Helen news blog

It must be the peak of insanity for a Divisional Officer to BAN FARMING. Farming is the only activity in Ekondo T**i, wh...

It must be the peak of insanity for a Divisional Officer to BAN FARMING. Farming is the only activity in Ekondo T**i, which has no roads. These colonial administrators must leave the people in peace.

Hope people who are supporting Cameroon will understand that they don't mean good


Evil LRC's DDR center is a recruitment unit for traitors willing to k¡ll their own. Shina rambo dropped his AK 47 just to pick machine guns against his parents. So did nasiri clovis and beltus etc... when I say spare no black leg, I mean so.

Eagle's Eye.

  Amougou Benlinga, Eko Eko Maxime who were both in prison for being the prime suspects of k¡lling the french Cameroonia...

Amougou Benlinga, Eko Eko Maxime who were both in prison for being the prime suspects of k¡lling the french Cameroonian journalist by name Martinez Zogo have been freed today December 1st 2023.

This are people who k¡lled a journalist for speaking the truth and yet keeping our comrades in jail for speaking for their people. This is the Cameroon that knows justice and does not respect its own laws........


Warning ⚠️ to of MEME by the Ambazonian defense for Trying to disrespect our Monday Ghost Town.

Monday remains our Resistance day and must be respected all through our national territory ゚viralシ


A French/R3bel secret Tunnel has been discovered In Mali months after the military t**e over...


The Ambazonia Nollywood actor from Mankon "Junior Pope" Reacts to what happened to his colleague SHINA RAMBO in bamenda.

He said in his words "Don't go to bamenda now untill we get what we want"




High Alert .
Fake DDR inmates disguise them selfs as Ambazonian forces. don't fall for this . This is staged video . please share to get our people informed

  says where them dey 🤣🤣🤣🤣

says where them dey 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He came for a movie sho0t but had real live experience. Please from now on, no one should come any show or movie acting ...

He came for a movie sho0t but had real live experience. Please from now on, no one should come any show or movie acting for now.

Southern Cameroon is not safe

A message to *JJ OKOCHA* and all other  international public figures, film actors, influencers, musicians etcWe all are ...

A message to *JJ OKOCHA* and all other international public figures, film actors, influencers, musicians etc

We all are aware of the fact that southern Cameroon is a land of milk and honey, with a people who are well cultured, intelligent hospitable and welcoming . We are also aware that most of you have always loved coming to organize shows/ concerts, act movies etc ...

We also aware of the fact that many of your people are living in southern Cameroon in peace for Many decades especially the Igbo's who do businesses and make millions for themselves without anyone disturbing them in anyway, some are business men while some have intermarried with our people and living happily .

Without reasonable doubts everyone is aware of the fact that southern Cameroon has always been a land for everyone and people come and live without fear because we are peaceful people.

Its on disputable that you are also aware of the fact that since 2016 our people have been at war against it's neighbor ( the french Cameroon) which we have lost more than 30.000 people with about 300 villages raised to ashes by the French Cameroon military but we have hardly heard any of you interested in making money in our land ever made any statement to sympathize with us.

JJ OKOCHA , with the love and respect we have for you as a brother, it's a provocation to see you planning a match which will be played on the the land where our people's blood is being spilled on daily bases by the government of your friend Eto'o Fils.

Eto'o Fils has sited with the government of his country (french Cameroon) to k¡lling every southern Cameroonian.

Since they started killing our people for over 7 years now, Eto'o has never made a statement against his government to stop killing and burning our homes , what he does is hide in war jeeps to Limbe encourage Cameroon military to continue the massacre.

Yesterday 25th of November 2023 one of your brother Sylvester madu aka Shina Rambo almost lost his life for coming to star a movie and because of his presence we lost at least 8 civilians and many other wounded.

We will like to inform you once more that our land is not a safe ground for any shows , concerts, football match or movie shoots as of now till further notice.

It will be at your own risk to venture coming to southern Cameroon and no one should deceive you that french Cameroon military will protect you because we have our forces ( Ambazonia defense forces) and many other sister forces that have challenged french Cameroon military for 7 years now.

