Music Publishers

Music Publishers Excerise Copyright Act 1987 & 1988
( Amend 2005 )

★Tentang     Perusaha One Music Publishing      ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING P/L      ( 一個音樂出版私人有限公司 )               UEN No. 201...

Perusaha One Music Publishing

( 一個音樂出版私人有限公司 )
UEN No. 201106083Z
Nomber Identitas Intelektual :-
Music Publisher & Distribusi
lokal & jaringan di seluruh dunia.

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED ( 一個音樂出版私人有限公司 ) Adalah bisnis penerbitan dunia, memiliki dan memperoleh hak atas komposisi musik dan lisensi mereka untuk digunakan dalam rekaman dan penggunaan terkait, seperti film dan Rekaman Musik Iklan/RECORDS MUSIK advertisements.

One Music Records Private Ltd , adalah Hak Cipta Repertoir Musik yang menggunakan dan mempraktekan Hak Cipta Internasional Tahun 1987 & 1998
( Di perbarukan Tahun 2005 ) .

One Music Publishing Private Ltd Mempunyai Nombor Identitas Intelektual
untuk kepemilikan Hak Cipta tingkat dunia di kenali oleh International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers ( CISAC ) , Composers And Authors Society Of Singapore Ltd
( COMPASS ) , Wahana Muzik Indonesia
( WAMI ) , Music Authors Copyright Protection Malaysia Sdn Bhd ( MACP ) Dan Association seluruh dunia.

One Music Publishing Private Limited didirikan pada tahun 2011 untuk lebih meningkatkan bisnis penerbitan musik. Kami bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi secara aktif lagu-lagu kami sendiri maupun lagu-lagu pencipta/penulis lain dengan penanganan administrasi yang handal.


★ Profesional dan selaras / mengupayakan lisensi untuk mendorong segi komersial / film / game maupun kegiatan yang sejenis

★ Mengkompilasi Daftar-A & R penulis internasional dan lokal

★ Administrasi & eksplorasi repertoar lokal untuk wilayah di luar Singapura dengan menggunakan jaringan di seluruh dunia.

★ Inovatif One Music Records Private Ltd Musik & Sound Desain adalah departemen yang dibentuk untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan bisnis baru.

Percayailah tujuan kami untuk mengekplorasi secara aktif lagu-lagu kami sendiri maupun lagu-lagu pencipta/penulis lain dengan penanganan administrasi yang handal.

Barisan Exclusive Komposer lagu & Penulis Senikata terdiri dari Singapore :-

Mohamed Khairil Mohd Yusoff , Mohd Dainal MD Sarip , Saifulbahruddin Othman , Yusoff Latiff , Sakma MD Zawawi , Muhammed Yassen Yusoff , Salina Majid , Nur hairiyah Mohd Yusoff , Mazlan , Mohd Yazri Malek , Zainal Abidin

Admintrasi oleh
One Music Publishing Private limited sebagai Muzik Publisher
Local & Jaringan seluruh Dunia
COMPASS ( Composers and Authors Society Of Singapore Ltd )

Barisan Exclusive Komposer lagu & Penulis Senikata terdiri dari Indonesia :-

Regi Weking , Reky Marthen Mangundap , Rokye Yohannes Mangundap

Admintrasi oleh
One Music Publishing Private limited sebagai Muzik Publisher
Local & Jaringan seluruh Dunia
WAMI ( Wahana Muzik Indonesia )

Pertanyaan sila email
[email protected]

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."












★ Hak Ciptaan - Intellectual Property
( Materai )
IDR 43,937,556.05 / SG $4,500

Pertanyaan sila Email [email protected]

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

Perhatian Musisi , Pencipta karya Dan Penulis lyric Infomasi yg berguna untk kalian Banyak Streaming Radio Station Onlin...


Musisi , Pencipta karya Dan Penulis lyric
Infomasi yg berguna untk kalian

Banyak Streaming Radio Station Online yg friend dgn One Music terus unfriend Dan ada jugak yg blocked Facebook mereka Dari di lihat putaran lagu yg di putarkan di Online takot di lihat ya .

Streaming Radio Station Online ada buat salah ? Issue Hak Ciptaan lagu yg di putarkan terus melalui Streaming Online website .

Jawapnya :-
Streaming Radio Station Online Melanggari Undang Undang Hak Ciptaan Republic Indonesia .

No.19 Tahun 2002 Undang Undang Hak Ciptaan Republic Indonesia .

Hukum Hak Ciptaan Undang Undang jelas tertera di dalam Hukum Republic Indonesia .

