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بچوں کو نصیحت اس وقت کریں جب بچے receptive mood میں ھوں ۔4 اوقات ایسے ہیں جب بچہ receptive mode میں ھوتا ھے اس وقت آپ بچے کو جو بھی نصیحت کریں گے وہ بچے کے دل میں اتر جائے گی ۔

(1) جب بچہ رات کو سونے لگے اس وقت بچہ learning mood میں ھوتا ھے اسلیے اس وقت بچے کہتے ھیں ہمیں کوئ کہانی سنائیں مائیں بچوں کو بلی چوہوں کی کہانیاں سنا دیتی ھیں پھر بچوں میں بلی چوہوں والی حرکتیں آتی ھیں ۔ اس وقت بچے کو نبیوں اور اور نیک لوگوں کے واقعات سنانے چاہیےجس میں اچھی نصیحتیں ہوں ۔تاکہ آپ کا بچہ بھی نیک بنے ۔

(2) جب بچہ آپکے ساتھ گاڑی میں بیٹھا ھو۔ اس وقت بھی بچہ learning mode .میں ہوتا ہےاس لیےاس وقت بچہ پوچھ رھا ھوتا ھے ابو یہ کیا ھے وہ کیسے ۔ اس وقت ہم ڈانٹ ڈپٹ کر کے بچے کو چپ کروا دیتے ھیں وہ بہت قیمتی وقت ھوتا ھے ۔ اس وقت بچےسے اچھی باتیں کریں اور اچھی نصیحتیں کریں وہ آپ کی باتوں پر توجہ دے گا اور آپ کی باتوں پر عمل کرے گا ۔

(3)جب بچہ کھانے پہ بیٹھے اس وقت بھی بچہ learningmode ھوتا اسوقت بھی آپ نصیحت کر سکتے ھیں ۔

(4)جب بچہ بیمار اس وقت بھی بچہ learning mod میں ھوتا ھے اس وقت آپ جو بھی نصیحت کریں گے وہ بچہ کے دل میں نقش ھو جائے گی آپ نے بچوں کو جو بھی نصیحتیں کرنی ھوں ان اوقات میں کریں بچے ضرور آپکی نصیحتوں پر عمل کریں گے ۔ بے وقت بچے کو کبھی نصیحت نہ کریں کیونکہ کہ بچے کبھی کھیلنے یا کسی اور موڈ میں ھوتے ھیں ھم بچوں کو نصیحتیں کرنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں اس سے بچہ کھچنا شروع ھو جاتا ھے اور آپ کی 8 باتوں کو اہمیت نہیں دیتا اسی وجہ سے بچہ نافرمانی کرتا ھے ھم پھر اسکو مار پیٹ کر تے ہیں اورزیادہ اپنا باغی بنا دیتے ھیں پھر لوگ کہتے مولانا دعا کرو ھمارے فرمابردار ھو جائیں ۔


*Dream Tutor*
Hope so all your Confusion has been cleared
ایجوکیشن منسٹر کی پریس کانفرنس کے مطابق بورڈ امتحانات کے متعلق کچھ معلومات:

• کٹیگری 1۔

نویں اور گیارہویں جماعت کے تمام طالب علم خواہ وہ ریگولر ہیں یا پرائیویٹ

اُن کو دسویں اور بارہویں جماعت میں کر دیا گیا ہے

آنے والے سال میں اُن کا کمپوزٹ امتحان نہیں لیا جائے گا

دسویں اور بارہویں جماعت میں جو نمبرز حاصل کریں گے اُتنے ہی نمبرز نویں اور گیارہویں جماعت کے بھی دیے جائیں گے

• کیٹیگری 2۔

دسویں جماعت کے طلباء و طالبات جن کے نویں کے تمام مضامین پاس ہیں اُن کو نویں کے مارکس کے علاوہ ٪3 زیادہ نمبر دیے جائیں گے اور اُن کے رزلٹ کارڈز پر بھی بورڈ یہ بات لکھ کر بھیجے گا کہ پچھلے رزلٹ کی بنا پر پاس کیے گئے ہیں

• کیٹیگری 3۔

بارہویں جماعت کے طلباء و طالبات جن کا گیارہویں جماعت کے تمام مضامین پاس ہیں اُن کو بارہویں میں اُتنے ہی نمبرز اور ساتھ میں ٪3 اضافی مارکس دیے جائیں گے

• کیٹیگری 4-

ایسے طلبا و طالبات جن کے نویں یا گیارہویں کے تمام مضامین پاس نہیں ہیں.

