ECP 2013

ECP 2013 The 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP2013) ECP 2013 take place in Stockholm 9th-12th of July, 2013. You are all most welcome!

The 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP2013) will be arranged by the Swedish Psychological Association under the auspices of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). The aim of the organization is to promote and improve psychology as a profession, as an applied discipline and as an area of scientific research. It's a scientific congress where new research is being prese

nted and discussed among scientists and practitioners from Europe and the rest of the world. The conference will be hosted at Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö, south of the city centre. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, a beauty on water, with its archipelago will be at its most delight at this time of year with daylight late in the evenings and a laid back summers feeling.

A Congress is about meetings. Here's the President of the Swedish Psychological Association, Lars Ahlin and his colleagu...

A Congress is about meetings. Here's the President of the Swedish Psychological Association, Lars Ahlin and his colleague president Takao Sato from the Japanese Psychological Association (JPA), signing a memoranda of mutual understanding.

Big thanks to our partners and sponsors of the ECP 2013. Especially to our main sponsor Natur & Kultur a Swedish Publish...

Big thanks to our partners and sponsors of the ECP 2013. Especially to our main sponsor Natur & Kultur a Swedish Publishing House. Many thanks!


Sage Publishing decided to leave books for all the volunteers that work for ECP 2013. Great. Much appreciated for the volunteers, because they're all psychology-students.

Professor Ernst Fehr was interviewed testernas by Swedish Televion (TV 4). See it here.

Professor Ernst Fehr was interviewed testernas by Swedish Televion (TV 4). See it here.

Grupptryck kan leda till bättre resultat på jobbet, i alla fall om det riktas mot själviska personer. Det menar den världsberömde nationalekonomen Ernst Fehr som var en av talarna på den europeiska psykologikongressen i Stockholm idag.

This is the only delegate from Egypt: Dr Fawsy Ezzat Daw, professor of Educational Psychology. He enjoyed the view of St...

This is the only delegate from Egypt: Dr Fawsy Ezzat Daw, professor of Educational Psychology. He enjoyed the view of Stockholm together with hundreds of delegates. Almost 50% of the registrated delegates at ECP 2013 come from non-European countries.

The first evening of ECP 2013, we held a much appreciated reception in the City Hall of Stockholm. The City hall is famous because it's wher

At the opening Ceremony Professor Jean Pettifor, 90 years old received the Wilhelm Wundt - William James Award. Read mor...

At the opening Ceremony Professor Jean Pettifor, 90 years old received the Wilhelm Wundt - William James Award. Read more about her here:

Pär Anders Granhag was interviewed by the Swedish Radio (P1) this morning. Unfortuantely in Swedish.

Pär Anders Granhag was interviewed by the Swedish Radio (P1) this morning. Unfortuantely in Swedish.

Sverige ligger långt framme i forskningen om polisförhör. Bland annat om frågan om den som är misstänkt ljuger. Just nu pågår en psykologikongress i Stockholm där det senaste inom förhörsforskningen presenteras. Går det att avslöja en förslagen lögnare? Samtal med Pär Anders Granhag, professor i rät...

Elisabeth Loftus was interviewed by Swedish Television today about the power of false memories. You can watch it here.

Elisabeth Loftus was interviewed by Swedish Television today about the power of false memories. You can watch it here.

Det går att plantera in falska minnen i människor så att de minns saker som inte hänt, eller minns detaljer fel. Inte genom dramatiska injektioner eller hypnos, bara genom övertalning. Det säger den amerikanska psykologi-professorn Elizabeth Loftus som besöker St...


Soon the reception in the City Hall starts. See you there!

Jonas Mosskin, psychologist and member of the Organizing Committee was invited to talk about ECP2013 in Swedish Televisi...

Jonas Mosskin, psychologist and member of the Organizing Committee was invited to talk about ECP2013 in Swedish Television.

Att avslöja en lögn eller plantera ett minne - psykologer från hela världen samlas i Stockholm.

Opening Ceremony!

Opening Ceremony!

Registration is already open at the venue Stockholmsmässan. Remember the Opening Ceremony today Tuesday at 17.00. Welcom...

Registration is already open at the venue Stockholmsmässan. Remember the Opening Ceremony today Tuesday at 17.00. Welcome to ECP 2013!

So tomorrow it all starts! 5 p.m. is the time for the opening ceremony. Follow ECP 2013 on Facebook, twitter  and the we...

So tomorrow it all starts! 5 p.m. is the time for the opening ceremony. Follow ECP 2013 on Facebook, twitter and the website

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), which will be held in Stockholm on 9–12 July 2013 under the auspices of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). The congress is organized by the Swedish Psychological Association.


One week lyft until the opening ceremonyof European Congress of Psychology 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. Looking forward to meet you all! Check the Congress site for latent news at

Take a look in the exciting program for the congress. There is still also a possibility to register for the congress. Se...

Take a look in the exciting program for the congress. There is still also a possibility to register for the congress. See you in July, 9-12th in Stockholm.

(opens in a new window) 10th of July 11th of July 12th of July Click to find a program for each day at a glance, including links


4 weeks left until ECP 2013 begins. Don't forget to register for the congress!


European Congress of Psychology 2013 proudly present Jean Pettifor as an invited speaker. Jean Pettifor is one of the leading figures to


Today the Organizing Committee had a meeting in a sunny but cold Stockholm. Lot's of things to discuss. We look forward to meet you in July!


P. O Box 3287


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