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Visit Udmurtia We're a small agency helping people get to know Udmurtia and more

A short and boringless history of one building.Tchaikovsky museum

A short and boringless history of one building.

Tchaikovsky museum

Have you ever seen a real forge? Have you ever seen a woman blacksmith? Have you ever thought the whole family is intere...

Have you ever seen a real forge? Have you ever seen a woman blacksmith? Have you ever thought the whole family is interested in ancient craft?

Family forge « Morok » is the only in Udmutia, where a woman blacksmith and designer works.
The workshop proposes original programs in the form of interactive 2-hour excursions with blacksmith craft: “Forged Nail”, “Knowledge Key”, “Horseshoe of Happiness”, “Everything is Iron”, “Udal Molodetskaya”, “Sudarushka”, “Smithy” Fairy Tale ”,“ Wedding at the Forge ”,“ Anniversary ”,“ Pancake Week ”,“ Blacksmith's Quest ”and“ Graduation Evening ”.
Programs include: a visit to the museum of antiquity, trip to take some water with a yoke and buckets, ancient games and fun, a blacksmith workshop, original photo areas, tea drinking with a large printed gingerbread.
Throughout the tour, a professional guide talks not only about the life of peasants of the 18th-19th centuries, but also arranges team competitions between the “hammer” and the “hard place”, tells parables, legends of history, makes old riddles, the winner get prizes from the forge.
A friendly family of blacksmiths will help diversify your leisure with new impressions, surprise and will discover the world of fire and metal for you!
The following services are available at the Morok forge:
- tours for schoolchildren
- tours for students
- wedding in the forge
- thematic events
- personal master classes
- art forging to order
- photoshoot

The woman’s jewelry was put on for a wedding, farewell to the army and other special occasions. Expensive silver jewelry...

The woman’s jewelry was put on for a wedding, farewell to the army and other special occasions. Expensive silver jewelry has been preserved for centuries as a family treasure and passed from generation to generation.
This neck and breast complex is called "chyrtyves" (lit. neck beads). It combines two elements: the neck "pitres, yr yl" and the breast "suzet, quin suzeten."
Initially, probably, both of these elements, neck and breast, were independent decorations, then they were combined into a single one. Neck jewelry without a breastplate was considered girlish.
The breast element “suzet, quin suzeten” is three vertically elongated oval strips of white canvas, lined with silver coins. Several coin-like tokens made of base metal are used here as well.
The necklace “pitres, yr yl” in the form of a crescent or horseshoe made of linen fabric fits snugly to the neck and is fastened with hooks and buttons. A necklace was worn on the upper shirt along with a chest ornament, closing the collar. Coins in the amount of 68 units of different denominations were sewn to the canvas covered with red cloth in six rows (coin 10 kopecks. 1861 - 1915 - 15 units; coin dimes 1748-1795 - 15 units; coin half fifty dollars - 1 units, Russia; coin 20 kopeeck. - 1868 - 1928 - 16 units; coin 15 kopeeck 1877 - 1906 - 4 units; coin ruble 1829-1921 - 4 units; coin 25 kopecks - 1847. units; coins of the Soviet period, a medallion and token “ornements des femmes.”
Coins from 20 kopecks to 1 ruble were sewn onto the bib. They were arranged in the appropriate order: large in the center, small along the edges. Silver coins are a favorite material for jewelry. Silver, according to many peoples, is a metal endowed with a magical function, a synonym for everything light and joyful, a symbol of beauty, wealth, health.
D. Kuchkin's factory, founded in 1898 in Moscow, massively produced coin-like tokens, which were sold for nationalities, the women's costume of which included coin jewelry. Most of them have a female head on one side surrounded by the French inscription “ornements des femmes” (jewelry for women), the other side is most often occupied by a two-headed eagle.
Such pendants made of base metal are found in small quantities quite often in the mass of silver coins of South Urmurt jewelry.

Today we are going to tell you about an ancient Udmurt necklace. It is called "monisto" or "monista" in russian.Nowadays...