اُن کو دو حصوں میں تقسیم کیا جائے گا

پہلا ایسے طالب علم جنہوں نے تمام مضامین کا ٪40 پاس کیا ہوا ہے اُن کو فیل شدہ مضامین میں سے بھی پاس جتنے نمبرز دے کر پروموٹ کر دیا جائے گا

دوسرا ایسے طالب علم جو کہ ٪40 مضامین بھی پاس نہیں کر سکے اُن کو پروموٹ نہیں کیا جائے گا بلکہ وہ ایک سپیشل امتحان دیں گے جو کہ ستمبر سے نومبر کے درمیان متوقع ہے

• کیٹیگری 5

دسویں یا بارہویں کے کمپوزٹ امتحان دینے والے طالب علم یا مارکس امپرومنٹ والے طالب علم بھی سپیشل امتحان کا حصہ بنیں گے اُن کو پروموٹ نہیں کیا گیا

یکم جولائی 2020 تک وہ تمام طالب علم جو کہ سپیشل امتحان کا حصہ بنیں گے وہ اپنے متعلقہ بورڈز کو آگاہ کریں گے جس کا طریقہ کار تفصیلی فیصلہ میں بتایا جائے گا.


Lubna Nissa Awan. Our team would like to welcome you here in our Organization. Thank you accepting the invitation and we are looking forward to work with you. Welcome.”


Another Announcement!
Dream tutor Examination wing decided to conduct test session for 11th and 12th class students digitally for our students and member in well organized way.
Registration will be open soon.In Sha Allah
Spread message with parents ,fellows and most importantly to 11th and 12th class student.
For more updates stay Connected.
contact for registration: +923144265929


Assalam O Alaikum! to every one of you, Hope you are getting a charge out of good wellbeing.
Dear Student and Members,
We are excited to declare that we have propelled our Organization YouTube channel

Learn With Dream Tutor
The link to visit and subscribe our channel is here
As you probably are aware in Near future and will be the main successful mean of instruction in everywhere throughout the world. Along these lines, we propelled our YouTube Channel to defeat numerous hindrances and conveying quality training in significant and in most genuine way.

Our channel will features this Content soon

Career Counseling
Armed Jobs
Important Announcement
Civil jobs
Competitive Exam
High Secondary/Inter Classes
Secondary Classes/Matric
Test Session Discussions
And substantially more energizing.

We plan to impart all the more Good news to you later on. All the Best!

Dream Tutor
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*Learn with Dream tutor YouTube*


Want to learn Korean for free? Now you can Learn Korean Language Online for Free. The free online Korean course is offered through Coursera by 연세대학교 – Yonsei University. Yonsei University was established in 1885 and is the oldest private university in Korea.

The instructors for this Korean language course is Sang Mee Han. Sang Mee Han is a professor at the Korean Language Institute, a part of the Institute of Language Research and Education at Yonsei University.
visit official website!


Dream tutor is gathering of young, energetic and accomplished personality are here working for the Noble cause Dream to Educate All!

All link for online course regarding corona virus awareness.

All link for online course regarding corona virus awareness.

Hello everyone 🙂

Today I would like to share with you crucial online courses from reliable sources, to keep us updated with the latest researches and studies about Covid-19.

After attending each webinar or course, you will have to answer some questions about the course , then if you passed, you will be given a certificate of completion of the course.

1- Harvard Medical school:

It’s an overwhelming opportunity from the great Harvard university!

You will have a plenty of topics. Just choose the course you are interested in.
I found it more suitable for clinical pharmacists and really very advanced level of knowledge. %2026

2- OpenWHO. or download OpenWHO application.

