Muhammad ilyas Soomro
Kickstart the New Year with purpose and clarity! Set yourself up for success in the New Year! Set your goals and connect with Startup Sindh.
Happy new year 🎊
A short message for youth by CEO Startup Sindh Muhammad Ilyas Soomro
#muhammadilyassoomro #soomro #startupsindh #Sindh #pakistan
Muhammad ilyas Soomro
سنڌ ۾ بند پيل اسڪولن کي ٻيهر کولرائڻ هڪ اهم مشن آهي، جيڪو اسان جي نئين نسل جي بهتر مستقبل لاءِ ضروري آهي. هن وقت ڪيترائي اسڪول بند پيل آهن، جن جي ڪري ٻار تعليم کان محروم ٿي رهيا آهن، جيڪا نه صرف انهن جي ذاتي زندگي تي اثرانداز ٿي رهي آهي پر سماج جي ترقي ۾ به رڪاوٽ بڻجي رهي آهي.
تعليم هر ٻار جو بنيادي حق آهي ۽ بند اسڪولن کي کولڻ سان نه رڳو علم جي روشني ڦهلجي سگهندي پر ڪيترائي ٻار جيڪي تعليم کان محروم آهن، انهن کي پنهنجي قابليت ڏيکارڻ جو موقعو ملي سگهندو.
اسان جو مقصد آهي ته هر ڳوٺ ۽ علائقي ۾ تعليم جي فراهمي کي يقيني بڻايون، جنهن لاءِ توهان جي مدد ۽ تعاون جي ضرورت آهي. توهان پنهنجي علائقي ۾ بند اسڪولن جي سڃاڻپ، انهن کي فعال ڪرڻ لاءِ ھن ڪوشش حصو بڻجو.
جيڪڏهن توهان هن مشن ۾ حصو وٺڻ چاهيو ٿا يا ڪنهن قسم جي مدد فراهم ڪري سگهو ٿا، مهرباني ڪري هيٺ ڏنل لنڪ تي وڃي فارم ڀريو:
فارم ڀرڻ لاءِ هتي ڪلڪ ڪريو
اچو ته گڏجي هڪ پڙهيل لکيل ۽ خوشحال سنڌ جو خواب ساڀيان ڪريون. توهان جو هر قدم اسان جي مشن کي ڪامياب بڻائڻ ۾ مددگار ثابت ٿيندو.
#startupsindh #school #Sindh #Pakistan #MuhammadIlyas #Soomro
Muhammad ilyas soomro
A concise introduction of StartupSindh by CEO / founder Startup Sindh Muhammad Ilyas Soomro in morning show at Dharti TV.
Thank you, Dharti TV Entertainment , for the kind invitation! Special thanks to Host Mehwish Qureshi and @ND sharma for hosting ceo on the live morning show. It was a wonderful experience He shared his thoughts on career opportunities in the IT industry, youth empowerment, and tech innovation. He also had the chance to introduce, Startup Sindh , which is open to all aspiring individuals. Together, let's inspire and support the youth for a brighter future.
#startupsindh #media #MuhammadIlyas #Soomro #DhartiTV #DhartiTvNews
Muhammad ilyas soomro
Muhammad Ilyas Soomro, CEO of Startup Sindh, is answering a few queries about residency in Karachi, tips for a strong CV, and preparing for interviews. If you're looking for career advice or insights please connected with Startup Sindh
🌐 Website
#Karachi #CareerTips #StartupSindh #CV #Interviews #residency #MuhammadIlyas #Soomro
Startup Sindh’s CEO message for youth
Government jobs aren't the only path to success! A short message of founder and CEO of Startup Sindh, Muhammad Ilyas Soomro to encourage the youth of Pakistan to explore entrepreneurial opportunities, embrace innovation, and build their futures. The world is full of possibilities—seize them! Watch, share, and let us know your thoughts. #MuhammadIlyas #Soomro #YouthEmpowerment #StartupSindh #Sindh #Pakistan
A little progress each day adds up to big #startupsindh #sindh #reelstrending #tranding #nevergiveup
At StartupSindh, our passionate team is dedicated to empowering the youth of Sindh through guidance, education, and career support. Join us in making a difference—like our work and support our mission to uplift the future of Sindh!
#startupsindh #Sindh #Pakistan #reelsvideoシ #reelsfypシ
Unlock your Social media potential.
5 key strategies for growth.
#startupsindh #sindh #SocialMedia #connect #reel
startup Sindh
سنڌ جي نوجوانن لاء پيغام.
پڙھندي سنڌ تہ وڌندي سنڌ
Dear Aspiring Professionals,
As you embark on your career journey, remember that the path to success is filled with both opportunities and challenges. At StartupSindh, we are here to offer guidance and support every step of the way.
If you face any hurdles or need advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your path is unique, and we are dedicated to providing the guidance and supervision you need.
Your path, our guidance. Your dreams, our support.
Muhammad Ilyas Soomro
#startupsindh #Sindh #youthempowerment #talent #Pakistan #careerdevelopment #future #technology
Efforts are better than Words.
#reelsfypシ #efforts #startupsindh #Sindh #Pakistan #youthempowerment
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Urs Mubarak #viral #shahabdullatifbhittai #ursmubarak #foryou
عرس مبارڪ شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي رحه
#startupsindh #Sindh #Pakistan #lateef #Bhittai #reelsvideo