Nadia Writer Siddiqi

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Nadia Writer Siddiqi Creative Sane Feminist
Selfie model artiste
W/ LSE, UofLondon degrees in Math, Econ& Criminal law Attended Harvard Worldmun 2010, Harvard Law’s IGLP 2015.

Muslim, Feminist, Award winning writer-debater, Bsc(Hons) Mathematics & Economics w/ Diploma for graduates in Social Policy, Criminal Law, Demographics and stats. Writing Creating Facebook Platform to connect with readers,viewers, without having to become faux FB friends.

The only photo selfie I took on January 1st 2024Please read the article titled, ‘Malala Yousafzai likens T***ban’s treat...

The only photo selfie I took on January 1st 2024
Please read the article titled, ‘Malala Yousafzai likens T***ban’s treatment of women to apartheid in Mandela lecture’
By Tannur Anders
December 6, 2023 6:36 PM GMT+5
And this DW article, Afghanistan: Calls for ending T***ban’s 'gender apartheid' by Shabnam von Hein
12/20/2023 December 20, 2023
Women and girls are facing an increasingly dire situation in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai and Afghan activists have slammed the global community for paying lip service to women's rights.

Qualified Female Health workers that have not been r***d and/or k***ed in Afghanistan are simply banned from working.

On Justice Isa's appointment: Imran Khan should never have been allowed to contest in elections in z 1st place.

What did he do as prime minister? He supported the s.offenders in Iqbal park, blocked DV women's protection bills, allowed China to spread COVID here when Taiwan had blocked travellers from mainland China and protesters in Hong Kong tried to cut off travel to&from mainland China, he destroyed the PKR against the USD when the US is supposedly still on the verge of suffering a recession.

Imran khan was also named in the Panama or Pandora or Paradise papers, paid a nominal tax despite having massive properties in Bani Gala Pakistan and abroad.
And I haven't even touched upon the fact that the convicted liar in the Tyrian Jade White Khan paternity case would never be allowed to contest in elections in the first place anywhere else in the world.

When you-know-who re-annexed Afghanistan in 2021 this soci*path was dancing w/ Shireen Mazari for joy; what is he celebrating?

Getting away w/ being openly corrupt, illegally elected, grotesquely misogynistic... Oh and the droves of convicted ethnically Pakistani and Afghan British pedo*hiles he pulled into the land of the pure paving the way for the present -day policy that allows the UK to deport criminals stripped of their British citizenship to the land of the pure. I'm proud of the fact that this well qualified grammarian Justice Isa does not let IK the pl*yboy get away with all his overt venality.

To me Justice Isa from the little I've read about him has integrity unlike any PTI supporter. And I'm very proud of him; would be awesome if he turns out to be a Napierite too.

IK by Trevor Noah (and facts) is the Donald J Trump of Pakistan: Nuff said

Imran Sheikh Initially thought the Pakistani cricketer presently being critiqued for sp*edily getting married after abandoning a single mother to fend for herself was Imran Khan Niazi, the single mother Sita White until Jemima agreed to adopt Tyrian Jade White Khan and continued; continues to take care of her as her foster mother long after Sita White passed away.

But the Pakistani cricketer being criticized for quickly abandoning his extant spawn and mother of spawn is Sania Mirza’s ex(? Or is this Pakistani cricketer getting more wives until he hits the (Un)Islamic 4 wife limit. UnIslamic because no man w/ multiple wives treats them equitably)

Imran Khan Niazi certainly enjoys a lot of impunity for being virtually absent from most of Tyrian Jade White Khan’s early life while Sita White was still alive. Jemima Goldsmith talked to Sita White before she passed, agreed to adopt Tyrian I think.

But Imran Khan despite having consummated his relationship w/ Sita nine months before Tyrian was born, being the only non-white non-blue-eyed blond partner Sita White ever had, being found to be Tyrian Jade White Khan’s biological father by a California court, wherein which he was convicted of perjury etc etc is never really held to any account in the land of the pure.