It’s really a wealthy application with hundreds of courses and latest medical news.

3- MBRU (Mohamed bin Rashed university)

This is a useful course (National course in UAE). General orientation in Arabic and English also and preventative measures to break the chain of infection.


5- London School of Hygiene & tropical medicine , tackling the covid 19 novel corona virus.
LINK: virus

Hopefully we can get rid off our common enemy (Covid-19) soon :))

Stay safe and sane


please fill that questionnaire.

Dream tutor is the gathering of dynamic, experienced and accomplished proficient right now and compelling technique for learning and makes effectiveness for understudy and our work depicts better than our description. The best one stage right now.


* *
Ministry of Information and Technology and Telecom Government of Pakistan announced online courses for "free" for everyone.

Courses Include:

1. Freelancing
2. Graphic Designing
3. SEO
4. WordPress
5. Creative Writing
6. AutoCad
7. Digital Literacy
8. Digital Marketing
9. E-Commerce Mangagement
10. Quikbooks

You can enroll two courses only… Freelancing Course is Compulsory
Classes will start from April 1st 2020
Note: These courses are free for everyone. Certificates will be awarded to successful candidates.

Apply at of Information and Technology and Telecom Government of Pakistan announced online courses for "free" for everyone.

Courses Include:

1. Freelancing
2. Graphic Designing
3. SEO
4. WordPress
5. Creative Writing
6. AutoCad
7. Digital Literacy
8. Digital Marketing
9. E-Commerce Mangagement
10. Quikbooks

You can enroll two courses only… Freelancing Course is Compulsory
Classes will start from April 1st 2020
Note: These courses are free for everyone. Certificates will be awarded to successful candidates.

Apply at
*Dream Tutors*
WhatsApp group link


Dream tutors ✌🏻

(9th class MATH guess paper
important questions
Unit 1
Ex 1.2= Q6 (i)
Ex 1.3= Q3, Q6, Q1
Ex 1.4= Q3, Q4, Q5(i)
Ex 1.5= Q1, Q2(iii) Q3(ii)
Ex 1.6= Q1
Unit 2
Ex 2.1= Q2, Q5
Ex 2.4= complete
Ex 2.5= Q1, Q3, Q4
Ex 2.6= Q3, Q4, Q7
Review= Q3-Q7
Unit 3
Ex 3.1= Q1, Q2
Ex 3.2= Q5, Q6
Ex 3.3= Q3-Q5
Ex 3.4= Q1, Q4, Q5
Review= Q3, Q4, Q5
Unit 4
Ex 4.1= Q3, Q4, Q5
Ex 4.2= complete
Ex 4.3= Q2, Q4(ii)
Ex 4.4= Q1-Q6
Review= Q4
Unit 5
Ex 5.1= Q3-Q5
Ex 5.2= Q1, Q2, Q5, Q6
Ex 5.3= Q1, Q2, Q4-Q6, Q8
Ex 5.4= complete
Unit 6
Ex 6.1= Q2(i), Q3, Q4(i), Q5(i), Q6, Q10
Ex 6.2= Q2, Q4, Q5, Q10, Q12
Ex 6.3= Q1, Q2, Q3(ii)
Review= Q6(ii)
Unit 7
Ex 7.1= Q1, Q2
Ex 7.2= Q2
Ex 7.3= Q1, Q2
Unit 8
Ex 8.1= Q2(xiv), Q4, Q5
Unit 9
Ex 9.1= Q1
Ex 9.2= Q2, Q3
Ex 9.3= Q1, Q2
Unit 11
Ex 11.1= Q1
Review= Q3, Q4
Unit 13
Review= Q4, Q5, Q6
Unit 14
Ex 14.1= Q1(i, iii, iv)
Review= Q3(i, ii)
Unit 15
Review= Q2
Unit 17
Ex 17.1= Q1, Q2(i, iii), Q5(i)
Ex 17.2= Q1-Q3
Importatn Theorems (Masly)
Unit 12= 1, 3, 4, 5 OR
Unit16= 2, 3, 4
Important definitions
1. All types of matrices (qaalbon ki tmam types ki definitions)
2. Remainder theorem (masla Baqi)
3. Rational and irratinal numbers (nataq or gair natiq adaad)
4. H.C.F (Aad-e-Azam)
5. Linear equation
6. coolinear and non-collinear points
7. Eqilateral and scalene triangles (musaawi or mutmasal musallasein)
8. A.S.A postulate (zawia-zila-Zawia ka mozoa)
9. Square (murabba)
10. right triangle (qaimah zawiah musallas)
11. issocelles triangle (musawi ulssaqain musallas)
12. S.S.S postulate (Zila-Zila-Zila ka mozoa)
13. Parallallogram (musaawi-us-saqain)
14. ratio and proportion (nisbat or tanasab)
15. Pythagorus therem (masla feesagorus)
16. Area of figure (shakal ka raqba)
17. median of a triangle (musallas k wastaniah)
18. polynomial (Kaseer raqmi)
19. Altitude of triangle (musallas ka irtafah)
20. antilogarith
Best of luck.


