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Gorąco zachęcamy do zgłaszania udziału w konferencji studencko-doktoranckiej „mAIówka – sztuczna inteligencja oraz jej i...

Gorąco zachęcamy do zgłaszania udziału w konferencji studencko-doktoranckiej „mAIówka – sztuczna inteligencja oraz jej implikacje prawne, filozoficzne, społeczne i poznawcze”. Wydarzenie ma charakter hybrydowy. Odbędzie się w dniach 14–15 maja 2024 na Wydziale Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. Termin nadsyłania abstraktów: 27 kwietnia 2024. Więcej informacji na stronie konferencji https://bacon.umcs.lublin.pl/~kognitywistyka/stro/maiowka/ oraz na facebooku https://www.facebook.com/KoloKognitywistykiUMCS

We were saddened to hear of Daniel Dennett's death. In 2017 we had the honor of hosting him in Poland, because to our de...

We were saddened to hear of Daniel Dennett's death. In 2017 we had the honor of hosting him in Poland, because to our delight he accepted Avant's invitation. Thanks to this, many people had the opportunity to listen to him live for the first time, and even to talk to him. As it turns out today, for the last time...
Photo from https://avant.edu.pl/trends3

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich – stacjonarnie lub zdalnie – do wysłuchania jutrzejszego wykładu prof. Podlipniaka i dy...

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich – stacjonarnie lub zdalnie – do wysłuchania jutrzejszego wykładu prof. Podlipniaka i dyskusji po nim. A tych, co w Lublinie, zapraszam do udziału w całej SESJI NEUROESTYCZNEJ (wykład+warsztat), jak i pozostałbych spotkaniach tego dnia (wykład p. Roberta Rutkowskiego i warsztat p. Emilii Telatyckiej).

NEURONUS 2024 is here!We cordially invite you to participate in the 13th Neuronus Neuroscience Forum. The conference is ...

NEURONUS 2024 is here!
We cordially invite you to participate in the 13th Neuronus Neuroscience Forum. The conference is held at Auditorium Maximum of Jagiellonian University from 25th to 27th of April 2024. Neuronus Neuroscience Forum is the biggest international neuroscience conference in Poland organized biennially by students from Jagiellonian University in Krakow. More information: https://www.neuronusforum.pl

Dear Participants,From a distance of several days and after returning to our private and professional realities, we woul...

Dear Participants,

From a distance of several days and after returning to our private and professional realities, we would like to warmly thank everyone for participating in the symposium. We would like to thank the invited speakers Ania Mauruschat, Salomé Voegelin, Andrzej Klawiter, Anna Preis, Ryszard Auksztulewicz, the local and external institutions with which we cooperated Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Instytut Kulturoznawstwa UAM,Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UJ, the student academic circles: Koło Naukowe Kognitywistyki UMCS i Do Góry Mózgami, the people who cooperate individually with Avant Project, and most of all we would like to thank the so-called regular participants, because it is mainly to them that the event came to fruition.

The symposium had, broadly speaking, two goals. The first goal was to present what is new and interesting in research on hearing and understanding sounds. The second goal was to create a multidisciplinary space in which representatives of a particular discipline or field would have the opportunity to learn directly about the work of representatives from other areas of research and enter into discussion. The first goal is easy and usually succeeds. The second goal required detaching oneself from one's academic community, from one's ideas about what is scientific or what is important in research - and immersing oneself in a slightly or completely different way of thinking about the topic of research. Sometimes it was possible to have a dialogue, and other times it was only possible to listen, to remain silent, and to take away a trace of that contact as a new experience, a topic for reflection or inspiration.

Our events must remain amateur to a certain extent, in the sense that professionalism breeds routine, predictability and leaves no room for experimentation (not necessarily in a scientific sense). We experiment with juxtaposing different research worlds, with questioning the naive account of interdisciplinarity, and with trying to realize the claim "Presentation of science is an art" (a slogan borrowed from another project). This symposium was born out of a combination of themes related to sound/hearing, a reaction to the crisis in communication between disciplines, and a vision of... color: the dense dirty yellow of the night light of Katowice from years ago, i.e. from the time of the brutalist architecture of the former train station, trips to rock concerts at the Katowice Spodek, and social unrest. By the way, we hope that you also felt the "touch of Katowice", already different, but still peculiar. In addition, some of you ended your stay in Katowice with a trip to the Guido Mine.