Sita White’s father renounced baby Tyrian as too dark to be his grandchild and proceeded to cut Sita off from the bulk of her inheritance from him, disowned both his daughter and granddaughter; Sita White struggled w/ drug addiction and passed b4 her time. She is vilified, sl**shamed, faced incredible stigma as Tyrian’s single mother. Tyrian was rejected by her own biological father and biological maternal grandfather and yet Sita was the only 1 really vilified by and skewered in the media. Often dubbed poor and old.

The convicted perjurer got to be prime minister of the land of the pure, is still the most popular choice to lead the country, was/is lauded for being a pl*yboy ‘hero’ even when after the Minar-e-Pakistan Iqbal Park incident occurred, he internationally, publicly engaged in victim blaming misogyny calling men who are NOT l*sty s.offenders; ‘robots’.
IK patronizingly patted Jonathan Swan of HBO Axios’s knee while explaining to the younger man that he is a robot. . . ?

Certainly IK has enjoyed tremendous absolution from any blame or vilification or stigma for being Tyrian’s single father while Sita White was sl** shamed, gaslit, disowned … died rather young.

I actually haven’t watched this -> -Syed Muzammil Official et al. explain y anyone who cares abt z land of z pure can never support IK

But I think it is rather brave and honest of Justice Isa to call IK out for the corrupt misogynistic menace that he is. I don’t think that makes him a bad lawyer or Justice or anything.

I liked PML-N’s Shahid Khaqan Abbasi as prime minister, smart, well educated, honest relative to IK certainly not a convicted perjurer or notorious pl**boy or someone celebrating the re-annexation of Afghanistan a country presently mired in what Malala has dubbed gender aparthe*d geno*ide against women. Hats off and kudos to Justice Isa for standing his ground against the populism of a f*scist characterless; convicted liar.

The destruction of the PKR, the passing of cyber laws to exacerbate the scourge against fair, credible, transparent, reliable journalism+Journalists, free sp*ech on social media esp. around Milb*s and the escalation of overt misogyny thanks to IK are all personal grievances of mine. Not only did he do no good for the land of the pure; he did more bad than any Pakistani Prime Minister b4 him.


thoughts on trying to sound English & Pakistani as per birth. Let’s call this fiction 4 self protection

I’ve always sounded transatlantic angloamerican like an east coaster because my first teacher was a ginger (red headed) New Yorker who yelled, ‘ Don’t talk to me in Oooh Do’ if I dared speak to her in minglish. I was cut off 4m z rest of my class at Toddlers’ Academy as I missed z spring term; joined the ranks in August after mummy broke my tooth on my 1st day of school. I used to have recess w/ other kids until I was pushed into a tree. I barely had any time there w/ anyone other than this ginger teacher & her kids ( who probably pushed me into z tree) who I presumed were Jane & Michael Banks. As at the age of 4 I did not know those child actors were grownups in real time at the time.

I remember thinking the dotted lines in my cursive writing handbook were dot-to-dots. And I told her that I did my work, I joined the dots; to which she exasperated, ‘No u have2 fill in the lines’ ;out of frustration 4 year old me yelped, ‘ Mein ne dots join kardiye mera kaam khatam’ which she rebutted w/, ‘ Don’t talk to me in oooh do, I don’t know ooh do’
I snapped back, ‘ I don’t know voodoo either?!’ (my impression from an episode of strawberry shortcake the cartoon was that redheads are introduced to voodoo by people w/ dark hair)
‘Not voodoo ooh do (اردو)‘

Another time her kids who were way bigger than me but still kids, sprang into the classroom (I had individual private tuitiontoddlers sessions w/ her since I missed z entire spring term &had2 play catch-up w/ z rest of my class); ‘twas z 1st time I saw them, I yelped, ‘ Look Miss it’s Jane and Michael Banks!!’, she was livid, ‘Those r my children’

