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#12150: JoD account suspension

Just wanna share an experience with JoD (Jobs on D3mand) recently. Applied for a fnb job which begins a week later.

Unfortunately I was having stomache and diarrhea that morning, so i couldn'twork. (according to Food Safety rules). Had to cancel last minute (about 4 hours before).

I didn't have an MC as it's rather ridiculous to pay $50 to see a doctor to get an MC for something I won't get paid for. And usually wun see a doctor unless u have diarrhea for more than 3 days.

Wrote in to them, still gonna get suspension. Felt unfair but what to do. Just can rant here lo.

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#12147: Fair skin obsession

Is it just me or are there other dark skinned indian girls who can't relate to any adv/drama/movies where the guy is head over heels for his girl? Cos the girl is ALWAYS fair skinned. Kay, not racist I love Chinese girls, my bestie is a Chinese. Bbbbbut, we all know that indian girls especially dark skinned ones are the least preferred. Idk why we are dark skinned, I wish I knew why I'm not white or the most preferred type amongst guys. If all other types like fair skinned Indian, Chinese or even White women, curvy are lured by the (ahem Indian men), whom do we get lured by? As a lady, I also wanna feel wanted tho.. advice? Also, are there dinosaur guys who are "untainted", saving themselves for their legal spouses? Fomo but too unattractive to be wanted by men and really not interested in a physical thing. Am I the dinosaur?

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#12146: Grievance and Complaint Regarding Excessive Overtime and Lack of Work-Life Balance

Dear Spouse's Boss(es),

This letter constitutes a formal grievance and complaint regarding the excessive overtime demands placed upon my spouse.

Your organisation consistently operates in a manner that disregards the importance of work-life balance for your employees. This is evident in the following:

- Excessive Overtime: my spouse and other colleagues routinely work beyond their contracted hours, overnights with no apologies or compensation. You still have the cheek to call my spouse outside of work hours, while we are sleeping or making love (which is hardly, after all these years). To think that your organisation supports family and community policies of the government, which is ironic to me. Despite the providence of off-in-lieu days, my spouse is pressured to work 24/7.

- Lack of Flexibility: The organisation demonstrates a lack of flexibility in work arrangements, failing to accommodate personal commitments and family responsibilities. I would warn others with family not to work for you. I am not alone in this as other contacts who hear about your organisation have nothing positive to say about you all either.

- Constant Pressure: Employees are subjected to constant pressure to meet unrealistic deadlines, leading to chronic stress and burnout.

This excessive workload and lack of support have had a significant negative impact on my spouse's physical and mental health, as well as our personal relationship. It has also severely impacted our ability to plan and enjoy our lives together. If I had known about your toxic workplace culture, I would warn other innocent young prospective applicants that people in your organisation are giant walking red flags and to stay clear.

Despite your organisation clearly associating with MPs, grassroots activities, and supporting needy families, you turn a blind eye to your organisation's direct impact on the well-being of your employees, who are hardworking citizens, not slaves.

The blatant disregard for employee well-being and work-life balance reflects poorly on your organisation, the government and will negatively influence my voting decisions in future elections.

Throwing more money at your employees is not going to nip the problem in the bud - your toxic work culture.

Recommendations if you want to retain or hire new staff:

- Promote flexible work arrangements such as remote work and flexible hours to improve work-life balance, and not as a "reward" to "deserving/favourite" staff.

- Reduce workplace stress by setting realistic deadlines and providing adequate support to employees.

- Actually defend your employees and not let them be bullied by mafia towkay chairpeople and volunteers. Just because they are rich and powerful, does not mean they can belittle others and be entitled brats.

- Be upfront during interviews so that new recruits don't go into the role blindsided by the unspoken rules and "extra assignments".

- Prioritise employee well-being by offering resources such as stress management programs, proper whistleblowing channels and employee assistance programs. Your overconfidence in "ownself check ownself" is a joke because spouses of your employees can see through the smokescreen and sweet talk.

