*لبیک یا زینب س✊* باب کرم پر بی بی زینب کا جھنڈا لگا دیا گیا✊
*لبیک یا زینب س✊*
باب کرم پر بی بی زینب کا جھنڈا لگا دیا گیا✊
"All those involved in murder are considered murderers."
"All those involved in murder are considered murderers."
killing of peoples || سب لوگوں کا قتل کرنا
killing of all peoples || سب لوگوں کا قتل کرنا
انسان کا قتل|| Murder of a human
انسان کا قتل|| Murder of a human
"Struggle for the sake of afterlife , and let your deeds demonstrate your goal."
"Struggle for the sake of afterlife , and let your deeds demonstrate your goal."
"A believer lives between hope and fear." مؤمن آس اور ڈر کے بیچ میں رہتا ہے
"A believer lives between hope and fear."
مؤمن آس اور ڈر کے بیچ میں رہتا ہے
"Sickness is a blessing for a believer." بلا مؤمن کے لئے ایک نعمت ہوتی ہے
"Sickness is a blessing for a believer."
بلا مؤمن کے لئے ایک نعمت ہوتی ہے
"Being fearless of Allah's plan" (اللہ کے مکر سے بے خوفی)
"Being fearless of Allah's plan"
(اللہ کے مکر سے بے خوفی)
What is Hopelessness (Na Umeedi) in Islam . . . . . . . #deen
Tauheed Aur Muhabbat?
Tauheed Aur Muhabbat?
Your life can change tremendously within a heartbeat, if Allah wills.
The miracles you've been hoping and praying for, could come out of nowhere at any moment. Beautiful things can and will happen for you. And it could all happen in the most unexpected way, at the most unexpected time, because of your faith, hope and trust in Allah. No matter what you're going through, no matter how tough things appear right now, don't underestimate the power, the love and the mercy of Allah swt. Things can change just like that. Miraculously, beautifully, and remarkably. All you have to do, is persevere with holding on tight to Allah. He got you this far, what makes you think He can't take you even further?
What is shirk in Islam?
What is the shirk in Islam?
1. Shirk is the greatest sin in Islam, unforgivable if maintained until death.
2. It means associating partners with Allah, compromising His uniqueness.
3. Shirk contradicts Tawhid, the foundation of Islam.
4. Types include polytheism, idolatry, and attributing divine qualities to others.
5. Shirk nullifies good deeds and faith.
6. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) considered Shirk the most grave offense.
7. Quran emphasizes Shirk's severity in Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Tawbah.
8. Repentance is essential for forgiveness.
9. Shirk's consequences include eternal Hellfire and separation from Allah.
10. Believers must vigilantly guard against Shirk, upholding pure monotheism.
Gunah e Kabira keya hain ?
Gunah e Kabira keya hain ?
If you can't stop thinking about it then start praying for it as much as you want it.
Allah is Al-Wahhab, The Giver of Gifts. Allah is Al-Mujeeb, The One Who Answers Prayers. Allah guides you to make Du'aa because He wants to answer it.
One day your Du'aa will be answered and you will be at peace. The hardship will eventually disappear and your heart will be at ease. Until then remain patient and have Tawakkul, Indeed Allah will not let you down.