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Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: The impact of tourist experience a...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: The impact of tourist experience and satisfaction on revisit intention on the example of Polish tourists in Croatia

Author: Tomasz Wiskulski

Motives: To enhance the management of tourism destinations and foster lasting relationships between destinations and tourists, the components contributing to tourist satisfaction should be comprehensively analyzed across diverse social groups.
Aim: It was assumed that the satisfaction derived from a tour affects tourists’ intention to revisit a given destination. The main goal of the study was to examine the factors that shape satisfaction and to identify the most significant factors across various tourist groups.
Results: The study involved a survey of 822 Polish tourists visiting Croatia. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, the respondents were divided into three groups according to their opinions on the attributes of Croatia. The variables affecting revisit intention were analyzed with the use of a logistic regression model of the entire sample, taking into account the three clusters. The analysis revealed that high levels of customer satisfaction had a positive influence on revisit intention in the entire sample. The study also demonstrated that the number of visits to Croatia was the least important factor.

cluster analysis, logistic regression, intention to return, Croatia, tourist attributes, tourist satisfaction

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Restructuring agricultural land us...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Restructuring agricultural land use in Ukraine. Directions for development

Authors: Anton Tretiak , Liudmyla Hunko

The intensity of agricultural land use in Ukraine was analyzed based on soil quality and the values of the land-use intensity (LUI) index and the land-use capacity (LUC) index. In the administrative districts of Cherkasy region, the LUI index ranged from 0.07 to 1.0, and the LUC index ranged from 0.01 ha per 1000 UAH of gross output to 0.19 ha per 1000 UAH, which points to considerable difference in land-use intensity and agricultural land-use capacity. New approaches should be sought to improve the management and use of agricultural land. Functional land use areas should be restructured, in particular, by implementing non-traditional methods of agricultural land use. The results of the study indicate that land-use functions should be modified over an area of 5,343,900 ha, where 2,049,900 ha should be converted to crop rotations for soil protection, 208,000 ha – to protective forest margins; and 2,878,000 ha – to non-traditional forms of agricultural land use. Motives: The purpose of the article was to propose a methodological approach for assessing the intensity of agricultural land use and to suggest directions for land-use restructuring to improve its ecological status. Aim: In the proposed methodical approach, the intensity of agricultural land use was assessed with the land-use intensity (LUI) index and the land-use capacity (LUC) index. To reduce plowing and increase land-use intensity, the functions of degraded arable land should be modified over an area of 5,343,900 ha, where 2,049,900 ha should be converted to crop rotations for soil protection, 208,000 ha – to protective forest margins; and 2,878,000 ha – to non-traditional forms of agricultural land use. Results: The article substantiates the need to modify the functions of arable land over an area of 5,343,900 ha, where 2,049,900 ha should be converted to crop rotations for soil protection, 208,000 ha – to protective forest margins; and 2,878,000 ha – to non-traditional forms of agricultural land use.

economics,, agricultural land use, land-use planning, soil suitability, functional use

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Differences in the environmental a...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Differences in the environmental awareness of the Polish population

Authors: Paweł Smoliński, Jadwiga Biegańska, Stefania Środa-Murawska

Motives: A fundamental tenet of sustainable development (SD) posits that all human endeavors should prioritize ecological safety. This underscores the significance of the knowledge about the ways in which these activities manifest in social attitudes, as an indicator of environmental awareness (EA) levels. Given the relevance of environmental EA, this issue should be examined across diverse communities and social groups, such as urban and rural residents, to catalyze the adoption of SD principles. It is assumed that the concentration of the population and societal structures in urban centers stimulate the development of concepts and solutions that subsequently disseminate to rural areas through urbanization and modernization patterns. Consequently, the potential disparities in EA and pro-environmental behaviors should be analyzed based on community members’ place of residence and economic status.
Aim: The objective of this study was to assess differences in EA levels within the Polish population in the context of SD principles, based on demographic and social characteristics, as well as the respondents’ place of residence.
Results: The study revealed several connections between attitudes toward sustainability and pro- -environmental activities. The identified attitudes were associated with demographic, economic, and spatial factors. The results indicate that EA levels are relatively high among Polish residents, irrespective of spatial distribution. Furthermore, significantly higher levels of EA-related activities were noted among urban dwellers, particularly the young and well-educated. Interestingly, a similar trend was noted among the residents of suburban zones. In contrast, rural inhabitants exhibited lower levels of EA compared to their urban counterparts.

