is Pakistan’s first web based interactive video site designed to put forward an alternative narrative of Pakistan that promotes peace, tolerance and equal citizenship through various forms of digital story telling techniques. The web tv strives to highlight issues and stories, largely ignored by the mainstream media in order to encourage diversity and a sense of shared cultural identity w
ithin the general public. More specifically, it aspires to establish it self as a platform for creative expression and social engagement where individuals from around the country can collectively contribute towards a peaceful, democratic and just society. employees various tools to develop these alternative narratives such as documentary shorts, interactive theatre, citizen journalism and online advocacy campaigns on various human rights themes. Our content is generated through a combination of sources which includes a core team of film makers, story tellers, and artist as well as a larger network of student and community filmmakers that we have build upon over the years. We hope to develop both the tools and the platform where the general public can both advocate for their rights and collectively build upon a shared future.