Fool's Gnosis Tarot

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Fool's Gnosis Tarot Embrace the world within you.

Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to experience THE LOVERS moment in our lives. I’ve always looked at the imagery in that ta...

Sometimes, we’re lucky enough to experience THE LOVERS moment in our lives.

I’ve always looked at the imagery in that tarot card with a wistful longingness.

But sometimes, it’s even better and we find love in someone who makes each day feel like we’re in our LOVER era.

Here’s to more days of Daylight, Afterglow, and Paper Rings. May this year bring you one step closer to achieving your innermost dreams and desires.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, 🥰

Art by ✨

PS. Didn’t expect you to be wearing the exact same shirt today in the artwork. Happy I got it right 😋

Hey look ma, I made it 🥹Anyone close to me (and within earshot) would know that I’ve wanted to give a TED talk all my li...

Hey look ma, I made it 🥹

Anyone close to me (and within earshot) would know that I’ve wanted to give a TED talk all my life.

While I’ve always known that I’d manifest that dream one way or another, the circumstances that led up to this moment were far from ideal.

In the weeks right before giving this talk, I was bedridden for an entire month battling a health condition that I shudder to speak of or even name.

This condition almost completely sapped me of my resolve and stole precious time that could have been spent memorizing and rehearsing my speech.

And as if my life’s purpose is to ridicule me, I experienced hurt, betrayal, anxiety, burnout, and disillusionment at a gravity and scope beyond belief and compare these past few months.

It’s the reason why I’ve gone radio silent on social media for quite some time.

But as my TEDx coach wisely pointed out, it made perfect sense to be delivering this talk now. Because if we ever aspire to achieve a level of success, we must embrace the fact that we are a fool in our own right.

Today, this FOOL has completed another part of her journey and seen THE WORLD.

Thanks for this incredible opportunity 🙏

And with that, I can finally say, “Thank you for coming to my TED talk.”

Stay tuned for my next speaking engagement soon 👀

CHIEF is coming to TEDx Ayala Avenue Women!Catch her at TIU Theatre in Makati Central Square on July 3, 2024 as she deli...

CHIEF is coming to TEDx Ayala Avenue Women!

Catch her at TIU Theatre in Makati Central Square on July 3, 2024 as she delivers her talk, “We Are All Fools in Our Own Right.”

Want to buy tickets and get more info about the TEDxAAW event? LINK IN BIO.

Designing a tarot card inspired by Olivia Rodrigo. Not a bad idea, right? 🤷‍♀️This design is inspired by The STAR, one o...

Designing a tarot card inspired by Olivia Rodrigo. Not a bad idea, right? 🤷‍♀️

This design is inspired by The STAR, one of the tarot cards from the Major Arcana. And I’ve had this concept in mind since Olivia announced an Asia stop to her GUTS tour.

I think Olivia truly embodies what it means to be a STAR — at such a young age, she has walked the well-worn path to fame in a way no one else has. She has always sang about truth, even if it’s about feeling brutal, jealous, or so american.

She is truly someone I look up to admire and I’m proud to say that we have the same blood running through our veins.

So if you think you’re an average joe, you better think twice. You never know how close you are to your Driver’s License moment.

Swipe right to see the original STAR tarot card!

Hi , looking forward to you calling me up on stage during your GUTS show in Manila 👋

You are all stars in your own right,

Art by ✨

Been gone for a minute 🥹It’s uncustomary of me to be away for prolonged periods, but I’m just having a HERMIT moment. Wh...

Been gone for a minute 🥹

It’s uncustomary of me to be away for prolonged periods, but I’m just having a HERMIT moment.

Why suddenly post on Mother’s day? Well, I’ve been in semi-isolation because I have an exciting project that’s brewing.

It’s one of my biggest life dreams, and I feel like at the end of this entire ordeal, I’ll give birth to the most beautiful baby.