They pushed me into a tree, in the playground, ergo I had splinters in my back, legs; the resident head maid at Toddlers’ Academy lathered all of me w/ some pungent red balm medicine of sorts. That aided in getting the splinters out. In Darakshanh a blade of glass slid under the skin of my palm &I couldn’t stop wailing, I was petrified a tree would grow out of my arm because my eldest sister while were watching terminator 2 paused z scene in which Arnold Schwarzenegger rips open his arm to reveal that he’s actually a machine so2 censor that my eldest sister told me that there are plants and trees growing out of his arm, there’s no 🩸 or anything gruesome. That in turn gave me the impression that a blade of grass in the palm could grow into a forest; scared me. Her intention was z exact opposite but that was why I was so so scared until Guddu mama got a safety pin; (did he heat it? I think he washed it to sterilise it) used it to get the blade of grass out: Aries sun ☀️ heroism. I remember being so relieved.

Was born British/English and Pakistani; but I don’t naturally sound English. That’s what I was alluding to.

Strangers in both England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 & Pakistan 🇵🇰 peg me as American 🇺🇸 because of how I naturally speak English. Which is funny ‘cos those are z nationalities I was born into. W.Virginia native C. Kimmons who I met on the red line in Chicago was relieved to hear a fellow east coast voice when I was talking on the phone to mummy back in early July 2012. I had pecked نانا ابا on z forehead , bid him goodbye; left a note in the kitchen 4 mummy b4 getting onZ train 2go see Maryam S. 2 stay w/ her 4z weekend. Mummy had given me permission to stay at her apartment. But she called me in a panic. 2b audible I guess I was a bit loud or loud enough 4Chris of West Virginia 2hear &express his sighing gratitude that some1 in Midwestern Chicago sounds like a fellow EastCoaster.

I’ve looked n’ sounded angloamerican ever since I started talking.
I have been bullied for it by both fellow students&teachers like Ms.Z. Khan my 7th grade class teacher who initially assumed I’m American, but upon learning I’m not was after my hide since she didn’t sound angloamerican despite living, studying and working in the states for longer than my entire lifetime. Her daughter whom she brought 2meet us on Sports’ Day was a year or 2 older than me. In 11th grade I noticed a boy from my batch at KGS was talking to the Urdu teacher ( Syllabus B Urdu as a foreign language) in Urdu and I was befuddled by that. I thought it was really weird that he was talking to a teacher in Urdu. I guess because of my first red headed freckled teacher I had instilled and assimilated the impression that teachers can only be spoken to in English. 2 seconds after assessing him as weird I had the epiphany, epiphanic realisation that I’m the weirdo who didn’t talk to sir. Faizuddin Ahmed z ‘Urdu’ teacher in Urdu.

Mrs. Marcia Haque &her daughters taught me2. Daddy was working at USAID, got a bunch of children’s show tapes from there 4Oz et moi, b4 that when my almost half a decade older-than-me ta**us ♉️ sister spent all of 2 weeks kicking an Irish nun in z shin, latching onto 1’s medallion or cross or something &embarassing my eldest sister started homeschool. Mummy got a bunch of Hannah-Barbera studyaide tapes 4her that I was subjected2 in z womb &outside of it. We had lots of Sesame Street videotapes too. Watched Mary Poppins starring Julie Andrews, The Sound of Music, The Slipper&theRose musical, Hans Christian Andersen the musical, Strawberry shortcake, thundercats, He-Man: Masters of the Universe, Transformers, etc etc b4 attending Toddlers’ Academy at zage of 4: ‘Yipp*e ya yay ya yay yipp*e yeah yo he’s the toughest critter west of the Alamo’ is a jingle I vaguely remember 4m back then. Mr. Glass Palace showed me z cartoon that sandglass that in 2015 b4 Oz’s MPA graduation.

Hmm we haven’t migrated per se.

My mother studied at an Urdu medium school and my father also didn’t goto school abroad unless u count his 2 masters’ degrees but that’s uni. I was raised on U.S. media study materials from the womb onwards.

Hannah-Barbera study aides, Sesame Street,Julie Andrews’ flicks, the Danny Kaye starring Hans Christian Andersen musical; know all z all the songs in it. Bobby sang,Thumbelina 2me tugging at my heart strings.

