Mesto a dejiny / The City and History

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Mesto a dejiny / The City and History The journal publishes contributions from history and related disciplines. The journal publishes contributions in Slovak, English or any other foreign language.

Mesto a dejiny je vedeckým recenzovaným časopisom, ktorý vznikol na Katedre histórie FF UPJŠ v Košiciach s tematickou orientáciou na príspevky z oblasti urbánnych dejín. Časopis je vydávaný dvakrát ročne. The printed journal Mesto a dejiny [The City and History], established in 2012, is an initiative of the Department of History of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia. It focuses in

particular on the publication of the recent results of original scientific research by scholars from Slovakia and abroad in the field of urban history. Documents accepted primarily include: scientific studies, articles and papers, discussions, materials, documents, reviews and annotations reports from scholars in the fields of history, social sciences and other related disciplines. The journal Mesto a dejiny [The City and History] is registered in the libraries and databases WoS (ESCI), Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, CEJSH, EBSCO, MIAR, Index Copernicus, WorldCat, Databases of Historical Literature in Slovak Republic and Google Scholar. Each submitted paper is evaluated by two peer reviewers, utilizing an anonymous process of evaluation. Peer reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board and their evaluation is the basis for the decision of the Editorial Board concerning the inclusion of the contribution in the journal. Regarding the inclusion of other contributions, the Editorial Board makes a decision based on the proposals from the Chairman of the Editorial Board. Authors and reviewers considered to be recognized scholars at home and abroad were invited to work in cooperation with the journal. A successful collaboration with important scientific institutions from Central European countries has been also initiated. Thanks to a rigorous evaluation process, international cooperation and its modern design, the journal has, in a short time, become a respected institution. The journal is now a standard by which both researchers and other, more established journals aim to achieve. The journal Mesto a dejiny was also registered by the European Association for Urban History, which designated it as one of their recommended journals for urban history. The nine printed volumes include 98 articles from the field of urban history, addressing topics ranging from ancient Rome and Constantinople to post-War Cracow. The authorship of the journal is international; 56 authors out of 107 who were published in the journal are foreign authors, which is 52% (statistics available here: Academic Editorial Board
Prof. Abdellah Abarkan, PhD. (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden)
Doc. PhDr. Ľubomíra Kaminská, DrSc. (Institute of Archeology of SAS, Slovakia)
Ing. arch. Alena Kubová-Gauché, PhD. (The Grenoble National School of Architecture, France)
Mgr. Patrik Kunec, PhD. (Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)
Doc. PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, M.A., PhD. (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Prof. PaedDr. Martin Pekár, PhD. - chief (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Doc. PhDr. Andrea Pokludová, Ph.D. (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Prof. María A. Castrillo Romón (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)
Doc. PhDr. Blanka Soukupová, CSc. (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Prof. PaedDr. Štefan Šutaj, DrSc. PhDr. Peter Švorc, CSc. (University of Prešov, Slovakia)
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Max Welch Guerra (The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)

Editorial Office
Prof. Martin Pekár, general editor ([email protected])
Dr. Peter Fedorčák, managing editor ([email protected])
Dr. Zuzana Tokárová, editor ([email protected])


Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach [Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice], Šrobárová 2, Košice, IČO: 00 397 768

Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice, Moyzesova 9, 040 59 Košice, Slovakia
(phone: 00421-55-2347142, email: [email protected])


Conference at the Research Unit History of Art of the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies (IHB) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna

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Historický ústav SAV, v.v.i.,

Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV – Sekcia pre dejiny miest

si Vás dovoľujú pozvať na konferenciu

Súkromný a verejný priestor v mestách z historickej perspektívy:
vzťahy – symbolika – reprezentácia – fúzie

Mestské prostredie a v ňom žijúce (i doň prichádzajúce) obyvateľstvo prirodzene vytváralo celé spektrum vzťahov, ktoré sa odrážali a premietali do rôznych foriem rozdelenia mestského priestoru na verejný, poloverejný a súkromný. Ako kritérium ich rozlíšenia môže slúžiť ich dostupnosť s rôznym stupňom spoločenskej selekcie. Vnímanie spomenutých mestských priestorov ponúka možnosť výskumu „osvojovania“ si verejného i súkromného prostredia na relatívne malej a ohraničenej ploche mesta.

