Kontaktinformation, kartor och vägbeskrivningar, kontaktformulär, öppettider, tjänster, betyg, foton, videor och meddelanden från RoastingHouse Music, Musikstudio, Ringgatan 3, Malmö.
Music Production House Established 1987 in Malmö, Sweden.
- Music Publishing
- 12 Studios
- Record Labels
- Mixing & Mastering
All digital and analogue studio services available!
Alexander Holmgren and Måns Zelmerlöw performing "Kära Vinter" at Musikhjälpen.
Måns Zelmerlöw framför Kära Vinter i glasburen på Kärlekens torg i Sundsvall.💚En decembervecka om året engagerar Musikhjälpen hela Sverige i kampen mot en m...
Here hes is again, CARLITO!
Again and again and again and again......... 🤭🤗
Our multi-talented-music creator Johan ”Snowman” Snöfeldt is on his way to Thailand for co writes and pleasure in Bangkok. Have fun, but not to fun! 😉😎
RHM Team Camp was a blast! 😎
We worked with a assignment from a Korean label and for one of their Boy Bands. So many songs well crafted during the passed week.
Thank you Gang and fingers crossed for some usages! 😉
Welcome, Iona Köhler Alvén, coming in from London telling Johan Snöfeldt (RoastingHouse Studio 6) how it should sound!! Can’t write what was being said……. 🫣😉
Today we welcome Kate Mattson, coming in from London and Christian Rosander, coming in from Ö-vik working away in RoastingHouse Studio 11.
Working on a mastering session late today! Do I have to add that I love what I’m doing!
Fun day last week at RoastingHouse Studio 1 during the rehearsal with Sarah Dawn Finer, Alexander Holmgren and Ola Hedén for the last ”Songs and Stories” shows.
Picture taken at Brygghuset Krog by RoastingHouse Music Johan Snöfeldt Live Nation Sweden
Insamlingen för Santa Crusaders är nu snart uppe i fantastiska 40.000 kronor – stort tack till er alla som redan har bidragit! 🙏❤️
Santa’s Rocking In His Pink Cadillac, årets viktigaste jullåt! Låt oss hålla låten vid liv – inte bara till jul, utan kanske ända fram till påsk. 😉
Vila I Frid Dag!
Minnena från när vi träffades på Midem i Cannes genom 30+ år kommer alltid finnas hos oss. Leena (ExmS) och Theo.
Många i både svensk och internationell musikbransch sörjer Dag Häggqvist, som avlidit i en ålder av 83 år. Här berättar kollegor som Ludvig Werner, Ola Håkansson, Maria Molin Ljunggren, Daniel Miller m fl om hans betydelse för dem – och för musikälskare världen över. Som MI:s Lars Ny...
Vi är mycket stolta över att vara en partner till detta initiativ:
SANTA CRUSADERS - "Santa's Rocking in His Pink Cadillac"
Var med och stöd årets viktigaste jullåt! Alla intäkter går oavkortat till Cancerfonden.
Santa Crusaders består av kända svenska artister samt gästartister från USA och England. De kommer att avslöjas genom en digital adventskalender fram till julafton, då musikvideon också släpps.
Var den första att veta och låt oss skicka ett mail när RoastingHouse Music postar nyheter och kampanjer. Din e-postadress kommer inte att användas för något annat ändamål, och du kan när som helst avbryta prenumerationen.
30-years of music making!
RoastingHouse Music (admin by BMG Rights Management Scandinavia) – our publishing division, which controls most of our artist rosters and our multi Platinum and Gold awarded exclusive, allied and collaborative Songwriters/Producers who have several cuts on various million selling albums. We are one of the most successful international publishers in Japan with countless cuts for their artists and we are strong in the rest of Asia as well with many cuts with various artists in various genres following by cuts in Europe and USA with house-hold-know-artists. Further more we use to have songs on the most selling CD-albums in the world 2 - 5 times a year also sync’s and other placements on Hollywood produced movies and sitcoms. TV, documentaries, brands, adds and commercials.
We host international song writing camps and also inviting artists to work with our creators in our in-house 12 studio complex. Please don't hesitate to contact us for possible co-write opportunities, collaboration camps, sending artists and/or when you're looking for songs for your artists and other placements.
RoastingHouse Records - we launched our own label in 2005, distributed in Sweden by Universal and ww by The Orchard with the direction of pop artists/bands. In 2012 we launched our label Dead End Exit Records with Label Manager/A&R Micko Twedberg and with the direction of rock/hard rock/metal bands. In 2019 we made a label deal with Sound Pollution which now represent the label world wide. Following world wide digital distribution deal with The Orchard. In 2016 we started the label Sharp Music Sweden with Label Manager/A&R Johan Nylén with the direction of guitar based power pop/melodic rock/AOR.
RoastingHouse Studio Complex – we own 12 state-of-the-art recording studios. Check out our website for our offer of "free test mix" deal, booking and/or more details.
RoastingHouse Productions – for 30 years we have always been known for the quality of our productions and artists from metal and rock to commercial pop following our top notch productions and songs from our music creators.
Don't hesitate to contact us for possible projects.
-There is something in the atmosphere, a feeling. It’s untouchable, an unexplainable feeling that awakens the senses and inspires the creative mind. Most people think RoastingHouse is such a place and that was our purpose; a recording studio complex where inspiration and musical creativity flow effortlessly.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for possible projects.