Clue: it’s contained within the title of the book I’m reading💡

I’ll be back real soon! Always open to your reading requests :)

Always with you despite the radio silence,

Demons EXIST in real life. You probably didn't know that. I'm not trying to scare you or anything. I'm trying to WARN yo...

Demons EXIST in real life. You probably didn't know that.

I'm not trying to scare you or anything. I'm trying to WARN you so you can EVADE the threat.

The thing is, these demons don't come in the form that you can think they do. In fact, they may have already infiltrated your home, your workplace, or your loved one's hospital room.

For all I know, you might be even sleeping right next to them at night.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? Demons are PEOPLE. And it wasn't until I went on an anime binge of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End this weekend (it's currently streaming, go check it out if you haven't for fantasy storytelling at it's finest) that I actually UNDERSTOOD what a real demon is.

Demons are people who use WORDS to MANIPULATE others.

And the worst part? When we actually BELIEVE them.

Now I'm not basing off my philosophy on an animated show. But either way, the wisdom rings of truth: how often have we found ourselves being stuck in TOXIC patterns and FALSE HOPE because we held someone to their words?

More OFTEN than we care to admit.

I'm not faulting you for that. Instead, I think we need this reminder, more than ever. Especially since we find ourselves in the throes of Valentine's month and may continue to wear ROSE-TINTED GLASSES.

So please WAKE UP, if you haven't yet.

Do NOT allow yourself to fall victim to the demon's curse.

We can dispel the threat together, if we put MIND OVER MATTER, and allow the inherent gift of our WISDOM to lead us away from those who seek to hurt us.

Watching out for you always,
CHIEF, Founder of Fool's Gnosis

Happy Valentine's Day! I've had this artwork on the backburner for a while now, it's a reimagination of the traditional ...

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've had this artwork on the backburner for a while now, it's a reimagination of the traditional LOVERS tarot card, redone with two women and the trademark Fool's Gnosis sky overhead.

Whether you're single or partnered, mending your heart or resolving to keep it buried down under until the right person finds it, I sincerely hope that you find happiness and contentment within yourself.

Please know that we cannot fill from an empty cup — there is no way we can give out love to others if we cannot be a vessel for our own self-love first.

I speak from personal experience: if I had simply took the time to nurture and cultivate love for myself instead of seething with self-hatred and disgust, some of my previous relationships may have played out differently and less painfully.

But I have zero regrets.

I'm grateful to be where I am today, and I can proudly say this Valentine's is one that I feel genuinely blissful. In fact, I found myself staring at the gym mirror this morning, overcome with a general sense of fondness and contentment within myself, as weird as that may sound.

And there is no other greater feeling than that.

For all that I am, I hope you feel the same.

All my Valentine's love,

Art by .c0m

This artwork right is a fusion of THE FOOL and THREE OF SWORDS tarot cards 💘I feel like it’s the best representation of ...

This artwork right is a fusion of THE FOOL and THREE OF SWORDS tarot cards 💘

I feel like it’s the best representation of where I’m at this VALENTINE’s MONTH.

In a lot of ways, I’m a Fool. I say this so many times that I sound like a broken record, but it’s true. I’m on a perpetual quest for answers, especially in finding the love that I consider RIGHT for me.

Let me tell you a secret: I’ve always been rather UNLUCKY in love. So often I end up feeling rejected and hurt by the people I consider closest to me. Over and over and OVER again.

That explains why the FOOL is carrying the huge heart being pierced by the three swords. I’ve always been the type to wear my heart on my sleeve (hell, if THAT isn’t obvious enough), and it’s resulted in quite a number of pain and regret.

In fact, if I were to completely strip myself naked, I’d go so far as to say that I’m successful in every single facet of my life EXCEPT in finding a romantic partner.

Sad, isn’t it? But that’s NOT the point of this post.

Rather, it’s how I defy the notion that I’d end up alone with every SINGLE of my being.

I’ll say it until my tongue goes slack—it won’t stay this way FOREVER.

Not to me, or YOU, if you currently find yourself in the same boat.

Of course it won’t.

