Epic Win Publisher

Epic Win Publisher We are a small company that build dreams

🎮 2024 is already underway, and while our social media presence may have been quiet, behind the scenes, the EPICWIN team...

🎮 2024 is already underway, and while our social media presence may have been quiet, behind the scenes, the EPICWIN team has been hard at work laying the foundation for exciting ventures ahead!

🌟 We're thrilled to announce our present in Leiriacon , where we showcased our games and prototypes over four action-packed days. It was an incredible opportunity to engage with fellow enthusiasts and share insights from our 2023 "Game-a-Month Challenge."

💻 Additionally, we've launched our second edition website, offering more in-depth information than ever before. Stay tuned as we'll be using this platform to keep you updated on our latest projects and initiatives.

🔮 Looking ahead, we're meticulously planning each project's journey—from illustration to prototyping to production. The future is bright, and we're excited to share it with you. Don't miss out! Subscribe to our newsletter for monthly updates straight to your inbox.

Hello, fellow boardgame dreamers! 🎲✨Can you believe it's been a whole year of Epic Win Publisher? 🎂We certainly can't! T...

Hello, fellow boardgame dreamers! 🎲✨
Can you believe it's been a whole year of Epic Win Publisher? 🎂

We certainly can't! Time has flown by...

🌟 A Year of Achievements:
In this short span, we're remodeling our site, we’ve successfully taken on the and survived, and we are now gearing up for our debut appearance at Leiria CON 24! 🎉

It's been a rollercoaster of excitement, learning, and many things other than game design (business stud…).

🎭 Leiria CON 24 - Let's Play Together!
To mark our first anniversary and share our joy with you, we're heading to Leiria CON 24. We're not just attending; we're diving headfirst into the heart of the event. Consider this your special invitation to join us for prototype testing and heaps of boardgame fun! 🎲✨

🎊 What's Next?
As we stand on the brink of our second year, the excitement is palpable.

We're not just designing games; we're creating dreams. 🚀✨

Our goal for this next year, it’s our first original, and a bunch of Print and play games. We will experiment with a lot of things, and hopefully entertain you with the process.

We've reached December, and our challenge of creating one game per month has been successfully completed. This means it'...

We've reached December, and our challenge of creating one game per month has been successfully completed. This means it's time for a new challenge in 2024 – to analyze and develop the ideas that were initiated. But while we're still in 2023, let's talk about the final challenge!

This idea emerged during a sketchnoting workshop, where we were challenged to create a game on a postcard. As it's something we've done in the past, we embraced the idea!

Christmas Countdown is a solo dice game with a duration of 5-10 minutes. It's a race against time to buy all the presents, but you can't compromise on quality! The more points you score, the better your gifts are received. But beware – if time runs out and you haven't bought presents for everyone, your Christmas won't be as festive!

Join us in celebrating the completion of this year's game design challenge, and stay tuned for the exciting projects coming in 2024!


Chegamos a dezembro, e o nosso desafio de criar um jogo por mês foi concluído com sucesso. Isso significa que é hora de um novo desafio em 2024 - analisar e desenvolver as ideias que foram iniciadas. Mas enquanto ainda estamos em 2023, vamos falar sobre o último desafio!

Esta ideia surgiu durante um workshop de sketchnoting, onde fomos desafiados a criar um jogo num postal. Como é algo que já fizemos no passado, abraçamos a ideia!

Christmas Countdown é um jogo de dados solo com duração de 5 a 10 minutos. É uma corrida contra o tempo para comprar todos os presentes, onde não se pode comprometer a qualidade! Quanto mais pontos conseguir, melhor os presentes serão recebidos. Mas cuidado - se o tempo acabar e não tiver comprado presentes para todos, o seu Natal não será tão festivo!

Juntem-se a nós para celebrar a conclusão do desafio de design de jogos deste ano e fique atento aos projetos emocionantes que virão em 2024!




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