Soy un Editor y Jugador de Call of Duty. Hago Montajes ,GFX , Clips Edit (OCE) ,Introducing ,Personal Intro ,facebook Banner (Background) ,YouTube Banner y muchas cosas mas. Picture PacK
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Clanes y Equipos que he ayudado:
1. Sec
ret Family Gaming [ sF ]
3. sNip3rZ ` GaMiNg [ sG ]
4. Team Recon Moves
5. Danger Clan (CERRADO)
6. Soez Alliance
8. DruZ EmpiRe
9. AV7 Clan
10. Latin Pride [LpR]
11. Stare United
12. NeaR Allience
13. Humble Dreams
14. Zoud Empire
15. Origin Empire [ oE ]
16. Gaming Pauta
17. Team Definition
18. EliteDivision [ ED ]
19. Titans Legacy [ TL ]
20. Azzazin Gaming [ AG ]
21. Zild Empire
22. Deviel Sniping
23. IvoryClan
24. SpuzePS3
25. Ovizz Allience
26. Cheesecake Sniping
27. PuertoRican Feeders
28. Zypho Allience
29. Jewel Clan
30. OnLy Sniping
31. TaL3nTo GaMinG
32. NexT cLaN
33. Ku Kuz Klan
34. Mean Girls Gaming
35. Arkay Agency
36. Arkay Creation
37. Analogy
38. Age Nation
39. Oxyn
40. SaFe Sniping
41. Sick Muve
42. Bill Authority
43. OceanFive [o5]
44. Zelda™
45. Mixen
46. Century XXI
47. TricK Gaming
48. Epic Sniping
49. The Union
50. ? YouTube Channel: