Climate scientists and environmental activists are being arrested for speaking up on the issue of the growing problem about climate change. They are speaking up against the government and the people who are continuously abusing the earth's resources in exchange of profits and money.
🌱The world needs thinking people like us who will stand against oppression and unnecessary globalization. If we continue to ignore professionals who are seeking more voices to raise and just step back and do nothing the next generations will suffer. If we don't act now, in the next few years we'll be living in a world where breathable air is no longer for free and catastrophic events will eventually kill us all.
🌱People, this is no longer just a fight for a comfortable living; this is a fight for a sustainable life not just for humans but for the rest of the livings. Parts of the world are already experiencing difficulties in acquiring their primary needs to survive for a day and yet this politicians and government agencies around the world setting pretty with expensive salaries thinking they could survive nature's revenge which they cannot.
🌱 The money that they have will only help them buy some time but it cannot save them from death when mother nature hits us. Together, let us educate one another in the pursuit of not just sustainable environment but a healing environment. Let's save the world now and let the world save the next generations to come.
“Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us”
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