The villagers in Rural northern Taiwani didn't seem interested in Bible studies.Many worshiped at one of the two christian churches in the village,while others spent their time drinking alcohol.The churchgoers shunned the drinkers.
What culd I do?
I resolved to follow Jesus'example and befriend with the drinkers.''Christ's method alone will give true succes in reaching the people.The saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good.He showe his Sympathy for them,ministered their needs and won their confidence.Then He bade them''Follow me''
I decided to drink with the villagers.After all Paul declared''I become all things to all men,that I might by all means save some.in his Powerful description of how to be an effective missionary.
The drinkers did not have a problem drinking together.They wanted to drink with me.But i gave them tea instead of alchool.After drinking copious amouts of tea,they didn't have any room left for alchool.Gradually,they stopped drinking alcohol and began to study the bible with me.A few months passed,and two former drinkers gave their hearts to Jesus and were Baptised in August 2019.ragedy struck six months later.One of of the newly baptised seventh day adventists,a young man fell ill and died.His death hit me hard and I cried out to God, Why?
Shorthly after the funeral,the mother of the deceased young man unexpectedly came to me and asked for Bible studies.Then other villagers followed their lead.In late 2020, they and other villagers flocked to a one-day health fair organized by the Health ministries departement of the seventh day Adventist Church in Taiwan.The day after the fair ,five villagers were baptized.God has an infinite mercy and compassion ,and He has prepared a way of salvation for every person on earth.The Lord says ,For my foughts are not you thoughts,nor are your ways My ways'' All glory belongs to Jehovah God!