Proenvironmental Behaviour (PEB), Sustainable development,, Ecological Awareness,, Urban-Rural

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: General problems of the cadastre s...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: General problems of the cadastre system - case study in Poland

Authors: Monika Mika, Monika Siejka, Żanna Stręk, Ľubica Hudecová

Motives: The proper functioning of land administration systems guarantees the security of property rights and property trading rights, which is why many countries worldwide are carrying out continuous research aimed at harmonising and modernising the cadastral system.
Aim: The aim of this article is to show the effects of the implementation of the global concepts of the cadastral system evolution under Polish conditions. This problem is international in nature, and common for a group of central and eastern European countries that underwent a systemic transformation at the end of the 20th century.
Results: As demonstrated in the case study, the cadastral system maintained in Poland is not uniform. There are still many areas where the basic source of information about properties is the materials from the 1960’s and 1970’s. Nevertheless, the gradually conducted modernisation of the Land and Buildings Registry, which is based on international standards and norms, is slowly leading to the establishment of a full-fledged cadastral system.

cadastre modernisation, cadastral data quality, types of errors in cadastral documentation

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Micro-geographies of administratio...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Micro-geographies of administration: a wolf in sheep's clothing? The impact of trust on a street-level approach to immigrant integration

Authors: Shelley Kotze, Mirek Dymitrow

Increased global migration to welfare states puts pressure on successful integration. Successful integration is broadly associated with entry into the labour market. Therefore, integration is measured through employment. Attempts to increase migrant involvement in the labour market are often made by street-level organisations, where interactions between individuals from the private and/or public sector interact with the migrants. At this microlevel, seemingly innocuous administrative decisions made by individuals working to increase migrant labour integration are often overlooked, yet, as this study shows, have a significant impact on the perceived success of such projects. Using nonparticipant observation, chronological ordering and framework analysis, this paper investigates the dynamics of trust as a critical, yet underplayed dimension of the immigrant integration process within a Swedish street-level organisation. The findings reveal instances of immigrant commodification, exploitation of the project format and lack of cultural awareness, which can disrupt the delicate psychosocial relations at play, without ever being appreciated in official reports. Moreover, the impact of trust further impacts on the micro-geographies of immigrants and the integration process. We conclude that whilst the results of integration efforts should be evaluated at the macro level, the fundamentals of integration are set and often decided upon already at the street level

integration, trust, street-level approach, immigration, nonparticipant observation

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Identifying and hierarchizing fact...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Identifying and hierarchizing factors that affect the choice of transport routes in land ferry transport chains

Authors: Izabela Kotowska, Aleksandra Łapko, Violetta Jendryczka

Motives: The choice of a transport route has long been the subject of research because it is regarded as one of the most crucial decisions in transport organizations. However, there is a lack of studies addressing this issue in the context of land-ferry supply chains, where two transport modes have to be integrated. Therefore, analyses of multimodal transport should involve a holistic approach to account not only for seaborne transport, but also for the land leg before and after the ferry trip. This knowledge gap should be urgently addressed due to the importance of land-ferry supply chains in the transport system.
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and hierarchize factors that determine the choice of a multimodal transport route combining ferry and road transport.
Results: The factors that determine the choice of ferry routes were identified and hierarchized according to their importance as primary, supplementary, and additional routes. The study demonstrated that the cost and time of transport are the main determinants in the decision-making process, with time being marginally more important than cost.

transport systems, routing transportation, ferry transport, maritime transport, transport management

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Environmental policy in rural deve...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Environmental policy in rural development management involving territorial partnerships

Authors: Iryna Kostetska, Bogusława Baran-Zgłobicka

Motives: Local authorities are seeking new approaches to development, with a strong emphasis on multifunctional development. Taking into account the state of the natural environment, they need to implement various activities that effectively reduce anthropogenic pressure. Poland’s membership in the EU requires the implementation of the European Green Deal. The neighbouring Polish and Ukrainian regions of Lublin and Lviv, which share similar environmental conditions and a common cultural heritage, were chosen for this study. The Polish border regions have the potential to serve as an important model for Ukrainian border regions as they strive to integrate into the European Union. This paper provides an overview of development and environmental support policies, as well as in-depth case studies, to establish a basis for assessing the sustainable functioning of rural municipalities and territorial partnerships.
Aim: This study examined supra-local strategic documents concerning environmental protection and rural development in Polish and Ukrainian municipalities. Their socio-economic situation was characterised, and the goals and activities proposed under their environmental protection programmes and local development strategies were identified.
Results: Based on the research findings, a proposal was formulated for implementing systemic solutions in the development of strategic plans to ensure that local strategies become fundamental tools for implementing measures that support environmental protection and sustainable development.