I expect to see long-term solutions to address the concerns raised by election day, because I have tolerated your nonsense for years and I still see no improvement. If I had known then that our lives would be constantly interfered by you lot, I would not have married my spouse. Till today, I don't see a future for us. Children are completely out of the picture.

I look forward to your prompt response to resolve this mess. If you launch a witch-hunt to find, threaten or sue said employee, I will know, and your organisation's performance will be evaluated at the polls come election day. My spouse is a completely innocent patriot who will die unremembered by you, and not even a footnote in the annals of your organisation.

Flat Burntout

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#12148: High on kaffè

Care to share how did you know he/she is the one? (Despite imagining them pooping or having annoying flaws to tolerate or having so many other better options, yet you still chose to grow old with them)

Happy CNY!

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#12144: Stop daydreaming while walking

I don’t get it. Some people are just so damn entitled. When you are not aware of your surroundings, don’t blame others when you swung and hit your hand onto other people’s bag. And fyi I did apologise. So dramatic lol.

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#12143: Seeking feedback from Insurance agents - Lead Generation (A1 Immigration)

Hi, I would like to ask my fellow Insurance agents here. Has anyone bought leads from this PR application company(s) called A1 Immigration consultancy, Singapore Finest Immigration Concierge, Ministry of Immigration? You might have seen their advertisements regarding their leads. They charge $1000 for one lead, with no guarantee in replacement timeline. They claim that the leads are also very good quality and they have an abundant of leads during their roadshow done in Gillman Barracks.

Yes I admit I was desperate and gullible, But I just wanted something to work out, and still went on with it despite the exorbitant price. I just want to know if anyone has also purchased leads from them, and what is your experience thus far. If you are currently facing some unpleasantries with them too, do share so the rest of us will not make the same mistake I do.

Thank you.

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#12140: Black magic, obsession, molestation, harassment