Inviting you at this time is a plan to sacrifice you as they have done to their own military. Cameroon military has not been able to stand the hit coming from our forces and so they will not be able to stand to protect you.

For now , no one is welcomed for what ever reason or else he or she is coming to join the fight to boot out french Cameroon from our land i

This is nor a friendly talk rather a warning ⚠️ to save you from LOSSING your live and career for few coins.

We are at war and there is no joy or celebration in times of war, therefore none of you are welcomed at this time.

Believe me Sylvester madu has a great story to tell when he retains back to Nigeria and surely he has gotten a real life experience which will be good to be scripted to a movie on what happened to him in bamenda.

We are determined to fight till the last man standing.

Hear this and say off.

Pa Ben


People want to live their life's normally in the middle of a full blown war, the incident that took place yesterday at Big G snack bar is as a result of carelessness. If times of war where Guns are everywhere we all have to avoid late nights , if you wish to for a drink , buy and take home.

People some times prefer temporal enjoyment that ends of taking their life's , at this point in time everyone Needs to know that we are in the middle of war and everyone needs to be careful.

The days ahead will not be friendly don't go out at night, don't drink and get drunk, avoid clubs , avoid late nights and avoid occasions in certain areas in Ambazonia


Dr Cho Ayaba writes

ADF has launched multiple attācks in Bamenda. When l will drop 50 assault rĩfles in that town, all our enemies will seek refuge at the cemetery

I am also following tension between our forces in Ngoketungia. I ask all forces to avoid escalation

God bless Ambazonia

Dr Cho Ayaba


🧨🧨ALERT🧨🧨ALERT 22/11/23





Many customers of Azire Corporative Credit Union have been streaming into the various branches of the credit union to withdraw their savings after a leak of an eminent bankcrupcy.

A board meeting held recently in Azire office in Bamenda where a heated debate and exchanged of words between the board members ended the meeting prematurely. In the meeting it was disclosed that Azire credit union financed the CPDM last Senatorial and Regional council elections in the North West region region through negationations by minister Atanga Nji Paul because of lack of funds by the state. Close to 2billion was dished out of Azire's coffer to help the CPDM with repayment expected after a year.

The government since then has been mute about the money being reimbursed. It is understood that the president of Azire credit union, Mumuluh Devine has been caged like Musa Shey of CamCul who after messing up CamCul ran to CPDM not to face justice for all the financial crimes. Azire president is now mingling with Yaounde inorder to escape the rath of justice on the embezzlement scandal plaguing the credit union.

The information has been leaked to many customers with others not aware. It's for this reason that many credit union members with substantial amount of savings are demanding withdrawer of their money before it's too late.

According to an insider, the board members are divided on the big amount of loans owed by some board members with the president alone, owing 600,000,000frs without paying interest on the loan, couple with other board members.

That is the reason some of the board members are calling some their relatives and friends to rush and ask for their savings, so that what is still in the coffers can be given them, or they should take loans equivalent to their savings inorder not to be victims of another Atanga Nji Paul- Credit Union financial scandal. It would appear the president is seeking for a political position just li


More than a dozen deåth in west region of french Cameroon. Believe me , Cameroon will not remain the same as long as the want to finish AMBA citizens

Cameroon Radio Television fails to pay television for 2026 World Cup Eliminatory matches. The Ambazonian Genocide is bit...

Cameroon Radio Television fails to pay television for 2026 World Cup Eliminatory matches. The Ambazonian Genocide is biting deep into Cameroun resources. Cameroun cannot find money to pay the drug for its football addiction. Ambazonia will bury Cameroun.


Dr Cho Ayaba Response to Mr Ambe on his baseless accusations against the Ambazonia war of independence, listen to the end

Thé post News papier, following all SW Chiefs conférence in Buea 20/11/23 asking thé government of Cameroon to change st...

Thé post News papier, following all SW Chiefs conférence in Buea 20/11/23 asking thé government of Cameroon to change stratégy on the War declared on anglophones ! . Can this tell us something ? Waging War with so many massacre and suffering cause by Lrc !


Breaking news coming from Bakassi has it that multiple explosion have been exploded by the Biafran militans💥 k¡lling many Cameroon Gendarmes . This is a developing story, details soon. Cameroon go pick ball run. The collaboration is yielding fruits.


