👉 What is it about this thing you don't like? Make it enjoyable instead!
✨ for example, boring or hard chores feel easier if you set a time frame to do it, listen to good music in the background or decide on a treat for yourself after achieving it. That way, you have something that makes it easier to do or at least enjoyable to finish!
🧡 What are your least favorite tasks to do?
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👉 Try these things next time your having a rough day!
1 - Put yourself in a quiet place and just breathe for a minute until you've calmed down. This can be in a bathroom stall, your car or on the nearest bench.
2 - Assess the gravity of the situation. Is it just many small things that aren't going your way right now or did something happen that will impact the rest of your life? Put it in perspective and decide if this is something you can choose to shake off or need to handle in a timely manner.
3 - Eat or drink something, even chewing gum will do! This lets your body understand that you are no longer in flight or fight mode but in a state of reason and clarity.
4 - Write down three things you are truly thankful for. Doesn't matter big or small, as long as you let yourself feel gratefulness for it. Pro tip is to save this list and look at it at future events too!
5 - Listen to a happy, upbeat song that you love! Music is the easiest way to immediately change your mindset.
✨ Remember that practice makes perfect and the more you do these things the easier you will handle tough days in the future.
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👉 There's no doubt sometimes life gives you lemons. Sometimes someONE decides to mess with you. BUT... There is ALWAYS a choice. A choice to move on, take different actions and to not live in the past.
✨ No one is coming to save you, except YOU. the sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll be and feel in control of your life. Fully understanding this is freedom!
🧡 YOU have the power, YOU have a choice, YOU are the boss of your own life!
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👉 First, know this: motivation comes ONLY from within. Inspiration, on the other hand, comes from people and things around us.
✨ You must decide that you WANT this change. What always works for.me is to think about your life in 1, 5 or 10 years if you DON'T make this change. It's scarier than the alternative, right?
🧡 Changes are scary but comes with freedom, being stuck gets you nowhere!
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👉 Sometimes life hits you in the face and it's okay to take a step back, take a break and review the situation. It's that you get back up that matters!
✨ Sometimes we only see what others achieve and it's hard wanting something so bad and it just doesn't seem to happen. Remember that you don't see other people's failures, just their achievements.
🧡 Your journey is your alone, keep in trying in new ways until you succeed! What is it you are working for?
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👉 I challenge you to take a look at your screen time history on your phone. Then add any TV and computer screen time you have during a day. Pretty scary, right?
✨ This is not meant to shame anyone, but realize that too much screen time makes our brains mushy and thereby less motivated to handle challenges - like quitting a bad habit.
🧡 What can we do? Try taking a walk instead of watching an episode of a TV show or listen to an audiobook instead of reading it on a screen. You can do this!
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👉 A growth mindset means you always want to improve your current skills and situation, NOT because of being ungrateful but having the best life possible. If anything it means trying to do your best in the situation you're in.
✨ You being your best self has a POSITIVE IMPACT on your family, friends, colleagues and all the people around you. If everyone aspired to be their best selves the world would instantly be a better place!
🧡 No matter WHAT you do, do it to the best of your ability!
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👉 Every situation offers many possible solutions. The problem is more often than not that we're stuck in our own thinking patterns.
✨ If this was your favorite TV show, how would the main character handle the problem? What would Jesus/Jeff at work/Harry Potter/someone you look up to do? Be creative and have fun with crazy ideas, the point is to push yourself outside your regular thinking box.
🧡 Every challenge is a possibility to change your ways and get closer to the person you want to be. Bonus tip: don't take advice from people who are not more themselves successful in these types of situations 🙈
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👉 Everything is scary before you get started! Make it manageable by breaking your goal down to smaller steps.
✨ Just remember, each step MUST take you forward, no matter how little or big. No making up things that aren't necessary!
🧡 Practice makes perfect, make it a habit to break down objectives into smaller actions. Suddenly it doesn't seem so scary any more.
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👉 "If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit"
✨ Before making any big decisions, make sure to take a break and try to be as clear headed as possible.
🧡 Learn the difference: You've no longer care about your previous goal, then quit. You're tired of the way you're trying to get to your goal, then rest and try again.
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👉 Here are some examples for you!
Smoking: Change to a brand you don't like
Being late: Apologize in writing every time
Screen time: Only when standing up
Overspending: Track all expenses
Nail biting: Use polish that tastes bad
Snacking: Dip it in water first
Gossiping: Listen only
Overeating: Small portions, no refills
Drinking: Mix with water
Judging others: Say out loud to yourself "I will mind my own business"
✨ You get the point, change your habit to a less enjoyable one. It's a fine balance to meet your need but in a way that's just uncomfortable enough to still do it, and lose interest gradually.
🧡 We usually fool ourselves that we want to quit something, when actually the act of quitting is what we don't want at all! What we want is to be smoke free, always on time, etc etc. Focus on what you want to achieve, not how to achieve it.
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👉 This is also knows as the Pomodoro Technique (from these old school kitchen timers shaped like a veggie lol). 25 minutes is the perfect amount of time to get properly started without it feeling too challenging to get going.
✨ The ultimate combination of time blocks would look like this:
• 25 minute active work
• 5 minute break
• After max. 4 sets, so 2 hours, take AT LEAST a 30 minute break to properly be able to focus again when continuing.
🧡 This was truly a game changer for me, and I hope it will be for you as well!
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