Keywords: environmental protection, strategic planning, Local Action Groups, municipality (gmina/hromada), Poland, Ukraine

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Price disparities in the housing m...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Price disparities in the housing market vs. transportation costs for households. A case study of real estate development projects in Szczecin

Author: Sebastian K***t

Motives: Land situated on the outskirts of cities and even outside their borders is being seized for urban development, as well as for housing purposes. Properties in such locations are usually significantly cheaper than those located in the city centers. However, living in a suburban location often entails higher commuting, education, and entertainment costs. Therefore, the following question arises from a property buyer’s point of view: is it more economically advantageous to purchase more expensive property in a downtown district or a cheaper one located peripherally and incur higher transportation costs?
Aim: The purpose of the study was to compare the transportation costs incurred by households in peripheral locations with the property price differentials between suburban and central city districts.
Results: The study covered the city of Szczecin. Data for the study were obtained from public sources and analyzed with tools such as the payback period, simple rate of return, net present value (NPV) for 10 and 20 years, and internal rate of return (IRR) for 10 and 20 years. The results indicate that in certain cases, very high commuting costs might encourage potential buyers to consider the purchase of more expensive property in a central city location where these costs are significantly lower or not necessary.

housing prices, transportation costs, Szczecin, Poland

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: The sensitivity of employment in t...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: The sensitivity of employment in the hotel industry to the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Poland

Authors: Karolina Drela, Agnieszka Malkowska, Anna Tokarz-Kocik, Anna Bera

Motives: The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unprecedented disruption to the global tourism economy. The diminished demand for hotel services, coupled with substantial operational uncertainty, compelled hoteliers to adopt survival strategies, often entailing workforce reductions.
Aim: The objective of the article was to assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment levels in hotel establishments in Poland and to suggest a strategy that would enable these facilities to navigate similar challenges in the future.
Results: The article explores the sensitivity of employment in the hotel industry to the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on a case study of Poland. It highlights significant changes in the hotel labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study includes a detailed analysis of individuals working in the hotel industry from 2012 to 2021. Additionally, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment in Polish hotels was examined based on the collected primary data. The research findings affirm the industry’s susceptibility to pandemic risks, but they indicate that appropriate measures can mitigate negative effects. Consequently, the article proposes strategies to assist hotel facilities in overcoming similar challenges in the future.

hotel industry, hotel enterprise, employment, labour market, COVID-19 pandemic

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Enhancing Pedestrian Safety by Pro...

Another issue of our journal has been published.
We encourage you to read the article: Enhancing Pedestrian Safety by Providing a LiDAR-Based Analysis of Jaywalking Conflicts at Signalized Intersections

Authors: Alireza Ansariyar , Abolfazl Taherpour , Di Yang , Mansoureh Jeihani
Motives: In response to the inherent vulnerability of pedestrians in urban settings, this paper is driven by a commitment to enhancing their mobility and safety. Recognizing the prevalence of jaywalking as a significant concern, the study seeks practical solutions through the application of LiDAR sensors at signalized intersections. By delving into the complexities of jaywalking events and their contributing factors, the research aims to provide valuable insights that extend beyond mere statistical analysis. The motivations behind this endeavour lie in the imperative to comprehensively understand and address the risks associated with jaywalking, ultimately fostering a safer environment for pedestrians navigating urban crossroads.
Aim: The primary aim of this paper is to assess and analyse the diverse factors influencing the frequency of jaywalking at signalized intersections, leveraging the capabilities of LiDAR sensors for safety applications. Through a meticulous examination of 1000 jaywalking events detected over a six-month period, the study aims to pinpoint highly correlated independent variables to the frequency of jaywalking events. These variables include traffic signal controller patterns, signal phases, vehicle-pedestrian conflicts, weather conditions, vehicle volume, walking patterns toward the median, pedestrian volume, and the unique jaywalker’s ratio. Employing advanced statistical regression models, the research seeks to identify optimal models and unravel key insights into the nuanced dynamics of jaywalking behaviour. The overarching goal is to equip decision-makers and transportation specialists with data-driven knowledge, enabling them to implement targeted safetymeasures that mitigate pedestrian risks and enhance safety infrastructure at critical urban crossroads.
Results: The outcomes of the study, derived from the optimal Poisson regression model, yield crucial insights into the multifaceted nature of jaywalking events at signalized intersections. The morning and mid-day signal controller patterns exhibit a substantial decrease of 44.7% and 34.4%, respectively, compared to the evening (PM) pattern, shedding light on temporal nuances in jaywalking behaviour. Additionally, the severity of vehicle-pedestrian conflicts escalates proportionally with the number of jaywalkers, emphasizing the importance of addressing pedestrian flow in mitigating potential conflicts. Notably, the presence of vegetation in the median emerges as a significant factor, significantly increasing the frequency of jaywalking. These results contribute to a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between environmental, temporal, and behavioural factors in jaywalking incidents. Decision-makers and transportation specialists can leverage these findings to formulate targeted safety interventions, fostering a safer pedestrian experience at crucial urban crossroads