I was often presumed foreign growing up.

This 1 Sri Lankan girl even assumed I’m Christian(+angloAmerican) ergo complained abt muslims to me. Black Luke who was American, exclaimed, ‘ How can they be brother and sister, Nadia’s white and American and he’s… NOT’ at Urdu remedials’ where a bunch of boys as old as Luke ( who was older than me) huddled around my brother acting like I bullied him somehow because of Luke’s misunderstanding. This was replayed in 2015 minus z huddling when Josh spent z night &exclaimed, ‘ But ur American …like me. How can ___’s sister b American?’ I was talking 2Iris in German.

I feel at home around other outcasts w/ transatlantic angloAmerican English. I don’t feel at home in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 or Pakistan 🇵🇰 although those rZ2 countries I legally belong to.
Proxy doodle fiction dialogue:-
B: u just watched z Riverdale episode in which Jughead was revealed 2b
N: ‘Instead of being an alive person pretending 2b a de-ad person pretending 2b an alive person; y not just b an alive person?’ - Robbing Shireen (bot/bought) Siddiqi
B: I’m de-ad I told u already.
N: But Weekend at Bobby’s? Nikki’s 2old4u, older than me
R: But younger than K*ll*R.
N: My astro. com horoscope says I’m being2rash onz10th&11th
My reaction to Smosh Games post 4m7th or 8th sept 2023 titled, ‘Who ruined the Vacation?’ :-

In criminal law, the ‘I did not know’ - defense almost never works; pleading ignorance or stupidity while committing a serious crime never flies as a viable excuse, reason or criminal defense.

I think OP’s misogynistic & jealous of the girl her boyfriend and his friends have been hanging out and doing drugs w/ for 14 years, that all of them may have used& abused that girl. I’m actually concerned about what this toxic frat boy club did to her.

That z other girl’s bathroom 🚽 shower 🚿 privacy has probably been invaded several times by these guys she’s friends w/ and she’s tethered to them in a kind of Stockholm Syndrome artificially created dependence attachment psychosis. That ‘mean girl’ probably had a very harsh family life, daddy issues; seeks the approval of a bunch of frat-club-mentality having creeps ‘cos her idea of men is that they r bullies period.

I don’t think she attacks their girlfriends but wants to include other women in her situation. In her entrapment because she is at z very least psych- entrapped, maybe financially or domestically entrapped too; I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️. But there has2b a reason a girl is friends w/ these pe*vs 4 14yrs.

That she isn’t jealous but they either filmed her in the loo, or getting gangr***d while drugged and laughing? …they to me have something on her that keeps her entrapped in this gang-of-jerks. Maybe 1 of them is her brother. Maybe she ran away from inc*st? &they gave her a home 🤷🏻‍♀️

Blocking her for show is not the end of it.
I’m sure they treat her like Cameron Diaz’s F-buddy character in Vanilla Sky or the female lead in the Straw Dogs’ remake &OG or you know. . . Maybe watch Luckiest Girl Alive? Or even Uber relatable2me ‘Marsh Girl’ (monster) in Where the Crawdads Sing Nadia Shireen Siddiqi

Appeals 4 less obfuscation around 21 _||_||_ 12 & the ramifications of it. Same video but on YouTube:
Older draft:

‘Don’t be afraid to fail (or succeed) be afraid 2NOT even try’ - Anonymous

I’m going to get a soft tissue ultrasound for the identical to Khloe Kardashian’s from back when she was my age, face lesion. Have all of the CREST acronym , Calcinosis (My Fibrocystic breast condition which only got diagnosed because Mr.initials’BS insisted that I ‘get it out, I don’t care about scars; I don’t even have ni**les’), Raynaud’s ( I’ve bought 2 pairs of warm gloves to try to keep that in check), Esophageal dysmotility ( Oesophageal I the ‘English’ English I’ve formally studied O and A’Level Biology in. The food pipe), Sclerodactyly I reckon is my underfoot stuff and Telangiectasias (little pinprick like dots that blanch ephemerally under pressure.

