DJ Freakuency - Izakaya Basement - Dublin, Ireland
#Scumklub #DJFreakuency #JohnPower #DJing #DJPerformance #ElectronicMusic #IzakayaBasement #Dublin #Ireland #PioneerDJ #YamamoriDublin #MusicPerformance #DigitalDJing
With the help of our friends at Rotor Videos, we have created a visualiser for the upcoming DJ Freakuency track, Love Convict.
#Scumklub #LoveConvict #Visualiser #VisualEffects #RotorVideos #VFX #Unreleased #ElectronicMusic #Techno #Experimental #SoundDesign #CreativeMusicProduction #AudioVisualArt #VisualArtMedia #DigitalMotionArtDesign #VisualArtCommuniation #MusicVisualiser
Celebrate the launch of DJ Freakuency's new single, Love Convict, with the release of a brand new visualizer for the track.
With the help of our friends at Rotor Videos, We have created a visualizer for the upcoming DJ Freakuency track, Love Convict.
Scumklub™ | Screensaver Seduction.
Scumklub™ | Screensaver Seduction.
Screensaver Seduction is a creative and forward-thinking visual art piece that utilises Apple's MacBook Pro internal screensavers, turning them into visual art pieces via effects processing, technology manipulation and digital modification methods.
#DigitalArt #VisualArt #ScreensaverArt #ForwardThinkingArt #ModifiedOriginality #MacOSVentura #ThinkOutsideTheBox #CreativeArtPractice #Apple #ArtWithApple #TechnologicalArt #21stCenturyDigitalMedia #ContemporaryCyberArt #AlternativeMediaDesign #ExperimentalVirtualArt #VisualEffectsManipulation #VirtualArtPiece
Scumklub™ | Ableton Live, Art & Afterparty Addictions.
Scumklub™ | Ableton Live, Art & Afterparty Addictions.
Ableton Live, Art & Afterparty Addictions is a visual artwork repurposed from an original technical setting to explore the 'imagined' co-existence between music production culture, visual art and afterparty-affiliated drug addiction.
The artwork visually symbolises drug culture, the prevalent and ever-expanding negative mass movement in today's social landscape.
#Art #AbletonLive #ExplicitArt #ReadymadeDigitalArt #CyberArt #DigitalArt #SayNoToDrugs #AddictionArt #VisualArtPiece #AdagioRenderMP4Art #MusicProductionCulture #AfterpartyArt #AfterhoursArt #MakeArtStopDrugs #MakeVisualsStopDrugs #StopDrugs #StayInSchoolStopSubstanceAbuse #ExperimentalVisualDesign #AlternativeVisuals #CreativeVisualEffectsModification #Minimalism
Welcome to Scumklub™.
Website |
#Scumklub #MusicPlatform #RecordLabel #EventOrganiser #WelcomeToScumklub #MeetYourNewRecordLabelOwner #MeetYourNewNightclubOwner #MeetDJFreakuency #MeetJohnPower #MusicWebsite #DigitalMediaArchive #OnlineMusicArchive #ElectronicMusicPlatform #Waterford #Ireland #Berlin #Germany