V tejto súvislosti budú vítané príspevky zamerané aj na:
- vzájomný vzťah medzi verejným, poloverejným a súkromným priestorom v meste
- fúzie urbánneho verejného a súkromného priestoru a ich medzistupne
- vzťah medzi verejným priestorom a otvorenosťou súkromného priestoru
- pokusy o „privatizáciu“ verejného priestoru a „socializáciu“ súkromného
- individuálne vs skupinové záujmy a priestor mesta
- mestský priestor ako komunikačný kanál
(symbolická komunikácia, umelecká reprezentácia jednotlivca i skupiny, etc.)
- vytváranie rôznych druhov bariér (viditeľných i neviditeľných) v mestskom prostredí
- špecificky funkčné a ohraničene dostupné priestory v meste
(cirkevné, vojenské, spoločensky exkluzívne, právne, etnicky alebo inak vyhranené)

Vítané budú aj interdisciplinárne pohľady, časové i priestorové komparácie v meste, prípadne medzi rôznymi mestami.

Miesto konania: Historický ústav SAV, v.v.i., Bratislava
Termín: 8. november 2023

Pokyny pre aktívnych účastníkov: Predpokladaná dĺžka jednotlivých príspevkov je 15 - 20 minút. Prednášajúci môžu svoj príspevok doplniť powerpointovou prezentáciou.

Poplatky: Účasť na konferencii je bez poplatku. Cestovné, stravu a ubytovanie si hradia účastníci sami, resp. vysielajúce inštitúcie.

UZÁVIERKA PRIHLÁŠOK: 15. október 2023

Vyplnenú prihlášku (viď príloha) zaslať na adresu: [email protected]

PhDr. Michal Bada, PhD.

Historický ústav SAV, v.v.i.

P.O. BOX 198

Klemensova 19, 814 99 Bratislava

Local Communities and New Elites in Austria-HungaryWarsaw, 12–13 June 2023

Local Communities and New Elites in Austria-Hungary

Warsaw, 12–13 June 2023

The Research Group on the Slavic Cultures in the Habsburg Monarchy at the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies, University of Warsaw, T. Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, German Historical Institute Warsaw kindly invite to an international conference:

The issue 2022/2 is available online. CONTENTS: Čapský, Martin: Representations of Space and “Restoring Order” in Peter ...

The issue 2022/2 is available online.

Čapský, Martin: Representations of Space and “Restoring Order” in Peter Eschenloer’s Wrocław Chronicle

Starý, Marek: Aristocratic Enclaves as a Foreign Legal Element in Urban Space

Kozińska-Witt, Hanna: Pioneers of Industrialization in Western Galicia: The Baruch Family in the Nineteenth Century

Pokludová, Andrea: The Moravian Compromise of 1905: The Implementation of Lex Perek in Towns Affected by the Ethnic Conflict

Piškurić, Jelka: Housing Construction and the Role of the Neighbourhood Unit in Ljubljana under Socialism

CONTENTS: Čapský, Martin: Representations of Space and “Restoring Order” in Peter Eschenloer’s Wrocław Chronicle Starý, Marek: Aristocratic Enclaves as a Foreign Legal Element in Urban Space Kozińska-Witt, Hanna: Pioneers of Industrialization in


Časopis The City and History - Medzinárodné ocenenie pre vedecký článok autorov Veronika Szeghy-Gayer a László Csősz

Hungarian Studies Association, vedecká organizácia so sídlom v USA, udelila cenu Mark Pittaway Article Prize za rok 2022 vedeckému článku autorov Veronika Szeghy-Gayer a László Csősz. Článok bol publikovaný v časopise The City and History (Mesto a dejiny) v roku 2021 (číslo 1, s. 75-101) pod názvom "Petitioners of Jewish Property in Košice: A Case Study on the Holocaust and Local Society in a Slovak-Hungarian Border Region". Autori článku analyzovali žiadosti (a najmä ich pisateľov), ktoré obyvateľstvo v Košiciach predkladalo na získanie nájomného práva na byty odobrané Židom. Článok je voľne prístupný na stiahnutie:
Katedra histórie FF UPJŠ a redakcia časopisu The City and History autorom k oceneniu srdečne gratulujú!