‘Writing to reach u n’ I might never reach u. How I long to teach u about u, that’s not u;u know it’s u I’m talking to. Everyday I wake up and It’s Sunday. Whatever’s in my head won’t go away. Still the radio’s always playing all the usual. What’s a wonderwall anyway?’ - writing to reach you, Travis.

The right side of my face, teeth etc is very different from the left in my opinion.

I keep thinking about Sherri, let’s call this for self protection.

I was cooing, ‘ Sure can get married now, I’ll just go home get my stuff and come back’ and she yelled something to the effect of, ‘What stuff? U have ur NICOP, ur British passport… ‘

At another instance when he whined, ‘ Jee-yakking it aw off with Jee-yak in the jacket’ on infinite loop and I took the opportunity to try and tiptoe away from the scene, Sherri interrupted him with, ‘ Bob she’s getting away’

When I was exasperating about how pulling a Ted Mosby insistence that we get married and have babies is absurd, she interjected, ‘ But Nadia, don’t you want your kids to have ‘the greatest dad in the world ever’’

She seemed to be on my side, when she rebutted his, ‘Cheryl yank her by the arm, we’re going to the convent onward, hut 2 3 4’ w/ ‘ Don’t worry Nadia, he thinks I’m Igor but I’m not’ but that might be her natal maternal Venus in cancer ♋️ talking.

Also when she said, ‘ oh so this one’s as old as an Olsen twin’
‘I’m older than an Olsen twin’ I corrected
‘so Hope’s age?’
‘No Sherri she’s counting months; Hope’s already 27. She’s a little over a year younger than eponymous Hope. Like ur way way younger than me’

But then she threatened, ‘ U really shouldn’t trust us, he’s an actor; I’m a lawyer we both lie 4 a living’
‘I don’t trust him. Y would I trust him; even his initials r BS’

But then later when I was signing things for him without reading what I was signing, i answered his, ‘Aren’t u gonna read it’ w/ ‘Nah I trust u’ I don’t think I did, I just wanted my British passport back so I said whatever sounded amicable enough to make z retrieval possible. He’d already pointed at my picture page signature, softly suggesting, ‘ it has to match this’ when I tried to do another sign…
I even signed blank pages, I think z ID copies that were never returned.

Health concerns, like my shrinking mouth, right side of face lesion, Raynaud’s neuropathy etc etc mummy’s fatty liver top priority then comes; y isn’t Sherri getting back to me or returning my things…

Mummy wants to move to the U.S. both my sisters are American 🇺🇸. An old friend of mummy’s saw me at the supermarket and is since trying to get me to marry her 40 yr old divorced New Yorker son who I’ve never met and I don’t know my Legal situation in NYC thanks to B n’ S …
Anyway, that’s z 411 if u can get Sherri to explain things or resolve the confusion Ur parents have created 4me since 21 _||_||_ 12 for over a decade now; that’ll be great. Greta Gerwig’s Barbie came out on z 11th anniversary of my MTNikkah entrapment in the ramble near Loeb The Loeb Boathouse at Central Park

