G.J Naseer

G.J Naseer Mentor|Social Activist|Public Speaker|IT Geek
© ORACLE & CIPS Certified Professional


As the Project Director and Founder of this pioneering initiative(electronic public procurement system), I am delighted ...

As the Project Director and Founder of this pioneering initiative(electronic public procurement system), I am delighted to announce a significant milestone. On December 19, 2023, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan inaugurated the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS) in Quetta. I extend sincere congratulations to my esteemed colleagues, including . Pervaiz Nausharwani (ex-MD), Ali Khan - FCIPS, Malik - MCIPS, Hameed Buzdar, Mujeeb Ur Rehman (Managing Director), Engr. Muhammad Laique Tariq, Muhammad Younas, Saifullah Rind, Nouman Razaq, Hamal Shad, and all contributors to this success. My heartfelt gratitude goes to the team, especially Hyder sb, for their unwavering support throughout our journey. I also express appreciation for our implementing and development partner, Consulting Hussain, Rizwan Ali Khan, and - Naeem and team, for their dedicated efforts. This achievement stands as a testament to our collective dedication and hard work.


Top 10 Websites that will pay up to $1000 for writing articles.

1. Content Lab

This writing platform offers up to $500 each blog.

Link: https://contentlab.com/

2. Draft Dev

One well-known platform for writers which pays $780 every article.

Link: https://draft.dev/

3. Digital Ocean

They pay up to $200 per published blog post and focus primarily on tutorials.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dfpTMsaa

4. AirByte

This writing platform offers up to $900 per article.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dVcVCZ-g

5. CivoCloud

CivoCloud will pay you $500 for each post published.

Link: https://www.civo.com/

6. Hasura

Hasura will pay you 300$ for each post published.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dPpMrd3Y

7. SignozHQ

This writing platform will pay you $350 for each post published.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dQM9APiv

8. CircleCi

CircleCi will pay you 300$ for each blog published.

Link: https://lnkd.in/ddBhFrHg

9. Neptune

This website offers up to $300 to $600 for each blog.

Link: https://neptune.ai/

10. Income Diary

They pay between $150 – $300 per article depending on the length of the piece and writing quality.

Link: https://lnkd.in/dVKJkkGV

I hope that this will definitely help you.

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360 on go

360 on go

Google just released 10 FREE Generative AI Courses👇1. Introduction to Generative AIhttps://lnkd.in/eXp8h7dYAn introducto...

Google just released 10 FREE Generative AI Courses👇

1. Introduction to Generative AI

An introductory level microlearning course aimed at explaining what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods.

2. Introduction to Large Language Models

An introductory level microlearning course that explores what large language models (LLM) are, the use cases where they can be utilized, and how you can use prompt tuning to enhance LLM performance.

3. Introduction to Responsible AI

An introductory-level microlearning course aimed at explaining what responsible AI is, why it's important, and how Google implements responsible AI in their products. It also introduces Google's 7 AI principles.

4. Introduction to Image Generation

This course introduces you to the theory behind diffusion models and how to train and deploy them on Vertex AI.

5. Encoder-Decoder Architecture

This course gives you a synopsis of the encoder-decoder architecture, which is a powerful and prevalent machine learning architecture for sequence-to-sequence tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, and question answering.

6. Attention Mechanism

This course will introduce you to the attention mechanism, a powerful technique that allows neural networks to focus on specific parts of an input sequence.

7. Transformer Models and BERT Model

This course introduces you to the Transformer architecture and the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model. You also learn about the different tasks that BERT can be used for, such as text classification, question answering, and natural language inference.

8. Create Image Captioning Models

This course teaches you how to create an image captioning model by using deep learning.

9. Introduction to Generative AI Studio

This course introduces Generative AI Studio, a product on Vertex AI, that helps you prototype and customize generative AI models so you can use their capabilities in your applications. In this course, you learn what Generative AI Studio is, its features and options, and how to use it by walking through demos of the product.

10. Follow Endrit Restelica to stay up to date with AI.

This course introduces Generative AI Studio, a product on Vertex AI, that helps you prototype and customize generative AI models so you can use their capabilities in your applications. In this course, you learn what Generative AI Studio is, its features and options, and how to use it by walking thro...

Tesla has opened its first Giga Laboratory (Giga Lab) in Chengdu, China, providing visitors with a glimpse into the manu...