It's been more than 17 years since my sec sch SGSS. Two indian guys(from same class each for two years) have been so jealous/obsessed w me so much that they used black magic to send ghosts (quoted by Thai Ajarn, Malay bomoh) to observe me, kacau me especially at night touching me inappropriately and moving my limbs just when I am sleeping. Ragu (sec 3 and 4) and Arvind (sec 1 and 2). Embarrassing cos I am ugly, but smart, gkw they are jealous-.-. They have been so obsessed until they stalked me to my blk ever since sec sch, made friends w opp blks guys and watch me through my kitchen, hall and room windows. They passed derogatory comments like "dei why is she so black da, so ugly, so not hot..." even at 2am when I took a drink of water from the kitchen. All of this started right after A created a WA group with R and a few other sec sch ppl, started chatting w me, mind you he was already in a rs, so iknew he's not a decent guy cos he was flirting w me. I reached to R randomly from the WA group and suggested a catch-up after class at 9p.m, we met for the first time after 5 years of sec sch, very odd that he tried to kiss me, cos we never said things like I like you or were even in a rs and it was supposed to be a friendly meetup. I felt wierded out. After a week of talking, he randomly said I only treat you as a friend and ghosted me right after. I felt so confused, ever since sec sch I felt something so odd about him, cos he used to stare at me across the class and I would feel dead scared, as if something was trying to capture my soul, I did not know about barang or jinn at that time. I started seeing him and two other of his friends near my blk, after the call, but I avoided him cos I felt that he was too wierd. This continued for one year. Until, one Tuesday afternoon, I was washing the dishes in the kitchen, I felt someone staring at me from the window, I heard R voice too, I thought I was going mad, I covered the window with a cloth, I immediately heard R voice say a vulgarity word and received a SMS saying "hey are you there " from him. I knew this could not be a coincidence but I could not understand how could anyone see my blk or be that dedicated of a stalker, so I brushed my warning thoughts off and msged him as a friend, thinking maybe he might not be that weird, back then I could not explain why I felt jaded/compelled to text him, almost like I was under a spell. Talks over texts continued again for a week and he asked me accompany him on the next Tuesday night to KTPH to collect his MC, he was doing his army then. He simply said nobody was free and so I felt bad (cos my JC friend Roy had passed away right after army and he had wanted to meet me before he passed but I could not and I have always felt guilty) and accompanied him. On the bus ride after the hospital, he forcefully wet kissed my cheek, so much saliva and I wiped it off. I have never kissed anyone or have never been kissed by a guy, honestly I was scared and disgusted. He then tried to get closer to me, groped my chest. I kept struggling, pushing him away (he was too heavy, I am petite). I kept asking him, what are you doing, he repeated , nothing but continued to inappropriately touch me. I was so scared of him, thankfully the bustop came and he got off acting as if nothing happened. I thought I was overacting and thought maybe this was supposed to be normal amongst army guys, even though I was very uncomfortable, till now Idk why I still followed him like a spelled woman to Macs to make sure he had food and he forced me to finish his fries, and I took a cab home after that. I could not sleep the whole night, I felt so warm as if I was in Hell, kept feeling as if something was watching me very closely. I was so embarrassed that he molested me
and disgusted that I showered twice and did not tell my mom anything. The next night he called me, told me that he only saw me as a friend. My sister coughed in the background during the call, he asked who was it, I said sister, he said oh she is hot. I was really disgusted, blocked him on all platforms. The bullying then started, he used to stalk me outside my tutorial rooms at sch. Pass comments whenever I passed by the group near my blk. Oh, yes the whole group was from Hougang, no where close to my neighbourhood where I live btw. Things took a turn when my mom started seeing "someone who looks like me" at night in her room when I was already asleep in mine. Electronic items, like fridge, tv,... spoiled one after another on consecutive days weirdly. I started to see shadows while showering, hear man's deep breathing voice when asleep on the upper single bed bunk, see dents on my skin when I feel something pushing me awake. I started to isolate myself, neglect my well being, started to come home very late to avoid the bunch of guys who hung around the opposite blk void decks just to bully me. At one point I did not eat for three days straight, fainted in the MRT and was admitted to the hospital. I then reached out to Ragu, called and texted multiple times, no answer. I always used to feel something watching me and I could not sleep at home, felt so suffocated. I was so scared, as if my soul was trapped, can't explain my fear. I became suicidal,on Hari Raya eve I attempted su***de, ran up 11 storeys with a chair at 2a.m. my parents saw me leave the house, ran up and stopped me before my jump. I begged my mom to talk to the guys below, my parents refused. I had no choice, skipped my graduation, paid for my own rent and eventually stayed at my grandparents place( after a few years my mom decided to tell my aunt who suggested to stay at my grandparents place ). I even saw R under the rental blk, the night I shifted to the rental place and a few months after I moved to my grandparents place, at the void deck of the neighboring blk. I realised that he was a compulsive stalker. I became paranoid. My family friend had suggested to visit a Malay healer, at that time, I refused to believe that he did black magic but before we stepped into his house, the man told my parents that two guys did black magic on your daughter for her to lose her mind and kill herself. He suggested bunga mandi, I refused to follow his orders. After a few years I opened up to my colleague who asked me why do I look so tired all the time, cos I could not sleep at night due to disturbances no matter where I was and would go to work the next day with barely any sleep. She then suggested to visit a healer, strangely he said the same things as the Malay healer. I started to consider that these black magic things were real, I started seeking Chinese healers at temples, other Malay healers and even a Thai Ajarn. Strangely they all said the same thing, black magic done by two guys, one even described how they looked like which fit the description of A and R. The Thai Ajarn said they sent a ghost to observe me, bind their souls to mine, to disturb me whenever they asked it to. He also mentioned that they had sexual feelings for my sister who was already married waiting for her BTO while staying with my parents, which explained why whenever I felt very uneasy at home, and I had coincidentally checked her room to see if she was ok, she was always pleasuring herself. I felt that was really odd, knowing her. I confronted her privately, she got immediately angry and stopped talking to me, even cut off ties with me, just for the confrontations. I was so upset how could my sister forget all the good times we shared and burn the bridge, even my mom did not care to reconcile us. The Ajarn said the ghost will make her even lie cos it makes her want to "do it back" whenever Ragu asks for it meaning when he pleasures himself in another location I could not understand all of these, cos I was a celibate and I was just too heartbroken and disappointed with my sister for in a way cheating on my brother in law. I rmbr there was one night where my brother in law screamed quite loudly from their room at night "what are you doing!" it was the same " who are you to ask" from my sister when I had confronted her the last time, this time she said that to her husband. I kinda had a feeling that he knew she was odd too. After a while they left, R still brought his loud bike every time she came over just to do vroom vroom and suddenly my sister's voice would be high pitched when she was talking to my mom. I knew she kena "gong dao". The Thai Ajarn also confirmed it after I sent her details over. I had confirmed with other healers too. They said that she liked him. I honestly felt so bad for her one year old son. Till today, I still doubt if she actually slept w him irl. He was three years younger than my sister too. The whole uncomfortable acts continued for years until she left to her BTO. I used to frequent a temple for peace cos I felt so alone, without my parents support and never had a relationship to find the silver lining to any of my sister behaviour. One night at the temple, a mutual sec sch friend saw and told me after I shared to him about R, he said that he had taken underskirt videos of our English teacher back in sec 3 and 4. He had even taken inappropriate videos of women in public spaces but he was too scared to tell the teacher back then. Another poly friend of R also recognized me based on my photo on his phone and said that R had molested a minor, had sexual rs in his uni hall with someone almost 10 years younger than him, tried to get close with his friends girlfriends and had inappropriate videos in his devices (not sure if phone or laptop). Another Malay healer had also firmly told me that R and A carried jinns and co**se oil to lure women to be interested in them, to always try to get attention from people around them, and always control them and their emotions, they liked to be in complete control by asking the jinn to lock their soul or idk what that meant. Till today I am still trapped, even after making police reports on harassment and molestation, confronting R over a phone call and even getting a PPO in fear of my safety. The both guys still use their black magic to disturb me and still hang around my blk, but I cannot report the black magic disturbances to the police. The Thai Ajarn said, they will keep sending ghosts again every time you get help cos they tied their souls to mine and will know when someone tries to break that. I don't want to think that su***de will be the only way I can sleep in peace, I want to be grateful for my presence that God has given me. Please help me anyone, please do share any powerful bomohs contact you know to [email protected].