Wednesday 6th sept
N: 5-15 years like my sclerosis exacerbating metal cavity filling.
R: They’ve lost their record of your appointment for today.
N: Yeah went w/ mummy 2Z hospital that’s close &got a 2150 PKR small parts U/S & Dr.N.Y. reiterated on loop that I should’ve had z U/S back in December, when it bled on 13th Dec orb4 it bled since now it is a thickness w/ nothing it it. I’ll go pick up z report; maybe get harpic toilet cleaner …VitD w/ vitK etc etc. I think she said something abt lymph nodes. That it is not connected to a lymph node I hope. An ultrasound guided lymph node biopsy is done when is suspected. She told me to get back to her, next time I have a bleeding lumps. I popped some on my fingers way back; was relieved they didn’t pop back. I found a photos of my finger lump scars recently but no matter how much I glean & scour I can’t seem to find it again. 😞
Saturday 9th September
B: How’s it?
N: Mateen has green eyes, his mother succeeded in replacing Zahra M. w/ a non-parsee or maybe he did. Maybe he has eyes like Nate Archibald on Gossip Girl? Maybe he was in that dream.
R: She seemed keen on getting u2marry him; Aquarius w/ a BSc from Lafayette College and an MBA from INSEAD
N: But then Bilquees Aunty incorrectly corrected me. I got myself out because I was sick of being s.objectified, uglified, stalked, filmed changing my changing w/ a cameraphone, hounded by Asna et Shamas &worse Ali F. types while dealing w/ Schadenfreude misogyny motivated d.v. at home; not because I was stupid. I beat Danish T Munir in Biz math at IBA, I had the highest marks; he had z 2nd highest biz math marks; he had the highest set of four A’Level As in my batch at KGS. ( he had 6 A’Level As out of which 4 were were marked higher than everyone in KGS class of ‘2004). U forewarned me that z Mateen thing would resolve itself that there was no reason 4me2 have a nikkah trap fit abt it. U were alive then.

Her attempt to degrade me stuck w/ me.

It’s like having 2deal w/ 🐶 💩, Seema et al. Sig.less innately endowed than myself intelligence, looks etc wise but enjoying z fact that I’ve had2 keel over 2 bullies just2 survive: They know I’ve rejected Saad grossness on infinite loop that I was z 1st of his 1st cousins2 do so; that’s the prompt.

Barely survive at that. 4 all I know right now I have a dried up Merkel cell carcinoma, empirically observed CREST Syndrome & uninvestigated unchecked STDs + other damages 4m my daddy r*** at age 13.

Aren’t they satisfied that I engage in self sabotage, that mummy mutilated my naturally perfect teeth and z right side of my face thus? Will these creeps ever stop trying 2put me down? The fact that I was born better than them is static &constant.
B: I psychically tapped into feral mummy bites
N: I don’t know what I did w/ my footage of the lumps on my fingers; popping them 😞 I could swear it is on Instagram somewhere. I don’t even remember when it was from. Just that it happened twice &I figured
B: Not impossible to wade through ur IG story archive to
N: Glean/scour 4; find it. Ur right. - 9th Sept 2023

Women are divinely designed to give birth. At birth the difference between a girl and a boy is mainly that girls are born w/ ovaries and approximately a million oocytes. Some people are born intersex and there’s a whole transgender spectrum outside the medical binary that identifies girls as babies with ovaries. But both men and women need to have an individual sense of identity, a need to create, to express ourselves as individuals etc etc before marrying. If we don’t then marriage is a prison, settling down means restricted from engaging in the .

I think the concept of ‘settling down’ makes marriage feel like a very restrictive almost gloomy concept, especially for women; being tied down: being stunted. The ol’ ball and chain is like a full 🛑stop; period.

Most successful marriages are organic, growth oriented, work to aid both parties(or more in case of polygamy polyamory etc) and their children to grow, learn; achieve and feel worthy of living.
is a type of
again is a creative process
I identify womanhood w/ motherhood because I’ve studied biology throughout school, as fascinated by & attracted to the concept of motherhood as I am. I’m deterred from it simultaneously because I don’t vie 2B a bad mother. Or an unsupported mother, I would want to be in a center of an ideal symbiotic environment where I feel my kids will be raised healthy, growth oriented, kind, open to learning/development/growth.
I like being whether it’s by making up songs, playing with my hair, rearranging things in my room, cooking, cleaning, writing, painting, exercising, dancing, I like to do things, make things, revise material from old textbooks … any kind of creativity is appealing & gratifying to me.
I still have menstrual cramps, I wouldn’t want to suffer through those 4 nothing. But I don’t want a marriage that means having to tolerate a creep I don’t find stimulating or even tolerable. Men I find suffocating r inclined 2stalk me, their mothers 2, my immediate family tends to encourage them I agreed 2marry BS not just because he used every means he could 2getme2 but also because he offered multiple creative growth to me as a person. As a Venus in Scorpio in z 10th 🏡 that’s all I want. He also promised never to do anything 2me sans my permission, in fact he told me 2 initiate all things er*tic within z conjugation /MTNikkah