LiDAR sensor, Jaywalking event, Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflicts, Safety analysis, Statistical Regression Models

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Providing asylum – Spatial distrib...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: Providing asylum – Spatial distribution of accommodation facilities for Ukrainian refugees against the background of local conditions in a less developed Polish region

Author: Alina Źróbek-Różańska

Motives: The war in Ukraine has led to the need to help millions of refugees. Poland has issued the highest number of first residence permits to Ukrainian refugees, and it is the second most popular destination country for the Ukrainians taking long-term refuge. Polish society has shown commendable solidarity – individuals have hosted Ukrainian refugees in their homes, businesses provided shelter in tourist sites, and other organizations – in their facilities. This study highlights an important issue that is usually overlooked in academic studies. Many refugees benefited from the assistance of reception points for accommodation and were directed to places where accommodation was arranged. As a result, thousands of refugees were directed to less developed regions with higher unemployment rates and lower income levels.
Aim: The study aimed to present the spatial distribution of the currently used accommodation financed by the Polish state in a less developed region against its socio-economic characteristics. The study focused on powiats (counties), the second-level unit of administration in Poland.
Results: The spatial distribution of accommodation facilities was not based on the favorable
socio-economic attributes of the area but solely on the availability of premises that could be promptly adapted for shelter purposes.

refugees, migration, spatial arrangement, local conditions

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Determining the role of eco-touris...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: Determining the role of eco-tourism service quality, tourist satisfaction, and destination loyalty: A case study of Kuakata beach

Authors: Mohammad Badruddoza Talukder , Sanjeev Kumar , Lalat Indu Misra , Firoj Kabir

The impact of eco-tourism service quality (ETSQ) and destination loyalty on beach tourism, particularly Kuakata Beach in Bangladesh, was examined. The present study builds upon the initial research on ETSQ to assess tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty at Kuakata Beach. Data for the analysis were obtained from 284 tourists who visited Kuakata Beach. The obtained data were processed with the use of SPSS 26 and smartPLS 3. The study demonstrated that ETSQ is significantly linked with tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. The findings revealed a robust relationship between ETSQ, tourist satisfaction, and commitment to a specific destination. The study has practical implications for eco-tourism promotion by the government, semi-governmental, and non-governmental organizations in Kuakata, other tourist attractions in Bangladesh, and tour operators who could design ETSQ to provide tourist satisfaction tools and recommend tourist destinations.

tourism, eco-tourism, eco-tourism service quality, destination loyalty, tourist satisfaction

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: The European Union’s legislative p...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: The European Union’s legislative process in the area of environmental protection in the context of the European environmental policy

Authors: Sahib Mammadov, Nagima Kala , Khavar Hajiyeva , Nuriyya Karimova , Aysel Guliyeva