This was our last big (or rather, medium-sized) conference. We plan to stop with only small symposia of a dozen or so people. The reason is that the Avant Project is actually a small group of people who have managed to defend their PhDs or post-doctorates in a dozen years, and they no longer have as much time for time-consuming Avant activities as they used to. Therefore, on this occasion we encourage people to join our association or simply cooperate especially young people whose time is more flexible, even if they don't have much more of it :)

With warmest regards,
Organizing Committee

This coming Friday we will meet in Katowice for our symposium. This is an in-person event, except for one online session...

This coming Friday we will meet in Katowice for our symposium. This is an in-person event, except for one online session with perfomative papers. We encourage people without a conference presentation to come as well, admission is free and there will be no broadcast. We wanted to organize an event like years ago, when online and hybrid conferences were not so widespread. So we are looking forward to meeting you in person in the city, which was not chosen at random. We believe that we will be brought closer both by confronting different points of view in research on hearing and understanding sound (and silence), and by meeting and talking outside the conference sessions, as well as by a trip to the mine with willing participants.
By the way, we present the symposium poster (a little associated with the movie "Metropolis"...).
More information about the event https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023

We are pleased to present the symposium program. https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023/programPreparing it was not an...

We are pleased to present the symposium program.
Preparing it was not an easy task, considering that it is a two-day event, for forty-some actively participating people, with bilingual sessions and varied forms of participation. Although we usually expect attendance for the entire event, we accommodated several of your requests. Basically, this is an event in person, except for a special online session with performative presentations. The program is still missing a few organizational details, which we will add soon.
Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Organizers https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023

Last, but not least - we introduce our honored guest from Berlin - Ryszard Auksztulewicz 🧠🔹  Ryszard Auksztulewicz is a ...

Last, but not least - we introduce our honored guest from Berlin - Ryszard Auksztulewicz 🧠

🔹 Ryszard Auksztulewicz is a visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin. He is a member of the Hearing Research group, City University of Hong Kong, and the Neuroscience Department, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. Still actively collaborating with the Brain and Cognition lab, Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity, and the Theoretical Neurobiology group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL.

🔹 His scientific interests include: perception, attention, prediction, learning, and consciousness. He typically combines empirical methods (magneto/electroencephalography, electrophysiology, neuroimaging) with computational models (biophysically realistic Bayesian modelling) to test mechanistic hypotheses about functional neuroanatomy of cognitive functions.

🔹 In 2018-2021, he was a researcher in the project "Temporal predictions in the auditory cortex: neural mechanisms and their specificity across species and stimulus domains" funded by the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for his work on neural mechanisms of prediction signalling, and is hosted by the Neuroscience Department of the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main (working closely with Prof. Lucia Melloni and Prof. David Poeppel), and the Department of Neuroscience, City University of Hong Kong (Prof. Jan Schnupp). He was also a co-investigator on two competitive grants awarded by the Research Grants Council Hong Kong.

🔹Previously, Ryszard has worked in the world’s leading cognitive and computational neuroscience groups at University College London (Prof. Karl Friston) and Oxford University (Prof. Kia Nobre), spearheading empirical and modelling studies of the neural mechanisms of prediction error signalling. Most of his previous and ongoing work is directly related to predictive coding and auditory mismatch signalling in the brain.
More information: https://ryszard-auksztulewicz.webnode.page

Stay tuned for more 💡

Let’s have a break from the Easter table and present another symposium speaker from University of Copenhagen 🌎🔹 Ania Mau...

Let’s have a break from the Easter table and present another symposium speaker from University of Copenhagen 🌎
🔹 Ania Mauruschat is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoc Fellow within the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission at the Sound Studies Lab at IKK.

