Losing Puerto Rico

Losing Puerto Rico The rich are using Puerto Rico as a tax haven. Boricuas are losing their homeland. Abolish Act 22!


Bravo Congressman Chuy García for joining growing chorus calling to . Congress must close this dangerous tax loophole today.


La legisladora federal, quien representa el barrio puertorriqueño de Chicago, ofreció un mensaje en el hemiciclo de la Cámara de Representantes


Advocates ask for policy changes as they commemorate the 6th anniversary of the devastating hurricane that killed more than 3,000 people.

La hora de abolir la ley 22 llegó. Visite LosingPuertoRico.com para activarse.

La hora de abolir la ley 22 llegó. Visite LosingPuertoRico.com para activarse.

Congress has the power to end these discriminatory tax laws that empower rich outsiders to evade taxes and exploit Puert...

Congress has the power to end these discriminatory tax laws that empower rich outsiders to evade taxes and exploit Puerto Rico. We are urging Congress to // El Congreso tiene el poder de revocar leyes discriminatorias de impuestos que permiten que extranjeros ricos evadan impuestos y abusen de Puerto Rico. Le estamos exigiendo al Congreso abolir la

Call your Member of Congress TODAY to demand they end Act 22, the tax loophole that allows rich outsiders to displace Pu...

Call your Member of Congress TODAY to demand they end Act 22, the tax loophole that allows rich outsiders to displace Puerto Ricans from their homeland. Learn more at http://LosingPuertoRico.com

The taxman is scrutinizing about 100 high-income mainland US citizens partaking in the fat tax breaks the island offers


The Losing Puerto Rico media project launched a multimedia campaign to focus attention on an obscure and one-of-a-kind tax loophole that allows rich Americans to move to Puerto Rico and avoid paying most of their taxes.


Act 22 is a Puerto Rican law that allows rich outsiders to move to the island and evade most US and Puerto Rico taxes. All they have to do is buy a home and live part of the year on the island, among other minor requirements. If you live in Puerto Rico already, these benefits are not available to you.
Puerto Ricans are losing their homes and neighborhoods. Rich outsiders are receiving massive tax breaks, not available to locals, and pricing out long-time residents. This is not typical gentrification. Puerto Rico is a US colony and is the only place on Earth where Americans can move to and not pay US income taxes. Meanwhile, many Puerto Ricans can no longer afford to live in their own homeland. Puerto Rico is losing Puerto Ricans.
Wealthy individuals, crypto investors and other rich outsiders, mostly Americans, are gaming the system and depriving the US, their state and local community, and Puerto Rico of badly needed tax revenues to provide for essential services.

We’re calling on Congress to end the Act 22 loophole so rich Americans stop moving to Puerto Rico and live tax free, while Puerto Ricans are being displaced from their island.
La Ley 22 es una ley puertorriqueña que le permite a extranjeros ricos mudarse a la isla y evadir la mayoría de los impuestos estadounidenses y puertorriqueños. Solo tienen que comprar una propiedad y vivir parte del año en la isla, entre otros requisitos menores. Si usted ya vive en Puerto Rico, estos beneficios no le aplican.
Los puertorriqueños están perdiendo sus hogares y comunidades. Los extranjeros ricos están recibiendo alivios de impuestos que no están disponibles para los residentes locales. Esto encarece el costo de vida para los boricuas y no es una gentrificación típica. Como colonia de los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico es el único lugar en el mundo donde los estadounidenses se pueden mudar y no pagar impuestos a los EE.UU. La carga económica pesada la llevan los puertorriqueños, que ya no puedan seguir viviendo en su propia patria. Puerto Rico está perdiendo puertorriqueños.


San Juan


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