The two issues on the Problem of Evil (I&II) have been released. Here are the contents:
Editorial RES 1/2024: Religion and the Problem of Evil (I) Religion und das Problem des Bösen (I)
Florin George Calian
Viewing the Evil Eye in the Scripture: Reclaiming the Magical Thinking in Modern Times
Alexandru Mihăilă
Wenn das Böse von Gott kommt…
Johannes Klein
The Coherence of the Belief in the Existence of Evil in Traditional Yorùbá Theology: A Process-Relational Analysis
Emmanuel Ofuasia
Daemones Boni et Mali: The Locus of Evil in Renaissance Hermetic Neoplatonism
Noel Putnik
„… sie seÿ nicht from.“ – Das Böse in den Hexenprozessen des Schäßburger Stuhls im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert
András Bándi
Wann und wie sprechen die Texte des Neuen Testaments vom Bösen?
Hans Klein
Badness, Plotinus on Evil
Anne Sheppard and John Dillon
The Problem of Evil and Fr. Zosima’s Responsibility Before All
Octavian Gabor
Oliver Jens Schmitt, Biserica de stat sau biserica în stat? O istorie a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. 1918-2023, București: Humanitas, 2023, 458 p., ISBN: 978-973-50-7919-2.
Nicolae Drăgușin
Einar Thomassen, The Coherence of “Gnosticism”, Hans-Lietzmann-Vorlesungen 18, Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021, XIV + 39 p., ISBN: 978-3-11-070571-3.
Florin George Calian
Elena Ene Drăghici-Vasilescu, Amintiri de călătorie prin viață: întâlniri și întâmplări (prima parte) [Memories of journeying through life (the first part)] Oxford: Vasilescu Academic, 2023, 116p., ISBN 978-1-399-695-1.
Andra Jugănaru
Geert Roskam, Joseph Verheyden, eds., Light on Creation. Ancient Commentators in Dialogue and Debate on the Origin of the World, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017, 314 p., ISBN 978-3-16-154314-2.*
Antoaneta Sabău
Hermann Pitters Himmelfahrt. Ein Nachruf für einen begnadeten Vermittler zwischen evangelischen und orthodoxen Christen
Dorin Oancea
Editorial RES 2/2024: Religion and the Problem of Evil (II) Religion und das Problem des Bösen (II)
Florin George Calian
Leibniz’ und Kants Anthropozentrierung des Bösen und das neue Böse bei Nietzsche und Musil
Matthias Laux
Inkarnationen des Bösen im sozialistischen Denken
Robert Pfützner
The Power Dynamical Dissolution of the Logical Problem of Evil and a Foundational “Substance” for Metaethics
Paul Curtis
The Problem of Evil and the Simulation Hypothesis
Christophe Facal
The Burden of Philosophy: Evil and the Human Condition
Edward Kanterian
“The Power of the One Needs the Stupidity of the Other.”1 Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity and Analysis of its Socio-political Impact
Ilie Răpcianu
Die Differenz im Einssein Notizen zur arendtschen „Banalität des Bösen“
Eveline Cioflec
Badness, Wickedness, Evil and the Death of the Soul
Peter M. S. Hacker
The Problem of Unbearable Pain
Dmitry Biriukov
Viktor Ilievski, Plato’s Theodicy: The Forgotten Fount, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2023, ISBN:978-90-04-67929-0
Florin George Calian
Rupert Shortt, The Hardest Problem. God, Evil and Suffering, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2023, 130 p., ISBN: 978-1-3998-0271-0
Otniel Vereș
Mihaela Gligor and Elisabetta Marino, eds., Tagore beyond Borders. Essays on His Influence and Cultural Legacy, London – New York: Routledge, 2023, 151p., ISBN: 978-1-032-11208-4 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-032-13334-8 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-003-22874-5 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003228745
Raluca Lazarovici Vereș
Mirel Bănică, Între două lumi. Monahismul orthodox și modernitatea [Between Two Worlds. Orthodox Monasticism and Modernity], Iași: Polirom, 2024, 297 p., ISBN 978-973-469640-6
Anca Bălan