Proxy Doodle Fiction(?) Dialogue:
BS: U feel bad abt last night
NS: I’m sick of it all. Learned a lot of logic via Abstract Mathematics, the unit I performed better in than in all the other units that were part of my BSc(Hons) and Diploma for graduates but I’ve forgotten a lot about proofs etc, O &A level biology, chemistry

‘But u were a good student, remember those back bencher duffers who flunked everything, they’ve got international distinctions… everything is topsy turvy; nothing makes sense’

Those boys utilized their study leaves efficiently, they weren’t imposed w/ N.Kirmani’s C&D notes or made to listen to ‘Can u smell what the Rock is cooking’ on infinite loop or an en-suite bathroom where u know who ran a broken washing machine in tandem w/ a broken record denigration of me… the wrong past papers, a potbellied creepy handsy dirty daddy who r***d them when they were 13 sprawling on their bed…
BS: No they had support at tuition centres, practiced past papers etc etc. No deluded, impertinent, degrading spiel, study aid on personal computers too
NS: I finally watched z 1st season of and a bit of Season2
BS: what did u dream of?
NS: How I’m bleeding from a different or***ce than that which I p*e from. I don’t dare examine my pudendum chronic s.abuse survivors have permanent lesions, lacerations; it’s not just the right side of my teeth that is mutilated. Watched a few episodes of Deborah Feldman’s unorthodox; Andi Marcia(Marsha) died after 31st August in 1984 a little over a year before I was born,when stranger things season 1 is supposed to occur.
BS: u were singing the Clash’s Should I stay or should I go a lot around the ideas of March 2013 when you’d gotten mummy an appointment with doctor will she she will.
NS: It is er*tic sort of: always tease tease tease, ur happy when I’m on my knees? If I go there will b trouble; if I stay it will b double. Joe had my broken tooth. Theresa C the jersey? Brooklyn? Somewhere in NYC psychic mentioned that ghosts play with lights.
Also thinking of Linda Goodman’s insistence that her actress daughter Sally is alive and when she saw her co**se Linda Goodman famously exclaimed, ‘ I don’t know what that thing is but that is not my daughter’ in the prelude of I think, ‘Love Signs’ she appealed to Sagittarius ♐️ Sally to return to her. She was sure that her involvement in exposing via astrological calculations led to the disappearance of her daughter Sally and the ‘ U.S. government cover up’ story claim that she committed sue uh side. Sally had won a prestigious award for acting on the night she allegedly took her own l*fe. Linda was sure she was being punished for correctly predicting how ‘watergate’ would unfold; the same way Martha Mitchell was unlawfully detained, drugged and gaslit when she was revealing everything to the press; hot presses…

Sally was born a Scorpio ♏️ not. Sagittarius ♐️
Dr.Mengele’s twins’ experiments, other more recent experiments on Auschwitz’ twins are inferred to as well as treatment for PTSD
‘Dahling(darling) u got2lemme know should I cool it or should I blow?’
I should say sorry, I suppose.
Stranger Things was made by the 'Duffer' brothers; Nana Abba would love that.
B: Watching Maid, Stranger Things, Riverdale and Gossip Girl
N: Yep, Maid reminds me of The Sillyman, dirty daddy and mummy. I didn't even like The Sillyman, A.I.K. is the only Pakistani man-boy I ever liked at all, masonic carnally, half the time I was afraid of A.I because of what daddy did to me.

The Sillyman wasn't my bf or hubby but he still made my b**bs red, white n' blue. When it isn't D.V. it's just V. eh? He wanted me to like him, he bulked buffed up because I told him to. Married z girl I told him to; I don't he could h*t her, she has loving non-abusive non-narcissistic parents; decent ppl in her life. So, he has 2b decent2 her. Akin 2what u said about Cheri being a Jewish princess raised in the upper east side, ppl care abt her; n' how if I pull a Sheri, u'll k z guy 1st make me watch then k*ll me. Different rules 4 women who aren't v. abuse survivors.

