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A palindrome is a word, verse, sentence, or a number that reads the same backward and forward. One of the most interesting palindrome and ingenious early 1st century Christian symbol is what is called The Sator Square or The Rotas Square.

When the five-letter Latin words are read in line order horizontally or vertically or backwards or forwards or bottom to top or top to bottom, they mean: “The sower, Arepo, holds or works the wheels with care.” Another translation is: “He who works the plow sows the seed.” The Sator Square is a combination of a palindrome where the words read the same backwards and forwards and, in this case, line by line either vertically or horizontally and a cryptogram where all the words are written in such a form or order that a key is required to understand the sense.

The 1st century Christians were a persecuted minority forced to identify themselves to each other by secret signs and actions, the most common of which were the primitive fish sign and the spilling of a little wine on the ground.

The obvious meaning of the Sator Square to a Christian would have been Jesus’ Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:3-9 when He likened the spreading of the word of the kingdom of God to a farmer who sows seeds. Christians were spiritual farmers spreading the seeds of the Evangel, the Good News. But hidden in the Sator Square is an anagram when positioned in the form of a cross. By rearranging the 25 letters, a new phrase, extremely beloved by Christians down through the ages, is formed:Paternoster

Paternoster 2Pater Noster (“Our Father”) is the Sator Stonebeginning of The Lord’s Prayer in Latin. The 25 letters arranged in this cross fashion say “Our Father” twice, vertically and horizontally, with two “A’s” and two “O’s” left over and placed as palindromes. “A” and “O” are the first and the last letters in the Greek alphabet and mean “Alpha, the Beginning” and “Omega, the End.” Jesus called Himself the First and the Last in Revelation 1:8: “I am the Alpha and Omega…who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” The Greek letter Tau (pronounced Taw) in the middle of the two palindromes simulates the cross of Christ (T) as does the arrangement of the Pater Noster letters. The interpretation of “ATO” and “OTA” would be: “Christ on the Cross, the Alpha and the Omega.”

To the uninitiated the Sator Square may seem confusing, obscure and recondite, but it has been understood and reproduced since shortly after Jesus’ resurrection. It was found at Herculaneum on a pillar of the west wall in a wrestling school and in Pompeii etched into the wall in the house of one Publius Paquius Proculus.


(1) THE SATOR SQUARE—Early Church History (Retrieved on December 2, 2021);

(2) 📷Memento, Pinterest



• ADVENT SEASON (NOV 28, 2021—DEC 24, 2021)

Advent is the liturgical season that precedes and prepares for Christmas. It is a season of hope and of longing, of joyful expectation and of peaceful preparation. Many symbols and traditions are associated with Advent, especially the Advent Wreath with its four colored candles (three purple and one pink), but also Advent calendars, special Advent music, food, processions, and other traditions that may vary from one culture or region to the next.

For most Christians, the Advent Season always begins four Sundays before Christmas; so it is rarely four full weeks long, but only between three and four weeks, depending on what weekday Dec. 25 happens to be in a certain year.

The First Sunday of Advent, which marks the beginning of the new liturgical year for the Church, could be as early as Nov. 27 or as late as Dec. 3.

The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called "Gaudete Sunday" (from Latin, meaning "Rejoice!), because the "Entrance Antiphon" of this Sunday's Mass is taken from Paul's letter to the Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near." (Phil 4:4+5b)

The Fourth Sunday of Advent could be as early as Dec. 18, a full week before Christmas (as in 2016 and 2022), or as late as Dec. 24, making it the same day as "Christmas Eve" (as in 2017 or 2023).

Advent technically ends of the afternoon of Dec. 24, since that evening, Christmas Eve, begins the Christmas Season.


Christmastide is the name given to the Christmas season in the liturgical calendar. It begins on Christmas Eve and ends on the Sunday celebrating the Baptism of the Lord. This usually gives us a Christmas season of around 20 days or so.

On the traditional liturgical calendar, the Christmas season (also known as Christmastide) lasts 40 days. It begins with the vigil Mass said on Christmas Eve, and ends on February 2nd, Candlemas, which is the day on which we celebrate the feast of Jesus' presentation in the temple.


