The recent student incident at Top ranked Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) in Islamabad involved a violent clash between two student groups, reportedly over ethnic tensions and disputes, resulting in a large-scale student fight. More than 30 students were injured. This brawl, which included the harassment of female students, has raised serious concerns about the moral decline and ethnic divisions on campus. Such cases of violence have become a recurring issue in many of Pakistan's top-ranked institutions including Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) Islamabad and Punjab University Lahore, highlighting a broader problem within the country's academic culture. The role of student councils and the university administration is under scrutiny, as ineffective conflict resolution and mismanagement have allowed these tensions to escalate. To prevent further incidents, students must promote mutual respect and open dialogue, while the administration should take a more proactive stance in addressing grievances, ensuring campus safety, and protecting female students. Given the rising trend of student violence and harassment across Pakistan, fostering a culture of tolerance and implementing stronger oversight mechanisms is crucial.