
Moodive Moodive is an animation studio focused on the production of 2D/3D custom animated videos.

We are the creative team of professional illustrators and animators with more than 6 years of experience, and over 400 unique projects.

👀 Did you know that up to 65% of people learn visually and 90% of the information we process is visual? 🌟 That's why ani...

👀 Did you know that up to 65% of people learn visually and 90% of the information we process is visual? 🌟 That's why animations and graphics are not just a trend, but an essential tool for effective communication. Show the world your ideas through visuals! 🎨


👀 Vedeli ste, že až 65 % ľudí sa učí vizuálne a 90 % informácií, ktoré spracovávame, je vizuálnych? 🌟 Preto animácie a grafiky nie sú len trendom, ale nevyhnutným nástrojom na efektívnu komunikáciu. Ukážte svetu svoje nápady skrz vizuály! 🎨

📊 Trend for 2025? Animation! Up to 89% of marketers plan to use them in future campaigns. 🚀 Whether it's engaging visual...

📊 Trend for 2025? Animation! Up to 89% of marketers plan to use them in future campaigns. 🚀 Whether it's engaging visuals, explainer videos or entertaining content, animations are the obvious choice for effective communication. ✨


📊 Trend na rok 2025? Animácie! Až 89 % marketérov plánuje ich využitie v budúcich kampaniach. 🚀 Či už ide o pútavé vizuály, vysvetľujúce videá alebo zábavný obsah, animácie sú jasnou voľbou pre efektívnu komunikáciu. ✨

🎥💡 Animation opens the door to creative ideas! According to a survey, up to 35.1% of marketers confirm that visualizatio...

🎥💡 Animation opens the door to creative ideas! According to a survey, up to 35.1% of marketers confirm that visualization through animation helps them better understand and present concepts. What about you? Do you believe in the power of animation? 👀✨


🎥💡 Animácia otvára dvere kreatívnym nápadom! Podľa prieskumu až 35,1 % marketérov potvrdzuje, že vizualizácia cez animácie im pomáha lepšie pochopiť a predstaviť koncepty. A čo vy? Veríte sile animácie? 👀✨

One video that says it all!📊 Did you know that up to 91% of people will watch an explainer video to learn more about a p...

One video that says it all!
📊 Did you know that up to 91% of people will watch an explainer video to learn more about a product or service? 🤔
✅ Simply explains what you offer
✅ Saves time for your customers and you
✅ Engages and motivates action


Jedno video, ktoré povie všetko!
📊 Vedeli ste, že až 91 % ľudí si pozrie vysvetľujúce video, aby sa dozvedeli viac o produkte alebo službe? 🤔
✅ Jednoducho vysvetlí, čo ponúkate
✅ Ušetrí čas vašim zákazníkom aj vám
✅ Zaujme a motivuje k akcii

The price for a video that includes everything you need! 💡When you order a video from us, you get the complete package:✍...

The price for a video that includes everything you need! 💡
When you order a video from us, you get the complete package:
✍️ Script and storyboard
🎨 Custom illustrations
🎞️ High-end animation
🎙️ Professional voice acting
🎵 Licensed music and sound effects
We will bring your story to life from idea to final output. 🚀


Cena za video, ktorá zahŕňa všetko, čo potrebujete! 💡
Keď si u nás objednáte video, získate kompletný balík:
✍️ Scenár a storyboard
🎨 Vlastné ilustrácie
🎞️ Špičkovú animáciu
🎙️ Profesionálny hlasový prejav
🎵 Licencovanú hudbu a zvukové efekty
Váš príbeh privedieme k životu od nápadu až po finálny výstup. 🚀

Trust that sells .🏆📊 Up to 39% of marketers invested in creating video testimonials in 2024, making them the most popula...

Trust that sells .🏆📊 Up to 39% of marketers invested in creating video testimonials in 2024, making them the most popular video marketing format! Why? 🤔

👉 Because nothing builds trust like authentic stories from satisfied customers. 🎯 Show the world how your product or service changes lives - through real stories and emotions.

Feel free to contact us to create bespoke videos for you. 🎞️


Dôvera, ktorá predáva. 🏆📊 Až 39 % marketérov investovalo v roku 2024 do tvorby video posudkov, čím sa stali najobľúbenejším formátom videomarketingu! Prečo? 🤔

👉 Pretože nič nevybuduje dôveru tak ako autentické príbehy spokojných zákazníkov.
🎯 Ukážte svetu, ako váš produkt či služba mení životy – cez reálne príbehy a emócie.