(1) Advent and Christmas—Catholic Resources (Retrieved on November 19, 2021);

(2) What is Christmastide?—Got Questions (Retrieved on November 19, 2021);

(3) 📷 Pinterest, PngTree


| Today, on the first Sunday of Advent, we light the first candle, which symbolizes hope. It’s sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle” in remembrance of the prophets, especially Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ. It also represents the glimpse of new becoming in anticipation of the coming of the Messiah.

“Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength...”
(Luke 31:36)

Listen to podcast reflection: https://open.spotify.com/episode/17fIJulLf8p49ISuIQMMFh?si=7XvrEAfJSPW_hpum9DfgqQ




By Carl Dave Black Ang

Let's first define unsa na ang CLINGY - it’s feeling needy or kanang feeling nga nagpangita naka, somewhere between sweet/lambing and being almost obsessed.
So unsay sign kung Clingy na ka?

1. Sige kag Text/Chat niya - Wala ka ga trabaho’s BDO, pero you always find ways nga magka storya mo, either thru text, chat, call or vid call. You try to open as many topic as possible para dili mahunong inyong conversation. Kung dili siya ka reply for a few minutes/seconds, mo send napod kag another message just to get his/her attention. Clingy gyud ka!

2. Hilig ka Mag Overthink sa iyang mga Posts - Unconsciously, you’re slowly becoming a stalker. Always updated sa iyang social media, not just updated, affected pa gyud diay bisan wala kay sure kung ikaw ba gyud iyang pasabot. Usahay, iyang post joke ra, pero ikaw grabe na kaayo imong gi huna-huna; feel nimo naa syay lain ka charchar or someone else is making him/her happy. Usahay sapoton pod kay kay active kaayo sya mo like ug comment sa uban, pero sa imong message nga panahon pa ni Magellan, wala pa gyud tagda.

3. Mura kag 911, always to the rescue - Mo appear na gani iyang name/face sa imong messenger, messaging app, mura nakag maboang. You’re always ready to response, imo pang biyaan tanan nimong gibuhat para lang ma accommodate nimo sya pag ayo! na gyud ka bess.

4. Ma aksyon kag kabalaka kung dili siya moreply dayon nimo - Makuyawan ka if dili na sya makareply dayon. Feel nimo you’ve said something wrong, na offend nimo sya, or gikapoy na sya nimo. Usahay feel pod nimo gisamokan na sya mao’ng dili na sya moreply. Again, you’re OVERTHINKING!

5. Lupig pa nimo si The Flash sa kapaspas - bag-o pa gani mo nagka close, ganahan na ka mo next level na! Imo na sya apilon sa mga plano nimo’s life. Ganahan naka pirme nimo sya kuyog or kuyogon. You ask questions like "When ta magkita?", "Kanus-a ka free?", mag sige pod kag ingon og "I miss you" or kung grabe na gyud "I love you".

Indeed, you’re becoming clingy, you’re becoming needy! Good luck! Is it good? Usahay. Is it bad? Basta pa subraan. Pero if you're not getting the same level of attention nga imong gihatag, probably it's time to let go of that person. 😏



FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT | The first candle recalls THE PATRIARCHS and their great longing for the promised Messiah.

"Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform the good word that I have spoken to the house of Israel, and to the house of Juda." - Jeremiah 33:14



Advent is a season of hope, the hope that God puts into our hearts. In some obscure way, we all long for a new beginning. We long to shed the burden of the past, to rediscover within ourselves a hope that longs for the future, that is ready to begin anew.

Repentance is something more than a reluctant confession of past wrongdoing. Repentance is a whole new way of thinking and change of attitudes. We begin to believe that in Christ we can become what was promised long ago. We begin to believe that the Spirit that descended on Jesus can transform our lives, filling them with hope. We begin to believe in the peace that Christ alone can bring to our troubled hearts and broken world.

