One day, I came across a message written on a building: "You will succeed". Usually, I encounter all sorts of meaningless messages, but this one was different, it was positive. It surprised and motivated me. It made me think that someone wrote that message hoping it would help someone someday. This is also my goal with these lines.
The message "You will succeed" was not written randomly. It is a loving encouragement to all of us, urging us to recognize our inner strength and limitless potential. You are a powerful being, capable of great things. We will undoubtedly succeed, because we all have something in common: kindness, joy, light - all manifestations of the love that animates our being. This is the strongest force of life and our true essence. Through this altruistic love, we can reach our potential and transform our lives.
I am glad to see that more and more of us are beginning to understand the true meaning of existence: to return to this love (I am not referring to romantic love, but to pure, unconditional love).
Although life can be challenging, we have an extraordinary set of tools at our disposal: willpower, confidence, intention, hope, faith, courage... and many more. However, it's important to remember that these tools are not just to help us face life's challenges, but also to help us achieve our goals and realize our dreams.
In this sense, I am beginning to outline a plan for 2025. I think I should include the following points:
1. To love and accept myself as I am.
2. To get closer to God and feel His presence more often.
3. To be more disciplined and consistent in this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
4. Identify what things or people are pulling me down and begin to find solutions, in extreme cases to gradually eliminate them from my life.
5. Discover what uplifts me vibrationally and which people inspire me, in order to spend more time with them.
6. Constantly develop my knowledge and skills.
7. Have more confidence in myself.
8. Practice mindfulness as much and as often as possible.
9. Reintroduce physical activity into my weekly routine, either by walking, running or going to the gym (healthy body, healthy mind đ)
Even though I have set many goals, I am confident that it is possible to achieve them, as long as I eliminate most of the unnecessary activities that consume a lot of time.
I don't know how this year has been for you, it might have been difficult. However, we still have about three weeks until the end of the year, so it would be useful to write down a few intentions and goals for the next year.
To have better clarity and greater control over the mind, I have prepared a "program" that I have noted on a paper. Even though I am aware that I might not follow it daily, having it handy will allow me to return to it every time. I will try to dedicate almost daily 10 minutes to achieve one point from the program per day, not all at once. Thus, each day I will focus on a different aspect. Probably the simplest would be to wake up 10 minutes earlier.
Here is the program:
1. Blessing my own person, family, friends, earth, people who have wronged me.
2. Dialogue with God, improving the relationship with Him.
3. Positive, powerful affirmations, redefining beliefs that direct me towards limitlessness.
4. Connecting with life, with the present moment through the techniques posted so far.
5. Gratitude for what I have and for the special moments so far.
6. Prayer spoken freely and attentively (not read mechanically, to avoid losing concentration).
7. Keeping the mind âin loopâ by repeating a short prayer (to regain control over the mind).
I noticed that time seems to accelerate, as if we live on âfast forwardâ. In this fast pace of life, it's essential to stop and really think about what we want. Planning and reflection are key to understanding our direction and desires. If you're unsure about what you want from life, take some time and ask yourself these questions: What do I really desire? What is my direction? What makes me happy? ⌠and when you do it, take a pen and paper. Writing helps us clarify our thoughts and give them shape. These questions deserve concrete answers, not just fleeting ideas. They deserve answers that you can see, touch and revise as you evolve in your journey. This way you will be able to crystallize your desires and your direction in life.
There is an endless potential hidden within you... I am sure that YOU WILL SUCCEED!