Neváhajte nás kontaktovať pre vytvorenie videí na mieru pre vás. 🎞️

It's amazing to see how our animated videos help clients bring their ideas to life and communicate their message effecti...

It's amazing to see how our animated videos help clients bring their ideas to life and communicate their message effectively. 💯 Thank you for your trust and we hope that every future project will bring the same joy and success! 🚀
Je úžasné vidieť, ako naše animované videá pomáhajú klientom oživiť ich predstavy a efektívne komunikovať ich posolstvo. 💯 Ďakujeme za dôveru a veríme, že každý ďalší projekt prinesie rovnakú radosť a úspech! 🚀

Did you know that up to 86% of marketers confirm that video has helped them increase traffic to their website? 🚀If you'r...

Did you know that up to 86% of marketers confirm that video has helped them increase traffic to their website? 🚀
If you're not yet harnessing the power of video, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to engage your customers and take your business to the next level. 📈


Vedeli ste, že až 86 % marketérov potvrdzuje, že im video pomohlo zvýšiť návštevnosť ich webu? 🚀
Ak ešte nevyužívate silu videí, prichádzate o obrovskú príležitosť zaujať svojich zákazníkov a posunúť svoj biznis na vyššiu úroveň. 📈

📈 Did you know that up to 87% of marketers say video has helped them generate leads? 🎥 Video marketing isn't just a tren...

📈 Did you know that up to 87% of marketers say video has helped them generate leads? 🎥 Video marketing isn't just a trend, it's a powerful tool that increases trust, strengthens customer relationships and delivers results. If you're not yet harnessing the power of video, it's time to start! 💡


📈 Vedeli ste, že až 87 % marketérov tvrdí, že video im pomohlo generovať leady? 🎥 Video marketing nie je len trend, je to silný nástroj, ktorý zvyšuje dôveru, posilňuje vzťahy so zákazníkmi a prináša výsledky. Ak ešte nevyužívate silu videa, je najvyšší čas začať! 💡


Excited to share our new CE-RISE Project explainer video! 💥 Discover how CE-RISE is advancing a circular economy across Europe with sustainable, impactful solutions—all in line with the project’s unique visual identity. 🔋


Dnes sa s vami podelíme o naše nové vysvetľujúce video k projektu CE-RISE! 💥 Zistite, ako CE-RISE napreduje v obehovej ekonomike v celej Európe pomocou udržateľných a efektívnych riešení - to všetko v súlade s jedinečnou vizuálnou identitou projektu. 🔋

With video, we retain the idea up to 95% of the time. 🧠 In comparison with text - where retention is only 10%. Contact u...

With video, we retain the idea up to 95% of the time. 🧠 In comparison with text - where retention is only 10%.

Contact us to create engaging custom videos. 🎥

Pri pozeraní videa si zachováme v hlave myšlienku až v 95 % prípadov. 🧠 Pre porovnanie - pri texte je to len 10%.

Kontaktujte nás a vytvoríme spolu pútavé videá na mieru. 🎥


Let's dive into the creative process of another video. 🤿
GRINNER is a project, in which WEEE Forum is a key partner. The project's main goal is to reduce risks related to battery-caused fires by developing an AI-enabled robotic sorting system. 🔥

When it comes to complex projects like GRINNER, we always aim to study the topic closely and learn as much as possible about the solution. This way we can provide the client with relatable scenarios which eventually lead to the videos that effectively communicate the message. 👌🏻


Poďme sa ponoriť do tvorivého procesu ďalšieho videa. 🤿
GRINNER je projekt, v ktorom je WEEE Forum kľúčovým partnerom. Hlavným cieľom projektu je znížiť riziká spojené s požiarmi spôsobenými batériami prostredníctvom vývoja robotického triediaceho systému s umelou inteligenciou. 🔥

Pri práci na komplexných projektoch, akým je GRINNER, vždy dôkladne preštudujeme tému a snažíme sa získať čo najviac informácií o možných riešeniach. Týmto prístupom dokážeme klientovi navrhnúť porovnateľné scenáre, ktoré vedú k vytvoreniu videí, ktoré efektívne komunikujú posolstvo. 👌🏻

👀 Do you know what ROI is? It's the return on investment - the value that an investment brings compared to its cost. 💸 A...