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#12139: What 3-3.5k salary jobs to find

Looking for decent 3.3-3.5k jobs that is not insurance, retail, f&b. I have been seeing applications with more than 100 applications in marketing and other jobs. My arts degree is not relevant other than in marketing. I'm a fresh grad with 1 year working experience before uni

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#12138: Not sure where to ask

I'm looking to work in product management. What's the job market for product managers? Are there entry level junior product manager that do not need business or CS degree? I do not have a business degree. Are there similar jobs to product manager that I can go into?

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#12137: Husband is being distant from me. Was I wrong?

I'll try my best to keep it short although it's a lil long. You may criticize me all you want.

We were on a vacation overseas, and while we were walking in a busy area, there's a street musician playing his guitar (you know the ones that you can drop money for them in their guitar case/hats etc), singing to a song that my husband loves. As we walked passed the street musician my husband was singing along to the song, and then he said he wants to go back for a bit to just sing along a little to the song played, at least just vibing to it together with the musician (but not on the main stage of course)

So what happened was, I said no. He insist that he won't take long, just until the song is done. I said no and pulled him away. I told him that the street musician is having his moment, and I really believe he shouldn't take the spotlight away from the street musician, and I genuinely believe it's very innapropriate behavior. My husband's aura just changed immediately after. He instantly became so quiet, not showing enough enthusiasm, giving obvious fake smile etc.