Today we are going to tell you about an ancient Udmurt necklace. It is called "monisto" or "monista" in russian.

Nowadays, more attention is paid to ethno-clothing and accessories. The most important and significant addition to Udmurt clothing is monista. Monista is a female breast jewelry made of silver coins. It is different in each group of Udmurts. At face value monistos could reach up to 70 rubles. silver (in the old days it was a lot of money for peasants), and they weighed up to 3 kg. Monista could consist of 400 coins of various denominations, but necessarily silver. “Buranovskiye babushki” also have jewelry made entirely of coins from the beginning of the 19th century. On some, the shortage of old coins is made up for by Soviet and modern rubles. Holes were made in them and sewn onto the canvas, snuggling close to each other. The result was a solid silver cascade, bordered by different-sized chains with copper coins strung on them. The top of such a chest ornament was sewn with beads ennobled by the matte color of red-brown coral. If the family was in trouble, for example, the estate burned down, the jewelry could be sold, but it was mainly passed on from generation to generation. Also, coins were sewn on the breastplate, on the one that was mounted on the left shoulder (the deceased was put on the right one), and even on the back. There are coins from the time of Ivan the Terrible, Peter, Paul, Catherine and others. In Soviet times, coins and white metal plaques were used. Coins decorated headbands, girls' hats "takya". Breast jewelry played the role of a talisman-amulet, protecting from evil eyes, evil spirits.

Today we are going to tell you about traditional Udmurt clothes.And we are going to start with women's clothes.Udmurt cl...

Today we are going to tell you about traditional Udmurt clothes.

And we are going to start with women's clothes.

Udmurt clothes are a special symbol that protects the wearer from external adverse environmental conditions and unkind forces. Individual elements of the traditional set are determined by various factors: gender, marital status, age, religious beliefs. The Udmurt wardrobe is diverse: a folk costume includes a number of elements, the decor of which is varied. Representatives of this nationality made garments from familiar home materials: cloth, sheepskin, canvas.
Udmurts have long considered weaving and embroidery to be traditional occupations: any woman of this nation should be able to embroider and weave, create clothes for herself and men. Representatives of the ethnic group always cherished their clothes and looked after them, especially for the holiday set. The clothes of the southern and northern Udmurts have their own names:
• caftan - shortdarem;
• pants - erez;
• bib - muresaz;
• shawl - ukotug;
• shirt - derem;
• fur coat - pas;
• apron - azkyshet;
• women's stockings - chugles;
• apron - azkyshet.

Any girl wants to dress beautifully. Udmurts in this regard are no exception. The traditional women's costume in Udmurtia is much more diverse than that designed for men, since it includes a significant number of elements. In southern and northern Udmurts, the ensemble was different (both in composition and in the color palette). Udmurtia women’s clothing items include:
• swing caftan;
• wool caftan;
• shirt;
• sleeveless caftan.

The national colors of Udmurtia, which prevail in clothing and repeat the colors of national signs, are black, red, and white. Black is a symbol of fertile land and stability, red symbolizes the sun and life, and white - unwavering morality and thoughts, actions. In northern Udmurts, these colors predominate in clothing. In the southern part, the population used a wider color scheme. Red, green and brown shades prevailed. The three-color pattern (red, black and white) is called authentic northern today. On the wedding day, the Udmurt bride put on a snow-white traditional dress. In order for the outfit to literally shine with whiteness, the fabric for it was kept several times in the cold. Residents of Udmurtia generously decorated their clothes with embroidered ornaments. The most common and favorite national patterns are stars, triangles, rhombuses and squares. Udmurts knew many patterns that had their names, for example:
• ram horn;
• duck wings;
• pigeon eye.
In women, the lower part of the dress was decorated with a wide fringe element. On holiday bibs a star with eight tips was necessarily embroidered. In the northern tradition, the hem and sleeves of the female shirt were decorated with red patterned stitching. Single girls instead of embroidered ornaments had stripes or red chintz. Kaftan was sometimes decorated with small coins, shells, and beads.

We are going to tell about some Udmurt holidays. One of them is... Bydzym nunal (buzhzhinal, veliktem, akaska, p***a) — ...

