www.onpartners.net A ON inicia a sua actividade em Outubro de 2003, após 1 ano de muita ginástica mental. Sem isso, estaríamos rapidamente Off!
Queríamos uma empresa que viesse para ficar, que vingasse no mercado e marcasse alguma diferença. Assim, e desde o início, a ON apresentou-se como uma empresa de comunicação que funciona a partir de uma micro-estrutura extremamente flexível, constituída por profissionais seniores que trabalham na área do Marketing, da Publicidade e do Design, há mais de 10 anos. A ON troca, de boa vontade, os cres
cimentos exagerados, que acabam sempre por pesar no orçamento do cliente, por uma maior adaptabilidade às suas necessidades. Para apoiar esta solução, a ON dispõe, em permanência, de um “Painel de Parceiros e de Consultores” (que em conjunto formam a ON PARTNERS) especializados em diferentes áreas e que são chamados em função das circunstâncias e das exigências específicas de cada projecto. Isto faz com que a ON seja do tamanho da vontade dos seus clientes. Nem mais, nem menos. Estamos virados para os resultados finais. Esse é o nosso maior objectivo. E é a grande inspiração do nosso método de trabalho. Não querendo entrar no negócio do esotérico (embora já tenhamos feito milagres), diríamos que a ON funciona como... um estado de espírito! Somos o reflexo de uma nova geração, de uma cultura urbana positiva e inovadora, que domina as novas tecnologias e as consegue aplicar aos velhos problemas.
É uma forma positiva de encarar o dia-a-dia, de nos envolvermos nos projectos, (independentemente da dimensão e budgets envolvidos), de nos relacionarmos com os nossos parceiros (sejam eles clientes, fornecedores, consultores, …), de aproveitar as oportunidades que o mercado proporciona. Por isso, as nossas duas grandes metas, são:
- Cumprir com os objectivos dos nossos clientes e, sempre que possível, ultrapassá-los;
- Afirmar a nossa filosofia e provar que ela existe no melhor interesse de todos. Em 11 anos é o que temos feito e o que temos conseguido. Obrigada a Todos os que directa e indirectamente nos ajudaram a estar aqui hoje.
Inscreva-se já!
Para ficar a saber mais sobre Propósito nas Organizações e o que a sua organização pode ganhar com isso.
Descubra como o propósito pode revolucionar o sucesso da sua organização! No atual cenário empresarial, compreender e alinhar o propósito das pessoas, do
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops.
Muito obrigado António-Pedro pelos trabalhos que desenvolvemos juntos!
Foram momentos muito bem passados e só com coisas boas!
Seja o primeiro a receber as novidades e deixe-nos enviar-lhe um email quando On publica notícias e promoções. O seu endereço de email não será utilizado para qualquer outro propósito, e pode cancelar a subscrição a qualquer momento.
HI, WE’RE ON PARTNERS. Please, do come in. Yes, the door is open, as usual. If you’ve got this far, you know we’re an integrated creative digital agency. Since you are here, though, we want to tell you more than you already know. We want to explain why ONPARTNERS is a digital agency like no other. Please, don’t stand there, just get in and let us show you. Mind the step.
We met just a few minutes ago, but you might have already noticed something different about us. If you’re thinking “attitude”, you got it right. We displayed a different attitude in the way we welcomed you, as we have a different attitude when dealing with our work, relating to our clients and, well, doing just about everything else in life.
We don’t have to tell you what a massive challenge it is to make a brand relevant in the current context. You know what we’re talking about. Within an environment of vertiginous high speed in communication across various media and an increasing multiplicity of touchpoints, it’s really hard to make sure the integrity, coherence and effectiveness of your brand are preserved and enhanced. Yet, we can do it. And this “we” includes you, because we can only do it together. That’s right, we must talk. Honestly.
Just stop for a moment and imagine the possibilities: a team of highly trained professionals ready to take your own vision and insights on board and looking forward to working with you to turn them into a strong identity brand, designed to live up to its full potential. Exciting, uh?
But there is more. A fine-tuned analytical approach allows for the objective measurement of the effects of our work with you. Using reliable and tested monitoring instruments, we can know where you are and how you’re doing, any time. So that we can make the precise adjustments which will make a difference, improving the effectiveness of your brand. Any time.
All the technologies that can be useful to our clients are familiar to us: Web, Multimedia, TV, 3D, 4D, Mobile, Apps, Social Media. We don’t just master all those technologies, we are in love with them, we incorporate all the latest cutting edge developments and celebrate all the new possibilities they represent. This passion is part of us, it’s like a second nature, since the beginning. It’s crucial, ok, but is it enough? Does it define us?
No way. Technologies are tools, not ends. Even the most radical nerds and freaks who work here – you might also see some “normal” looking people walking around when you come for a visit – have two things about technology imprinted in their sparkling minds. One: technology can never compromise our values and principles. Two: the careful selection and bespoken use of technological tools must always be guided by your own specific, particular, unique needs. If we had a list of rules (which we don’t, by the way), these two principles would surely be combined in rule number one.
We are thinkers and doers, as well as talkers and listeners. This is who we are. This has been our culture since it all began, back in 2003. Now we are as sure as ever that we want to work with you, not for you. We’re urban, radical and optimistic professionals and that reflects naturally upon the solutions we offer. We’re not afraid of combining tradition and innovation in ways you can’t possibly imagine. Neither can we, actually, until a unique need arises and causes a surprising unique functional solution.
Contemporary technological means and platforms add new dimensions to creativity. But it can all begin with the observation of the peculiar shape of a shadow on a wall or that funny sound of the evening wind we’d never really noticed before. We’re ON because we’re open. Open to embrace new projects, open to use new technological solutions, open to combine them with the wisdom of tradition, open to sense the world around and inside us and yes, open to you, to your own particular vision.
If you feel like sharing it with us, just get in touch and we’ll be very happy to take it from there.