Sila baca
Collecting Society Baru : Wahana Musik Indonesia (WAMI)
Pada tanggal 21 November 2007 yang lalu saya bersama teman-teman di Content Provider menghadiri undangan dari WAMI (Wahana Musik Indonesia) & Pihak WAMI melakukan presentasi.

Apakah WAMI itu?
WAMI = Wahana Musik Indonesia
adalah sebuah perseroan terbatas (PT) yang didirikan pada Tanggal 15 September 2006 oleh Para Penerbit lagu (PUblishers) di Indonesia & telah disahkan oleh SK Menteri Kehakiman Pada tanggal 5 Januari 2007

Siapa sajakah Anggotanya?
1. Aquarius Pustaka Musik
2. Musica Studios
3. Nagaswara Publisherindo
4. Jawara Pustaka Musik (Forte Records)
5. Penerbit Musik Pertiwi (Lagu2 daerah & Perjuangan GNP music)
6. Warner Musik Indonesia

Otomatis anggota WAMI bukan lagi anggota KCI per Januari 2007.

Apa yang WAMI kerjakan?
WAMI mengelola eksploitasi hak mengumumkan atau Performing Rights sementara Publishers yang mengelola Mechanical Rights.

Apa perbedaan antara Performing Rights & Mechanical Rights?

Performing Rights : memanage & mengcollect royalti dari iklan di media baik media cetak, televisi, radio, digital, serta media lainnya berdasarkan per tayang/download (WAMI atau KCI)

Mechanical Rights : memanage & mengcollect royalti perpindahan dari Master ke kaset, CD, digital serta media lainnya (seperti HP, usb, ipod, dll)berdasarkan penjualan/download (biasanya y membayar dari record label ke publishing)

Alamat Wahana Musik Indonesia :

Jl. Bakti No. 24 Senopati Raya Jakarta.
Telp: 021-72799904
Fax: 021-72799905
Email: [email protected]

Adakah ia jelas Dan benar tertera dlm hukum Undang2 Hak Ciptaan di Indonesia .

Wahana Musik Indonesia (WAMI), adalah suatu badan usaha yang bergerak dibidang Collective Management Organization (CMO) atau lembaga manajemen kolektif pengelola eksploitasi karya cipta lagu terutama untuk royalti atas Hak Mengumumkan (Performing Rights).

★Tentang     Perusaha One Music Publishing     Dan Peruhasa One Music Records      ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING P/L      ( 一個音樂出...

Perusaha One Music Publishing
Dan Peruhasa One Music Records

( 一個音樂出版私人有限公司 )
UEN No. 201106083Z
Nomber Identitas Intelektual :-
Music Publisher & Distribusi
lokal & jaringan di seluruh dunia.

One Music Publishing Private limited Intellectual Property Division ( Tim Hak Ciptaan ) menulis email pada Youtube - [email protected] ada sebuah lagu telah di muatkan Dan telah di rakamkan semua lagu tersebut tanpa kebenaran Music Publishers iaitu One Music Publishing Private limited.

Maaf Butiran lagu tersebut tidak bisa di beritahu pada Umum . Hanya YouTube yg tahu , semua butiran Hak Ciptaan telah One Music Publishing Atau One Music Records milik perusahaan telah di email pada Youtube .

Perhatian :
Merakamkan semua lagu milik org lain lalu muatkan di YouTube ia Adalah satu kesalahan dlm Hak Ciptaan .

Company Principals Organisational StructureOne Music Records Private limited & One Music Publishing Private limitedWithW...

Company Principals Organisational Structure

One Music Records Private limited
One Music Publishing Private limited
World of Collective Management Organization ( CMO )
Created by Muhammed Yassen Yusoff

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Memiliki Merek Dagang adalah tanda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha atau perdagangan untuk membedakan dengan barang atau jasa perusahaan.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED telah mendaftarkan merek dagang memberikan hak pemilik untuk memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol penggunaan tanda.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED terdaftar merek dagang harus mampu menjadi diwakili grafis.Tanda ini dapat huruf apa saja, kata, nama, tanda tangan, angka, perangkat, merek, menuju, label, tiket, bentuk, warna, aspek kemasan atau kombinasi dari ini.

Perusahaan atau perusahaan, yang memiliki merek dagang dan menggunakannya sehubungan dengan barang atau jasanya, memperoleh hak hukum umum di mark yang berdasarkan penggunaan dan reputasi tanda.