We are going to tell about some Udmurt holidays.

One of them is...

Bydzym nunal (buzhzhinal, veliktem, akaska, p***a) — Easter.
This event is celebrated five or seven weeks after Maslenitsa. Celebration began on Thursday. It was “Night of the Dead” or Maundy Thursday. It is believed that on this night the dead come back to the living, demons walk - jobyos, ishanyos, vedunyos. In the evening or in the morning, people wash in the bath, believing that it will provide them with health for a whole year. Fear of witchcraft was overcome by magical actions: at midnight people walked with rattles, shot from rifles, burned gunpowder; hit with whips, sticks in the corners of houses; put crosses on the doorposts of windows, doors of the house and outbuildings, heather, fir or mountain ash branches were stuck there together or separately; in the morning the corners of the heather fired on the flaps were fumigated.

Since the souls of the dead ancestors came to visit the living that night, so far they were asked for assistance in peasant affairs. This day was also the beginning of a new agricultural year, therefore, the magic of the first day should have a favorable effect on the results of agricultural work. Agrarian magic was manifested in the fact that the hostess went out into the garden and shouted: “bachchayam odyg no zhagez ovol” (“there is not a speck in the garden”). Then she kindled a small bonfire of straw and last year’s grass and expressed wishes so that the bugs and worms and other pests didn’t harm agricultural plants.
On the night of Maundy Thursday, peasants dressed in white clothes, tying forefoot cloaks from right to left to confuse the negative actions of “evil spirits” and becoming a part of another world, went out of the village, at the crossroads, approached barns, grain stores and “ listened to various sounds. The creak of carts loaded with bread, the thunder of threshing flails on the threshing floor, and other sounds correlated with agricultural work and bread portended a good harvest. To dream of bread these nights was considered a forerunner of a rich harvest. The discovery in the house of rye ears or grains of other crops on the eve of Thursday also testified to a good harvest and good luck in farming throughout the year.

On the night before Easter, straw was laid on the floor of a house; in the morning people tried to sweep it with a sheaf. In the sheaf there were necessarily several unfrozen ears of corn. Grains that fell during sweeping the floor were fed to sheep to give offspring. People laid a white tablecloth on the table, put a loaf of bread specially baked that day, put a salt shaker with salt, a bowl of colored eggs, a lounger, and tabani.
Immediately after sunrise, the mistresses baked tabani and bread. The first tabani and bread were consecrated in the courtyard or in the family kuala. Only then the family could sit down at the table. The owner took the painted egg, kissed it and let the children sitting around the table in a circle. The family meal began. Children were measured by force: whoever breaks another’s Easter egg. The one whose egg remained intact won.

On this day, people exchanged colored eggs and played a game - zundes pitiryasa shudon (ring rolling). The game was that all the players went to the mountain, where the board was installed. An egg was laid at its lower edge. A ring was launched from above the board. If it hit an egg, the person won, and the egg got to him. The winner was the one who collected more eggs. Another option for the game was to roll eggs. They watched whose egg was whole, and ate it first. Then they ate the rest.

Almost everywhere, it was common to beat each other with eggs on the forehead to find out who had a stronger forehead. At the same time, prolpr often exchanged eggs beforehand and accompanied the action with different wishes.

Many games have been related to egg skating. In the Malopurginsky district, players, standing in a circle on a small platform or in the middle of the street, rolled their eggs in an egg placed by one of the players in the center of the circle, and it was necessary not only to get it, but also to break it. If someone hit, but did not break, then he received the right to roll the egg out of turn two more times.

Children played a similar game at home on Easter. They sat in a circle, legs apart. Each child had an egg of his own color (from 3 to 5 people took part in the game). At the command of one of the adults, everyone simultaneously rolled their eggs to the center of the circle. Who broke the egg, ate it.