Sometimes, love arrives in the way we LEAST expect it. And for me, it came in the form of a chonky little catto, who little by little, made my heart feel a lot whole again.

That isn’t to say the search for my person is over—at least I know that they’d have to be a cat lover for sure!

So let me ask you: Have you been paying attention to ALL the different sources of love in your life?

Who knows, there just might be a few things you’re missing out on :)

Art by 💓

Happy Chinese New Year! 🐲2024 is the year of the dragon, one that's most often associated with LUCK and PROSPERITY. I've...

Happy Chinese New Year! 🐲

2024 is the year of the dragon, one that's most often associated with LUCK and PROSPERITY.

I've always known this and simply accepted it at face value, but it wasn't until I listened to the Astrology Hub podcast and heard what Astrologer Mark Borax had to say about it, that I fully understood why.

I picked up so many nuggets of wisdom during that conversation.

Among them is that dragons are the most MAJESTIC creatures. Of all the animals in the zodiac, they are the only mythical and legendary monsters, slain only by the mightiest of warriors.

There is an inherent strength in the air as we step into this new DRAGON year. Pay close enough attention and the energy is palpable. You'll feel it pulsing through your veins.

We will all be vibrating at a HIGHER frequency this year, expanding in ways that we never thought possible. Much like a dragon would.

So are you ready to glide and pierce the sky? Are you ready to set the world on fire with your roaring ambition and fiery determination?

Oh, you better be. It's time to embrace the dragon within you.

With all the dragon strength within me,
CHIEF, Founder of Fool's Gnosis

Welcome to February! 💘This is the month most commonly associated with expressing LOVE and AFFECTION for those we conside...

Welcome to February! 💘

This is the month most commonly associated with expressing LOVE and AFFECTION for those we consider closest to our hearts.

While this may be the prevailing narrative, I know how hard it is for non-partnered people to suddenly feel self-conscious and lacking, and to see all of the festivities and celebrations with a SCARCITY MINDSET.

And I don't blame them — of course it can feel lonely to see couples almost everywhere and without another person's hand to hold tightly. To watch friends and family either walk down the aisle or stand there. To be fed photo after photo on our feeds of people announcing engagements, baby showers, honeymoons, and photos with their firstborn.

If you feel that way, please know that I'm with you. You are not alone.

And I've been there before.

But let me tell you an untold narrative that's reduced to a whisper war: I've received requests upon requests this month of people navigating break-ups, separations, and divorces too. I've given advice to married and partnered people who feel shackled and suffocated in their current relationships, and wish they could find a way out.

It's difficult on either side of spectrum, no doubt about that.

And so may this serve as a reminder that Valentine's month may not ALWAYS be about finding a significant other (but that isn't to say that it isn't one of the most BEAUTIFUL things to experience and seek out on this planet), it's about finding and directing some of that love to ourselves.

In fact, THE LOVERS tarot card reinforces and affirms finding the highest love and the greatest good — and that love is the one that lies within ourselves.

That was exactly the inspiration for this artwork: it features CHIEF against a backdrop inspired heavily by the background imagery in THE LOVERS card.

If there's one message that I could impart to all of you this month, it's this: For all time I am, and all that I ever will be, I hope you find the PUREST, most RADICAL of self-loves this month.

Guard your heart, Gnostics. We're only given one in this lifetime.

— CHIEF, Founder of of Fool's Gnosis

Art by ✨

End of January announcement: Introducing the Fool's Gnosis loyalty reward program!Please see the mechanics below: 1. The...

End of January announcement: Introducing the Fool's Gnosis loyalty reward program!