Dream tutor*

Guess bio 9th
Short questions
1-bio ki shakhain2-horticulture or fisheries3-animal husbndry or bio.geography4-mslman sainsdan ki khidmat5-papolation or comunity6-cell or tissue level7-species or habitate 8-parasite 9-srso ky pody or mendak ka scientific nam10-uni. And multicelular orginization
1-biological method and biological problmz2-mushahidat kia hy? Miqdari or mahiti mushahidat m frq? 3-hypothesis ki tareef or khobyan4-deduction or control group5-AFA king k mushahidat6-theory and law7-nisbt or tnasib8-incubation period9-bio informatics10-kuliks or anofilies mchr
1-biodiversty ki tareef or ehmyat2-clasification ki tareef or mqasid3-texanomy or sestimatics4-texa or texon5-autotraf or hetrotraf6-virous ka mqam7-bionomyal nomanclatureOr insan or mtr ka sainsi nam8-napaid or indangerd m frq9-flora or fana 10-class or ardr m frq
Chapter 4
1.Resolving or magnification power2,cell theory k asool3,shledon or shewan ki theory,4cell wall or cell membrane main fraq, 5.plasmodesmata 6,microtubules or micro filaments , 7fluid mosaic model, 8.leucoplast or chloroplast ka Kam , 9.ruf or smooth endoplasmic reticulum main fraq,10. diffusion or facilitated diffusion or passive diffusion,
11.osmosis or active transport , 12.lysosome,13.turger pressure, 14.hypotonic or hypertonic solution, 15.endocytosis or eski iqsam,16.xylem.or phloem.ka.kam , 17.simple or compound tissue,
Chapter 5.
1..G1 or G0 phase , 2regeneration,3 mitosis or meiosis ki tareef or ahmeat , 4.alternation of generation,
5.crossing over,6.haploid or diploid, 7.cytokinesis or kyreokinesis, 8.cynepsis or kyazmeta , 9.metastasis,apoptosis and necrosis
Chapter 61Metabolism or anabolism +catabolism, 2.enzyme or uska Kam.3,substarate or active site , 4.activation energy or us pr temperature ka asar , 5.coenzyme or Co factor 6.,enzyme.ka khorak or kagaz ki factory main estmal , 7.optimum temperature or optimum pH , 8.enzyme ki denaturation sy Kya Murad Hy ,9.lock and key model, 10.induce fit model , 11.enzyme ki takhsees , 12.enzyme activation ko kysy km krty hyn ,
Chapter 7
1.Bioenergetics ,2. oxidation or reduction,3ATP Kya Hy or esy energy currency q khty hn,4 photosynthesis or eski msawat , 5.respiration or cellular respiration main fraq ,6. aerobic or anaerobic respiration main frq ,7. Alcoholic or lactic fermentation m fraq ,8. Krebs cycle or Z scheme ,9.light or dark reaction main fraq , 10.photosynthesis pr asar andaz hony waly factor
1-neutrents or neutrition m frq2-macro and microneutrants3-arganic or inorganic fertilizer4-saturated and unsaturated faty acid m frq5-major minrlz and minor minrlz6-vitamn ki tareef iqsam or ehmyat7-diatry fibr ki tareef or faida8-vitamn A, c or D ki kmi sy hny wali bmaryan? 9-mtwazn ghza or mal nutrition10-ko.ishyarkr, goiter and anemya? 11-injexn, dijexn12-bols or kaim13-peristalises and apendix14-diarya and qbz15-merazms16-jigr ka kam17-khushk sali or faka kashi
1-zilam or floim tissue2-transpiration3-stomatal transpiration4-lenti. Cell and stomata or iska kam5-transpirational pul and kohezn tnxn theory6-sourc and sink7-blood cells? 8-insani dil Dbl pump9-bi.cuspid and tricuspid valve10-palmonri and systimetic circulation11-artries and veins and caplries m frq12-mayocardial infarction and injayna pectoras13-pericardium and pericardial flued14-universal donor and acceptor blood groups: Biology guess paper
Class 9th
100% Sure
Most Important Long Questions
NoTe : Here
* ( Important)
** ( Very Important )
*** ( Most Important )
relationship of Biology to other Sciences***
careers in Biology***
Muslim scientist **
organ and organ system level*
cellular organisation*
cell wall ***
nucleus ***
plastids ***
differentiate between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells ***
Water balance problems *
xylem tissues and phloem tissues
characteristics of enzymes ***
uses of enzymes*
mechanism of enzyme action***
how does temperature
affect the rate of enzyme action**
summary of light reactions ***
summary of dark reaction***
limiting factors in photosynthesis***
importance of fermentation**
mechanism of respiration ***
importance of fertilizers *
effects of water and dietary fibre ***
effects of malnutrition
digestion in stomach**
role of liver **
opening and closing of stomata*
affecting the rate of transpiration **
significance of transpiration***
structure of heart
write a note on myocardial infection
Best of luck
[11/03, 6:41 PM] Scr: * *