While the young people had fun, the old people went to visit relatives for P***a Shyd, Veliktem Shyd (lit .: Easter soup). This time, the movement began from the lower end of the street, i.e., against the river. In each house, at first the master addressed with prayer (kuriskon) to God. Only after that everyone could sit down at the table, regale themselves, sing the nural guru by the by-passers (the chant of the ritual by the nunal guru). Where Easter was called the Nunal bydym (great day), the day after it was celebrated as akashka (plow holiday). Young men rode on dressed horses. Relatives - bӧlyak — were visiting each other, singing songs on the akashka gur (chanting the ritual akashka).
Being a holiday marking the beginning of spring and the first outing in the field, akazka merges with Christian Easter.

The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch is a common representative of a bird world in Udmurtia. The head o...

The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch is a common representative of a bird world in Udmurtia.

The head on top, around the beak and eyes is black. The flyweight and steering feathers are also black, with a blue metal cast. The lumbar and the pick-up are white. The male's back, shoulders and necks are grey. Cheeks, neck from below, belly and sides are red. The tone and intensity of coloration of the underside of the body depends on subspecies and individual features.

The seedlings and shoulders of the female are grey. Brownish brown back. Cheeks, neck from below, stomach and sides are grey and brown.

I have to admit that females are much more courageous than males. If you are feeding them, you can see from 2 to 4 males letting other birds as well as females approach human houses and eating while being full of doubts and hesitations if they have to try their treat.

Some facts about Izhevsk:1. Izhevsk was founded more than 250 years ago, but the first settlements on the site where the...

Some facts about Izhevsk:
1. Izhevsk was founded more than 250 years ago, but the first settlements on the site where the city is now located existed more than 2500 years ago.

2. Before the fall of the Kazan Khanate, Izhevsk was part of this state. Later it became part of the Udmurt region, and now it is the capital of Udmurtia.

3. More than 300 objects on the territory of Izhevsk are recognized as a valuable cultural and historical heritage.

4. Izhevsk Pond is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in Eastern Europe.

5. Izhevsk became the first City of Labor Glory in Russia.

6. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Izhevsk was +37 degrees, and the coldest -47.5 degrees.

7. On the territory of Izhevsk there are two destroyed cemeteries - cemetery of Trinity and cemetery of Assumption. Both were closed in the 20s of the last century.

8. The oldest building in Izhevsk is the house of Zakhary Lyatushevich. It was built in 1807. Zakhary Lyatushevich was Archpriest of the Elias Church and the first senior priest of Nevsky cathedral. He was a progressive priest for his time.

Number 5 in our list of mysterious places is Chortovo swamp. In Udmurtia, there are a lot of places where abnormal and s...

Number 5 in our list of mysterious places is Chortovo swamp.

In Udmurtia, there are a lot of places where abnormal and strange phenomena occur. Most anomalies are observed near the K**a River.

One of such place is Chortovo swamp which can be translated ast Devilish Swamp. This place is rather strange: the tops of the trees seem to be cut down, there are no branches at all.

Local residents say that in the place of the swamp there used to be a large village. But one night this village disappeared without a trace, and in its place a swamp appeared. Relatives of missing inhabitants tried to search near the swamp, but they found nothing. Some residents claim that people’s voices are often heard over the swamp, mostly female.

Other locals swear they saw some kind of a monster or giant glowing balls flying around.

Number 4. Belaya cave. The name can be translated as White cave. Not far from Zuevy kluchi is situated Belaya River. Nex...

Number 4. Belaya cave.

The name can be translated as White cave. Not far from Zuevy kluchi is situated Belaya River. Next to it is located Belaya cave. Getting to it is difficult without an experienced guide. Locals say that the cave appeared many years ago. According to a legend it was made by white-haired giants who were tired of people's attention.

During the Civil War, robbers took refuge in it. They robbed wagons, ships, attacked nearby settlements. In anger, the peasants blew up the entrance to the cave, where the gang was located. Since then, the place has become mystical.

Tourists say they hear the voices and groans of robbers. Locals claim that the only entrance to the cave is moving.
Some time ago, a child disappeared from the village. When people started looking for him, they found his tracks at the entrance to the cave, then they broke off. Nobody found the boy.