Please see the mechanics below:

1. The loyalty program is open to all those who book a reading from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
2. All bookings must be under the same name only. Stamps are non-transferrable.
3. For every purchase of P995 made on the same date, you will receive a stamp. Digital stamps will be provided by Fool's Gnosis only.
4. You can aggregate multiple purchases on the same day to reach the P995 threshold. However, any amount in excess of P995 will not contribute as an additional stamp.
5. Fourth, fifth, and eighth stamps come with a FREE surprise! This will be issued upon receipt of the paid P995 total booking.
6. To avail the discounted rates with the third and sixth stamps, you must reach the total P995 amount first on the day of the booking. The discount will apply to the P995 total booking.
7. Collect the stamps before the deadline, and you'll receive a reward! Details on the reward will be shared via PM if you qualify.
8. Referral clients won't count as an additional stamp, but stay tuned for exciting referral discounts!
9. Should you fill out all the stamps before the deadline, you will be given another loyalty card, consumable within the year, for more chances to win FREE rewards!

Follow Fool's Gnosis for regular updates and announcements. Share your progress on your posts and/or stories and tag CHIEF.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the program! Thanks for everyone who's booked this month and for inspiring me to repay your kindness and trust in some way 🙂

I'm deeply humbled and grateful to have done my first CELEBRITY READING 🤯It's really hard to put into words. I'm endless...

I'm deeply humbled and grateful to have done my first CELEBRITY READING 🤯

It's really hard to put into words. I'm endlessly in awe of all those who trust me with the most sensitive parts of their lives and look to me to provide them with the answers to their most pressing questions.

Like you, I am but a vessel. I am by no means an expert and my knowledge of the cards does not imbue me with a sense of moral superiority or high judgement.

I am just a normal girl finding the answers in this messy place called life.

And so when I'm blessed with the opportunity to read for people who have achieved some type of success in their life that I could only aspire to reach, have an incredulously massive following both within and outside of social media, and is a rising star in one of the biggest media networks in the country, there is absolutely no words I can find to express my gratitude.

Because, once again, I am just a normal girl finding the answers in this messy place called life.

So thank you to for trusting me with a reading — and providing this feedback just halfway through the session.

I am so massively grateful to have read for you all of you; non-celebrity or otherwise. You are all such beautiful souls and you make this wonderful journey through this messy place called life worth it.

Sending love from the sun, stars, and skies beyond,

January has passed by faster than we could all say HAPPY NEW YEAR 😮‍💨I sincerely hope that your New Year's Resolutions h...

January has passed by faster than we could all say HAPPY NEW YEAR 😮‍💨

I sincerely hope that your New Year's Resolutions haven't slipped to wayside and that you're still feeling as re-energized and inspired when we started the month.

Since the online space is just absolutely flooded with talk of New Year's RESOLUTIONS, how about I share some of my REVELATIONS instead?

Here's something to consider: what if you actually started the year with the prospect of LOSS, GRIEF, or REJECTION? How do you bounce back from the misfortune and disappointment?

I think that's not talked about enough — most particularly the untold story of those navigating anguish and bereavement during times of the year often associated with jubilance and celebration.

Let me tell you: If you're currently experiencing this in your life, not all hope is lost.

Here's some of my realizations. You just might learn a thing or two.

What're your New Year's Revelations? Let me know :)

Intro card art by

I may be missing out on the COLDPLAY concert tonight, but in the Fool's Gnosis Universe, I have MUSIC OF THE SPHERES pla...

I may be missing out on the COLDPLAY concert tonight, but in the Fool's Gnosis Universe, I have MUSIC OF THE SPHERES playing at maximum volume.

Just kidding, I actually dislike that album the most out of the music that Coldplay's come with thus far. Lol.

But the fact remains, I have always been entranced by a SKY FULL OF STARS. One look at my visual identity and anyone would know that Fool's Gnosis is so contingent on the idea of the sun, stars, and skies above.

I suppose that's what happens when you have a HEAD FULL OF DREAMS. And what better way to live EVERYDAY LIFE than to live day by day, in constant pursuit of gnosis?

Coldplay's music had its role to play in teaching me about the temporary, fleeting nature of life. And how we should always live a life that nourishes the divine essence that lies within us. We are but caretakers, after all.

And what a joy, to finally say VIVA LA VIDA before our intricate dance with death.

Philosophical speak aside, let's all blast Coldplay with a reckless abandon tonight, shall we?

