Birth Anniversary Moula {ABBASع}»❤️❤️🎊
💫 Congratulations To All The Birth Anniversary Of Sultan-E-Karbla♥️🎊
“The #IslamabadMassacre was thus the culmination of growing public outrage and helplessness against rigged elections, the destruction of the court system, and silence of the international community led by Washington. It was in these circumstances that more than 100,000 protesters marched into the capital Islamabad to demand release of political prisoners, restoration of the Supreme Court, and respect for the stolen mandate in the February election. Instead of negotiating with peaceful, unarmed protesters, a military operation was conducted in the middle of the night. No one knows how many were really killed as dead bodies were made to disappear, just like the Banana Massacre, in Colombia.” said Dr. Moeed Pirzada during his address at the #CongressionalBriefing in the U.S. @MoeedNj
Blatant election rigging, mass arrests, internet shutdowns, journalist assassinations, and the incarceration of political leaders must have consequences, said @WajSKhan at the #CongressionalBriefing today. He called for sanctions—not on Pakistanis suffering under an illegal and repressive regime, but on the individuals responsible.
It's going to be an interesting couple of months," said @RyanGrim of DropSite News after the #CongressionalBriefing at Capitol Hill.
The change in the US administration has heightened the interest of analysts and observers about how policy towards the restoration of democracy in Pakistan will change, particularly after the country's #UndeclaredMartialLaw regime gunned down unarmed pro-democracy protesters in the #IslamabadMassacre on November 26th.
From merely conversations to demands for actions! Discussions about targeted sanctions under Magnitsky laws, which include asset freezes and visa restrictions, are gaining traction.
@WajSKhan, who testified at the #CongressionalBriefing at Capitol Hill, said the efforts of the Pakistani-American community have more of a chance to effect real change than ever before.
شاہد امین پر قاتلانہ حملہ ہوا ہے ملتان۔۔۔۔
انتہائی افسوناک
ہر پل خبر سے آغا کرنے والوں لوگوں کے ساتھ اس طرح کا سلوک انتہائی ناقابلِ برداشت
جنت نظیر وادی
نتھیاگلی میں آج ہونے والی برفباری کا جنت نظیر منظر
*اَلْحَمْدُلِلہ الَّذِیْ جَعَلَنَا مِنَ الْمُتَمَسِّکِیْنَ بِوِلَایَةِ عَلِي ابْنِ اَبِيْطَالِبْ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام ❤️*
*عینؑ ﷲ نورؑﷲ یدؑ ﷲ اسدؑ ﷲ ولیؑ ﷲ امامِ مبینؑ حیدرِ کرارؑ ابوترابؑ شیرِ خداؑ فاتحِ خیبرؑ دامادِؑ نبیﷺ شوہرِ سیدہ بتولؐ سلام اللہ علیہا فاتح خیبر شہنشاہِ ولایت شیرِ یزداں نورِ خدا نفسِ رسولِ خدا شاہ نجف باب العلم نائبِ رسولﷺ شوہرِ بتول۴ بابائے حسنین۴ امام المُتقین امام الاولین | مشکل کشا امیرِ کائنات امیرالمومنین مولا علی علیہ السلام ابنِ ابی طالب علیہ السلام کی آمد بہت بہت مبارک ہو❤️❤️*
لانس اینجلیس میں ایسی سخت آندھی چلی تھی جس میں آگ نمایاں تھی یعنی ہوا اور آگ میں فرق مشکل تھا جبکہ قرآن مجید میں 1400 سال پہلے ہی ایسا بیان کیا جا چکا تھا کہ (نافرمان لوگوں پر) اللہ تعالی نے ایسی آندھی(تیز ہوائیں) بھیجیں جن میں آگ تھی جس نے سب کچھ جلا کر رکھ دیا ۔۔۔ سورة البقرة