For the love of Allah ٱلْوَدُودُ
Day 10
We’ve been looking into, lately, for the qualities, attributes and acts of a believer which Allah SWT holds dear. These qualities are encouraged in Islam as they bring one closer to Allah SWT and reflect a true commitment to faith and righteousness.
One of them which I want to share with you is kindness and gentleness. We’ve been witnessing what our world will look like if there is no kindness or gentleness. The horrific act of brutality simply reflects the mindset without kindness.Simple acts of kindness and gentleness can make a big difference in someone’s day. Here are a few:
👉🏼For Family & Friends:
🍀Saying “I love you” or “I appreciate you” more often.(This goes specially for your kids, spouse and parents)
🍀Making a loved one’s favorite meal.(we take turns in our house ‘who’s favourite meal everyone going to eat)
🍀Helping without being asked.(My Mom used to say بول کے کیا تو کیا کیا)
🍀Offering a listening ear without judgment.(There is a difference between gossiping and listening)
🍀Giving a genuine compliment.(It could be anything big or small )
👉🏼For Strangers:
🍀Holding the door open for someone.(Simple)
🍀Letting someone go ahead in a line.(Instead of cutting a line, as we call it street smartness back home)
🍀Smiling at people you pass.(Its sunnah)
🍀Paying for someone’s coffee or meal.(Charitable kind acts which are random can make lasting impact)
🍀Offering your seat to someone in need.(Specifically to pregnant women and elderly)
👉🏼For the Community:
🍀Donating to a food bank or charity.( Paying zakat doesn’t count, as it’s Fardh, you have to pay zakat whether you are kind or not)
🍀Volunteering your time for a cause.(It’s very rewarding, believe me!)
🍀Picking up litter in your neighborhood.( we enjoy this as a whole community, remember the community clean up I share every year)
🍀Checking on elderly or sick neighbors. (Mowing the lawn or shoveling their driveway without being asked)
🍀Supporting small businesses.(Sharing the business you enjoy with others)
Continued in the comments..