Advent is a good time to repent, to forgive and be forgiven, and to rediscover the precious gift of inner peace. We begin with those closest to us, our own family and friends. Without such repentance the Christmas we prepare is mere tinsel.



(1) Without repentance during Advent the Christmas we prepare for is mere tinsel—Catholic Herald (Retrieved on November 17, 2021);

(2) PngTree



Back during my childhood years, I honestly believed that Triple H is the King of Kings. Back then, I knew Jesus as the King of the Jews, and He was under Triple H, the king of kings. 😹 But just as how discovered that Santa Claus is just a Childhood fantasy, I discovered also that Triple H is not the real king of kings. 😅

The real king of kings is no other than our God. We refer Him as King of Kings to declare His authority over all creation, and remind us, believers, of His omnipotent power and might.

“The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all”
-Psalm 103:19

As we celebrate today the last Sunday of the ordinary time and the Solemnity of Christ, the King, we are being reminded that we are all God's kingdom. Our heart must always be open to receive His gracious will and we must always be ready to be a funnel of His love.

Does God still reign in your life today? Where do you spend most if your time?

Many times, we allow unnecessary things to manipulate us and take control of our lives. But God is calling you back today, knocking at the door of you heart and asking you if He could reign in your life once again.

May we allow God to take captive our heart, mind and soul so that He would be able to reign in our lives now and forever.

"He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
-Daniel 7:14

PS: I'm so grateful that I made the right decision to join . I learned a lot of things and I was able to spend a lot of time with God. 🙏❤️





Lord Jesus, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me; I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more;

I have wronged You and I have been unjust;
I will be so, no more;

I renounce sin,
I renounce the Devil,
I renounce iniquity that stains my soul;
free my soul from all that is against Your holiness;

I entreat You, Lord Jesus, to rescue me from all evil; Come Jesus now, come now and abide in my heart;

Forgive me, Lord Jesus, and allow me to rest in You, For You are my Shield, my Redeemer and my Light and in You do I trust;

From today I will bless You Lord at all times;
I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the Most High over the world, far transcending all other gods;

By Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quickly to my help O Saviour!



Mga bok at ter, Lenten season is fast approaching. As Catholics, we are encouraged to do the following practices: FASTING and ABSTINENCE.

Why is there a need to fast? Fasting is a biblical discipline that can be defended from both the Old and the New Testament. Christ expected his disciples to fast (Mt 9:14-15) and issued instructions for how they should do so (Mt 6:16-18).

Why is there a need to abstain? Abstinence from certain foods is also a biblical discipline. In Daniel 10:2-3 we read, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks.”

Below are the detailed explanation on the two procedures:

[1] Fasting
- It is a form of penance that involves limiting kinds or amount of food or drink consumption.
- Catholics who are 18-59 years old are eligible to this practice.
- Days of fasting (with abstinence) are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
- During fasting, the faithful should only eat 1 regular meal and 2 small meals (should not exceed the main amount of the main meal)
- Fast is broken by eating between meals and by drinks which could be considered food (milk shakes, but not milk).

[2] Abstinence
- It is another form of penance that involves refraining from kinds of food or drink.
- This should be practiced by Catholics who are 14 years old and above (until death).
- During abstinence, the faithful should refrain from eating meat (i.e. flesh and organs of mammals and birds), but may consume fish and shellfish.
- Days of abstinence are Fridays in Lent.

Other notes:

[1] Members of the Eastern Catholic Churches are to observe the particular law of their own sui iuris Church.

[2] Some people can be excused from fasting and abstinence. They are:
- persons with disabilities which make it difficult to understand or observe the practice (e.g. people with mental health concerns)
- the sick, frail, pregnant, or nursing women, according to need for meat or nourishment
- manual laborers, according to need
- guests at a meal who cannot excuse themselves without giving great offence or causing enmity
- those in other situations of moral or physical impossibility to observe the penitential discipline



[1] Catholic Answers | Why Do Catholics Practice Fasting and Abstinence during Lent?