I asked him what's wrong and why is he so different, but he refuse to answer. The whole vacation, he's just so different after I said no. He only revealed it after we came back home here.

So, he told me that he's not mad, he's just really sad and upset over the fact that I wouldn't let him join the street musician and have some happy times. I told him again and again that it's innapropriate, but he said it's not, as he has done that many times before elsewhere and it makes him happy. He then said that it's not the first time I shush him up and not let him have his fun being himself, like how I told him to stop being an annoying loud person in public as people might look at us weird. He argued that the area that he was being a lil loud is already at a loud place (We were at the crowded night market), but, I still insist that it's not appropriate.

I'm always very mindful over everything so that no one will look at me weird. But he's the opposite. No he won't go as far as being loud at a quiet place like in public transport or places like library etc of course, but, he doesn't seem to care about what the public thinks of him in general. He said that he knows the right time and place to just be himself. But, I believe we should just be mindful all the time.

He's been so distant lately he hasn't been smiling like how he used to. I told this story to my friends, all of them said I'm wrong here.

So, was I really wrong?

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#12136: Update on #12097: Lack of Passion & Complacent Spouse Behavior

After our honeymoon in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, my wife returned to Canada, and we started a long-distance relationship (LDR). In the first week, we barely texted, and only had a brief call over the weekend. She mentioned she was tired and needed rest. The following week was similar—brief texts and another short call where I expressed missing her and the difficulty of the 12-hour time difference. I suggested that we should invest more effort into our relationship, but she responded that I had more time to think about it and that she was busy with her job and family.

Her response made me realize that she didn’t understand how relationships work and wasn’t willing to put in the effort to strengthen our bond. During our 10 months of courtship before marriage, I was patient, gave reassurance, and prioritized her. I had once asked if she was genuinely interested in marriage, as her efforts seemed lacking, and she admitted she didn’t know how relationships worked but promised to prioritize me and the marriage after the wedding. I also made efforts to ensure her happiness, such as paying for our honeymoon and wedding expenses.

However, her continued reluctance and emotional distance made me realize that this marriage might not be sustainable in the long term. I suggested she move to Singapore for a few years so we could build a stronger bond, with me financially supporting her. She rejected this idea and resisted any efforts to bring us closer.

Not wanting to deal with emotional or mental infidelity, I had to face the reality of our situation. How can I build a family with a spouse who is emotionally distance, doesn't even try to make things work and will only be happy if I don't have any needs. Despite involving our families, no resolution was reached. When I asked for her input on possible solutions, she said, “I don't have a solution, you find a solution based on this situation.” Eventually, I decided to let her go for the sake of my mental peace.

The marriage lasted only 4 months, and I’ve learned valuable lessons from this experience: never ignore red flags, people don't change, understand your needs, and be with someone who shares your level of emotional maturity.

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#12116: Is it faithful or not faithful to their spouse

This lady is married with 3 children. Another man is married with 1 children.
She keep meeting him out every day. This married man always whataspp her n even call her dear. This married lady's husband doesn't know at all. She said if her husband know will not like it.
But she still allow that married man call her dear.
They everyday meet do volunteer work, eating also share the same spoon. This is not a good hygiene. Sharing the same spoon is only for hubby n wife. But they are not couple. Only as friend. His wife still unaware of it but his wife doesn't like him call other people's wife as dear.
Every Sunday he still call her . And he is not with her, this married lady know what time he is free. So terrible.

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#12134: This is a response to #12114

Hi, thx for the advices. I’d like to clarify a few things. I wasn’t aware that my ex gf came from a wealthy family; she kept that a secret until I met her parents in Germany. And no, I’m ain't that type to look for rich gf, I only worked for her dad, everything just unfolded that way.

Someone suggested that I continue working for him. He did ask if I wanted to stay on since I already know the ins and outs, and have the network but that would be really hard for me, I would be in close proximity to his daughter. Awkward.