Tesla has opened its first Giga Laboratory (Giga Lab) in Chengdu, China, providing visitors with a glimpse into the manufacturing process of their electric vehicles. The lab showcases the production of Tesla vehicles through a combination of robotic and artisanal techniques, completing the process in just 45 seconds. Following the model of other Giga factories around the world, the Giga Lab in Chengdu offers an immersive exhibition-like experience for the public. The interior design of the lab features a minimalist aesthetic, similar to the Shanghai Gigafactory, highlighting the spacious environment. In addition to manufacturing demonstrations, the Giga Lab also serves as a store where visitors can purchase their own Tesla electric vehicles. Transparent glass cases display car parts, providing further insights into the equipment used in Tesla vehicles. Tesla Asia describes the lab as a place where visitors can experience the "hardcore beauty" of Tesla.



GITEX Morocco 2023

GITEX Morocco 2023


Kahae to kandana | Lay lareya la | Khaliq Farhad | Noshin Qumbarani | Balochi Classic |


OUR EPPS future goals:

An electronic procurement application for corporate and government could be a powerful tool for streamlining purchasing processes and reducing costs. Here are some ideas for features that the application could include:

Customizable dashboards: Users could create personalized dashboards that provide an overview of current and past procurement activities, including requests for proposals (RFPs), purchase orders, and invoices.
Vendor management: The application could include a database of approved vendors, along with tools for managing vendor relationships, tracking vendor performance, and soliciting bids.
Automated workflows: The application could use workflow automation to simplify procurement processes, from requesting and approving purchases to generating purchase orders and paying invoices.
Reporting and analytics: The application could provide real-time reporting and analytics on procurement data, such as spend by category, vendor performance, and cost savings.
Compliance and security: The application could incorporate compliance and security features to ensure that all procurement activities are conducted in accordance with regulations and company policies.
Mobile access: The application could offer mobile access, so users can manage procurement activities on-the-go, such as approving purchase requests, viewing invoices, and tracking deliveries.
Overall, an electronic procurement application could be a game-changer for corporate and government procurement, by simplifying and accelerating purchasing processes, reducing costs, and providing real-time visibility into procurement activities.


Cool Application Ideas for developer to develop a product.

Of course! One idea that comes to mind is a productivity app that helps people manage their time more effectively. The app could include features such as a to-do list, a calendar, and reminders to help users stay on track with their tasks and appointments.

Another idea could be a fitness app that uses artificial intelligence to create personalized workout plans for users based on their goals, fitness level, and available equipment. The app could also include features such as progress tracking, exercise demos, and a social community for users to connect with each other and share their achievements.

Or, how about an app that helps users plan and organize their meals? The app could include features such as a recipe database, a grocery list creator, and a meal planner that takes into account dietary restrictions and preferences. The app could also incorporate machine learning to suggest recipes and meal plans based on users' past choices.

Those are just a few ideas to get you started. Let me know if you have any specific requirements or preferences, and we can brainstorm more tailored ideas.


Keys Step to developing an innovative application that can generate revenue is to identify a gap in the market that your application can fill. Here are some steps to consider:

Research the market: Conduct a thorough analysis of the market to identify existing applications, competitors, and potential customers. Look for gaps in the market where your application could fit in and make a difference.
Define the problem: Once you've identified the gap, define the problem that your application will solve. This will help you determine the key features and functions that your application should have.
Develop a unique value proposition: Your application should have a unique selling point that differentiates it from other applications in the market. Think about what makes your application different and how it can benefit your customers.
Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP): An MVP is the simplest version of your application that has the core features and functions. It allows you to test the market and get feedback from potential customers before investing more resources into development.
Continuously iterate and improve: Use the feedback from customers to improve the application and add new features that add value to your users.
Monetize the application: There are several ways to monetize an application, such as charging for the app, in-app purchases, or running ads. Choose a monetization strategy that aligns with your target audience and business goals.
By following these steps, you'll be on your way to developing an innovative application that can generate revenue and make a difference in the world.


G J Naseer | Project Director with


G J Naseer | Project Director and Product Director

Al will advise a defendant in courtAn artificial intelligence is set to tell a defendant what to say during a court case...