[2] Catholic Fortress | Fasting and Abstinence: A Guideline for Catholics

[3] Catholic News Agency | What's the point of fasting, anyway?

[4] St. Peter Parish, Covington, LA | Why do Catholics fast and abstain?

[5] United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) | Fast & Abstinence


Make your Lent meaningful and productive! Have some small and doable goals that will help your Lenten journey be worth it.

Download this picture, answer it, and post in your My Day or IG Stories.


Catholic Oddities Entry 16: Forms of Love

It seemed appropriate na on the last day of the love month, February, pag-usapan natin ang iba't-ibang forms of love.

Isa sa mga languages na ginamit sa original text ng biblia ay ang Ancient Greek. Sa Scripture, mayroong apat na salita na isinalin mula Griyego sa Ingles bilang "love" o "pag-ibig": storge, philia, eros, and agape. Bawat salita ay may katumbas na form of love.

Ang "storge" ay ang pagmamahal para sa mga tao, hayop at sa kapaligiran. Ang Philia is ang pagmamahal sa mga magkakaibigan, malayang pinili dahil sa "mutual compatibility and common value." Eros naman ay sexual at spiritual na pagmamahal para sa isang tao na nakikita bilang napakaganda at desirable. Lastly, ang agape ay ang pag-ibig na walang kinikilalang kondisyon, binabahagi "when one has much to give to another more needy," at ititnuturing ding na "generous self-donation without concern for reward."

May ibang sources (not necessarily Catholic) na nagbabanggit ng ibang forms of love: philautia (self-love), ludus (playful love), mania (obsessive love) and pragma (longstanding love). Ginagamit ito sa larangan ng psychology, though dapat maging mapagmatyag sa ibang forms na ito sapagkat maaaring makalito sa pagkaintindi sa pag-ibig kung hindi magiging maingat.

Hope you learned something new, or recalled something important. 😉

Your pilgrim companion,

📜Shaw, R. B. (2000). Our Sunday Visitors encyclopedia of Catholic doctrine. Our Sunday Visitor Pub.

Photo credit:


We begin the month of March with grateful spirit.

Lord, bless and purify our heart’s deepest desires so we can continue to collaborate in Your mission of compassion, of unending love and of faithful service.



The Kingdom of GCOM (Ge' KoM) waves to the start of the 3rd Month of the year 2020.

We begin the month of March with grateful spirit.

Lord, bless and purify our heart’s deepest desires so we can continue to collaborate in Your mission of compassion, of unending love and of faithful service.




Today is the First Sunday of Lent


Happy Sunday guys! 💯🥰💕 Hanapin natin ang tunay na yaman kay Kristong ating Panginoon! 😇🙏🏻💕


“Surround yourself with people who will motivate you to keep going!” 😇


The Birth of the Kingdom Nation

In the Kingdom Age, it is the new spiritual paradigm of the New Earth, the New Heaven, the New Spirit. The Father's New Creation. his New Jerusalem, his New Kingdom Nation that He is dwell pleased of, because everyone that would come and become Citizens of the Kingdom Will forever be free of what separated man from his Creator.

Praise the Father

Susan G. Gangan


The only bucket list that matters for a Catholic during Holy Week!


Meet God in your sacred space. 😉🙏♥️


About the BISU Logo
- STARS symbolizes the six (6) satellite campuses
- MAP represents Bohol
- BOOK symbolizes truth, knowledge, quality education and relevant and responsive curricular programs.
- TORCH represents the intense desire to achieve excellence in the global community.
- GLOBE indicates global community involvement and competitiveness.
- LAUREL LEAF resembles triump, victory and peace.
- HILLS and TREES represent Forestry
- RICEFIELD represents Agriculture
- SEA represents Fishery
- HILLS, TREES, RICEFIELDS and SEA represent balance ecosystem.
- GEAR represents technology.
- ANTENNA represents information technology and cyber world
- ATOM is a symbol of science and technology.
- Blue Violet color symbolizes wisdom, power, confidence, trust, faith and stability.
- Yellow color represents golden harvest.
- Green color represents nature and environmental friendly.
- 2009 is the year when the University was founded.