Motives: This research paper analyzes the legislative process and the implementation of the European Union’s (EU) environmental law as one of the principal tools for achieving and maintaining global ecological safety.
Aim: The study was undertaken to determine how the priorities of the EU’s foreign and internal policy are reflected in the legislative process in the area of environmental protection. The problems associated with law enforcement and the implementation of EU legislative acts in national legislation were also examined, and the current state and prospects for policy-making in the area of environmental protection were assessed. The paper considers environmental policy issues and legal regulations in Azerbaijan in the context of EU experiences. The research covers political and legal relations.
Results: An analysis of the historical transformation of the EU’s environmental law from an institutional and constitutional perspective was combined with an analysis of the principal aspects and the main trends in the EU’s environmental governance and lawmaking. The EU’s contribution to the development of environmental legislation highlights its approach to the multi-layered dimension of environmental governance internally, in terms of the dynamic relationship between the EU and the Member States, as well as internationally. The EU’s policy and legal regulations in the area of environmental protection can serve as a reliable example for countries in which the environmental agenda has not yet received due attention. The above applies to both strategic planning, regulatory issues, and law enforcement practices.

environmental protection, European Union, legal regulation, environmental policy, ecology

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Spatial analysis of cultural ecosy...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: Spatial analysis of cultural ecosystem services in Lublin: Perception of local residents and tourists

Authors: Ihor Kozak , Myroslava Mylenka , Iryna Kozak-Balaniuk

Motives: Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) are perceived differently by local residents and tourists. Therefore, an understanding of spatial patterns in CES is important for urban planning.
Aim: To determine whether residents and tourists differ in their perceptions of CES groups in Lublin, and whether these perceptions are influenced by gender, age, occupation, and frequency of visits.
Results: The relative value of CES groups was ranked in the following descending order of importance: physical, social, cultural, inspirational, and spiritual activities by local residents (n = 138), and inspirational, cultural, spiritual, physical, and social activities by tourists (n = 134). The Wilcoxon test showed that the total and average number of the identified locations was higher among residents than tourists. The chi-square test revealed a difference between the CES categories identified by the local residents (x2 = 265.602, df = 5, p < 0.01) and tourists (x2 = 25.660, df = 5, p < 0.01).

Public Participatory Geographical Information System, non-material values, Cultural Ecosystem services, urban green spaces

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: The effects of VAT reductions on n...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: The effects of VAT reductions on newly built properties and constructions in Hungary

Authors: Rita Koroseczné Pavlin , Diána Koponicsné Györke

Motives: This study was undertaken to determine the feasibility and macroeconomic impact of reduced VAT. As an EU Member State, Hungary may apply reduced tax rates in accordance with the Council Directive 112/2006/EC. In Hungary, due to the high general tax rate, the range of products and services with reduced tax rates plays a special role.
Aim: In Hungary, a preferential VAT regime was introduced to reduce the increase in the price of new-build properties. The aim of this study was to examine whether reduced VAT had the desired effect. Therefore, the effect of 5% VAT on the Hungarian real estate price index was analysed based on the data provided by the Hungarian National Bank with the use of various statistical methods.
Results: The study demonstrated that a reduced VAT rate on newly built properties that meet certain conditions in Hungary had an impact on the real estate market. The date of the building permit, which is a prerequisite for applying a reduced tax rate, increased real estate prices as an immediate effect, which was reduced somewhat by the final consumer price due to the reduced tax rate. This double effect stabilised the real estate market price index.

fiscal policy, real estate market, reduced tax rate

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum

Another issue of our journal has been published.We encourage you to read the article: Augmented reality as a technology ...

Another issue of our journal has been published.

We encourage you to read the article: Augmented reality as a technology that supports the spatial development process

Authors: Rafał Kaźmierczak, Agnieszka Szczepańska

Motives: The solutions for designing spatial development methods in planning documents are presented as 2D graphics with supplementary descriptions. Due to the lack of specialist knowledge and insufficient spatial imagination, some readers may be unable to understand the graphic and descriptive content of such documents. The above can lead to the construction of objects that disrupt spatial order without violating the law. This problem can be solved by applying augmented reality (AR) in spatial planning. This paper presents the capabilities of a method for visualizing different spatial development variants on the example of buildings. A model of a building plot and the surrounding area, covered by a local spatial development plan, was developed.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of the AR technology for identifying low-precision areas in the plan and its potential impact on the method of land development, with a resulting deterioration in spatial order.
Results: The use of the AR technology enables analyses and assessments of planned development in the context of spatial order and its integration with the existing elements. Visualizations presented with the AR technology show that different interpretations of the local zoning plan generate spatial chaos. The utility of 3D visualization for an average reader was also presented. The AR technology can be used at the stage of preparing planning documents (community participation, adopting the plan), adopting by-laws (councilors), and enforcing these regulations (investors’ decisions).

spatial planning, spatial imagination, augmented reality, visualization

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum



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