👀 Do you know what ROI is? It's the return on investment - the value that an investment brings compared to its cost. 💸 And did you know that using video can increase that ROI by up to 49%? Use videos in your communications and watch the impact! 🎬
👀 Viete, čo je to ROI? Ide o návratnosť investície – teda hodnotu, ktorú investícia prinesie v porovnaní s jej nákladmi. 💸 A vedeli ste, že s využitím videa môže táto návratnosť vzrásť až o 49 %? Používajte vo svojej komunikácií videá a sledujte ten rozdiel! 🎬


What a fun project to get creative with - both the Ironbean world and the expressive personalities of the main characters! 🤩

In our latest video, we created a design that appeals to young viewers through the humour and iconic style of one of the most popular series. 📺 Do you know which show we're talking about? 🤔


Zábavný projekt, pri ktorom sme sa mohli kreatívne vyhrať - ako so svetom Ironbean, tak aj s výraznými osobnosťami hlavných postáv! 🤩

V našom najnovšom videu sme vytvorili dizajn, ktorý osloví mladých divákov prostredníctvom humoru a ikonického štýlu jedného z najpopulárnejších seriálov. 📺 Viete, o ktorom seriáli hovoríme? 🤔

🚀 A powerful tool for your marketing? Try it with video. It will capture your viewers' attention much better than tradit...

🚀 A powerful tool for your marketing? Try it with video. It will capture your viewers' attention much better than traditional tools like text and photos. 👀
🚀 Silný nástroj pre váš marketing? Skúste to s videom. Zachytí pozornosť vašich sledovateľov omnoho lepšie ako klasické nástroje v podobe textu a fotky. 👀


Creating this abstract video was a challenge for us, which allowed us to creatively express the essence of 🎨 The different shapes you see in the video symbolise the diversity of candidates and their skills, which is key when choosing the best candidate. 💼 not only simplifies the selection process, but also detects fake AI-generated resumes, ensuring transparency and quality. 🎯 We're glad we could embody this idea with an abstract visual.


Tvorba tohto abstraktného videa bola pre nás výzvou, ktorá nám umožnila kreatívne vyjadriť podstatu služby 🎨 Rôzne tvary, ktoré vo videu vidíte, symbolizujú rozmanitosť uchádzačov a ich schopností, čo je kľúčové pri výbere toho najlepšieho kandidáta. 💼

Služba nielenže zjednodušuje proces výberu, ale tiež odhaľuje falošné AI generované životopisy, čím zaručuje transparentnosť a kvalitu. 🎯 Sme radi, že sme mohli túto myšlienku stvárniť abstraktným vizuálom.

Did you know that up to 91% of companies use video as a marketing tool in their business? 🎥 That's because they know tha...

Did you know that up to 91% of companies use video as a marketing tool in their business? 🎥 That's because they know that with video, the sustainability of the idea is longer and the memorability is higher.

Use this information to your advantage and get started with video marketing too! At Moodive, we'd love to help you do that 👉🏻


Vedeli ste, že až 91% spoločností využíva vo svojom podnikaní video ako marketingový nástroj? 🎥 Vedia totiž, že pri videu je udržateľnosť myšlienky dlhšia a zapamätateľnosť vyššia.

Využite túto informáciu vo svoj prospech a začnite s video marketingom aj vy! V Moodive vám s tým radi pomôžeme 👉🏻

In collaboration with Martiancraft, we have created a unique animated video that reveals the infinite potential of augme...

In collaboration with Martiancraft, we have created a unique animated video that reveals the infinite potential of augmented reality. 👓 The project brings together a diverse cast of characters who, in conjunction with detailed environments, give viewers a new perspective on the world. 👀


V spolupráci s Martiancraft sme vytvorili jedinečné animované video, ktoré odhaľuje nekonečný potenciál rozšírenej reality. 👓 V projekte sa stretávajú rôznorodé postavy, ktoré v spojení s detailne prepracovanými prostrediami prinášajú divákom nový pohľad na svet. 👀


Augmented reality is bound to take part in our everyday life. It helps performing tasks more efficiently and precisely. It creates a new world where people see beyond the known and reveals a completely new reality. Watch the full video of how Apple Vision…



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Moodive Studio

The stories, animations, graphics and illustrations are the main things that connects us in the Moodive.

We are the team of creatives based in Slovakia with big plans and visions for the future as well as desire to push our boundaries even further. So far, we have cooperated with either smaller or bigger companies, from Startups to transnational corporations and we are proud of our 200 successful projects and 99,9% satisfied clients.

Each client is unique and we always do everything to get the best result, whether with the awesome unique illustrations, animations, or the amazing story that will take your heart. Our goal is to create the video, which will make your client’s emotions blow up and will help your business grow. Because the long and winding road to success can be more enjoyable with the outstanding video.

So step out into the world of animation with us.