Letter of St. Thomas Aquinas to Brother John on How to Study:

"Because you have asked me, my brother John, most dear to me in Christ, how to set about acquiring the treasure of knowledge, this is the advice I pass on to you: That you should choose to enter by the small rivers, and not go right away into the sea, because you should move from easy things to difficult things.

Such is therefore my advice on your way of life:

- I suggest you be slow to speak, and slow to go to the room where people chat.

- Embrace purity of conscience; do not stop making time for prayer.

- Love to be in your room frequently, if you wish to be led to the wine cellar.

- Show yourself to be likable to all, or at least try; but do not show yourself as too familiar with anyone; because too much familiarity breeds contempt, and will slow you in your studies; and don't get involved in any way in the deeds and words of worldly people.

- Above all, avoid idle conversation; do not forget to follow the steps of holy and approved men.

- Never mind who says what, but commit to memory what is said that is true.

- Work to understand what you read, and make yourself sure of doubtful points.

- Put whatever you can into the cupboard of your mind as if you were trying to fill a cup.

- Seek not the things that are higher than you."

Follow the steps of blessed Dominic, who produced useful and marvelous shoots, flowers and fruits in the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts for as long as life was his companion. If you follow these things, you will attain whatever you desire."


Pray for all the victims. Pray for the world.

COVID-19 is already a pandemic. But God is in control of everything. Let's storm heavens with our voices in prayer, praying the Chaplet, the Rosary, a Novena, or whatever prayer we have individually, in our family, in our family groupings, in our homes, chapels, in our parishes, in our dioceses and as a nation. Let our voices be heard by God. Let our pleadings touched His heart. Let our cries open up His ocean of Mercy to wash out and totally destroy these Corona Virus which has spread and inflicted many people on earth. Let' s start our prayer NOW! Amen!

This is everyones' challenge.



Tungod sa timaan sa Krus sa among mga kaaway bawion Mo kami Ginoong Dios namo.

(Sa Ngalan sa Amahan, ug sa Anak, ug sa Espiritu Santo. Amen.)


Nagatoo ako sa Dios Amahan,
Makagagahum sa tanan.
Magbubuhat sa Langit ug sa Yuta.
Nagatoo ako kang Jesu Cristo
Iyang Bugtong Anak nga Ginoo nato,
gipanamkon Siya sa lalang sa Espiritu Santo,
Natawo ni Maria nga Birhen,
Gisakit sa sugo ni Poncio Pilato,
Gilansang sa krus, namatay, ug gilubong.
Mikunsad sa mga minatay,
ug sa ikatulo ka adlaw nabanhaw Siya.
Misaka sa Langit,
ug nagalingkod sa too sa Dios Amahan,
Makagagahum sa tanan.
Gikan didto mobalik Siya aron paghukom
sa mga buhi ug sa mga minatay.
Nagatoo ako sa Espiritu Santo,
sa Santos ug Katoliko nga Simbahan,
sa panag-ambit sa mga santos,
sa kapasayloan sa mga sala,
sa pagkabanhaw sa lawas,
ug sa kinabuhing walay katapusan. Amen.

Amahan Namo...
Maghimaya Ka... (3x)
Himaya sa Amahan...