Guess Computer 9th.
Long Questions.
Generation of computer, types of computer, classification of computer, system bus and its types, ports and its types, Cpu, ALU, Cu,Mouse and its events, Monitor and its types, printer and its types, plotter and its types, Number System, subtraction by 1's and 2's complement, laws and theorems of boolean Algebra(de Morgan law). Minterm, maxterm, k map.
Short Questions. Abacus, punch card, Von Neumann Theory, ENIAC, UNIVAC, bar code, computer simulation, translators, high and low level language, EDP, hardware and software, system and application software, function of computer, motherboard, input and output devices, keyboard, function keys, delete and backspace key. Scanner, digital camera, light pen, hard copy and softcopy, pixel and resolution, video controller, primary and secondary memory, Ram, SRam and Dram, cache memory, Rom, prom and eprom, bit and byte, MSB and LSB. Data rate and seek time, low level and high level formatting, CD, transfer and Rotational delay, track and sectors, data and information, types of data, number system conversion binary to hexadecimal and octal. Binary multiplication and division, coding scheme(BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, unicode, boolean algebra, And, OR, Not gate, complement and identity, boolean variables and constant, disadvantages of boolean algebraic laws, advantages of k map, dos, dos files and commands, operating system, GUI and CLI,attrib, deltree, prompt command, Icons, folder, file extension, steps to create and rename a folder, control panel, virus, anti virus.
Best of luck tutor*