*Breaking News*

Liberian President George Weah has called his challenger in the presidential race, Joseph Boakai, to congratulate him on his victory.

In an address to the nation he said "the Liberian people have spoken and we have heard their voice".

The opposition candidate holds an unassailable lead of 28,000 votes with nearly all ballots counted.

A former football star, President Weah has been in power since 2018. He will step down in January.

He came into the job on a wave of enthusiasm, especially from younger voters, having won that election - also against Mr Boakai - by a large margin.

Source: The BBC

Cameroun Minister of Communication and government spokesman describes the Mamfe massacres as cowardly and bårbaric. He p...

Cameroun Minister of Communication and government spokesman describes the Mamfe massacres as cowardly and bårbaric. He promises to pursue the authors. In its characteristic manner, Cameroun government tries to conceal the identities of its soldiers who were involved in the Mamfe massacres. After Ngarbuh massacre, Cameroun also tried to divert attention. Dr Divine Chemuta Banda paid the ultimate price by proving that it was Cameroun soldiers and their Fulani mercenaries who massacred 26 people, including children, in Ngarbuh. Kumba, Ekondo T**i, Maumu, Pinyin, Bali massacres left the same fingerprints. R**e, k¡ll and burn is the way Cameroun has been perpetrating the Genocide of Ambazonians. We are counting the dead and compiling our records. All those involved and supporting the Genocide of Ambazonians will be pursued to the ends of the earth.


A famous TikToker known as has mocked Lady ponce . In his words , lady ponce has expressed her anger with the fact that camtel has chosen a foreign artist Fally Ipupa over Cameroonian artists.

It sounds like comedy but it's the reality. It's very irritating to see born southern Cameroonians / Ambazonians addressing them self's Cameroonians which the Cameroon it self does not see them as their citizens.


Some people want to attribute what happened in Mamfe to be from The AMba boys , but ask your self this . Based on fact finding on the ground I will will like to ask this .

The question is looking at the location of the act. This thing happened at the apostolic church. And few meters is the Gerdamme post and also the military not far from there . Of this was not done by them, how is it possible that all this went on and they never intervened??


Breaking sad news: Yesterday in Lykoko _ Muyuka military entered in that village in search of Gen Sky, out of frustration they k¡lled 5 civilians. A man was k¡lled simply because the the blackleg leading the military said his son is Amba, fortunately after the operation, the blackleg that was leading them was also k¡lled by the same military.

Meanwhile in Mamfe early today in a village called egbekor about 50 pipo were k¡lled by the military, a man and his wife and his four children were k¡lled and burned to deåth, many houses were burned down

Mr Nji, Cameroun Peoples DEMOLITION Movement (CPDM) legislators (Municipal and National Assembly) may PRAISE the Biya Dë...

Mr Nji, Cameroun Peoples DEMOLITION Movement (CPDM) legislators (Municipal and National Assembly) may PRAISE the Biya Dëmon 😈 for supplying them pints of Ambazonian bloöd to drink. After tens of thousands have been k¡lled, you join genocidaires to praise Biya. What do you as a journalist gain from such shoddy praise singing? Would your paper morph to something palatable in Ambazonia?

White mercenaries (French or Israeli etc) f¡ght alongside Cameroun soldiers to måssacre tens of thousands in Ambazonia (...

White mercenaries (French or Israeli etc) f¡ght alongside Cameroun soldiers to måssacre tens of thousands in Ambazonia (Former British Southern Cameroons). Ambazonians have been trying to liberate themselves from French-Cameroun occupation for six years. Cameroun with its mercenaries have k¡lled tens of thousands of Ambazonians in their Wår for a One and Indivisible Cameroun. British Southern Cameroons did not sign the 1957 Colonial Pact with France. The rest of FranceAfrique is liberating itself from the stranglehold of France. It is so DEAF for anyone to insist that Southern Cameroons, which had self-government since 1954 is part of a FranceAfrique fraud and colonial domination.

DR CHO AYABA writes Today, she asked me a curious question. What if Cameroun would recognise its errors and take respons...