1. Ang Pagpanamkon sa Mahal nga Birhen Maria sa Anak sa Dios (Lukas 1:26-38)

2. Ang Pagduaw ni Santa Maria kang Santa Isabel (Lukas 1:39-47)

3. Ang Pagkatawo sa Anak sa Dios sa Pasongan sa Belen (Lukas 2:1-7)

4. Ang Paghalad sa Diosnong Bata didto sa Templo sa Jerusalem (Lukas 2:22-32)

5. Ang Pagkawala sa Diosnong Bata ug Paghikaplag Kaniya sa Templo taliwala sa mga makinaadmanon (Lukas 2:41-52)


1. Ang pagbunyag kang Jesus sa Suba sa Jordan (Mateo 3:13-17)

2. Ang pagpaila Ni Jesus sa Kasal sa Cana (Jn 2:1-12)

3. Ang Pagsangyaw sa Gingharian sa Dios (Mk 1:15)

4. Ang pagkausab sa panagway ni Jesus (Mateo 17:1-9)

5. Ang pagtukod Ni Jesus sa Santos nga Eukaristiya (Jn 13:1)


1. Ang Pag-ampo sa atong Ginoo sa Tanaman sa Getsemani (Markos 14:32-36)

2. Ang Pagga-id ug Paghampak sa atong Manunubos (Juan 18:28-38 ug 19;1)

3. Ang Pagpurongpurong sa atong Ginoo sa Purongpurong nga Tunokon (Markos 15:16-20)

4. Ang Pagpas-an sa Krus sa atong Ginoo (Juan 19:12-16).

5. Ang Paglansang ug Pagkamatay sa Krus sa atong Ginoo (Lukas 23:33-34 ug 39-46)

MGA MISTERYO SA HIMAYA (Domingo, Myerkules)

1. Ang Mahimayaong Pagkabanhaw sa atong Ginoo (Lukas 24:1-6a)

2. Ang Pagsaka sa Langit sa Anak sa Dios (Lukas 24:50-53)

3. Ang Pagkunsad sa Espiritu Santo sa mga Apostoles ug kang Santa Maria (Buhat 2:1-4)

4. Ang Pagpasaka sa Langit sa Mahal nga Birhen Maria (Awit sa mga Awit 2:8-14)

5. Ang Pagpurongpurong sa Mahal nga Birhen Maria nga Rayna sa mga Angheles ug mga Santos (Gipadayag 12:1-6)

*Note: Kada human og basa sa misteryo, paga-ampoon kini nga mga pag-ampo:

Amahan Namo...
Maghimaya Ka, Maria... (10x, 1 bead = 1 Maghimaya Ka Maria)
Himaya sa Amahan...

O Jesus ko, pasayloa kami sa among mga sala. Luwasa kami sa kalayo sa impyerno. Kuhaa ang mga kalag nga tanan sa purgatoryo ug dad-a ngadto sa langit, hilabina kadtong kalag nga nanginahanglan pag-ayo sa Imong kalooy ug panabang.

Ginoong Jesu Cristo, Anak sa Amahan, ipadala karon ang Imong Espiritu nganhi sa kalibutan. Papoy-a ang Imong Espiritu dinhi sa kasing-kasing sa tanang nasod aron maampingan kami sa tanang kadautan, katalagman, ug sa gubat. Ang Señora sa tanang nasod nga mao si Maria mamahimo unta nga among manlalaban. Amen.

*Inig ka human sa lima ka misteryo, paga-ampoon kini:


Maghimaya ka Rayna, Inahan sa kalooy,
Among kinabuhi ug katam-is,
Ikaw ang gilauman namo.
Maghimaya ka, nagapanawag kami kanimo,
nga mga hininginlan nga mga anak ni Eba.
Nagapanghupaw kami,
nagaagulo nga nagahilak kami
niining walog sa mga luhaan.
Nan among mag-alampo, ilingi mo kanamo
kanang imong mga mata nga maloloy-on.
Ug kon ubos man among paghingilin,
ipakita mo kanamo ang Anak mo nga si Jesus,
ang Mahal nga Bunga sa tiyan mo.
Ay, maaghop!,
Ay, maloloy-on!,
Ay, matam-is nga Birhen Maria!

P: I-ampo mo kami Santa nga Inahan sa Dios
R: Aron mahimo kaming takos sa mga saad sa atong Ginoong Jesu Cristo. Amen.


