Head interview
#CWC23 #INDvAUS #GazaGenocide #maxwellchallenge #IsraeliCrimes
Pakistan vs england
#cricketlover #GazaGenocide #maxwellchallenge #PalestineWillBeFree #ceasefire #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #BankAlfalah #iqbal
Its over guys
#GazaGenocide #maxwellchallenge #ceasefire #PalestineWillBeFree #IsraeliCrimes
اقبال ڈے
#GazaGenocide #iqbal #BankAlfalah #maxwellchallenge #PalestineWillBeFree #ceasefire #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine
Sri lanka vs NZ
#GazaGenocide #maxwellchallenge #PalestineWillBeFree #ceasefire #sadness #muslimah #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #war
OMG is he Undertaker ?
#maxwellchallenge #GazaGenocide #PalestineWillBeFree #ceasefire #sadness #IsraeliCrimes #muslimah #Palestine
Reality of Israel terrosits and other Muslims Countries
#PalestineWillBeFree #NZvPAK #sadness #war #IsraeliCrimes #muslimah #Pakistan #palestine #ceasefire #GazaGenocide
الحمدللّٰه دل خوش ہو گیا۔۔
یہ مذاق اڑا رہے تھے کہ ہم نے پلسطینیوں کو تباہ کر دیا۔۔
پھر اللّٰه کا عذاب اس پر آن پہنچا ۔
#NZvPAK #war #IsraeliCrimes #sadness #muslimah #Pakistan #usagirl #Palestine #PalestineWillBeFree
Match Press Conf NZ Captain
#NZvPAK #war #muslimah #Palestine #Pakistan #usagirl #IsraeliCrimes #sadness
Suggestion for other single boys 😝
#sadness #war #IsraeliCrimes #muslimah #Pakistan #Palestine #usagirl
Karachi Beauty
#sadness #War #IsraeliCrimes #muslimah #Pakistan #Palestine #usagirl
Night life of Villages #sadness #IsraeliCrimes #War #Palestine #muslimah #Pakistan #usagirl