Slav Music

Slav Music Music Library A bank of music for those who are looking for fresh ideas and extraordinary harmonies, as well as a reliable music library. JAROSŁAW M.

Musician, composer, music producer. He graduated from the F. Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Choral Conducting Departament. As a singing instructor and teacher he has worked for numerous organizations. He has composed and produced music for theater, films and tv programs. For many years he has led the instrumental-vocal group Rockspel, performing rock, gospel and folk-rock. Co-fo

under of the siblings band "Slav", playing and singing film/ethnofolk music. PAPAJ
He is an author and the producer of music for several motion pictures, TV series and programmes. He graduated at the Composition Department of the University of Music in Poznan. In 2004, he perfected his skills as a composer at the Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Italy. The main focus of his work is classical music but he also writes film and light music with a passion. He is the producer of his own work, giving it a really unique sound, and he works from his own studio. AMATA
Her first instrument was the piano. After leaving primary music school, she chose to continue her musical education in a solo singing class and ended her studies with an MA degree in choral conducting. Amata writes lyrics for commercial use and collaborates as a singer and composer with her brothers in their TV/film music productions. She also works as a manager for Slav Music and the band Slav. She studies astronomy and film production in London.





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