Ginoo, Kaloy-i Kami
Cristo Kaloy-i Kami

Ginoo, Kaloy-i Kami
Cristo, Dungga Kami
Cristo, Pamatia Kami

Dios, Amahan sa Langit, Kaloy-i Kami
Dios Anak Manunubos sa Kalibutan, Kaloy-i Kami
Dios Espiritu Santo, Kaloy-i Kami
Santa Trinidad, Dios nga usa, Kaloy-i Kami


Santa Maria,
Santa nga Inahan sa Dios,
Santa nga Birhen sa mga Birhen,
Inahan ni Cristo,
Inahan sa Grasya sa Dios,
Inahan sa Paglaom,
Inahan nga putli,
Inahan nga w
Wala Hilabti,
Inahan nga sa Sala Wala Mabuling,
Inahan nga Buotan,
Inahan nga Takus Dayegon,
Inahan sa Kanunayng Panabang,
Inahan sa Magbubuhat,
Inahan sa Manluluwas,
Inahan sa Simbahan,
Inahan sa Kalooy,
Birhen nga sa Kaalam Walay Ingon,
Birhen nga Gitahud Namo,
Birhen kansang Kadayganan Giawit Namo,
Birhen nga Gamhanan,
Birhen nga Maloloy-on,
Birhen nga Matoohon,
Salamin sa Katarungan,
Lingkoranan sa Kinaadman,
Hinungdan sa among Kalipay,
Kalis sa Espiritohanon,
Kalis sa Kadungganan,
Mabulokong kalis sa Paghalad,
Rosa nga dili Matukib,
Lantawan ni David,
Lantawan nga Garing,
Balay nga Bulawan,
Arka sa Kasabotan,
Ganghaan sa Langit,
Bitoon sa Kabuntagon,
Kaayohan sa mga Masakiton,
Dalangpanan sa mga Makasasala,
Konsuylo sa mga Migrante,
Maglilipay sa mga Nanagsubo,
Hinabang sa mga Kristyanos,
Rayna sa mga Angheles,
Rayna sa mga Patriyarka,
Rayna sa mga Propeta,
Rayna sa mga Apostoles,
Rayna sa mga Martires,
Rayna sa mga Kompesores,
Rayna sa mga Birhen,
Rayna sa mga Santos,
Rayna nga Gipanamkon sa Walay Sala nga Panulondon,
Rayna nga Gidala sa Langit,
Rayna sa Santos uyamot nga Rosaryo,
Rayna sa Pamilya,
Rayna sa Kalinaw,

Kordero sa Dios

P: Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang sa sala sa kalibutan
R: Pasayloa kami, Ginoo.

P: Kordero sa Dios nga nagawagtang sa sala sa kalibutan
R: Pamatia kami, Ginoo.

P: Kordero sa Dios Nga nagawagtang sa sala sa kalibutan
R: kaloy-i Kami, Ginoo.

P: I-ampo mo kami Santa nga Inahan sa Dios
R: Aron mahimo kaming takos sa mga saad ni Jesu Cristo. Amen.


O Dios Kansang Anak nga bugtong, nagadangat alang kanamo sa mga ganti sa tunhayng kinabuhi, pinaagi sa Iyang kasakit, kamatayon, ug pagkabanhaw. Nangamuyo kami nga itugot Mo unta, nga pinaagi sa pagpamalandong sa mga misteryo sa Santos uyamot nga Rosaryo sa Mahal nga Birhen Maria, maawat namo ang anaa nila ug madangat namo ang ginasaad pinaagi ni Cristo nga among Ginoo. Amen.


Hinumdoman mo, O mahimayaon uyamot nga Birhen Maria, nga wala pa gayud dungga nga may usa nga midangop sa imong panalipod, nangayo sa imong panabang ug pangaliya sa pagpangama nga imong gibiyaan. Dinasig niining pagsalig, nagadangop kami kanimo, O ulay sa tanang mga ulay, among Inahan, kanimo kami miduol sa imong atubangan, ania kami puno sa kasal-anan ug kasubo. O Inahan sa Dios, ayaw tamaya ang among pangaliya, hinonoa luwasa kami ug ihatag ang among pangamuyo. Amen.

P: Unta ang Diosnong Hinabang kanunay nga magpabilin kanato,
R: Amen.