We continue telling you about mysterious places in Udmurtia.Number 3 are Zuevy kluchi.It could be translated as Zyevy sp...

We continue telling you about mysterious places in Udmurtia.

Number 3 are Zuevy kluchi.
It could be translated as Zyevy springs.

The place is told to be guarded by spirits. Healing streams flow here and a good ghost appears. This is a small village on the banks of K**a River. From the hillock, at the very entrance to the village, you can see almost the entire area, as if it was cut by streams of water. Stripes of land here and there peer across the river, resembling islands.

On of the legends says that the Saint Virgin once appeared to the monk and indicated the place where the icon lies. After the monk picked it up, the Holy Key began to beat from the ground. At the same time, a thunderstorm hit Witch's Mountain, which stood nearby. Since then, Gremyachiy Kluch has been running from the mountain. The sources are located next to each other. Water from the first must be consumed inside to cure all the diseases (it contains silver particles). The second source heals wounds on the skin, so it is customary to bathe in it.

What is strange about these sources?
Holy source is enriched with silver ions, but scientists have not found any silver veins. Water from it may not deteriorate in a few months.
Gremachiy source makes strange noises. Someone hears children's crying in it, someone birds singing.

While doing some work or house work, we propose you to get to know some mysterious places of Udmurtia. Strange facts hav...

While doing some work or house work, we propose you to get to know some mysterious places of Udmurtia. Strange facts have been registrated here for years, sometimes even for ages.

Number 1.

Anomalous zone "K-16" (or "Krasnogorsk zone").
The history of this place begins 300 years ago. Local residents noticed that strange things happen in the distance of the settlement, and people periodically disappear.

In 1919, military operations were taking place on the territory of the anomalous zone. The civil war caused the deaths of hundreds of soldiers near Redridge Mountains.
Since then, it has been terrible to be in the K-16 zone: birds do not sing here, there are a lot of midges and spiders, the water resembles bloody (due to peat mud), and the trees bend in a strange way.

The wone is located on the 13th kilometer. People see the glowing balls, but to fiw them people need to stay overnight there. And this is dangerous. A person can be there only 40 minutes. And then there is a feeling of nausea, dizziness and other types of sickness.

Today we are going to tell you about another Udmurt symbol. He is also a fairy tale character, who lived in Udmurtia, in...

Today we are going to tell you about another Udmurt symbol. He is also a fairy tale character, who lived in Udmurtia, in Igra district in reality. His name is Lopsho Pedun.

Lopsho can be translated from Udmurt language as "merry". And Pedun is a short form of Pyodor (in Russian Fyodor, in latin transcription Theodor).

Why is he so important? He represents a vivid imagination, a sharp mind as well as infinite kindness and sense of humor.

According to scientists, he lived in the village of Levaya Kushia. He was a paysan and had children, he worked for a master as well as for himself. And he was never sad or unsatisfied, because he discovered life's secret.

How is that?

Long time ago Udmurts had a Sacred Book. But it was lost. Once Lopsho went to the forest to work and he found a page from this book, where were written several words: "Do not take everything to heart, look at everything cheerfully, and luck will not pass you".

Since then, any work in his hands has been accomplishig, and he himself became a source of inexhaustible humor, wit and worldly cunning. He could easily outwit his greedy and mean owner, teach a lesson to an ignoramus and a loafer. His tricks remained in the memory of fellow villagers, they began to tell children about them.

Today we are going to tell you about one of the most beautiful Udmurt symbols. And it is Italmas.Italmas is the Udmurt n...

Today we are going to tell you about one of the most beautiful Udmurt symbols. And it is Italmas.

Italmas is the Udmurt name for the European flowerpot that is widespread in the Urals.

From ancient times, a flower has been revered as a symbol of love and sadness, fidelity and separation, hope and joy.

The most famous legend in Udmurt folklore about this beautiful flower is a tragic love story.