Jika orang lain menggunakan yang sama atau tanda yang sama pada barang atau jasa yang sama atau serupa atau menggunakan tanda untuk memfitnah reputasi perusahaan sehubungan tanda terdaftar, pemilik merek dagang terdaftar dapat mengandalkan pendaftaran sebagai bukti kanannya tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran pendaftaran sebagai bukti haknya untuk tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran atau memfitnah pada tanda reputasi perusahaan.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

Artists Management -One Music Records Private limitedStructureCreated by Muhammed Yassen YusoffAll Rights Reserved © 201...

Artists Management -
One Music Records Private limited
Created by Muhammed Yassen Yusoff

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Memiliki Merek Dagang adalah tanda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha atau perdagangan untuk membedakan dengan barang atau jasa perusahaan.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED telah mendaftarkan merek dagang memberikan hak pemilik untuk memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol penggunaan tanda.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED terdaftar merek dagang harus mampu menjadi diwakili grafis.Tanda ini dapat huruf apa saja, kata, nama, tanda tangan, angka, perangkat, merek, menuju, label, tiket, bentuk, warna, aspek kemasan atau kombinasi dari ini.

Perusahaan atau perusahaan, yang memiliki merek dagang dan menggunakannya sehubungan dengan barang atau jasanya, memperoleh hak hukum umum di mark yang berdasarkan penggunaan dan reputasi tanda.

Jika orang lain menggunakan yang sama atau tanda yang sama pada barang atau jasa yang sama atau serupa atau menggunakan tanda untuk memfitnah reputasi perusahaan sehubungan tanda terdaftar, pemilik merek dagang terdaftar dapat mengandalkan pendaftaran sebagai bukti kanannya tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran pendaftaran sebagai bukti haknya untuk tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran atau memfitnah pada tanda reputasi perusahaan.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

Music Publisher One Music Publishing Private limitedStructureCreated by Muhammed Yassen YusoffAll Rights Reserved © 2015...

Music Publisher
One Music Publishing Private limited
Created by Muhammed Yassen Yusoff

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Memiliki Merek Dagang adalah tanda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha atau perdagangan untuk membedakan dengan barang atau jasa perusahaan.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED telah mendaftarkan merek dagang memberikan hak pemilik untuk memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol penggunaan tanda.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED terdaftar merek dagang harus mampu menjadi diwakili grafis.Tanda ini dapat huruf apa saja, kata, nama, tanda tangan, angka, perangkat, merek, menuju, label, tiket, bentuk, warna, aspek kemasan atau kombinasi dari ini.

Perusahaan atau perusahaan, yang memiliki merek dagang dan menggunakannya sehubungan dengan barang atau jasanya, memperoleh hak hukum umum di mark yang berdasarkan penggunaan dan reputasi tanda.

Jika orang lain menggunakan yang sama atau tanda yang sama pada barang atau jasa yang sama atau serupa atau menggunakan tanda untuk memfitnah reputasi perusahaan sehubungan tanda terdaftar, pemilik merek dagang terdaftar dapat mengandalkan pendaftaran sebagai bukti kanannya tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran pendaftaran sebagai bukti haknya untuk tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran atau memfitnah pada tanda reputasi perusahaan.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

Company Marketing StructureCreated by Muhammed Yassen YusoffAll Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ...

Company Marketing Structure
Created by Muhammed Yassen Yusoff

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Memiliki Merek Dagang adalah tanda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha atau perdagangan untuk membedakan dengan barang atau jasa perusahaan.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED telah mendaftarkan merek dagang memberikan hak pemilik untuk memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol penggunaan tanda.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED terdaftar merek dagang harus mampu menjadi diwakili grafis.Tanda ini dapat huruf apa saja, kata, nama, tanda tangan, angka, perangkat, merek, menuju, label, tiket, bentuk, warna, aspek kemasan atau kombinasi dari ini.

Perusahaan atau perusahaan, yang memiliki merek dagang dan menggunakannya sehubungan dengan barang atau jasanya, memperoleh hak hukum umum di mark yang berdasarkan penggunaan dan reputasi tanda.

Jika orang lain menggunakan yang sama atau tanda yang sama pada barang atau jasa yang sama atau serupa atau menggunakan tanda untuk memfitnah reputasi perusahaan sehubungan tanda terdaftar, pemilik merek dagang terdaftar dapat mengandalkan pendaftaran sebagai bukti kanannya tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran pendaftaran sebagai bukti haknya untuk tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran atau memfitnah pada tanda reputasi perusahaan.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

RECORDS LABELOne Music Records Private limitedStructureWithMUSIC PUBLISHER One Music Publishing Private limitedStructure...