Today, she asked me a curious question. What if Cameroun would recognise its errors and take responsibility for its mistakes? Would Ambazonia decide to remain tied with Cameroun? My daughter is a black panther and a radical female advocate. So I responded in her turf. Would you advice a råpe vĩctim to remain with her råpist simply because he apologises? She did wait for me to end my question. Never she yelled. Ambazonia has left Cameroun and never shall even our death accept to ever have any common future with their k¡llers. We have risen against our enslavers. We have risen against our råpists. We must get them out of our space.

Dr Cho Ayaba

SELECTING an Ambazonian (Southern Cameroonian) for Etoudi in 2025 will not resolve the root causes of the War of Liberat...

SELECTING an Ambazonian (Southern Cameroonian) for Etoudi in 2025 will not resolve the root causes of the War of Liberation. 1) Dion Ngute is very gifted and blessed by his ancestors. The only place he exercised his full authority was at ENAM where he admitted his Oroko tribes people to take almost all the quota meant for Anglophones. He did same with Commonwealth Scholarships. He was an errand boy at Etoudi as Deputy SG. As PM, he is weaker than his SG. As President he will be a puppet to a powerful Francophone SG or PM. 2) Joshua Osih is a DEALER in charge of Presidential flights since the Albatross Affair. He sold SDF and John Fru Ndi. He has been muted about k¡lling of tens of thousands of his people. A million more deåd Ambazonians will only fill his coffers. He is attracted to pieces of silver. 3) President Akere Muna could have been a welcomed change. He is cowered by the family heritage. In 2018, while the blood of his people filled streets, he ran for LRC President. The rest are runts & clowns 🤡


A shameful video from a Cameroonian influencer by name Steve Fah Officiel trying to bribe the American police. This is just the next way to expose the dirty character of Cameroonians and it's done all over the world . Please share this video and expose this

In one day in two states, Ambazonian forces demonstrated ultimate power and mastery against our enemies' foreign and dom...

In one day in two states, Ambazonian forces demonstrated ultimate power and mastery against our enemies' foreign and domestic. The greatest threåt to our freedom is not the 5000 armed drunkards without a Cause but the thousands of colonial apologists, crumb beneficiaries, and spies who live and hide amongst us. We are on the hunt. Strengthening core forces will bring back the periphery. The periphery provides primary defence and encourages our principal intelligence asset, which is our people. This is how you build the core to take over states. Pay your tax and end the illegal tyranny over Ambazonia


Dr Cho Ayaba


Does Cameroon actually know that cheating pains yet they have been cheating us for the past 62 years ??


Even CPDM members are complaining that Ngannou was cheated in the fîght 😂😂😂

🇰🇵 🌎⚔️ World Wår III is about to begin, everyone must be prepared - Kim Jong-un💬 “Clashes in the Middle East will lead t...

🇰🇵 🌎⚔️ World Wår III is about to begin, everyone must be prepared - Kim Jong-un

💬 “Clashes in the Middle East will lead to the fact that hostilities could spread to other regions of the world,” the North Korean leader said.


Eneo reports CFA75 billion losses in 5 years in Southern Cameroons: 0cameroonconcordnews.comEneo reports CFA75 billion l...

Eneo reports CFA75 billion losses in 5 years in Southern Cameroons: 0
Eneo reports CFA75 billion losses in 5 years in Southern Cameroons
Cameroon’s power company Eneo just released its 2022 annual report, outlining the damages it has suffered in 5 years in the North-West and South-West regions where the Anglophone crisis rages.

According to the report, “Eneo has maintained its operations in the North-West and South-West, despite the particularly deteriorated security conditions, which have jeopardized its agents, equipment, deployment and finances. A commitment to continue providing electrical service, while recording losses of around CFA15 billion per year, or over CFA75 billion in unbilled distributed energy and unpaid billed energy over the last 5 years”.

Continuity of service in the face of insecurity has been maintained, thanks to the good condition of distribution lines and transformers. As of the end of 2022, the availability rate stood at 84% in the South-West region and 80% in the North-West.

However, as the company points out, the above-mentioned condition of the distribution network and transformers during the period under review contrasts with the deterioration of other electrical equipment installed in this part of Cameroon.