The City and History, 2022, vol. 11, no. 1Full text here:

The City and History, 2022, vol. 11, no. 1

Full text here:

Kaar, Alexandra:​ Policing a Society at War: Governmental Social Control in Regensburg before and during the Town War (1381–1389)


Today marks the opening day of the European Association of Urban History conference . The CUH, together with the Urban Studies Institute, welcomes urban historians from all over the world for 4 days of discussions on at the UAntwerpen. We are very excited! 😁


The new call for the winter 2022 issue is published - From Philanthropy to the Welfare State: The Influence of European Social Policies on Architectural Design and Urban Planning in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
We are looking forward to your abstracts!


Researchers from a variety of disciplines and career stages share their tips for conferences held in person and online


Neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung erschienen

Das Themenheft wurde vom Herder-Institut in Kooperation mit dem DHI Warschau herausgegeben und ist ab sofort online erhältlich.

Die Beiträge beruhen größtenteils auf der Konferenz "Planung des Neuen Ostens. Architektur und Städtebau unter deutscher Besatzung in Ostmitteleuropa", die im Herbst 2019 am CBH PAN Berlin in Kooperation mit dem DHI Warschau stattgefunden hat.

Die ZfO-Ausgabe ist online verfügbar unter:

Designing the New East. Architecture, Spatial, and Urban Planning in Poland under German Occupation, 1939-1945, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies, B. 70, H. 4, 2021. Special Issue, hg. v. Małgorzata Popiołek-Roßkamp und Annika Wienert


Soeben ist Heft 3/2021, Bd. 70, der Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies erschienen. Es handelt sich um das von Katja Wezel und Peter Haslinger betreute Themenheft „Embracing Digital Methods: Towards a New History of Space in Central and Eastern Europe“.

Die Aufsätze und Besprechungen sind unter im Open Access verfügbar. Bitte beachten sie auch das umfangreiche Volltextangebot der Zeitschrift für Ostforschung 1952–1994 ( sowie der Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung seit 1995 (

Heft 3/2021 enthält, neben einem umfangreichen Rezensionsteil, die folgenden Beiträge:

Katja Wezel, Peter Haslinger: Embracing Digital Technology—New Methods for the Critical Analysis of Sources from Central and Eastern Europe (309–323)

Niels Petersen, Bart Holterman, Angela Huang: Digitale Werkzeuge zur Analyse von Straßen und Wasserwegen als Rückgrat eines vormodernen Märktenetzwerks in Zentral- und Ostmitteleuropa (325–356)

Jan-Hinnerk Antons: Historisch-Geografische Informationssysteme (HGIS) in der Tourismusgeschichte: Transnationale Besucherströme des Ostseetourismus im 19. Jahrhundert (357–388)

Katja Wezel: The Most Successful Trading Hub in Late Imperial Russia: Using Historical GIS to Map Riga as a Global Port City (389–415)

Susan Grunewald: Digital Spatial Methods for Soviet-German History: An Investigation of German Prisoners of War in the Soviet Union, 1941–1956 (417–438)

Jan Vondráček: War Economy, Local Administration and Everyday Life under German Occupation in Bohemia and Moravia: New Approaches for Digital Humanities through Digitization, Databases and Digital Analysis (439–465)

The summer edition presents nine scholarly studies and reviews that map various recent outcomes of research into the theory and history of architectural and urban forms created in the 20th and 21st century in central and eastern Europe.