Guess bio 9th
Short questions
1-bio ki shakhain2-horticulture or fisheries3-animal husbndry or bio.geography4-mslman sainsdan ki khidmat5-papolation or comunity6-cell or tissue level7-species or habitate 8-parasite 9-srso ky pody or mendak ka scientific nam10-uni. And multicelular orginization
1-biological method and biological problmz2-mushahidat kia hy? Miqdari or mahiti mushahidat m frq? 3-hypothesis ki tareef or khobyan4-deduction or control group5-AFA king k mushahidat6-theory and law7-nisbt or tnasib8-incubation period9-bio informatics10-kuliks or anofilies mchr
1-biodiversty ki tareef or ehmyat2-clasification ki tareef or mqasid3-texanomy or sestimatics4-texa or texon5-autotraf or hetrotraf6-virous ka mqam7-bionomyal nomanclatureOr insan or mtr ka sainsi nam8-napaid or indangerd m frq9-flora or fana 10-class or ardr m frq
Chapter 4
1.Resolving or magnification power2,cell theory k asool3,shledon or shewan ki theory,4cell wall or cell membrane main fraq, 5.plasmodesmata 6,microtubules or micro filaments , 7fluid mosaic model, 8.leucoplast or chloroplast ka Kam , 9.ruf or smooth endoplasmic reticulum main fraq,10. diffusion or facilitated diffusion or passive diffusion,
11.osmosis or active transport , 12.lysosome,13.turger pressure, 14.hypotonic or hypertonic solution, 15.endocytosis or eski iqsam,16.xylem.or phloem.ka.kam , 17.simple or compound tissue,
Chapter 5.
1..G1 or G0 phase , 2regeneration,3 mitosis or meiosis ki tareef or ahmeat , 4.alternation of generation,
5.crossing over,6.haploid or diploid, 7.cytokinesis or kyreokinesis, 8.cynepsis or kyazmeta , 9.metastasis,apoptosis and necrosis
Chapter 61Metabolism or anabolism +catabolism, 2.enzyme or uska Kam.3,substarate or active site , 4.activation energy or us pr temperature ka asar , 5.coenzyme or Co factor 6.,enzyme.ka khorak or kagaz ki factory main estmal , 7.optimum temperature or optimum pH , 8.enzyme ki denaturation sy Kya Murad Hy ,9.lock and key model, 10.induce fit model , 11.enzyme ki takhsees , 12.enzyme activation ko kysy km krty hyn ,
Chapter 7
1.Bioenergetics ,2. oxidation or reduction,3ATP Kya Hy or esy energy currency q khty hn,4 photosynthesis or eski msawat , 5.respiration or cellular respiration main fraq ,6. aerobic or anaerobic respiration main frq ,7. Alcoholic or lactic fermentation m fraq ,8. Krebs cycle or Z scheme ,9.light or dark reaction main fraq , 10.photosynthesis pr asar andaz hony waly factor
1-neutrents or neutrition m frq2-macro and microneutrants3-arganic or inorganic fertilizer4-saturated and unsaturated faty acid m frq5-major minrlz and minor minrlz6-vitamn ki tareef iqsam or ehmyat7-diatry fibr ki tareef or faida8-vitamn A, c or D ki kmi sy hny wali bmaryan? 9-mtwazn ghza or mal nutrition10-ko.ishyarkr, goiter and anemya? 11-injexn, dijexn12-bols or kaim13-peristalises and apendix14-diarya and qbz15-merazms16-jigr ka kam17-khushk sali or faka kashi
1-zilam or floim tissue2-transpiration3-stomatal transpiration4-lenti. Cell and stomata or iska kam5-transpirational pul and kohezn tnxn theory6-sourc and sink7-blood cells? 8-insani dil Dbl pump9-bi.cuspid and tricuspid valve10-palmonri and systimetic circulation11-artries and veins and caplries m frq12-mayocardial infarction and injayna pectoras13-pericardium and pericardial flued14-universal donor and acceptor blood groups: Biology guess paper
Class 9th
100% Sure
Most Important Long Questions
NoTe : Here
* ( Important)
** ( Very Important )
*** ( Most Important )
relationship of Biology to other Sciences***
careers in Biology***
Muslim scientist **
organ and organ system level*
cellular organisation*
cell wall ***
nucleus ***
plastids ***
differentiate between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells ***
Water balance problems *
xylem tissues and phloem tissues
characteristics of enzymes ***
uses of enzymes*
mechanism of enzyme action***
how does temperature
affect the rate of enzyme action**
summary of light reactions ***
summary of dark reaction***
limiting factors in photosynthesis***
importance of fermentation**
mechanism of respiration ***
importance of fertilizers *
effects of water and dietary fibre ***
effects of malnutrition
digestion in stomach**
role of liver **
opening and closing of stomata*
affecting the rate of transpiration **
significance of transpiration***
structure of heart
write a note on myocardial infection
Best of luck

