First of all, we’re very thankful for all your feedback following the Zurich release. This has resulted in an extensive changelog and numerous improvements, bringing the experience one step closer to reality. 😊 Today, we also submitted the scenery to the MSFS Marketplace for both PC and Xbox.
Zurich 1.0.5
- F parkings updated (new layout),
- Rega Center animation triggers reverted,
- Rega Center parkings changed/removed,
- Helicopter parking added,
- Various AFCAD fixes,
- No snow flag added to the interiors,
- E67 VDGS mount fixed,
- Added LOD to train station,
- Missing jetblasts added,
- Added REIL lights to RWY14,
- Rwy 14 and 16 approach lights color changed,
- Wig-wag light fixed,
- Various flickering issues fixed,
- B32 and B37 jetways fixed,
- Swiss hangar entry fixed,
- Emissive added to Rhenus Logistics logo,
- Small sat image fixes,
- Various LOD improvements.
Lisbon 1.0.3
- AFCAD fixes.
We're also working hard to convert our other airports to MSFS2024 and create dedicated builds. The process isn't as quick as we'd like, and we're also waiting for some fixes from Asobo. Q1 of 2025 will be very busy here. Anyway! More about this, and our future products soon.