🔹 Her research project "Sounding Crisis. Sounds and Energies within Climate Change" (09/2021 - 08/2023) researches indigenous and non-indigenous sound practices of activists and artists addressing the human-nature relationship in times of climate crisis in Denmark, Greenland and Australia. She concentrates on anthropological concept of sound called ‘sonic agency’ within this discourse as an alternative knowledge of ‘energies’. In contrast to the Western concept of ‘energy’ in sources and systems of fuel and power generation, the principal investigator of the project, Ania Mauruschat, understands ‘energies with the sound and energies scholar Douglas Kahn ’as ‘multi-faceted and interrelated phenomena that emit sound and can be listened to in productive ways.' 🌎 More information can be found here: https://www.soundingcrisis.eu/. 🌎

🔹 Ania is a German media studies scholar (aesthetics & ecology, theory & culture) and lecturer, focusing on sound and radio. Trained as a journalist and as an editor and educated in the humanities and social sciences in Munich, she worked from 2002 to 2012 full-time for the press and public radio stations. Mainly she focused on the ramifications of digitization on art, literature and sciences. This lead to a special research and work collaboration with the radio drama & media art department of the Bavarian broadcasting station Bayern 2 (BR), amongst others resulting in the 15 part interview series „SuchmaschineWissenMacht: Chancen & Risiken der Digitalisierung“ in 2007.

🔹 Her second career as an academic started, when she worked from 2012 to 2014 as a scientific assistant, lecturer and project manager at the chair for media aesthetics at the University of Basel (Switzerland). There she was also in charge as project manager of the development of the Sinergia research project "Radiophonic Cultures" (2015 - 2018). Since January 2018 she is member of the interdisciplinary doctoral programme „Epistemologies of Aesthetic Practices“ at the Collegium Helveticum in Zurich, Switzerland. The title of her PhD project is „Radiophonics, Noise & Understanding. Towards an Epistomology of Radio Art“. It is located at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and led her for field research to Australia (01 - 03/2017) and the USA (09/2018). For 4 years she was elected speaker of the consortium Auditive Culture & Sound Studies of the German Society of Media Studies. From April 2019 to November 2021 she was assistant of the president of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik.

🔹 Her primary area of research includes Aesthetics, Sound Studies, Radio Art, Environmental Humanities, Energy Studies, Media Theory, Digital Culture, Catastrophes in Art and Culture, Gender and Media. In preparation is her publication “What Sounds Do: New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound” (2023, with Holger Schulze, Giada Dalla Bonta, & Jenny-Ann Graf Sheppard).

We hope that her view will inspire you to take actions about sounding crisis! 😊

During the event you wil have a chance to familiarize yourself with the research field of Anna Preis – “advocate of sile...

During the event you wil have a chance to familiarize yourself with the research field of Anna Preis – “advocate of silence” 📚

🔹 Currently, she is a professor at Department of Physics at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. She holds a Head position in the Institute of Environmental Acoustics of the Institute of Acoustics also at UAM. Two of her many interests are: perception of environmental sounds and theory of hearing. Students can derive from her knowledge in many classes like: acousticas of environment, musical acoustics or psychophysics.

🔹 This polish physicist and acoustician earned her doctorate title in 1982 based on the thesis about physical and psychoacoustics basis of tone color differentiation and evaluation. Work on decomposition of noise factors brought her habilitation degree seventeen years later. She gain scientific experience a.o. at Technical University of Munich, Stokholm University, Tokio University and Osaka City University. Worth mentioning is her membership in Polish Acoustical Society, The International Society for Psychophysics and European Acoustics Association. She also sits in Acoustics Committee of Polish Academy of Science.

🔹 She was engaged in work about “Violinists perceptions of and motor reactions to fundamental frequency shifts introduced in auditory feedback” (2016, with Hafke-Dys and Kaczmarek). However, her scientific work mainly focuses on current issues in the field of psychoacoustics and environemntal acoustics – we can mention here about 40 years of experience in R&D connected with noise nuisance and auditory perception. She “stood guard” on WHO environmental guidelines on noise and health implications. One of her last recent article is “Evaluation of Annoyance Due to Wind Turbine Noise Based on Pre-learned Patterns” written with Felcyn and Gogol (2022). She has the most contribution in environmental and social space of themes. You can see pieces published by Preis for example in "Journal of Sound and Vibration", "Noise Control Engineering Journal" oraz "Archives of Acoustics”. Her attitude is based on knowledge integrated from different disciplines like acoustics, psychology or cognitive science.

