M***i Tariq Masood funny jokes / M***i Tariq Masood thug life /#funnybayan #memerstogether
we make a channel named as Memers together in which we upload some funny stuff that make you happy
we do our best to make you happy
let's have some fun together
we created some stuff that make you happy and relief you tension
now it's a time to announce our slogen
[Funny] Charsi ka Janaza | M***i Tariq Masood Funny Story | چرسی کا جنازہ
[Funny] Charsi ka Janaza | M***i Tariq Masood Funny Story | چرسی کا جنازہ
مفتی طارق مسعود صاحب کی زبانی یاک مزاحیہ دلچسپ قصہ ، چرسیوں کا جنازہ
M***i Tariq Masood funny 🤣 || Bahoo#reel#islamic
Wah Bai Wah! Me Bhi Deobandi Hun, Funny but Truth, M***i Tariq Masood Bayan, IR Official
Wah Bai Wah! Me Bhi Deobandi Hun, Funny but Truth, M***i Tariq Masood Bayan, IR Official
About M***i Tariq Masood:
M***i Tariq Masood D.B. is one of the Youth's Favourite Islamic Personality who changed the Life of Many Youngsters, By Logical and Mind Blowing Lectures. M***i Tariq Masood pursued an intensive, full-time study of the classical, Islamic academic disciplines hitherto known as the 'Dars-e-Nizami', and further completed his specialisation in Islamic jurisprudence (Takhassus fil Fiqh).
About Us:
Islamic Releases provides programmes which are original, educational, informative and entertaining. Islamic Releases is also promotes Dawat-o-Tableegh. The proper presentation, understanding and appreciation of Islam, as well as removing misconceptions about Islam - amongst less aware Muslims and non-Muslims.
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