CHIEF is a Mysterium-certified tarot reader! I signed up for the Intro to the Tarot Program by  because it was offered a...

CHIEF is a Mysterium-certified tarot reader!

I signed up for the Intro to the Tarot Program by because it was offered at a 50% discounted rate during Tarotcon 2023 and it piqued my interest.

(I almost wish I hadn’t because is just so generous of his time especially with my unrelenting curiosity in and outside of class)

Part of me had already felt somewhat confident enough in my reading abilities and didn’t want to constrict my creative license in some way—but I feel truly blessed that I humbled myself and decided to go on this journey.

There is always something new to learn, after all; new paths will unravel if we only set our mind to it and allow ourselves to see.

To say that I’ve learned to read the cards better is an understatement. I have uncovered so many personal truths about myself—especially on which cards I resonate with the most.

All that being said, I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their spiritual journey.

This Fool is excited for what the next chapter holds and diving headfirst into the unknown.

Seriousness aside, I have the best classmates ever 🥺

It’s the second Wednesday of the month but in lieu of releasing a new podcast episode, I thought that my previous interv...

It’s the second Wednesday of the month but in lieu of releasing a new podcast episode, I thought that my previous interview on the PIO-V with podcast was worth revisiting instead, given the sensitives of the times.

We’re all navigating the start of the new year and while it’s often associated with excitement and anticipation, it can also be rife with confusion and fear of falling down the rabbit hole and making the same mistakes as the year before.

In this interview, I shed light on the idea of New Year’s Resolutions—and how wellness practices such as Qigong helped me navigate my previous experiences of suffering and bereavement with a better sense of clarity and confidence.

It just might help you if you feel that 2023 was uncharacteristically harsh on you. Give it a listen, link in bio!

I've told myself time and time again that 2024 will be the most EVENTFUL year of my life.Little did I know that I was MA...

I've told myself time and time again that 2024 will be the most EVENTFUL year of my life.

Little did I know that I was MANIFESTING that reality day by day as we inched toward the New Year.

It wasn't until I sat back and looked at the actual numerological fingerprint of 2024 that it made sense why this year hits so differently.

I came to this realization by adding up the the numbers that make up 2024: 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8.

The number eight corresponds to the STRENGTH card, the EIGHTH card in the MAJOR ARCANA of a standard tarot deck.

The Strength card is, surprisingly, my PERSONAL SIGNIFICATOR, or essentially the card that I most strongly resonate with and truly represents who I am.

But that's a story for a different day! For now, let's all sit in collective awe as we welcome the new year with the energy of STRENGTH.

This simply means that we'll be vibrating at a higher frequency, embodying the traits of what's seen in the imagery of the Strength card: a robed person taming an otherwise undomesticated lion.

Though seemingly opposite, the two figures are inseparable; they synergize and their fates intertwine.

May this serve as a reminder to you: we have the strength within us to tame our innermost demons. They are part of who we are, and sometimes, the things we hate about ourselves may come to be the same things we love the most.

And though we may roar with the ferocity of the King of the Jungle, may we never be enslaved by the fierceness and feral side that lies within us.

I sincerely hope this short reflection is of some value to you. May 2024 treat you well, dear gnostics!

All my love,
CHIEF, Founder of Fool's Gnosis

Late post — but Chief welcomes 2024 with open arms!I suppose the lateness of this post is already my key message and ref...

Late post — but Chief welcomes 2024 with open arms!

I suppose the lateness of this post is already my key message and reflection over the past year: while I have grown and stretched in ways I never thought possible in 2023, the transition phase leading up to this new year has taught me the power of RESTING AND SLOWING DOWN.

And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing (well, in between spending my hours and days playing with my cat) and I’ve noticed a profound shift in how I see the world.

I’m a lot more present and recharged, which, in turn, imbues me with the creative juice to work on my content and readings with a newfound sense of clarity.

It’s like reliving the whole cycle of The Fool perched on the edge of the cliff, seeing the world with a new set of eyes.