Guess Computer 9th.
Long Questions.
Generation of computer, types of computer, classification of computer, system bus and its types, ports and its types, Cpu, ALU, Cu,Mouse and its events, Monitor and its types, printer and its types, plotter and its types, Number System, subtraction by 1's and 2's complement, laws and theorems of boolean Algebra(de Morgan law). Minterm, maxterm, k map.
Short Questions. Abacus, punch card, Von Neumann Theory, ENIAC, UNIVAC, bar code, computer simulation, translators, high and low level language, EDP, hardware and software, system and application software, function of computer, motherboard, input and output devices, keyboard, function keys, delete and backspace key. Scanner, digital camera, light pen, hard copy and softcopy, pixel and resolution, video controller, primary and secondary memory, Ram, SRam and Dram, cache memory, Rom, prom and eprom, bit and byte, MSB and LSB. Data rate and seek time, low level and high level formatting, CD, transfer and Rotational delay, track and sectors, data and information, types of data, number system conversion binary to hexadecimal and octal. Binary multiplication and division, coding scheme(BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, unicode, boolean algebra, And, OR, Not gate, complement and identity, boolean variables and constant, disadvantages of boolean algebraic laws, advantages of k map, dos, dos files and commands, operating system, GUI and CLI,attrib, deltree, prompt command, Icons, folder, file extension, steps to create and rename a folder, control panel, virus, anti virus.
Best of luck


9th Biology guess2020
Chapter -1
Definitions of: botany, zoology, microbiology, morphology, anatomy, cell biology, genetics, cell biology, biogeography
Contribution of Muslims Scientists
Chapter -2
Definitions of: biological method, scientific method, biological problem, control group, law and theory, ratio, bioinformatics, deductions
Characteristics of a good hypothesis
observation and its types
Chapter -3
Definitions of: biodiversity, species, biosphere, endangered species, binomial nomenclature
basis of classification
aims of classifications
Chapter -4
Definitions of: magnification, resolution, resolving power, turger pressure, Fluid mosaic model, diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport
composition of cell wal
mitochondria as powerhouse of the cell
light and dark reactions
role of nucleus
Chapter -5
Definitions of: Meiosis, mitosis, crossing over, chromatid, apoptosis, necrosis, chiasmata
differentiate between somatic cells and sperms
What happens in G0 phase?
differentiate between malignant and benign tumors
Chapter -6
Definitions of: Enzymes, catalyst, co-enzyme, cofactor, prosthetic groups, optimum temperature, lock, and key model, induced fit model
what is meant by denaturation of an enzyme?
name the factors affecting enzyme activity
Chapter -7
Definitions of: bioenergetics, oxidation and reduction, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, light reactions/dark reaction, limiting factor, ATP
Differentiate between alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation
Chapter -8
Definitions of: Nutrition, fertilizers, digestion, balanced diet, bolus, chyme, micronutrients
functions of the oral cavity
significance of water
Sources of Vitmain A, C and D
Chapter -9
Definitions of: Transpiration, cohesion-tension theory, pulmonary circulation, transpirational pull
functions of xylem and phloem in plants
transpiration is a necessary evil. explain.
composition of blood
Universal donor and universal recipients
1. Careers in biology
2. Contributions of Muslim Scientists
3. Write a note on cellular Organization
4.steps of solving biological problem
5. What are biodiversity and which factor affect biodiversity
6. Characteristics of the five-kingdom system
7. Fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane
8. Structure and Functions of Nucleus
9. Types of plastids, structure and functions
10. Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
11. Endocytosis and exocytosis with diagram
12. Cell cycle and its phases
13. Light and dark reactions
14. Cell cycle and its phases
15. Mitosis and its types
16. Metabolism, functions and types.
17. factors affecting the rate of enzyme action
18. Importance of fertilizers
19. Role of the liver and its importance
20. role of the small intestine in digestion
21. Write a note on the ABO blood system
22. Effects of Malnutrition
23. Structure and functions of human heart.
24. Causes, symptoms and treatment of myocardial infarction


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