Al will advise a defendant in court

An artificial intelligence is set to tell a defendant what to say during a court case over a speeding fine. tI is likely to be the first case defended by an Al, reports Matthew Sparkes
AN ARTIFICIAL intelligence is set toadviseadefendantincourtfor
the first time ever. The Al will run on a smartphone and listen to all speech in a courtroom in February
before instructing the defendant on what to say via an earpiece.
The location oft h e court
a n d t h e n a m e of t h e d e f e n d a n t
are being kept under wraps by
DoNotPay, the company behind the AI. But it is understood that
the defendant is charged with
speeding and will say only what DoNotPay's tool tells them to
via an earbud. The case is being considered as a test by the firm,
which has agreed to pay if any
fines are imposed, says its founder, Joshua Browder.
DoNotPay is also offering $1 million to anyone with an
upcomingcaseat theUSSupreme Court if they will do the same
t h i n g , t h o u g h t h e d e t a i l s o f t h i s are still to be confirmed.
Using a smartphone or
c o m p u t e r c o n n e c t e d t o a n i n - e a r
device in court is illegal in most countries, but DoNotPay has found a locationwhere this set-up
can be classed as a hearing aid and therefore allowed, says Browder.
"It's technically within the rules,
but Idon't think it's in the spirit of the rules," he says.
Browder says he has used the AI to talk directly to customer service
staff at abank with asynthesised voice, and it successfully reversed
several bank fees on its own.
"It's the most mind-blowing thing that I've ever done," says
Browder. "It's only $16 that we
got reversed, but that's the perfect job for AI - who has time towaste on hold for $16?"
DoNotPay was launched in 2015 as achatbot that provided
legaladviceonconsumer issues,
relying heavily on templated conversations. The firm started
focusing more on Al in 2020, 8| NewScientist |14 January2023
when OpenAl released a public
programming interface for people totapintotheabilitiesofGPT-3,
its language-processing AI.
B r o w d e r s a y s it t o o k a l o n g t i m e to train the DoNotPay Al o n the
vast a m o u n t s of case law needed t o m a k e i t u s e f u l . D o N o t P a y ' s AI
app now covers a wider range of topics, including immigration law,
and the company claims it has intervened in about 3 million c a s e s i n t h e US a n d t h e UK.
The Al had to be trained to stick to factual statements, rather
than saying whatever it could to win a case regardless of truth.
"A lot of lawyers are
just charging way too m u c h m o n e y t o c o p y and paste documents"
"We're trying tominimise our legal liability,' says Browder. "And it's not good if it actually twists
facts and is too manipulative." The audio tool has also been
tweaked to not automaticallv
react tostatementsevery time. "Sometimes silence is the best
answer," says Browder. He says his goal is that the software will
$ 1 million is on offer
to use an Al lawyer at theUSSupremeCourt
e v e n t u a l l y r e p l a c e s o m e l a w y e r s . "It's allabout language, and
that's what lawyers charge
h u n d r e d s o r t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s
an hour to do," he says. "There'll
still be alot ofgood lawyers out
there who may be arguing in the European Court of Human
Rights (ECHR), but a lot oflawyers are just charging way too much
money to copy and paste
documents and Ithink they will definitely bereplaced, and they should be replaced."
Nikos Aletras at the University of Sheffield, UK, who has created an Al that can accurately predict
the outcome ofcases at the
ECHR, says he has seen growing
use of machine learning in the
legal system. But he also warns
that its adoption needs to be carefully considered.
He says that providing real-time
audio legal advice in acourtroom wouldstillbeatechnological
challenge, and ethical and legal issues remain, such as whether it would even be legal to use.
Neil Brown at UK law firm
decoded.legal says that using recording equipment in a UK
court would breach the Contempt ofCourt Act 1981, and that courts
may interpret this Al system as falling foul of that rule.
"Since it appears to involve
transmitting the audio to a third party's servers and processing
that audio within the resulting computer system, I'd have thought that a judge might well conclude that it was being recorded, even
if deleted soon afterwards,"
says Brown. "So probably not
something to try here unless
you fancy contempt proceedings,
at least not without checking it with the judge first."
But when New Scientist asked the UK Ministry of Justice, which
overseesthejusticesystem in England and Wales, if such a trial
w o u l d b e l e g a l , a s p o k e s p e r s o n
pointed to an application process recently put in place to request a
"McKenzie friend", despite it not
referring to AI. These people don't have to be qualified lawyers, but
defendants have the right to have them sit in court and offer advice.
"We wouldn't be able to say whether it was 100 per cent legal
or not until an application was made to implement the system
and our lawyers made a decision," says the spokesperson.
Brown says that AI will probably
play a useful role in the legal system in the future, but that it would be likely to assist lawyers rather than replace them.
"When your lawyer tells you 'OK, let's do A, we trust them that they have the expertise
and the knowledge toadvise us." says Aletras. "But [with AIl, it's
very hard to trust predictions.
We'requitefaroffbeingableto do these things reliably and get
rid of lawyers. We have to be very careful of makingsuch claims." - New Scientist


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Dr. Robot is a neurosurgeon by profession and lives in Dubai.

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