A Big Year for Us โ Letโs Celebrate Our Best Speakers!
In 2024, we hosted 3 incredible conferences, each one bringing together thought leaders, innovators, and game-changers. Now, we want YOU to help us recognize the top voices from this year by voting for our Top 50 Speakers!
These speakers stood out as the best of the best, sharing insights and sparking conversations that resonated with our audience. Vote for your favorite, the most inspiring, or simply the most lovable speaker who made a lasting impact!
๐ข Cast your vote and celebrate excellence in our industry!
We are excited to give you the chance to recognize the most impactful speakers from the European Gaming Congress, Prague Gaming & TECH Summit, and MARE BALTICUM Gaming & TECH Summit (Tallinn, Estonia) in 2024! These prestigious events brought together the best and brightest minds in the iGaming, tec...