Vandalized equipment

Many out-of-service facilities are primarily concentrated in what are termed “red zones,” where approximately 50% of infrastructure in the South-West and 80% in the North-West are affected. These facilities have fallen victim to vandalism or natural deterioration. Efforts to rehabilitate these structures are underway, taking into consideration safety measures.

Eneo is working with both willing residents and the authorities. The risk to field teams is permanent. “It is in this context that network extension work (some twenty kilometers more in the Fako region) and the reconstruction of destroyed networks have been carried out”, the company said.

The Anglophone crisis has been a burden on businesses operating in the affected regions. Many of them have experienced vandalism of their equipment and have had their employees abducted, subjected to violence, and even killed. Faced with this climate of insecurity, numerous economic operators have had to relocate their activities. Others, like the CDC, a state-owned agro-industrial unit and the second-largest employer in the country after the central administration, had to temporarily suspend their operations. However, they have gradually resumed activities following an observed period of calm on the ground.

According to government estimates, the crisis led to a national loss of 0.8 percentage points of GDP growth in 2019 and 0.3 percentage points in 2020. “These growth point losses correspond to a cumulative real loss in national GDP of CFA421.3 billion between 2017 and 2020,” said the Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Paul Tasong, while addressing the members of parliament on November 23, 2021. He was presenting the Reconstruction Plan for the North-West, South-West, and Far North regions. Similarly, due to this crisis, the value of trade between Cameroon and Nigeria between 2015 and 2019 decreased from CFA15.6 billion to CFA2.9 billion, representing an 81% decline. “These declines are observed in both exports (-68.9%) and imports (-85%),” Paul Tasong explained.

Toto Roland Motuba, who headed undercover operations for the Cameroon Intelligence Report in Buea says Anglophone prisoners have been subject to brutal physical abuse by Buea security personnel. In a conversation with our London Bureau Chief Isong Asu on Monday, Toto Roland Motuba revealed that Fren...

*One block at a time*Today, we have once more lifted our nation high, affirmed its place at the international stage, and...

*One block at a time*

Today, we have once more lifted our nation high, affirmed its place at the international stage, and used strategic reasoning to put Cameroun and Nigeria on notice. The Ambazonia Biafra Helsinki declaration seals years of hard work, instrumentalise the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding, and takes us to the actualisation phase. Biafra has now adopted the triad approach and launched its army. It has instituted Monday ghost towns and other resistance strategies. Those who ally with our mũrderers, k¡dnapped and rendition our people must now confront homebase realities.

Ambazonia and Biafra now have a military alliance. We will focus on armament and to defend and protect our both people. I call on all Ambazonians to embrace this small victory and stand firm with confidence and defiance. Our freedom has never been in doubt, and even so today.

Dr Cho Ayaba,
Leader of Ambazonia Liberation,
Ambazonia Governing Council (AGovC)


Electricity supply was first supplied in southern Cameroons from muyuka in 1929 . Supplied only in factories and homes o...

Electricity supply was first supplied in southern Cameroons from muyuka in 1929 . Supplied only in factories and homes of colonial masters

This picture was taken at the front side of the Prime Minister's Lodge in Buea during S.T. Muna's term as Prime Minister...

This picture was taken at the front side of the Prime Minister's Lodge in Buea during S.T. Muna's term as Prime Minister of West Cameroon. Only states have Prime Minister and head of Government. How was Southern Cameroons not a state?

From right to left: George Muna, S.T. Muna, Ama Muna, Jane Mallet, Daniel Muna, Akere Muna, Dr. Dibue (Dan Muna's father-in-law), Bernard Muna, Josephine Muna (Bernard's wife), Humphrey Muna, "Mama" Muna, Mary Muna (Edwin's wife), Rose Muna (Daniel's wife) and Edwin Muna.

Nollywood Teen Actress, Adaeze Onuigbo, Reportedly Acquires Multimillion-naira House At 15 . What were you doing at 15 ?...

Nollywood Teen Actress, Adaeze Onuigbo, Reportedly Acquires Multimillion-naira House At 15 .

What were you doing at 15 ? As for me. I was not having a phone




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