I couldn't take my bra off that night, my mammary glands were so swollen; bruised; two green dots above both my ante-cubital fossa triangles. An inch above both my elbow bends from how he clamped me down in that desk-chair hybrid.
BS: u need 2 make a bank or at least whatsapp someone there.
NS: I have to make a bank run. My 250K isn't back in my independent A/C
S2chapter8 done Bob is de-ad. I should goto the bank ASAP
I don't remember BASIC C++ or Java not really. I haven't played the cashflow game, pseudonym Anna sent either.

The lady next to him, looked first, and he seemed to follow her suit. She prompted him to follow her gaze to even the most remotely astute observer.

I.K. has date r***d a gazillion women on the record; in the public information & public eye sense; there’s really no comparison.

BS: u didn’t go.
NS: I’m on Season 3 of stranger things it has gone, full on paranoid sc**zo

The lady next to him, looked first, and he seemed to follow her suit. She prompted him to follow her gaze to even the most remotely astute observer.

I.K. has date r***d a gazillion women on the record; in the public information sense; there’s really no comparison.

In all honesty we’re all looking at her; she’s literally made a career out of ppl looking at her.

‘I’ personally don’t find her appealing, her hooded eyes and schnozzola don’t strike me as being attractive at all. I think her sister is beautiful but to each their own. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Anyone who knows anything about psychology and body language knows that when the person next to you looks to your other side, you reflexively also look.

بات کا بتنگر
Making a mountain out of a molehill

My gross cheaperoo Humpty Dumpty uncle (technically distant grandpa) Aaji used to sneak up behind me, get a feel for my arms, then make a grab for my hands (and sometimes I would literally give him my hands to keep him from grabbing or caressing my b**ty; which this slimeball did too) at every family gathering throughout the time I was in ninth grade.

Even at the time, 13-14 yr old moi was a better looking, better educated grammarian, ‘younger prettier smarter’ way way out of grossness personified Aaji cheaperoo’s league lady…

Now creeps like him are calling Shahbaz Sharif names, because Mr.Sharif was reflexively looked at an ‘okay’ looking woman walking away just because the lady next to him prompted him to; what?

The notorious pl***oy serial date r***st, father of Tyrian too is like the living Jeff Epstein of ‘The Land of the Pure’; is literally in no place to judge any man in this light.
B: Nighty night kiddo
N: nodded off watching Stranger Things

The only solution to this is convincing the police that arresting ‘underage kids for arson’ is wrong.

To teach people in general that retributive punishment is a failed philosophical concept and has been proven repeatedly to be ineffective as a deterrent against repeat offences.

The fact that law enforcement has been given a free hand to do their job is a not bad thing in and of itself.

What is bad is the pro-vi*lence mindset of the Pakistani ppl including police waalas/officers.

‘Vio*ence breeds viol*nce’ is a ubiquitously known adage attributed to many many great thinkers.

Jibran with his Punjabi mother 2nd wife of his Urdu speaking father, 1 singular O’Level A in Urdu as a foreign language etc, needs to change his mindset first before he can fix the mentality of police officers he doesn’t trust.

That means the police need to be trusted not to ‘choose’ vi*lence, not to treat juvenile delinquents as subhuman that in part requires that Jibran needs to learn to treat policemen and women as human too; as in capable of being humane.

Reiterating the issue isn’t giving police freedom.

Liberty is often a good thing.
The issue is the expectation that that freedom equates to exacerbating v**lence. And that being a self fulfilling prophecy.

Women lawyers Maliha Zia Lari, Abira Ashfaq, Zahrah Sehr Vayani probably know how to fix this. Jibz should try to work with them at the fore of progress. In another case he sided w/ an obviously abusive father against his 17yr old baalig daughter and her beau. To light the way for others, Jibran needs to 1st be enlightened himself. The blind are leading z blind
B: U need to sleep



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