Certified Cloud Applied Generative AI Engineer (GenEng)
Executive Summary
The Cloud Applied Generative AI Engineering (GenEng) certification program aims to prepare individuals for the revolutionary era of Generative AI, which promises to transform industries and generate significant economic benefits. The one-year program combines onsite and online instruction, covering topics such as GenAI application development, cloud computing, and DevOps. Participants learn practical skills in TypeScript, Python, front-end development using Next.js, and GenAI-related technologies. The program emphasises real-world application, enabling participants to start earning through freelancing or other opportunities after the second quarter. At the end of the program, students can choose from various specialisations, including Web3, healthcare, finance, engineering, and more.
The first quarter covers TypeScript and Python programming.
The second quarter focuses on front-end development using Next.js.
The third quarter introduces API development, database, containers, cloud deployment, and DevOps.
The fourth quarter covers custom GPT development.
The program allows students to specialise in one of several areas, such as Web3, Blockchain, and GenAI Integration or Healthcare and Medical GenAI.
The program has a focus on practical application and development in Generative AI, rather than pure model development.
The program also offers students the opportunity to earn money during the program through freelancing or other work.
The program is designed to prepare students for the rapidly changing landscape of AI and to help them start earning in the field as early as the second quarter.
The Details
Generative AI is poised to completely transform our lives and work landscape. McKinsey & Company estimates that generative AI could add $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion in economic benefits annually across various industries. This will be achieved through increased automation, improved decision-making, and personalised experiences. It is transformative for tech and jobs. It’s critical, must-know knowledge across industries and businesses and if you don’t keep up, you become obsolete in tech cycles that are moving fast. As new Gen AI-powered technologies keep coming and demand for skills are changing rapidly, workforce and professional training is exploding and is having difficulty in keeping up.
Our one-year GenEng certification program teaches you to get ready for this new revolutionary era. It consists of four quarters of three months each. At the completion of the program the students may choose to specialise in a specific area. It is a hybrid program consisting of onsite and online classes. It teaches you to develop smart applications using just GenAI, but also cutting-edge Web, and Cloud technologies. OpenAI Chat GPT 4, Google Gemini APIs, and Langchain for GenAI. TypeScript, React, Next.js, and Tailwind for the front end. Python, Numpy, Pandas, FastAPI, Pedantic, SQLAlchemy, and Postgresql databases for backend and API development. Containers (Docker), Google Cloud Run, Azure Container Apps, and Kubernetes for development, testing, and cloud deployment. The focus of the program is not on LLM model development but on applied Cloud GenAI Engineering (GenEng), application development, and fine-tuning of foundational models.
This program is an earn-as-you-learn program. The diligent and hardworking participants will be able to start earning after the second quarter in freelancing, template development, traditional jobs and remote work, and other front-end markets. After the second quarter, the participants will be enhancing their skills with GenAI, API, Cloud, and DevOps technologies.
Quarter 1: TypeScript and Python Programming
In the first quarter, we will learn the two most used programming languages in GenAI Application Development, TypeScript for User interfaces, and Python for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). We will cover both functional and object-oriented paradigms. TypeScript programming will be taught onsite and Python programming online.
Quarter 2: Front-end Development using Next.js and TypeScript
In this quarter we will learn to build and deploy state-of-the-art web user interfaces using TypeScript 5, React 18, Next.js 14, and Tailwind CSS 3. We will use beautifully designed and customizable Shadcn UI React components which are built with Headless Radix UI and Tailwind CSS to speed up our development life cycle. Using Headless CMSs will also be covered. We will also learn to use Vercel AI SDK, an open-source library for building AI-powered user interfaces. The quarter will end with you learning to deploy these UI apps on Vercel Cloud and CDN.
Quarter 3: API Design, Development, and Deployment using FastAPI, Containers, and OpenAPI Specifications
An API-as-a-Product is a type of Software-as-a-Service that monetizes niche functionality, typically served over HTTP. OpenAI APIs are themselves this kind of service. An application programming interface economy, or API economy, refers to the business structure where APIs are the distribution channel for products and services. In this quarter we will learn to develop APIs not just as a backend for our frontend but also as a product itself. In this model, the API is at the core of the business's value.
We will be using Python-based FastAPI as our core library and Pedantic, SQLAlchemy, and Postgresql databases for API development. Docker Containers will be our fundamental building block for development, testing, and deployment. For local development, we will be using Docker Compose and DevPod which is Dev-Environments-As-Code, for testing Pytest and Testcontainers, and for deployment Google Cloud Run, Azure Container Service, and Kubernetes. We will be using Terraform as our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool. OpenAI Chat GPT 4, Google Gemini APIs, and Langchain will be used to build these API-as-a-Product.
Quarter 4: Custom GPT and GPT Actions
In this Quarter we will learn to create custom versions of ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills. We will also learn how to build a GPT action that intelligently calls our APIs using the OpenAPI Specifications. We will also cover strategies for selling our custom GPTs in the GPT stores.
Advanced Specializations
Students will have the option of selecting one of the following specialisations in their fourth quarter:
Web3, Blockchain, and GenAI Integration Specialization.
Metaverse, 3D, and GenAI Integration Specialization.
Healthcare and Medical GenAI Specialization
GenAI for Accounting, Finance, and Banking Specialization.
GenAI for Engineers Specialization.
GenAI for Sales and Marketing Specialization.
GenAI for Automation and Internet of Things (IoT) Specialisation.
GenAI for Cyber Security.
Muhammad Asif
Programe Manager-Pakistan