My friends, in this festive period, you are going to face intimidation; you will see those younger than you in exotic cars, dressed in expensive wear, they will throw cash around, outshine you, and be praised, sought after, and respected, and their stories will be told even by your family members.
Some of them will try to persuade you to join them in whatever treacherous and illegal thing that they are doing to make money.
Some of the ones who genuinely made the little money that they are throwing around will look at you like you are broke, unwise, and lazy because you are not showing off.
When these things happen, relax, don’t be bothered, and don’t be moved or compelled to live lavishly at the detriment of your big business projects.
Don’t be compelled to join the fast guys on the fast lane. The end thereof is destruction.
Calm down and see the bigger picture. Think long term. Keep building. Wealth and opulence is not when you go about throwing little cash around — it’s the poor that struggle to prove that they are rich.
And don’t ever forget that the couple of millions in your account is a seed. You are not rich yet. Chill. Don’t be in a hurry to squander it just to impress anyone.
If you are worth 100 million, make people believe you are worth 10. It's most gracious when people are faced with the realization that they underestimated you, but it's even more disgraceful, one that you won’t forget in a while —when people realize that they overestimated you.