What is certain – she will provide us intellectual feast during the symposium! 🤩

⏳  We are getting closer to the event, so it’s time to say some words about our next lecturer - Salomé VOEGELIN from Lon...

⏳ We are getting closer to the event, so it’s time to say some words about our next lecturer - Salomé VOEGELIN from London College of Communication (University of the Arts London).

🔹 Salomé Voegelin is a writer, researcher, and practitioner, who works from the relational logic of sound to focus on the in-between and the liminal, where different disciplines meet in the contemporary crises of climate and public health, and where feminist, decolonial, and postanthropocentric demands can engender different and plural knowledge possibilities. She is engaged in the transversal and transdisciplinary potential of the sonic - to listen across disciplines and processes in order to develop a hybridisation of research where arts and humanities skills and methodologies can generate a contemporary response to climate, health and social emergencies.

🔹 She is the author of Listening to Noise and Silence (2010), Sonic Possible Worlds (2014/21), and The Political Possibility of Sound (2018). These books, as well as her numerous articles and papers, applied working and experimentation, develop a critical understanding of art and the environment as aesthetic, ecological and social, as well as economic and political milieus, whose relational reality and artistic fiction is made accessible through a “sonic thinking”, understood not as essentialist or an anti-visual mode of engagement, but as multi-sensory and response-able, making us “see” more, and appreciative also of what we might not see. Her new book Uncurating Sound: Knowledge with Voice and Hands, appears with Bloomsbury in early 2023. It moves curation through the double negative of not not to ‘uncuration’: untethering knowledge from the expectations of reference and a canonical frame, and reconsidering art as political not in its message or aim, but by the way it confronts the institution.

🔹 Voegelin’s practice engages in participatory, collective and communal approaches: Between 2014 and up to the Pandemic in 2020 she co-convened, with Mark Peter Wright, the regular cross-disciplinary listening and sound making event Points of Listening www.pointsoflistening.wordpress.com. And since 2008 she collaborates with David Mollin (Mollin+Voegelin) in a practice that reconsiders socio-political, architectural and aesthetic actualities and sites from the blindspots of a leaky vision, and the possibilities of sound, things, voices and texts.

🔹 Voegelin is a Professor of Sound at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. She is the PI (Principle Investigator) of the UK research council funded project the Sounding Knowledge Network. www.salomevoegelin.net.

We are eagerly waiting for her lecture during symposium ✨

We are happy to introduce our first keynote speaker - prof. dr hab. Andrzej Klawiter. 🔹He is a cognitive scientist and p...

We are happy to introduce our first keynote speaker - prof. dr hab. Andrzej Klawiter.

🔹He is a cognitive scientist and philosopher, which mainly focuses on processes underlying perception, in particular its auditory aspect, identifying usability of things, affordances and relations between perception and emotions (consciousness, subjectivity). For many years he was associated with Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan – firstly with Institute of Philosophy, then Institute of Psychology. He earn his M.A. degree in Law, then in 1976 was honored with Ph.D. in Philosophy and defended Habilitation in the same discipline in 1993. His membership of the Polish Philosophical Society started in 1976 and in 2000 - he co-founded the Polish Society of Cognitive Science.

🔹Certainly, not without significance, is his huge contribution to teaching and supervising generations of students. One of his most popular work, “mandatory” for every beginner in CS is „Charm and Explanatory Power of Cognitive Science” published in 2004. Year after, there appeared post-conference publication written with Anna Preis „The audition of natural sounds — its levels and relevant experiments” (Forum Acusticum, Budapest 2005). The text highlighted that the basic function of audition is similar to the function of vision .. and that’s how the story begins 🎵

🔹In addition to a large number of written articles, he is also the author/co-author of books and chapters, e.g. Forms of mind activity (polish “Formy aktywności umysłu”), Brain and its minds (“Mózg I jego umysły”), Auditory perception of things (“Percepcja słuchowa przedmiotów”). He also developed “Elements of the cognitive conception of hearing" (“Elementy kognitywistycznej koncepcji słyszenia”).