Italmas is the name of a girl whose beauty cannot leave anyone indifferent. An old widower, Baytugan, wants to marry her, offering her father to forgive all the debts in exchange. The heroine's father refuses Baytugan, and he stays with nothing. Once Italmas goes to pick berries and meets K**ash, a young man from another settlement. They immediately fall in love with each other. During the year, none of them could admit to the other how they felt, and when the lovers finally spoke to each other, K**ash was struck by an arrow fired by the insidious Baytugan. The villain sets fire to the forest and the village, but he perishes in this fire, and Italmas rushes into the flame, extinguishes it and saves people, turning into a beautiful yellow flower - Italmas.

Italmas flower, or European trollius (Latin name tróllius europaéus), is a herbaceous perennial plant whose height does not exceed 1 meter. Belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. Most often, one plant has no more than five flowers that exude the finest honey aroma and never fully open. Their diameter is from three centimeters or more. Its spherical petals have a beautiful golden color.

This plant pleases the eye with its beauty from May to mid-June. From year to year, these exquisite flowers suffer from disproportionate fees. In total, there are more than 30 types of bathing pools on the planet, however, only one of them is found in Udmurtia. It is listed in the Red Book not only in this republic, but also in some other regions of Russia, as well as neighboring countries.

There are several versions regarding the scientific origin of the name of this flower - tróllius. According to one of them, its name appeared thanks to the German word trollblume, which in translation means “troll flower”. The fact is that in many Scandinavian and German legends this plant is often mentioned. It was considered as the favorite flower of fairy tale characters - trolls. According to another version, its name was derived from the Latin trulleus, meaning "round vessel". The next option is the Old German word troll, which translates as “ball”.

Italmas flower in Western Europe is considered a mountain plant, and in Eastern - forest glades, river valleys and meadows. People call the leotard differently: the Siberian rose, kupavka, mallet, kupava, lights, coachman grass, bells, avdotki, trollius. Italmas flower is extremely strong and viable, as it is practically not susceptible to any diseases. In Europe, a swimsuit began to decorate gardens at the end of the 16th century. Most of the currently existing decorative forms and types of these flowers were known more than a century ago. Since the 19th century, they have been present in almost all European gardens.

Хватает Волге широты и сини,Но с Камой она ещё синей.И для меня бы не было РоссииБез маленькой Удмуртии моей.Flor Vassil...

Хватает Волге широты и сини,
Но с Камой она ещё синей.
И для меня бы не было России
Без маленькой Удмуртии моей.
Flor Vassiliev.

