabay inay alaabada kala soo degaan dekeda magaalada Boosaaso, kadib markii dekeda Berber...

Ganacsatada Somaliland ayaa bilaabay inay alaabada kala soo degaan dekeda magaalada Boosaaso, kadib markii dekeda Berbera aanay shaqayn wiig iyo badhii ugu dambeeyey.

Puntland waxay sheegtay inay aad u camirantay dekeda Boosaaso, islamarkaana 30% dadka wax kala degaayaa ay kasoo jeedaan meel ka baxsan maamulkaas.



Al MUSAAMAX KARIIM Naag Ninkeeda Ku Arkay Ninkale Iyada oo Shukaansaneeysa ka dibna furay

Fadlan fallow and like dhe siina shere   biir

Fadlan fallow and like dhe siina shere


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku fara...

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku faray Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe ee Dowladda in aan sifo sharci darro ah looga saari karin Khasnadda Dowladda lacagta sida sharci darrada ah lagu soo geliyey dalka ee Hay'adaha Ammaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ku qabteen Garoonka Aadan Cadde 8-dii Bisha Abriil ee sanadkii 2018-kii.

Dowladda faderaalka ee dalka ayaa go’aamisay in cafis loo fidiyo, xabsigana laga sii daayo maxaabiis aad u tira badan.Ma...

Dowladda faderaalka ee dalka ayaa go’aamisay in cafis loo fidiyo, xabsigana laga sii daayo maxaabiis aad u tira badan.

Maxaabiista cafiska loo fidiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah:

1. Mudane Sibhaat Naga
2.Mudane Jawhar Maxammed iyo dhammaan eedaysanayaasha kiiskiisa ku diwaangashanaa.
3.Mudane Iskindir Nega iyo dhammaan eedaysanayaasha kiiskiisa ku diwaangashanaa.
4.Mudane Abdu Zamu
5.Marwo Mulu G/egzkiiskeed.
6.Marwo Qidusan Naga
7. Mudane Abay Waldu.
8. Mudane Kiros Hagos

Xigasho: SRTV

" Madaxwaynuhu danta uu ka leeyahay Wakhtigan xeerka furista ururadda somaliland Garan-maayo,Balse Madaxwaynaha waxaa lo...

" Madaxwaynuhu danta uu ka leeyahay Wakhtigan xeerka furista ururadda somaliland Garan-maayo,

Balse Madaxwaynaha waxaa looga baahan-yahay in uu Bulshadda u cadeeyo sababta 2-bilood uu xafiiskiisa ugu haystay xeerkani ,

Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Waddani ee C-I-D looga yeedhayna waa sharci-daro ."

Wasiir h**e Cadaani .

Raysal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo maanta deeq raashin gargaar ah kala wareegayay mas'uuliyiin ka tirs...

Raysal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo maanta deeq raashin gargaar ah kala wareegayay mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan Imaaraadka Carabta, ayaa sheegay in dawladdiisu ka raalligelinayso Imaaraadka lacag sannadkii 2018kii ay dawladda Soomaaliya ku qabatay garoonka Aadan Cadde taasi oo ay lahayd dawladda UAE.

Rooble wuxuu sheegay in lacagtaas ay Soomaaliya dib ugu celin doonto Imaaraadka.

Lacagtan ayaa lagu sheegay wakhtigaas 9.6 Milyan oo dollar.


Wadiihii badbaadiyay borama naf iyo maal
Maxamuud xuseen xasan
Ayaa garab istaag ubaahan


Somali tiktok😂🤣car qosolka isku celi


Muxaadaro iyo Sheekooyin Qosol Badan ᴴᴰ┇Sh. Hussein Ali Djibouti 2021
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Raysal Wasaarihii Suudaan Cabdalla Hamdok ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqey inuu is casilay.

Raysal Wasaarihii Suudaan Cabdalla Hamdok ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqey inuu is casilay.


Qoyskii uu dhawaan inala wadaagay bogiisa suxufi ishqi Ee ka koobnaa 5 qof ee macal hooyadood ay Dhimirka ka xanuunsanaysay Maanta 1000 dollar ayay walaalo Muxsiniinii oo ku nool dalka maraykanku ay ku soo deeqeen.


Dirawal muujiyay geesinimo
Si uu u badbaadiyo nolosha bulsho dhan oo dabku qabsaday booyada suuqa dhexdiisa oo waday 400kilomitir iyadoo
Ololaysa naftiisana u huray badbaadin shacab
-and shere

Qaasim Barkhad oo ah Nin dhalinyaro ah ayaa la dhiban Hooyadiis iyo walaalihiis oo dhamaantood Xanuun dhimirka ah uu hal...

Qaasim Barkhad oo ah Nin dhalinyaro ah ayaa la dhiban Hooyadiis iyo walaalihiis oo dhamaantood Xanuun dhimirka ah uu haleelay 😥

Qaasim wuxuu ku shaqaystaa Gaari Gacan uu dhar ku wareejiyo isagoo ilmaynaaya ayuu yiri " Hooyaday iyo walaalahay miyaan Xanaaneeyaa mise Lacagtii aan ku daawayn lahaa iyo Cunadoodii baan Raadiyaa "

Qaasim wuxuu ku Noolyahay Tuulo Hoos tagta Boorama dheh walaal tu lacag maahee
Number: 00252634616401

Jawaabtu waa dhankiin

Jawaabtu waa dhankiin


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Kusoo biir
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B/mijka Falanqaynta Todobaadka & Takoorka Bulshadu Ku Hayso Beelaha Qaar Oo Sababay Burburka Qoyska.
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in jagooyinkayagii la noo Soo Celiyo iyo In lacagtii la noo keeno Wax ka dhaxeeya ma jirto, -biir fallow and like dhe siina shere gree


Shiine Culay muxuu ka yiri arooska Awale Adan iyo Miss Xiis?


Mac isii hhhh





Haldoorka iyo xaq udirirka dhalinta reer awdal Taariikhdaa ayaa qori doonta
Sh xasan daheeye axmad






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