Soon there will be more posts about others honored guest.
Meanwhile, we encourage you to register to the conference here😀: https://easychair.org/cfp/LitS_2023?fbclid=IwAR2LCz9ET5xU3oTw2_tpEKDUra35YcruR1ZmsCyo4c2wHOICsk1t7wmDjro
Additional information can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023/submission

We are pleased to present the invited lecturers (in alphabetical order) with whom we will meet in Katowice at our sympos...

We are pleased to present the invited lecturers (in alphabetical order) with whom we will meet in Katowice at our symposium:
● Ryszard AUKSZTULEWICZ (Freie Universität Berlin): predictive processing and hearing research, and others
● Andrzej KLAWITER & Anna PREIS (Adam Mickiewicz University): auditory affordances, psychoacoustics, and others
● Ania Katharina MAURUSCHAT (University of Copenhagen): sounding crisis and others
● Salomé VOEGELIN (London College of Communication; University of the Arts London): transdisciplinary studies on the sonic, relational logic of sound, and more
By the way, we would like to remind you about the deadline for submitting abstracts: April 10.
We will also be announcing upcoming sessions related to cultural or cognitive research on sound and hearing soon (although we also encourage submissions independent of the tematic sessions). We would also like to remind you about the possible forms of applications, including performative papers, sound posters, installations, etc.
More information about the symposium: https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023


CALL FOR PAPERS: You are invited to participate in a multidisciplinary Avant Symposium devoted to research on hearing and understanding sounds that will be held (mostly in person) on June 2-3, 2023, in Katowice (Poland). A very special city – and a very special event :) The submission deadline is April 10. Note: we accept submissions in English and Polish. More information: https://sites.google.com/view/sounds2023

Z przyjemnością publikujemy program (który jeszcze uzupełnimy) „post-jubileuszowego“ sympozjum Avantu, które odbędzie si...

Z przyjemnością publikujemy program (który jeszcze uzupełnimy) „post-jubileuszowego“ sympozjum Avantu, które odbędzie się stacjonarnie w Toruniu w dniach 18-19 listopada 2022. Gościem sympozjum będzie dr hab. Piotr Konderak (UMCS) z wykładem nt, semiotyki kognitywnej, na który zapraszamy https://sites.google.com/view/10lat/kogo-zaprosili%C5%9Bmy Ponadto zachęcamy do udziału w dwóch debatach, w których prowokująco potraktujemy (1) feminizm oraz (2) Latoura: https://sites.google.com/view/10lat/debaty
Link do ogólnego programu wydarzenia https://sites.google.com/view/10lat/program-i-abstrakty

Przypominamy wszystkim, którzy chcieliby wziąć udział w listopadowym sympozium Avantu w WYJĄTKOWO familiarnej atmosferze (z uwagi na okazję), o ostatnim terminie nadsyłania zgłoszeń (30 października). Słońce obiecało zajrzeć ;) https://sites.google.com/view/10lat

Przypominamy wszystkim, którzy chcieliby wziąć udział w listopadowym sympozium Avantu w WYJĄTKOWO familiarnej atmosferze...

Przypominamy wszystkim, którzy chcieliby wziąć udział w listopadowym sympozium Avantu w WYJĄTKOWO familiarnej atmosferze (z uwagi na okazję), o ostatnim terminie nadsyłania zgłoszeń (30 października). Słońce obiecało zajrzeć ;) https://sites.google.com/view/10lat

Sympozjum z okazji 13-lecia Avantu [Polish-language only event]: Szanowni Państwo, z przyjemnością zapraszamy na listopa...

Sympozjum z okazji 13-lecia Avantu [Polish-language only event]:
Szanowni Państwo, z przyjemnością zapraszamy na listopadowe spotkanie połączone ze specjalnym sympozjum naukowym. Wydarzenie to jakiś czas temu planowaliśmy z okazji 10-lecia Avantu, co z powodu pandemii i jej konsekwencji odłożyliśmy, by w końcu, reagując na warunki w niezbyt pewnych czasach, zorganizować je z okazji naszego 13-lecia. Szczegóły na stronie internetowej wydarzenia https://sites.google.com/view/10lat



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