Pavel Halík In memoriam
On 21 June 2021, just short of 86 years of age, the historian and theorist of architecture, teacher and translator, longstanding collaborator with the present journal and our dear friend, Docent Ing. arch. Pavel Halík, CSc, died. He was born in 1935 in Stržanov, not far from Žďár nad Sázavou and its famous pilgrimage church to St. John of Nepomuk by Jan Blažej Santini. In fact, he regularly visited Santini’s church with his parents in his childhood, even serving as an altar boy during mass, as he later liked to recount. His lifelong theme, however, was not the Baroque but modern and contemporary architecture, and at the start of his scholarly career even more significantly modern urban planning. This latter interest was evidently first stimulated by one of his professors at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague, urban planner Jindřich Krise, for whom he also worked as an assistant after graduation. Pavel Halík never assumed the career of a practicing architect; his reflective nature led him to the theoretical observation of this profession, and to penetrating analyses of work both domestic and international. His great passion was discussion, not only about architecture but reaching into wide areas of culture and art, which he knew in equal depth to his own field. In the mid-1960s, Pavel Halík joined the multidisciplinary team of the Cabinet of Architectural Theory at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, which after many organisational shifts became part of the current Department of Art History, and worked there up until the new millennium. His pedagogical activity, paradoxically, started during his three-year stay in Oran, Algeria. At the start of the 1990s he began teaching at the architectural department of the Academy of Fine Arts, lectured at the summer school of urbanism in Paris and then, up until 2019, taught at the Faculty of Art and Architecture at the Technical University in Liberec.
Pavel Halík began to form his view of architectural development in the mid-1960s, at the moment when Czech (and understandably as well Czechoslovak) architecture had already fully rejoined the mainstream of international Modernism. Halík always spoke with respect about his modernist teachers. His wonderful later overview of Le Corbusier’s canonical Towards a New Architecture formed his tribute to the founding generation of modern architecture. No less of a worthy act was his thorough and trenchant analysis of the forced interruption of modern development through the imposition of historicist Socialist Realism, which he included in his discussion of Czech architecture in the 1950s (in his History of Czech Fine Art, vol. 5). All the same, his evaluation of modernism, particularly in its urbanistic manifestations, was critical even before the Czech profession began to register the echoes of postmodernist theories. His characterisation of modern urban design as a composition of masses in an open, neutral space drew attention to the weakening of the identity of specific localities, of the perception of urban situations from a human perspective, and of their social and cultural significances (as he first formulated in articles published in the present journal). These forgotten aspects were, in turn, found in Christian Norberg-Schulz’s Genius Loci, which he helped, with the present author, to translate into Czech. (This joint effort, paradoxically, was initially circulated in samizdat, thanks to its significantly un-Marxist conception, until in the 1990s it could finally appear as a printed book.)
Pavel Halík further expanded his ideas of urban form in later publications, such as his volume Architektura a město (Architecture and the City) from 1996 or his university textbook Morfologie města (Morphology of the City). For me, it was an honour to work with him in these publications, as much as on the Czech translation of Kenneth Frampton’s Modern Architecture – A Critical History, or his reflections on recent domestic work in his book Česká architektura 1989 – 1999 (Czech Architecture 1989-1999). Additionally, Halík was the author of dozens of expert reviews of recently completed buildings published throughout Czech-language architectural journals. His interpretations and evaluations were invariably exceptional in the precision of their formal analysis and in their ability to see a building in its wider context, whether of cultural development or its immediate urban situation. His deep knowledge of the history of modern architecture allowed him to uncover connections across time and offer a fitting diagnosis of the place of the building being evaluated within the coordinates of international architectural work. In his writings on contemporary architecture, we find few harsh condemnations: he tended to choose the objects of his interest to reveal positive starting points, since architecture was a matter that he loved and whose fate was close to his heart. Pavel Halík lived for architecture, for thinking and talking about it. As such, our public architectural debates will greatly miss his views and voice.

Petr Kratochvíl


Cambridge Core - Global History - Real Estate and Global Urban History


To mark the publication of new contributions to our Cambridge Elements in Global Urban History series, we will feature interviews with authors and share short excerpts from their work. Here, series…

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We are drawing attention to conference organized by colleagues from Italy. You can find more information here:

“The regeneration of former military sites. Perspectives, debates and redevelopments in Italy, Spain and abroad” Online | September 23-24, 2021 The international conference “The regeneration of former military sites. Perspectives, debates and redevelopments in Italy, Spain and abroad” is an ...


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It is a pleasure to inform you that the issue 24 (2021) of the journal has been published today. The monographic section deals with the topic "Active rural environments: innovative patterns of land planning, administration, participation and governance".



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