Today we are going to tell you about beauty of Udmurt nature and we are going to start with galanthus.
It is called dream herb, dream grass, Pulsatílla. And there are some legends explaining its marvelous qualities. Here they are:
1. A young woman went to a spring forest to gather some flowers. She was going farther and farther picking the best flowers for her bunch. She didn’t know that Leshy liked her and was luring into the bowels of the forest.
The forest sorcerer led a girl into a dense meadow surrounded by huge pine trees, deep cliffs and a high rock, and from the side where the girl came from, thick, thorny thickets suddenly grew up.
She stood in the middle of the meadow, looked around and was very scared. And Leshy meanwhile turned into a young handsome man, stepped out from behind the trunk of an old pine tree and stood in front of the girl, smiling, and said: “Do not be afraid of me, bonny lass. I won’t harm you. You have only one thing to do: to become mine, because I am a king and ruler of this forest, everything here is mine.”
“Never in my life” - the girl shouted, in search of the road to retreat. But there was no road. She entered the battle with Leshy, who turned into a bony old man. This monster jumped up to the girl, grabbed her hands. Out of fright and disgust, she struck him with all her might. There was a crack, as if a dry branch had broken, and an ugly forest spirit released the girl, clutching his face with his hands. He fell to the ground and began to writhe.
Meanwhile, the girl was trying to run, but could not take a step: some unknown force kept her in place, as if she was caught in a net of fatigue. This was a forest man, who has already risen to his feet. He casted a spell on the girl. Her hands fell, her legs gave way, and she fell, in a wondrous dream. She, like a white cloud, covered with the blue of the spring sky, melted, and soon completely disappeared. In the place where she lay, a beautiful purple flower broke out from under the ground, exposing its velvet cup to the warm rays of the sun
2. God sent the Archangel Michael to Earth to punish Satan for sinful deeds. Seeing the divine power and strength, the evil one was frightened, instantly turned into a tiny creature and hid among the buds of dream grass. But nothing can hide from the all-seeing eye of the Lord. The archangel saw Satan and the lightning spewed, but he missed, and he fell into a dream-grass, forever leaving it shot through. Until now, the root of this plant has a slice along its entire length, as if shot by divine lightning. Perhaps this is characterized by the indestructible healing power of this plant.
3. Once, at the beginning of winter, a bear dug up an unknown root, licked it several times, and went to bed in the den. A hunter accidentally saw this. “What kind of grass is this? - thinks. “Maybe healing?” The man himself licked the root, after which he immediately collapsed without feelings. Fortunately, he fell into a hole under the root of a large tree turned upside down by a storm, it was covered with snow there, and he opened his eyes only when the snow began to melt and the sun was baked. He looked around - he couldn’t understand anything. Didn’t oversleep in the forest until spring? He rushed out of the forest, he saw that people were already plowing the land and sowing bread. And the family already put a candle at the mention of his soul. Oh, and they rejoiced! They gathered a feast on such an occasion, and there the healer told the hunter that he licked not a simple root, but the root of a dream-grass.
4. The name "dream-grass" was interpreted as "a plant that carries a dream." For many peoples, it is associated with the idea of sleep. Perhaps the very appearance of the plant, densely covered with soft hairs, fluffy to the touch, suggested a soft nap, rest and rest. In the Scandinavian epic "Edda" it is said that as soon as the Brunhilds put sleep grass under her head, she immediately fell asleep. The Pechersk Patericon (Russian literary monument) tells how during the all-night service the demon walks around the church and throws sleep-grass at lazy monks. In whom he falls, he immediately falls asleep.
5. The scientific name for the Pulsatilla patens dream herb comes from the Latin bullet dawn, which means to set in motion or to ring. Indeed, the flowers lumbered like light purple bells, swaying under gusts of wind.
6. The name connects the name of the fabulous dream-herb with those of the earth's cereals, the juice, broth and smell of which produce a stupefying effect on a person; such are the mandrake known to us under the name of sleepy potion; foolishness, henbane, dope, nap, nap, adonis. The villagers are convinced that the dream-grass possesses prophetic power: if you put it at night under the head of the bed, it will show the person his fate in sleepy visions; they also think that everyone who has fallen asleep on this grass gains the ability to predict the future in a dream. All Slavic peoples retain poetic legends about the sleeping kingdom, which are most closely associated with the belief in dream grass. The tale of a sleeping or petrified kingdom expresses one idea: the winter dream of nature and its spring awakening.
7. Ancient herbalists are advised to carry the plant in an incense with you, then the devil will not come close. An unkind person will not cross the threshold of a house in which there is lumbago grass. In antiquity, during the construction of a house, in order to live in harmony, they put lumbago-grass at an angle.
8. Sleep grass blooms even if the air temperature is zero. A calyx is a concave mirror that collects solar heat. The temperature inside the flower during the day reaches +8 ° C at zero ambient temperature.
9. Sleep grass is harvested in May with yellow-blue flowering, with different rites and sentences. This grass predicts good and evil to people during sleep, and collected with morning dew, lowered into cold water, is taken out at full moon and begins to move. Sleeping grass, placed under the head of the head, can show a person the fate in his dreams. In a dream, happiness is either a young girl or a good young man, misfortune is a decrepit old woman with a hump behind her back, with a stick in her hand, with gray hair fluttering in the wind. All flowers have a mother, only the sleeping grass has an evil stepmother. It is this evil stepmother who expels a poor flower every spring from the earth earlier than other flowers appear in the spring. – Ой, спи, дитя, будь сповиття, Поки мати з поля прийде, Та принесе три квiтоньки, Одна буде дрiмливая, Друга буде сонливая, Третя буде щасливая », Ukrainians sing about dream grass.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 16:00





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