Barely a week into 2024 and it already feels so wildly different from the year before it.

I have felt the preliminary fires of the Wood Dragon gracefully burning me in Khaleesi-style fashion but I have also felt myself swooping down from the sky as if I were riding on top of it.

What an exhilarating ride!

I’m all for it, 2024. Come at me with all that you’ve got 🐉💥

2023 has been the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE. If I had to pick a card that fully encapsulated what it felt like to experience ...

2023 has been the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE.

If I had to pick a card that fully encapsulated what it felt like to experience the delirious highs and inevitable lows of this year, it would be embodied by THE FOOL.

Now don’t let the name deceive you — there is nothing in the world as beautiful as the beginner’s mindset.

As a movie title once put it, I would best describe it as, the “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

I came into 2023 carrying the same veneer of innocence as the Fool. I was a girl transfixed by the beauty of the sky above me, driven by my insatiable curiosities and perpetual chase for knowledge.

And look where that has taken me.

I have achieved the most this year than I ever have in my ENTIRE LIFETIME.

And all this wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t mustered up the courage to fall from the cliff — I learned that I was capable of taking flight.

I owe this grand adventure to you, dear reader.

You are the dog barking at my feet: my constant companion, my source of warmth, my stalwart sentinel.

What would this Fool be without you?

As we stand on the precipice of another year, know this: if you are carrying any type of trauma, sadness, or disappointment, may this not define the year that lies before you.

As the the clock strikes midnight, know that we all stand on the edge of a cliff, about to write the start of a new chapter.

If you’ll allow me, I pray that you find happiness and contentment within you — and that the journey of this humble Fool inspires you in some way.

On the days you feel most down, know that you are my guiding light.

You are my gnosis.

Let’s make 2024 the best it could ever be.

A week late, but we bought a cat for Christmas 🥺After months of always waiting for the C2 cat commercial to come on TV (...

A week late, but we bought a cat for Christmas 🥺

After months of always waiting for the C2 cat commercial to come on TV (if you haven’t seen that ad yet, please look it up online!), we never once thought that we’d end up calling the daughter of the C2 cat model our own.

If that’s not the power of manifestation in full swing, then I don’t know what is.

She’s pictured on the left-most side of this photo and a real beauty to behold in real life!

Lily has grown by leaps and bounds since this photo was taken (please don’t grow up so fast 🥺), but I’ve also grown in equal measure.

While I’ve never been the nurturing kind (as I’ve always had an aversion to kids), I literally feel the energy from the Empress card in tarot budding from within.

I feel the constant need to protect and nurture her, and though I’m naturally overprotective of the people I hold dear, this energy is of a different kind.

Grateful to for reading my cards and telling me of all the blessings and good fortune that this sweet little catto will bring our way. It’s already in full swing and may it always come to pass 🥰

I hope you’re all enjoying the holidays with friends and family — furry or otherwise! Thanks to for having us 💗

It’s the forth Wednesday of the month but in lieu of releasing a new podcast episode, I thought it would be more timely ...

It’s the forth Wednesday of the month but in lieu of releasing a new podcast episode, I thought it would be more timely and appropriate to revisit part one of my 2022 podcast interview on the PIO-V with Pio Silva podcast.

On this episode, I discuss my humble beginnings as a writer, navigating my transition from New Zealand to the Philippines, Christmas celebrations in the West, and what it means to be in a state of grief and bereavement during the holiday season.

Please check it out when you can! Link in bio.

Merry Christmas, Gnostics!May you have a blessed Christmas with friends and family. Enjoy the festivities!All my love,CH...

Merry Christmas, Gnostics!

May you have a blessed Christmas with friends and family. Enjoy the festivities!

All my love,
CHIEF, Founder of Fool's Gnosis

Art by

This Christmas, there's just too many blessings to be grateful for. It's an Ace of Cups year for me, if I had to make a ...

This Christmas, there's just too many blessings to be grateful for.