One Music Records Private limited
One Music Publishing Private limited
Created by Muhammed Yassen Yusoff

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Memiliki Merek Dagang adalah tanda yang digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha atau perdagangan untuk membedakan dengan barang atau jasa perusahaan.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED telah mendaftarkan merek dagang memberikan hak pemilik untuk memungkinkan dia untuk mengontrol penggunaan tanda.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED terdaftar merek dagang harus mampu menjadi diwakili grafis.Tanda ini dapat huruf apa saja, kata, nama, tanda tangan, angka, perangkat, merek, menuju, label, tiket, bentuk, warna, aspek kemasan atau kombinasi dari ini.

Perusahaan atau perusahaan, yang memiliki merek dagang dan menggunakannya sehubungan dengan barang atau jasanya, memperoleh hak hukum umum di mark yang berdasarkan penggunaan dan reputasi tanda.

Jika orang lain menggunakan yang sama atau tanda yang sama pada barang atau jasa yang sama atau serupa atau menggunakan tanda untuk memfitnah reputasi perusahaan sehubungan tanda terdaftar, pemilik merek dagang terdaftar dapat mengandalkan pendaftaran sebagai bukti kanannya tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran pendaftaran sebagai bukti haknya untuk tanda dan menuntut pelanggaran atau memfitnah pada tanda reputasi perusahaan.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.

The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

"ONE MUSIC RECORDS PRIVATE LIMITED " ( ONE MUSIC RECORDS ) , while endeavors to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this website.The information, in part or whole, should therefore not be used in any judicial process whatsoever. Information is subject to change anytime without further notice.

All Rights Reserved © 2015 Copyright of " ONE MUSIC RECORDS ."

One Music Publishing Private Ltd            Intellectual Property Id number                       I-003480983-9 Was reco...

One Music Publishing Private Ltd
Intellectual Property Id number
Was recognizes by the World Association such as International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers
( CISAC ) , Composers And Authors Society Of Singapore Ltd ( COMPASS ) , Wahana Muzik Indonesia ( WAMI ) , MUSIC AUTHORS' COPYRIGHT PROTECTION MALAYSIA SDN BHD
( MACP ) and other Association in the World.


( 一個音樂出版私人有限公司 )
Intellectual Property Id number
Music Publisher & Distribution
locally & International World wide

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED deals specifically with music copyright and the usage of musical works.

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED as the Music Publisher's exercise and practise in Copyright Act to answer the call of composers, lyricists .

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED as the publishers is to hold the rights & copyright protection from any infringe and other matters related .

The purpose was to provide them protection with a means of compensation for usage of their creative material by other parties. This was accomplished by setting up a registry of musical works for composers and lyricists whereby their works would be protected by the music publishers ( ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED ) .

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED as the music publisher control and ownership of music written and published locally & International world wide , ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED has entered into reciprocal agreements with other affiliated societies worldwide .

One Music Publishing Private Limited was established in 2011 to further enhance the music publishing business within the One Music Records Private Ltd and others record labels .

We aim to be active on creative exploitation of our songs / writers as well as handling reliable administration.


★Professional synch / licensing department to enforce commercial/film/game synch activity

★A-list A&Rs and holding writing camps with international and domestic writers

★Administration & exploitation of local repertoire to territories outside Singapore by using our worldwide network.


One Music Records Private Ltd Music & Sound Design department was formed to accomondate new business needs.

One Music Publishing Private Ltd Intellectual Property Id number I-003480983-9 was recognizes by the World Association such as International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers ( CISAC ) , Composers And Authors Society Of Singapore Ltd
( COMPASS ) , Wahana Muzik Indonesia
( MACP ) and other Association in the World.

Trust Our companies aim to be active on creative exploitation of our songs/writers as well as handling reliable administration.









Copyrights Administration
( Stamp fees )
IDR 43,937,556.05 / SG $4,500

Any Enquiry , Do email us
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ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED Have Trade Mark is a sign used in the course of business or trade to distinguish the company goods or services .

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED have registering a trade mark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of the sign.

ONE MUSIC PUBLISHING PRIVATE LIMITED registered trade mark has to be capable of being represented graphically. This sign can be any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, aspect of packaging or a combination of these.

The firm or company, who owns a trade mark and uses it in connection with his goods or services, acquires common law rights in that mark by virtue of the use and reputation of the mark.

If someone else uses the same or a similar mark on the same or similar goods or services or uses the marks for defamatory the company reputation in respect of the mark is registered, the registered trade mark owner can rely on his registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringements registration as proof of his right to the mark and sue for infringement or defamatory on the company reputation mark.


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