I reached out for advice because I’ve been feeling lost. I’ve spent most of my life playing games without thinking about my future or taking on responsibilities. It took a breakup for me to wake up to this reality. I still have the savings I accumulated, but now I’m mainly giving money to my lovely mom. I don’t waste money on trivial things I'm a gamer.

Honestly, once you start seeing that kind of money rolling in, it’s tough to think about starting over from scratch. I’ve always wanted to start a biz here (FnB), kinda knew the failure rate is high as well and I have no idea where to begin. Finding suppliers, equipment, and understanding the ins and outs—those things you typically learn while working part time or something.

Unfortunately, I don’t have that exp, and at this age, it’s pretty hard. Anyway, at some point, I guess I’ll just have to start from zero or invest some money into the business and learn from there. I just dont know how this pathetic private dip is gonna get me any job too.

PS: I did try to DM some small business owners on Fb, TikTok, and IG with simple questions, but none of them responded to me. I guess I’ll have to learn the hard way.

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#12133: Pets over parents

Some background is that my mum is one of those older generation that treats pets like toys where they can be discarded anytime once you get bored of it and believes that pets are a waste of money. When my siblings and I were young, we’ve had several pets that were eventually given away after a short period of time once the novelty of it wears off or when one of us sibling gets injured by it due to the lack of proper knowledge on how to play with animals respectfully as kids. I am child free by choice and have several cats that I do love and treat as my own children much to the disappointment of my mum who keeps pestering me to have human kids instead.

Now as adults, we all have our own family and house and my mum is staying alone for now. She has hinted that she would eventually like to move in with me when she gets older but the issue is that I have several pet cats and she still has the belief that they are a waste of money and has a few times told me to give them away and stop wasting money on them. Even when my house was undergoing renovation, I’ve had to pay a large sum of money for their boarding instead of asking her to help take care as she joked that she will ‘accidentally’ leave the door open and let the cats run away.

While she has not outright ask to move in, because of those comments of hers, I am extremely unwilling and hesitant to have her move in with me in the future as I believe she will do something to my cats such as letting them run out of the house by pretending to forget to close the gate or cause harm to my cats by ‘accident’. I also do not wish to cage my cats up for majority of the day as I work long hours when they are used to having the freedom to roam the entire house as they like. I am definitely not willing to give my cats away just so my mum can move in with me as well.

My sibling is unlikely to let her move in with them either due to bad relationship or lack of space in their house due to children. Because of this, I’m apparently a disappointment and a unfilial child but all I want is to protect my cats.

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#12132: Education not needed

Most of us in Singapore are groom to study hard, work smart, climb the corporate ladder. Having the privilege to work for a long time and I did manage to climb to a certain level, I have seen leaders or management that are super unqualified, some of them are did not even attend college are in the top level of the company captaining a large ship. When u sit thru those meetings with the stake and shareholder, these people throwing smokes, curve balls in the meeting are unbelievable!

So to those whom are inspired to the climbing the ladder! Don’t worry, smoke ur way thru until u make it!

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#12129: Act it, until you make it. (Corporates CB KIA)

you know how it is like to have a boss that was not qualified, not only he is academically unqualified, his experience was no way near the job he had. most of us believed that being a yes-man (carry balls) and betraying his colleagues brought him where he is. He had a few good years when he was promoted to a CSMO, but his true value shown when company ride thru a rocky path. in order for him to survive, he betrayed his colleagues, staffs just to keep his jobs, accepting a lower role while convince his new boss that he could one man take over several roles and region.

talk about act it, until you make it. he is the living legacy of betray and a traitor of his colleagues, and his bosses that blindly promoted him, use his influences to laid off everyone so that he could survive.

Thinking it is a great idea to control company cash flow, CB KIA introduce partial severance pay out by months for those he laid off, lucky it did not work out.

a true survival corporates CB KIA. karma awaits

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