P: Unta ang mga kalag sa mga matarong nga nihalina, pinaagi sa kalooy sa Dios, mopahulay na sa dayon,
R: Amen.

Tungod sa timaan sa Krus sa among mga kaaway bawion Mo kami Ginoong Dios namo.

(Sa Ngalan sa Amahan, ug sa Anak, ug sa Espiritu Santo. Amen.)



Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary on the granting of special Indulgences to the faithful in the current pandemic, 20.03.2020

The gift of special Indulgences is granted to the faithful suffering from COVID-19 disease, commonly known as Coronavirus, as well as to health care workers, family members and all those who in any capacity, including through prayer, care for them.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Rom 12: 12). The words written by Saint Paul to the Church of Rome resonate throughout the entire history of the Church and guide the judgment of the faithful in the face of all suffering, sickness and calamity.

The present moment in which the whole of humanity, threatened by an invisible and insidious disease, which for some time now has become part of all our lives, is marked day after day by anguished fears, new uncertainties and above all widespread physical and moral suffering.

The Church, following the example of her Divine Master, has always had the care of the sick at heart. As Saint John Paul II points out, the value of human suffering is twofold: “It is supernatural because it is rooted in the divine mystery of the Redemption of the world, and it is likewise deeply human, because in it the person discovers himself, his own humanity, his own dignity, his own mission” (Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris, 31).

Pope Francis, too, in these recent days, has shown his paternal closeness and renewed his invitation to pray incessantly for those who are sick with the Coronavirus.

So that all those who suffer because of COVID-19, precisely in the mystery of this suffering, may rediscover “the same redemptive suffering of Christ” (ibid., 30), this Apostolic Penitentiary, ex auctoritate Summi Pontificis, trusting in the word of Christ the Lord and considering with a spirit of faith the epidemic currently underway, to be lived in a spirit of personal conversion, grants the gift of Indulgences in accordance with the following disposition.

The Plenary Indulgence is granted to the faithful suffering from Coronavirus, who are subject to quarantine by order of the health authority in hospitals or in their own homes if, with a spirit detached from any sin, they unite spiritually through the media to the celebration of Holy Mass, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, to the pious practice of the Way of the Cross or other forms of devotion, or if at least they will recite the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and a pious invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, offering this trial in a spirit of faith in God and charity towards their brothers and sisters, with the will to fulfil the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the Holy Father's intentions), as soon as possible.

Health care workers, family members and all those who, following the example of the Good Samaritan, exposing themselves to the risk of contagion, care for the sick of Coronavirus according to the words of the divine Redeemer: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15: 13), will obtain the same gift of the Plenary Indulgence under the same conditions.

This Apostolic Penitentiary also willingly grants a Plenary Indulgence under the same conditions on the occasion of the current world epidemic, also to those faithful who offer a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or Eucharistic adoration, or reading the Holy Scriptures for at least half an hour, or the recitation of the Holy Rosary, or the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross, or the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, to implore from Almighty God the end of the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation for those whom the Lord has called to Himself.

The Church prays for those who find themselves unable to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and of the Viaticum, entrusting each and every one to divine Mercy by virtue of the communion of saints and granting the faithful a Plenary Indulgence on the point of death, provided that they are duly disposed and have recited a few prayers during their lifetime (in this case the Church makes up for the three usual conditions required). For the attainment of this indulgence the use of the crucifix or the cross is recommended (cf. Enchiridion indulgentiarum, no.12).

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Health of the Sick and Help of Christians, our Advocate, help suffering humanity, saving us from the evil of this pandemic and obtaining for us every good necessary for our salvation and sanctification.

The present Decree is valid notwithstanding any provision to the contrary.

Given in Rome, from the seat of the Apostolic Penitentiary, on 19 March 2020.

Mauro Cardinal Piacenza
Major Penitentiary


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Ako si GCOM (#ASG) is a social media arm-based of the Central Brodacast Mission Unit (CBMU), a mission order of the GCOM Central Philippines. Ako si GCOM follows on the mission order through allegiance of the mission seal. God bless you all + 📷