It's an Ace of Cups year for me, if I had to make a comparison to the tarot.

For someone who used to be so depressed and was the literal poster girl of a self-hatred so all-consuming beyond belief and compare, I never once thought I would say that out loud.

Those years are behind me.

I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but it's no secret that 2022 was my banner year of loss and bereavement. I lost almost everything that was dear to me.

But the truth is, I don't think I've ever expressed my gratitude for all of the debilitating pain and suffering I've experienced from that entire ordeal. If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have worked as hard as I did this year.

At the center of it all, I am eternally grateful for Fool's Gnosis. My guiding light, my source of warmth, my brightest parol, my North Star.

This brand has helped me grow in ways that I never thought imaginable.

It is my greatest gift.

Have a blessed Christmas Eve!

- CHIEF, Founder of Fool's Gnosis

In 2024, get yourself a girl as gorgeous as the one standing right next to me, who laughs at your raunchy pick-up lines,...

In 2024, get yourself a girl as gorgeous as the one standing right next to me, who laughs at your raunchy pick-up lines, and looks forward to seeing you every Thursday hehe 🥰🤪

Or if you need help manifesting your dream partner or just general advice, my slots for readings are OPEN.

I’m a certified love expert too lol 😋

It’s been exactly a year since my first-ever guest speakership on the PIO-V with  podcast. How time flies.I had been nav...

It’s been exactly a year since my first-ever guest speakership on the PIO-V with podcast. How time flies.

I had been navigating quite an overwhelming series of deaths while also closing the chapter on two jobs and a long-term relationship.

I explored the painful experience of my grief in my essay contribution to Silent Nights by, an anthology that explores the untold narrative of grief during the holiday season.

During this podcast interview, I talked about about Silent Nights and 2022: my banner year of bereavement and loss. But I also share some lessons I’ve picked up along the way, like finding the silver lining in life’s greatest adversities, relishing the company of friends and family, and writing a new chapter in the new year.

I remember feeling quite nervous and tongue-tied during the entire ordeal, as it was my first time to visit the HQ and staying in a small recording booth with the sound of my own voice coming through my headphones.

But at the same time, it was that very experience that set me on the path of starting my own podcast.

If you want to listen to the podcast interview, check out the link in my bio.

This is my all-time favorite episode 🥺I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve listened to this episode before actually ...

This is my all-time favorite episode 🥺

I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve listened to this episode before actually releasing it. Probably close to 50 times.

I have it on repeat on the days I feel like I’m on the verge of giving up.

And yeah, I’m not ashamed to admit to myself that I feel that way from time to time.

And that’s why I have soft spot for E03. This was written at a rather low point in my life and surprisingly, it’s one of the best inspirational content I’ve ever written.

I guess there’s value in the saying that our words often mirror the messages we need to tell ourselves.

This was written in July. I had just established my social media presence for Fool’s Gnosis and was exploring the idea of folding a motivational podcast into my branding.

Suddenly, the rug was pulled out from underneath me when my graphic artist could no longer do the work required for this brand. She had to focus on her studies.

I had no prior experience in graphic design. I felt lost.

I tried to distract myself by focusing on building my podcast.

Literally the day after that happened, my editor told me the hard truth about podcast monetization: a single episode stream would only be worth 0.05 cents.

I could barely believe my ears. All of the effort that I put into this podcast would basically amount to NOTHING.

But I didn’t let that stop me.

Here’s an actual excerpt from my convo with my editor that day:

Me: I’m ready for the doors slamming into my face. This podcast will probably flop at first. But we have to see success before it materializes. That’s what differentiates those who succeed in the long-term and those who don’t. Begin with the end in mind and believe in your vision — everything will follow.
Him: I admire your spirit. You’re inspiring me.

This podcast was born out of that conversation.

In this episode, I talk about the painful adversities I faced in building this podcast. I call them our Ten of Swords Moments.

What are some of yours?

If you want to learn more about this story, please tune in to E03.

It would mean the world to me if you could give it a listen.

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